Chapter 23

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Prompt: "there is going to be a ball, and they all need to get snazzied up and ready. Basically them getting all dressed up, going to a ball, and sneaking away at some point cause his boyfriends are really hot and he really wants to kiss them."

Note: there will be lots of making out and kissing in this, like a lot, and all the time, I hope you're ready.
I'm not going to put warnings before every single make out segment, cause that would be a lot.
Just know that it will happen a lot.
And it gets a bit steamy at some points, you have been warned.
(I did end up adding a warning at the steamiest part though)

"Well don't you look handsome." Roman said as Virgil came back into his room after meeting with his tailor.

He was wearing an off-white button up that had frills along the buttons and on the edges of his sleeves, with a thick deep grape purple vest that had tails running down the back ends, the rest of it hugging Virgil's thin yet healthy frame nicely, with black embroidery and golden buttons lining the vest as well. He also had a pair of thick black slacks on and black boots as well, with golden clasps on said boots.

He had apparently also seen a barber, who'd given his hair a small trim and had styled it nicely.

"Oh just wait princy, you three are getting all dressed up next." Virgil said with a smile.

"We are?" Patton asked.

"Well yeah, if you're going to the ball with me then you three need to be all fancy as well." Virgil said.

"We're going with you!" Patton said with a squeal as he jumped up off the bed.

"I asked my dad and he was able to pull a few strings." Virgil said with a shrug. "Now hurry, you three need to get ready." He said, laughing softly as Patton and Roman quickly rushed out, each pressing a kiss to his cheek on their way past.

"That means you too Logan." Virgil said as he looked at the other male.

"I'll head down shortly," Logan said as he stood in front of Virgil and gently cupped his jaw. "As soon as I'm done with this." He said before giving Virgil a gentle, sugar sweet kiss, moving in slowly and giving him enough time to pull away if he wanted to.

Virgil hummed softly and closed his eyes as he kissed him back, draping his arms over Logan's shoulders.

Logan's lips were soft yet slightly chapped but not as much as Virgil knew his own were, and logan tasted like blackberries and mint, which he assumed was what Logan had had to eat during their afternoon tea that day a few hours ago.

Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist and held him closer as he gently began to nibble at Virgil's lower lip, pressing their bodies together as he drew out small groans from Virgil, who relaxed in the warmth of Logans body.

They only pulled away when they needed to breath, the two of them gasping softly as they both opened their eyes, a thin trail of saliva connecting their mouths as a reminder to the kiss.

Virgil's bottom lip was strawberry red and slightly swollen, his cheeks flushed a bright cherry as well against his usually porcelain pale skin. He looked up at Logan with half lidded eyes, the usually bright amethysts looking much darker, before leaning in for another syrupy sweet kiss, this one only lasting a few seconds before Logan slowly pulled away.

"I need to go get ready now," Logan said softly as he reluctantly let go of Virgil's waist. "But expect more of this later this evening." He added with a small smile as he pressed a kiss to his forehead.

Virgil's blush darkened from a cherry to a plum as he nodded. "I look forward to it." He said with a shy smile as he let his arms slip down from Logan's shoulders, allowing the other to pull away.

"I'll be back soon with the others." Logan said, before stepping out of the room.

Virgil stayed inside his room as he waited for them to come back, allowing his blush to die down and for his lip to become less red and swollen.

The others eventually came back to his room twenty or so minutes later, each of them now all dressed up just like Virgil.

Roman wore a deep burgundy colored vest with black swirls embroidered onto it on top of an off-white button up with golden cuff links and golden buttons on the vest. He also wore black slacks and boots just like Virgil. His hair was the same as it usually was though.

Patton was wearing a frilly white button up with a light yet soft blue vest on top of it, with silver buttons and detailing. He was also wearing black slacks and black boots, his usually messy head of dirty blond curls styled a little bit as well.

Logan was wearing a deep navy blue vest with gold buttons over top a crisp white button up with no frills and golden cuff links. He wore black slacks and black boots as well, with golden clasps on the boots. His hair had also been styled and a little bit trimmed as well it seemed.

"Well, looks like I'm not the only one who looks handsome anymore." Virgil said with a smile.

"We all look so fancy." Patton said with a grin as he looked around at the others.

"When is the ball?" Logan asked.

"It starts in an hour, but our ride won't get here for another ten minutes." Virgil said.

"So we have enough time for kisses?" Roman asked as he walked over to him and slowly trailed a finger along the edge of his jaw.

