Chapter 25 part 1

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Prompt: Virgil apparently has a few suitors eager to meet him and try to earn his affections, and he has an obligation to spend a day with each them and give them a chance (despite the fact that he has three secret boyfriends)..

This'll be fun.
This is going to be a decently long fic, hope yalls are ready.
this is just part one of this prompt, part two will be out soon, which will be a detailed chapter on what he does in the kingdom of Daaron, and then part three will be for the kingdom of Palemoore, and part four will be a combination of the kingdom of Villion and him coming home.

Virgil walked into the throne room, looking up at his parents where they sat.

"You wanted to see me?" He asked as he walked towards them.

"Ah Virgil," His father said with a bright smile as he stood up. "Your mother and I would like to discuss a few things with you." He said as he glanced over at his wife, who was holding a small stack of envelopes.

"Alright," Virgil said, "What is it you'd like to talk about?" He asked.

"Well you see," His mother said, "we've gotten a few letters recently from a few of the surrounding kingdoms, three to be exact, and all of them are from suitors who wish to, in a way, 'woo' you." She said as she held the letters out to him.

"Suitors?" Virgil asked as he took the letters and looked at them, staring at the large elegant writing on them.

"Yes, suitors," His mother said, "people who wish to, in the future, marry you." She said.

"Marry?! But I-I'm just eighteen, isn't that a little-"

"You wouldn't be marrying them any time soon," His mother interrupted as she held up a hand.

"And you won't need to technically marry any of them if you don't like them," His father added. "But you are required to spend some amount of time with each of them in their respective kingdoms, to be both polite and give them a chance." He said.

"We'll let you go to your room and think it over," His mother said. "But please do try and enjoy yourself when they come, which will be in a weeks time, you never know when you'll get the chance to do this again." She said.

Virgil stared down at the letters dumbly before swallowing and nodded.

"A-Alright," He said as he looked back up at them, "I uh, I-I'll go to my room now, I guess, um, bye." He stuttered, before quickly rushing out of the room, clutching the three letters in clammy hands.


"They want you to what?" Roman asked as he watched a panicking Virgil pace back and forth across the room.

"They want me to meet up with some -some suitors! People I don't know who for some reason want to marry me." Virgil said as he continued to pace, throwing a glance at the three letters sitting innocently on his desk across the room.

"Can't you just tell your parents your not comfortable with that?" Patton asked.

"They said I'd have to at least give them a chance to be polite, even if I'm not interested." He said with a sigh, before turning and flopping onto the bed next to where the other three had been siting.

"Then just go out with them for a cup of tea or something, let them down nicely, and go about your day." Roman said, "why are you so worked up about this? It's not like you're definitely going to need to marry them." He asked with a concerned frown.

Virgil groaned and rolled over so that his face was buried in the sheets.

"I believe I might know the problem," Logan said as he gently reached forwards and placed a hand on Virgil's back.

"Virgil, you doing this does not make you unfaithful." Logan said softly.

"Unfaithful?" Roman asked.

"Him doing this doesn't mean he's cheating on us." Logan clarified.

"Oh no no no, you're not cheating on us," Patton said as he quickly rolled Virgil over as pulled him into a hug. "Yes we'd rather you not have people try and woo you, but we know that you know you're already taken, so we have nothing to worry about." He said.

"But...but what if I actually have fun?" Virgil asked.

"Then you can politely decline their affections and offer a friendship-like relationship instead, it's okay to have fun while your doing this, just don't lead them on." Logan said as he took hold of Virgil's hand and squeezed it gently.

He bit his lip before reluctantly nodding.

"Still, even if I didn't have you guys I'd be upset. I don't even know these people." He said.

"You might find out a little bit about hem if you actually looked at their letters." Roman said as he placed a kiss on Virgil's cheek.

Virgil sighed before reluctantly getting up and walking over to his desk, picking up the letter.

He went back over to the bed and curled up in Logan's lap, smiling a little bit when Logan wrapped his arms around him, and carefully tore one of the letters open.

Dear Prince Virgil of the Kingdom of Corona,

I hope this letter find you in good health and good spirits, for I am not certain when it will arrive.
I have but only glanced upon you during the ball quite some time ago, all to nervous to ask you to dance with me.
But you're beauty and charm have entrapped me in a cage that I can't break out of, and I yearn to see you again.
I look forward to our meeting in one weeks time from your approval, and hope I will entrap your mind the same way you have entrapped mine own.

All the best wishes to you and your family, Princess Veronica of the Kingdom of Daaron.

"She signed it with a lipstick kiss as well," Virgil said, a small embarrassed blush tinting his cheeks light cherry blossom pink.

"So she saw you at the dance and got a crush," Roman said, "And was apparently to shy to ask you to dance but not to shy to basically ask you to marry her." He added.

"Well, at least she doesn't sound too bad?" Virgil said.

