Chapter 26

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Prompt: "Patton, Logan, Roman kidnapped, Virgil rescues them, parents see he need no sword just a frying pan."

Note: there is some hecking violence and talk of whippings, so if you're not comfortable with that I apologize.

"Okay Thomas, you're my back up," Virgil said as he slid off of the horses back, "and Remy, you're look out, tell me if you see anyone coming." He said, earning a caw and a nod from the raven, who quickly took off.

Virgil watched as Thomas quietly got into position, before moving towards one of the small windows of the building that was level with the ground, probably looking into the basement.

A few days ago someone had attempted to kidnap Virgil, but had ended up taking Roman, Logan and Parton instead, since the three of them had spotted the kidnapper before he got to where Virgil was.

His parents had sent out guards to get them back, but received a note that if any guards came within a certain amount of feet of their base they'd kill one of the hostages, and the only way they'd return them was if they traded them for Virgil.
Virgil ended up having parents call them off and bring the guards back, not wanting to risk anything happening to the other three.

They had decided to come up with a better plan before making any more attempts, but Virgil didn't want to wait. The others could be hurt or worse and it was all his fault and all anyone was doin was just sitting there.

So he took things into his own hands, and with the help of Thomas and Remy, had finally managed to sneak out and get to the base.

Virgil had a plan, albeit a very bad one, but it was the best he had at the current moment.

He kneeled down in front of the window, pulling his scarf up over his nose and his hood down over his eyes as he carefully tested the window to see if it was locked.

He couldn't be seen as the prince or as a guard, so he'd managed to gather up a decent disguise. He wore a pair of skin tight but flexible black pants that were tucked into a pair of ankle/foot wraps that he wore instead of shoes, and had a  black long sleeve shirt with a turtle neck, topped with a large scarf he used to cover the bottom half of his face, and a cloak with a good he used to cover the rest of him. He also has a belt with a thick cast-iron frying pan strapped to his hip.

The window easily gave way and Virgil sighed in relief, before quickly glancing around for any of the thugs on patrol.

The coast was clear, so he pushed the small window all the way open and carefully slipped inside, dropping to the floor and landing on his feet feet with a soft thud.

He quickly ducked into the shadows before looking around, taking in his surroundings.

He appeared to be in the basement, like he had guessed. There was a hallway off to the side where he could hear muffled, yet angry, voices.

That's probably where he needed to go.

He carefully crept along the shadows, slipping into the cold and dank hallway, listening as the voices grew louder.

"You'd better get your filthy hands off of him before I make you!" A very familiar voice snarled, surprising Virgil since he didn't expect so much anger from him.

"Oh yeah? I'd like to see you try," another much deeper and unfamiliar voice said tauntingly.

"Just you wait you son of a- hymmm!!" the voice, Logan, was abruptly cut off, followed by a set of muffled angry mumbles and a set of concerned mumbles that sounded unsettlingly like Patton, along with the clinking of chains.

"That'll shut him up," a new voice said.

"Now, time for some fun."

Virgil slipped out of the hallway and into the room as quietly as he could, staying in the shadows and behind a stack of crates.

He peaked around the edge of one of the boxes and felt anger bubble up inside of him.

Logan and Patton were each chained to separate walls in the corner of the room, close enough to where they could almost touch, had their hands not have been shackled above their heads or their ankles shackled together and to the wall.

They each had a filthy rag stuffed into their mouths that was held there by a rough looking piece of rope that dug into their cheeks due to how tight they were tied.

Both bore several dark bruises, and Logan had a busted lip, but neither of them were too bad.
But, neither had their glasses.

Roman on the other hand lay limp and unconscious, bound by rough looking ropes in the lap of one of their captors, a gag stuffed into his mouth like the others.

He was in worse shape though, with far more bruises, one looking like the shape of a hand around his throat, and a couple of cuts on him as well, but none looked like they were still bleeding.

On top of that, the thug that was holding him in his lap was beginning to unbutton his shirt, which earned more muffled and furious protests from Logan and Patton, the two of them looking ready to murder the man, especially Logan.