Virgil hummed softly at the touch as it sent tingles across his skin and down his spine, and closed his eyes while reaching up and wrapping his arms around Romans neck, carding his fingers through his hair as he gently pulled his head down to his height."We most definitely have time for-" Virgil was cut off by a sharp and brisk knock on the door.

He opened his eyes and looked up at Roman with a questioning look, only reviving a shrug and confused look in response.

Logan walked forwards and opened the door, after Roman and Virgil had separated and stepped away from one another of course.

Outside his door stood two guards, both stood to attention just on the other side of the door frame.

"Your highness, the queen and king have requested that we escort you and your ensemble to your carriage now, you will be leaving earlier than your parents." One of the guards said. "They will join you at the ball shortly after you arrive." He added.

Virgil stepped forwards, his back straight as he nodded. "Thank you," He said. "Please, lead us to our carriage for the evening." He said in his most calm voice.

The two guards nodded before turning on their heels and making their way down the hall at a brisk pace.

Virgil  and the others quickly followed the two guards outside and to the front of the castle, where a decently sized carriage stood, with two large black horses hooked up to it, the driver already in his seat.

One of the guards opened the single door to the carriage, bowing slightly.
"Your highness." He said.

Virgil nodded to him politely before climbing into the carriage as elegantly as he could, perching himself on the seat farthest from the door and next to the window.

Logan quickly followed him inside, sitting across from him, while Roman sat next to Virgil and Patton sat next to Logan.

The guard closed and locked the carriage door securely, before telling the driver that they were ready, the two guards getting on horse back in order to follow the carriage.

Logan and Patton quickly closed the curtains to the few small windows inside the carriage in order to have a little privacy, leaving the only source of light to be the oil lamp attached to the wall next to them, casting a soft warm glow across the quartet.

The carriage lurch's slightly as the horses began to move, before steadying out with only the odd bump from the road here and there.

"So," Roman began softly as he turned to Virgil, gently reaching forward and pulling him close while also positioning them so that Roman was in between Virgil's legs and leaning over him as the slightly younger males back was pressed down against the plush cushion of their seat.

"Think we have time to finish what we started?" He asked with a smirk  as he trailed his fingers along the edge of his jaw and along his throat, feeling Virgil as he swallowed and feeling his pulse begin to speed up.

Virgil hummed softly. "I think we do," he said with a smile. "It's a good forty minutes before we're due to arrive." He said.

"Perfect." Roman said, "we'll just need to remember to be quiet." He added, before leaning down and kissing Virgil.

Romans lips weren't chapped at all, unlike Virgil and Logan's, and he tasted like rosemary and something savory that Virgil couldn't put his finger on it, but it was delicious and just as addicting as Logan's blackberry and mint taste nonetheless.

Virgil hummed into the kiss as he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around Romans neck, feeling Roman wrap his own arms around Virgil's back and shoulders to support him as he gently nipped at Virgil's already tender bottom lip, causing Virgil's skin to tingle pleasantly, setting each nerve Romans hands touched on fire as well.

Virgil opened his mouth slowly and shyly, and let a small yet sweet moan escape from his throat as he felt Romans searing hot tongue immediately slip into his mouth, sending a spike of heat through Virgil's body as the tongue began to move around, making virgil squirm a little beneath him as a string of small sounds and soft moans was skillfully pulled out of Virgil's throat by Romans tongue.

Roman groaned softly and pulled away from Virgil's mouth for a few seconds.

"Remember, we need to be quiet." He said softly as he nipped at Virgil's bottom lip for a second before diving back in for another syrupy sweet kiss, pulling a blissed-out Virgil closer as he thoroughly explored his sugary sweet mouth with his tongue again.

The two of them continued to make out like this for a few minutes, soft gasps and small moans accidentally escaping them every now and then, and the carriage seemed to be growing warmer and warmer with each passing minute.

Neither knew what exactly Patton and Logan were doing, but they could guess based on a couple glances over at them revealing that Patton was in Logan's lap with his mouth pressed against a tender spot Logan's neck, while Logan's hands gripping the fabric on the back of Patton's vest tightly.

They all eventually slowed to a stop in their kissing, the only sounds being their gentle panting and the sounds from outside the carriage.

"Wow," Virgil said softly from where he was resting against Romans chest, his face a deep plum red and his lips semi-swollen and cherry colored, which made Roman want to kiss them again, wanting to taste their addicting sweetness again, but he stopped himself, knowing they needed a break to compose themselves before going to the party.

"Indeed." Logan agreed from where he sat across from them, a content Patton still in his lap. You couldn't see it any more, but under the collar of Logan's shirt he had a constellation of rosy pink hickeys on his neck where it molds into his shoulder and his collarbone.