"I don't like the 'entrap you mind the same way you have entrapped mine own' business, sounds kinda obsessed-like." Roman said.

"Maybe She was trying and failing to be romantic?" Virgil said with a weak shrug.

"Maybe." Roman said.

Virgil opened the next letter.

Dear prince Virgil,

Why hello, I hope you have been having a lovely summer since we last seen each other, what was it? Four, five weeks ago? I can't recall the exact date.
I'm not sure if you'll remember me but I was one of the young ladies you had danced with at the ball, I had been wearing a simple sapphire blue gown, and had my dark red hair up in a bun if that helps to spark your memory of me.
Anyways, I was hoping to be able to take up at least a few hours of your time in the near future in hopes that you might possibly become attracted to me as well, a weeks time after you've accepted my request. If our putting does not result in romance I will be more than willing to extend the hand of friendship between us and our kingdoms instead.

All the best wishes, Princess Evelyn of Palemoore.

"She seems nice," Patton said as he peaked over Virgil's shoulder to look at the letter while he had listened to Virgil read it.

"She also isn't dead set on romance, so you have nothing to worry about with her." Roman said.

"A friendship with her could also be a good thing to the kingdom in general, Palemoore is a costal kingdom in the south, it would be beneficial to gain their hand in friendship and start a trading route between them and us, seeing as we both have resources the other does not." Logan said as he rested his chin on the top of Virgil's head.

"That could be another reason why princess Veronica would want to marry you despite her supposed attraction to you," Roman said. "I'm pretty sure Daaron is a mountainous kingdom, and I don't know how many good resources they have access to up there."

"Why would they make a kingdom in a place with low resources?" Patton asked.

"The Daaron mountains are full of large stocky mountain goats, they are a good source of meat, their horns and bones can be used as excellent weapons, and their pelts are extremely thick and soft and sell for a high price." Logan explained, "the animals are also plentiful and reproduce at a fast rate, so it is semi beneficial to live in a place where they live so that they may profit from the animals," he continued, "but due to their choice in living that lack resources like fishing grounds, lush plant life, or other forms of hunt aside from large eagles, but those are mostly for show and for sport than they are for actually eating."

Patton pouted. "They shouldn't kill things as a game." He said, snuggling up to Romans side.

"I agree." Virgil said as he opened the next letter.

Dear Virgil of Corona,

I hope that you do not take this letter in any form offense, seeing as I do not know your preferences and mine are not common amongst royalty.
I understand if you do not wish to even entertain the thought of me as a suitor, and I understand if you are unwilling to even give me a chance,
But I saw you the night of the ball, and I saw you another time whilst my family was visiting yours, although I never spoke to you on either occasion, I've only heard about you through rumors and gossip and I don't know how true those rumors are, so I'd like to put them to rest and get to know you myself, if you'll take the time out of your day for me.
I hope that you will consider my offer, and I take no offense if you do not.

Sincerely, Prince Aaron of Villion.

"A male suitor? How interesting," Logan said.

"Well I'm this case he might be the only who stood a chance if you didn't have us," Roman said as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek, smiling when Virgil smiled.

"That's true," Virgil said, "and he seems pretty nice and accepting of the fact that I may have been uncomfortable with it." He said.

"I'm betting he's gunna become your friend." Patton said.

"So they all saw virgil at the ball awhile ago and immediately fell head over heels for him," Roman said, "is that a coincidence or just dumb luck?"

"I'd say a coincidence." Logan said.

"Can we really blame them for falling for you though?" Patton cooed as he shifted over to Virgil and cupped his face in his hands, "you are quite irresistible." He added as he gently rubbed Virgil's cheekbones, laughing softly as Virgil's face went a bright cherry red from embarrassment.

"You're embarrassing," he said as he playfully pushed Patton away.

"it's true though." Roman said as he smiled at him.

"I hate you both, Logan is my favorite now." Virgil said as he snuggled closer to Logan.

The other two watched as Logan whispered something in Virgil's ear that made his blush darkened from a cherry to a plum.

"Okay I officially hate you all, and I'm going to go write the letters back to them now accepting their offers," he said as he got out of Logan's lap and off of the bed, "who knows, maybe prince Aaron will manage to woo me and snatch me up, if I'm so irresistible." He said.

Roman reached forwards and wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist, pulling him back onto the bed and holding him tightly.

"He'll have to steal you away from us first," he said, "as irresistible as you may be, you are currently taken and I simply can't allow him to steal you away." He said.

"Unless you willingly go with him." He added softly.

"Oh hush Roman, you know I was joking, even if I do end up liking this guy it'll only be as friends," Virgil said, "you know I have everything I need right here." He added shyly.

"Oh my gosh you're too sweet." Patton said as he pulled both Virgil and Roman into a hug, quickly dragging Logan in as well.