"Go grab one of the whips, this one was asking for it." The thug holding Roman said. "I want to teach him a lesson for biting me."

Virgil watched as the other thug in the room, a large muscular guy with dark black hair and a scar running across his mouth, made his way towards were virgil was hiding, towards a weapons rack that was next to him.

Virgil unhooked his frying pan from his belt and took a few steps back, holding it up and at the ready as he watch the guy walk over and pick up a nasty looking whip from the rack.

Virgil waited only a second longer before swinging the pan down as hard as he could on the back of the mans head, causing the man to grunt before collapsing to the ground with a thud.

Unfortunately the sound of the hardy metal hitting the mans head, along with the sound of the man collapsing to the ground, alerted the other thug that something was up.

"Ax? You better not have knocked over any of our goods." The thug said as he unceremoniously dumped the still unconscious and now shirtless Roman onto the ground at his feet before he stood up.

He kicked Roman out of his way, gaining a few angered and muffled cries from Logan and Patton, before walking towards where his accomplice had gone.

Virgil ducked back into the shadows, but the man was looking for something this time, and quickly spotted Virgil.

"What the fu-" the man was quickly cut of by Virgil leaping forward and smacking his frying pan against the side of his face, the man stepping back just far enough to where it badly clipped the edge of his jaw, busting the skin there and causing it to bleed a little.

The man quickly recovered though, and grabbed Virgil by the wrists while he was still in the after-swing, throwing him across the room and into a pile of wooden crates, where he landed with a crash and a grunt, knowing he'd have bruises from that.

He glanced over, and saw Patton and Logan staring at him in surprise, though he didn't know if they realized it was him yet, since his face was still covered.

The man came charging over and Virgil scrambled out of the way just in time so that he didn't get hit again, and ducked as the thug swung around in an attempt to punch him.

Virgil scrambled a little bit farther away but only managed to get his leg grabbed by the thug, who threw him again, this time into the brick wall, knocking the wind out of Virgil and bruising his back even more.

He slumped to the ground coughing, but was quickly cut off as the man grabbed around his throat and began to choke him, lifting him up and pinning him to the wall.

Virgils legs flailed, kicking at the man as he clawed at the his hand, his face going red as he struggled to get any air in.
He soon realized he couldn't get the man to let go, and only managed to get the man to tighten his grip, causing Virgil to silently cry out.
He'd just have to roll with it.

"I don't know who sent you," the thug said, before pulling Virgil closer to his face, ignoring his choking and weakening efforts to break free, "but if they really thought a weakling like you could take me in then they are sorely mistaken." The man said before he smashed virgils head back against the stone wall with a loud crack before dropping him.

Virgil's vision went white and he crumpled to the floor, coughing and gasping violently as he man let his neck go, his ears ringing painfully as his head throbbed, feeling like someone was hitting his head with a hammer.

The man kicked Virgil in the stomach, making him groan and curl up a bit, his body trying to protect itself.

He scoffed and turned around, looking back at Logan and Patton.

"Looks like your rescue failed." He said with a grin, "now, back to where we were I suppose." He said, walking over to where Roman was still collapsed on the ground.

Virgil forced his eyes open, staring up at the man with blurry spinning vision as he walked away.

He shoved the pain away and weakly yet quietly sat up, biting his lip so that he didn't make any sound as he stood up, stumbling a little bit, and began to slowly sneak up on the man as he kneeled over Roman.

He managed to get behind him and smack him with the frying pan as hard as he could to the back of his head, wincing at the heavy thud that sounded as the man collapsed on his side.

Panting heavily Virgil dropped his frying pan, not bothering to rehook it to his belt, and moved to kneel next to Patton and Logan before throwing the his hood of his cloak off and tearing the scarf away from his face.

He quickly undid the gags in their mouths, ignoring their shocked expressions, throwing the ropes and disgusting rags across the room.

"Virgil! What are you doing here! If they find you-" Patton was cut off by Virgil pulling him into a bone crushing hug despite the chains that bound him to the wall and despite how his body screamed in pain at the action.