The four of them managed to calm down and straighten themselves out, smoothing out any wrinkles and fixing their hair, before they arrived at where the ball was being held.

The carriage pulled to a halt and the guards soon opened the doors for them.

The quartet walked out of the carriage, nodding their thanks to the guards, before being escorted into the large building before them.

The ball was already in full swing, with people in expensive suits and large even more expensive dresses roaming about and socializing. No one was dancing yet, since the small orchestra off to the side was mostly playing quiet songs, but according to Virgil's parents there should be a portion of the ball that is just dancing.

And Virgil was expected to dance with a lot of important people, particularly noble women, members of the court, or princesses from other lands.

None of those included dancing with Roman, Logan, and Patton. Much to his dismay.

The group entered the party and began to mill around and socialize a bit, each on their best behavior as they waited for either the king and queen to arrive or for the dancing to begin.

Virgil, being the prince, was quickly whisked away by a tall man who climbed to be a royal advisor for one of the princesses, insisting that Virgil dance with her.

The other three, although they were jealous, watched Virgil as he danced around the ballroom, the music finally starting after he'd been introduced to the princess, which Roman accused of being deliberate, but Logan assured him it was probably a coincidence.

The queen and king arrived at the beginning of the next song, Virgil having been ushered towards another dance partner, this time a young girl who looked to be around twelve.

"I hope they don't think Virgil would marry her." Logan said as he watched Virgil and the girl dance.

"They'd better not." Roman said.

After that song Virgil was paired up with a woman who looked very stiff and was a head taller than Virgil, and was probably in her thirties or forties.

"He's so small next to her." Patton said as he took a sip of his bubbly cider.

Logan had been roped into a conversation a while ago, so it was just Patton and Roman watching Virgil now, and Virgil had noticed -if the sudden plush strawberry blush on his face was anything to go by at least.

"What if I want to dance with him? I could sweep him off his feet then times better than any of these ladies could." Roman muttered with a sour pout, his arms crossed.

"Don't worry Roman, you'll be able to pull him away soon." Patton said with a reassuring smile.

Roman was soon pulled into a conversation as well, this time with a guard captain who wanted to talk to Roman about if he wanted to join their ranks and such, leaving Patton alone to watch him.

And he stayed watching him, snacking on small scones and chocolates that were being carried around by servants, until Virgil was eventually able to catch a break, his face flushed, his feet sore and a little out of breath.

"I see you've finally made it away." Patton said with a bright smile.

"It appears I have," Virgil said, "where are the other two?" He asked.

"They were pulled away a while ago, Logan with some scholar or professor and Roman with the captain of the guard." Patton said as he offered Virgil his cup of bubbly cider.

Virgil took a sip of it and thanked him before handing it back.

"Gosh my feet hurt," he said. "I wish they had places to sit down around here where you wouldn't be flocked by nobles." He added.

"I'm sure we can find a nice place to hide away where you can rest for a bit," Patton said with a small laugh.

He gently took Virgil's hand and lead him towards one of the doors that lead out of the ballroom.

"Are we allowed to leave the room?" Virgil asked, a little nervously as he looked around and bit his lip.

"I saw some other people go out these doors, so I'm assuming it's okay." Patton said with a shrug as he lead him through the doors.

After a bit of exploring around the building they found what looked like a small quiet tea room. It had a small layer of dust over most stuff in the room, so they assumed no one would be coming inside while they were there.

"This'll do for now," Patton said with a smile as he lead Virgil over to the small armchair in the corner of the room, not bothering to sit at the uncomfortable seats at the table.

Patton sat down in the chair before gently pulling Virgil into his lap.

"I can go sit in one of the other chairs you know." Virgil said with a shy blush.

"I know," Patton said as he snaked his arms around Virgil's waist. "But I want to hold you, so if it's alright with you I'd like you to stay here." He said as he pressed his face into the crook of Virgil's neck, where it turned into his shoulder.

"I'll stay here then." Virgil said as he relaxed back against Patton and closed his eyes, curling up a bit in his lap.

Patton cooed softly and shifted Virgil so that he was facing Patton so that Virgil could lay on his chest, his hands now rubbing up and down Virgil's back in a soothing manner.

They sat like that for a while, just relaxing and taking a moment to breath for a bit.

Patton eventually began to press feather light kisses to Virgil's neck, his lips barely grazing the soft porcelain skin with each kiss.

The kisses slowly grew bigger and not as light, and Patton lifted his hand so that he could pull away the collar of Virgil's shirt.