They cuddle for a bit after that before Virgil actually did end up having to write back to the three suitors, explaining how flattered he was and that although he was not in search of a partner at the current time, he would love to meet with them.

He got a positive response from all three of them, stating that they happily awaited his arrival whenever it was most convenient for him.

He was scheduled to meet up with the princess from Daaron on Wednesday of the next week, the princess from Palemoore on Friday of that same week week, and with the prince from villion on that Saturday. He was to go to their respective kingdoms for the day and spend the night, which didn't help at all with his anxiety.

Logan helped Virgil read up on the kingdoms so he would have something to talk about with them, while Patton and Roman excitedly help him plan out an outfit for each day.

"You'll want to look presentable and classy but not snobbish," Roman said as he rifled through Virgil's wardrobe. "It's also very cold up in the mountains so we'll need to pack you a cloak, and the Palemoore is by the coast so maybe something more beach appropriate? And then Villion is in the forest, so normal clothes should suffice." He said s he continued to rummage around.

Virgil still felt a little awkward since his boyfriends where helping to get him ready to meet up with three different people who wanted to marry. But the other three reassured him on multiple occasions that it was fine and that they trusted him.

It was soon Tuesday evening, and Virgil was anxious. He was set to leave in an less than an hour, and would arrive in the mountains early the next morning.

He paced back and forth across the floor of his room, rubbing his face as he rambled.
"What if I say something wrong and She gets offended, or if I let it slip that I'm already taken, or if I end up accidentally leading her on, or if I-" Virgil was cut off by a gentle hand on his shoulder.

He turned to look and was quickly pulled into a hug by Roman, who hummed softly and gently rubbed his back.

"We know you're worried, but just be yourself," Roman said softly, "and if anything happens at all we can postpone the other meetings and just bring you home."

"I know but I still feel weird about this." Virgil said.

"How about you tell her before hand that this is only platonic?" Roman suggested.

"Sure I guess." Virgil said with a shrug.

"Hey," Roman said softly as he gently cupped Virgil's cheek and tilted his head up to look at him, "the three of us will be here waiting for you when you get back." He said. "No matter what happens you'll still have us, ready and willing to shower you in affection when you get back." He said as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's forehead and to his cheek.

Virgil blushed and laughed.
"I really don't deserve you guys." He said softly, leaning into the hand Roman still had cupping his cheek, closing his eyes as he did.

"Hey hey hey, we're not starting that up again." Roman said, "you do deserve us, and there's no reason you ever wouldn't." He said.

"Now go get changed before I tell Patton you were thinking bad about yourself." He said with a small laugh. "I'll meet you down stairs with the others." He added as he pressed a final kiss to Virgil's forehead before letting him go.

Virgil nodded and smiled at him as Roman pulled away.

"I'll be down in a few minutes." He said with a smile.

Roman nodded a blew him a kiss as he left the room, quietly closing the door behind him.

Virgil sighed softly and went about getting dressed, pulling the outfit Roman and Patton had picked out for him out of his wardrobe.

It was a dark violet vest with golden buttons, a air of black pants, a white button up with frilly sleeves, a pair of shiny black shoes with golden clasps, and a frilly but nice white tie that was held together by a pin with a dark purple gem.

He knew Roman had packed a large dark purple almost black cloak into the carriage he was taking, so he didn't need to worry about freezing.

He carefully undressed and pulled the outfit on before messing with his hair a bit in the mirror, biting his lip nervously.

He then walked down stairs to where the others were waiting for him, waiting to bid him farewell.

Patton rushed up and gave him a large hug, which in other circumstances would have involved some amount of kisses, but since they weren't alone in the room they just settle for a plain hug.

"We'll be waiting for when you come back in four days," he said as he let Virgil go, "you'll need to tell us everything!" He added with an excited smile.

Virgil couldn't help smiling back, "I'll try to remember as much as I can then." He said, before walking over to his parents.

"This is a very important virgil," His mother began, "you will be unintentionally representing corona in these visits, please be on your best behavior while you are away."

"And remember to have fun." His father added with a smile.

Virgil filed slightly and nodded, "Okay." He said with a small smile.

His parents pulled him into a quick hug before letting him go and gesturing for him to go outside.

"You should head out about now if you want to get there by morning," His mother said, "we'll see you in a few days."

"Goodbye." He said with a smile, before turning and saying goodbye to Roman, Logan and Patton as well, hugging them each before leaving and getting into the carriage.

He settle down, knowing he had a long ride ahead of him, curling up in the seat with the blanket and pillow that had been packed.

He hoped he didn't mess anything up.

Hello everyone, again this is just part one of this prompt, part two will be out soon, which will be a detailed chapter on what he does in the kingdom of Daaron, and then part three will be for the kingdom of Palemoore, and part four will be a combination of the kingdom of Villion and him coming home.

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