Virgil hummed softly. "Pat..." he mumbled softly.

Patton smiled against his neck and began to suck at a soft and tender spot on his collarbone that could be easily covered up, smirking slightly as Virgil squirmed the tiniest bit and hummed again.

He gently nipped at the soft skin, ignoring Virgil's soft gasp at the quick but sharp pinch as he moved on to another spot on Virgil's collarbone to give it the same treatment as the last spot.

"W-what if someone comes inside?" Virgil asked as he wrapped his arms around Patton's neck.

"No one will," Patton assured him. "And if someone does we'll just hope they leave pretty quickly." He added, before going back to suckling at his neck again.

Virgil moaned softly and let his head fall back as he closed his eyes again, exposing more of his pale, flower petal-soft skin for Patton.

"D-don't go too crazy.." he added as he reached one hand up, tangling his fingers in Patton's hair on the back of his head. "I still need to be able to cover them up." He said.

"I know," Patton said. "Don't worry, just relax." He said softly.

Virgil hummed softly and nodded as he let Patton continue to kiss and mark his neck and collarbone with blossoms of pink and red, tiny huffs and hums escaping him along with the occasional moan.

They eventually stopped and just sat there, cuddled together on the chair as they relaxed.

"We should probably head back soon," Virgil said.

"Probably." Patton said as he leaned forwards and pressed a final kiss to Virgil's cheek.

Virgil sat up and began to carefully straighten out his clothes and cover the garden of pink and red blossoms Patton had made on his collarbone, shoulder and chest.

"I bet your parents are here by now," Patton said as the two made their way out of the room and back towards the ballroom. "I actually think they arrived while you were still dancing." He added.

"If they are they're probably wondering where I am." Virgil said as they walked.

"True," Patton said.

They walked back into the ballroom, and spotted a slightly flushed Roman walking with Logan, his lips looking a bit redder and even a little swollen. Both Patton and Virgil could guess why.

Apparently they'd been spotted as well, but not by Logan and Roman.

"Ah, Virgil, there you are." His mother said as she and her husband walked over to Virgil and Patton.

"We couldn't find you for a while, but we've found you now so everything is fine." She said.

"We have a few people we want to introduce you to, if you don't mind us pulling you away from your friends that is." His father said with a smile as he glanced between Virgil and Patton.

"No I don't mind," Virgil said. "I'll meet up with you and the others later, okay?" Virgil said as he turned to Patton.

"Of course," Patton said with a bright smile. "You'll find us around." He added, before waving goodbye and walking over towards where he'd last seen Logan and Roman.

Virgil followed his parents as they lead him over to talk to several other important people that Virgil immediately forgot the names of after being introduced.

This went on for almost half an hour, before Virgil was pulled away to go dance with a couple more noble women, only two of them being in his age group.

Unbeknownst to him, Roman was still watching on the sidelines, a jealous pout on his face as he watched Virgil dance around.

Logan was also watching with Roman, Patton having been drawn to the table laid out with various sweets and drinks.

Virgil was eventually released from his dancing, but soon found himself swept away and out of the room by two out of three of his secret boyfriends.

He went along with them, not really caring where Roman brought them, simply being eager for a break from socializing.

Roman quickly pulled Virgil and Logan into a room not to far away from the ballroom, you could still here the chattering of guests and the music through the walls.

"I'm going to show you how it feels to actually dance with a good partner." Roman said as he placed a hand on Virgil's hip and held his hand in the other.

"Aw, was someone jealous?" Virgil asked with a teasing smirk as he wrapped his free arm and hand around Romans neck and gently squeezed his hand with the other.

""I wouldn't say jealous..." Roman trailed off with a small blush as he glanced away.

"Oh my gosh you were," Virgil said with a grin as he leaned in closer to Roman. "Has he been like this all night?" Virgil asked as he looked over at Logan, who was leaning against the door.

He stood up and walked so he stood behind Roman as he spoke.

"Ever since he realized he wouldn't be able to dance with you." Logan said. "Or me and Patton for that matter, claiming that he could sweep you off your feet ten times better than any of the people you were dancing with could." He said as he slowly and gently trailed his hands up and down Romans sides.

"What a bold claim Princey, Virgil said, "I danced with some pretty skilled dancers out there," he said.

"But, if you feel like you can do better then you'll need to show me." He added with a grin.

"Gladly," Roman said, before carefully listening to the music from the other room, the song had just begun.

Roman began to slowly move, gently swaying the two of them in time with the song, spinning in a slow circle as they did, his hand gently massaging at Virgil's hip.

Logan had taken a step back from Roman to watch them dance, a pleased smile on his face as he leaned back against the door.

Roman and Virgil danced in time with the slow music of the song, spinning, dipping, and swaying in sync with one another when the music called for it.

Virgil soon decided that they'd danced enough and quickly took the lead, spinning them out of time with the song and pressing Roman up against the wall of the room, much to his surprise.

"You're just too much," Virgil said softly with a small laugh and a smile as he braced his forearms on either side of Romans head.

"can I kiss you?" He asked as he leaned forward, eagerly hoping he'd say yes.

"Of course love, whenever you want." Roman said with a blush.

*kinda steamy time*

"Might I join in as well?" Logan asked as he stepped forwards. "I did have my fun with Roman earlier, but I would enjoy hearing his voice making those sounds again." He said, making Romans blush darken as he nodded and Virgil said yes.

Logan stepped forwards, next to Virgil, and leaned forwards to press a kiss to the side of Romans neck. Virgil doing the same on the other side.

His vest and shirt were quickly half unbuttoned to allow the two of them to kiss and suckle at his collar bone and his chest at the same time, leaving a trail of cherry red hickies as the two of them suckled and nipped at spots that could be easily covered.

Romans breath hitched slightly as Virgil's lips brushed against one of his nipples, and Virgil subconsciously stored that little bit of info for later.

Logan soon realized the sensitivity Roman had in that spot as well and began to press gentle kisses and small licks to the perked nub, which prompted Virgil to do the same on the other side as Roman began to squirm against the wall and moan a bit louder.

"T-this is a-a little much for a r-regular make-out session," Roman moaned as he tried to squirm away from their mouths, only to have them each somehow manage to suck on their respective nipple at the same time as retaliation to him trying to pull away, making Roman gasp and moan at a slightly higher pitch than before, panting a bit heavier as his chest twitching both forwards and back, his body not knowing what to do in response to the pleasure.

The two of them suckled and nipped at his nipples for a bit longer, drawing out sweet moans as Roman writhed, before gently pulling away, watching as Roman sagged slightly against the wall and panted heavily.

*end of kinda steamy time*

"We've been gone for a while," Roman said softly as he leaned his head back, eyes closed as he panted. "We should probably head back to the party." He said.

"We can when we've managed to make you look a bit more presentable," Logan said as he placed a kiss to Romans cheek before beginning to re-button his shirt and vest, smoothing out the wrinkles as they covered the cherry red marks that littered the skin of Romans neck, chest and shoulders.

After they were all straightened out the three left the room and made their way back to the ballroom, where they met up with Patton, who had been asked to dance by a young lady while they'd been gone.

They began to meander around the ballroom, drifting from place to place and pausing to loiter and look out the windows and look out of the windows at the dark sky, the sunset already having happened.

They did sneak in a couple more kisses throughout the ball, their most risky one being behind a curtain near an unpopulated balcony, but very close to a gaggle of guests, which was closely followed by Logan kissing Virgil and pressing the princes back against the railing of a said balcony, still thankfully unseen by the gaggle. They'd almost got caught each of those times, but fortunately weren't in the end.

The weren't going to be at the ball for much longer, an hour at most, but Virgil's father had mentioned sending him and his friends a bit earlier than him and his mother, knowing they'd be tired.

Which is what ended up happening, a carriage arriving for the four of them only half an hour later.

It was roughly 10pm at this point, and they were all basically dead on their feet as they exited the ballroom.

They dragged themselves into the carriage, and immediately curled around each other when the door was closed and locked, with Roman leaning against Patton and Virgil curled up halfway in Logan's lap.

They didn't talk that much on their way back, mostly just sitting in comfortable silence as they dozed off a bit, although Patton and Roman began to hum a sweet little tune as they rode on.

When they got back home they were each escorted to their rooms, much to their displeasure, since all they really wanted to do was cuddle and go to bed with maybe a few more kisses.

Virgil, already inside his room at this point, began to undress, putting everything away before slipping on his softest and most comfortable pair of pants and shirt before turning all the lights off and crawling into bed, burying himself under the thick fluffy blankets and wrapping his arms around an extra pillow, burying his face into it as he held it to his chest and curled around it a little bit.

He began to doze off, slowly drifting into the land of sleep, while snuggling closer to his pillow-made-cuddle-buddy.

And while it was a little bit disappointing to not get to cuddle with at least one of his boyfriends, he did enjoy  the memories from the day, and thought about them as he fell asleep.

Sorry for the rushed ending, I just really wanted to a get a chapter out and such, but I hope you liked it anyways.

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