"Oh my gosh you won't believe how worried I was," he said as relieved tears welled up in his eyes, "we couldn't find you for hours and I-I was panicking so much, and then they sent a note saying the only way to get you back was to trade you for me instead, but but but my parents wouldn't allow that so they sent some guards in, but they said they'd k-kill you if they didn't call them off, s-so we had to call the guards back, and then they weren't doing anything to actually save you and and I couldn't take it anymore so I had to come g-get you myself, I was so scared that they'd hurt you guys or worse and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I'd let it happen, a-and and I- and I-" Virgil was cut off by Patton gently shushing him, wishing he could hug Virgil back, but settled for nuzzling against his neck, being wary of the bruising there.

"Hey, Virgil, sweetheart, I need you to breath with me okay? match my breathing." Patton said as he began to take large steady breaths, waiting for Virgil to copy him with more shuddery and quick breaths. He didn't want Virgil to go into a full blown attack right now.

He continued to breath with him until Virgil had managed to calm down enough to breath properly and stop crying.

"There we are," Patton said softly, before pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek.

"I'm sorry we worried you darling, but we'd rather it be us here like this than you, so don't you dare start feeling guilty." Patron said.

"B-but, they were after me and they hurt you guys." Virgil said with a sniff.

"They hurt you to." Patton said with a frown.

"And we can deal with a few bruises," logan said softly, "who knows what they would have done with you, if they'd know you were you just now, seeing as you were their actual target," he added, "I'm sure I can speak for Patton, Roman and myself when I say that I'm glad it was us and not you."

"Roman." Virgil said softly, before jerking his head around to look at the still unconscious Roman collapsed and bound on the floor in a heap.

He quickly let go of Patton and moved to kneel next to roman, his hands shaking.

He let out a shaky breath as he carefully lifted him up and cradled him against his chest, being as careful as he could so he didn't hurt him anymore than he already was.

"They didn't like how he talked so much," Patton said sadly as he looked over at them, "he'd fight with them, anger them, and try and break free, so they punished him for it." He added.

Virgil frowned and took of Romans gag like he had Patton and Logan's, being extra careful, before gently stroking Romans cheek, listening to his soft almost inaudible breathing.

"I'm getting you guys out," Virgil said, pressing a feather light kiss to Romans temple before gently laying him back down on the ground.

"Any idea where the keys are?" He asked.

"I last saw them being put in the thugs coat that you just knocked out." Logan said, tilting his head in the direction of the collapsed man.

Virgil nodded, and went over to the man.
He quickly rolled him over, struggling a little bit because of his dead weight and Virgil's aching body, but eventually got him on his back.

He dug around in the mans coat, finding the keys along with Logan and Patton's glasses.

He quickly and gently unlocked all their cuffs, being extra gentle with Roman.

Then Logan and Patton helped Virgil put the cuffs on the two thugs so that if they woke up they wouldn't be able to come after them or easily call for back up.

"There are more men in the building, so it's going to be difficult to sneak out," Logan said as he finished locking the second thug up.

"We can go out through the window I came in, I have Thomas as back up and Remy on lookout outside." Virgil said.

"Alright, we'll need to be careful though." Logan said as he knelt down and picked up Roman bridal style, cradling him as he held him close. They'd managed to get his shirt back on him, and had checked for any major damage, and were glad that the worst they'd found where a couple of cuts and a small gash on the side of his head, all of which had already stopped bleeding. Then of course he was still covered in bruises.

They'd also checked Virgil for anything major, and aside from lots of heavy bruising basically everywhere, a sore throat and a possible concussion, he wasn't doing to bad.

They quietly exited the room, Virgil in front, then Logan carrying Roman, and then Patton.

Virgil lead them down the hallway and into the room that had the window, which was still open.

They got one of the crates and shoved it, as quietly as they could, underneath the window.

"Here, pass me Roman," Virgil said as he passed Patton his frying pan, "I'll hold him while you climb out, then I can lift him up to you to pull through." He said.

Logan nodded and gently passed Roman over to Virgil, who held Roman protectively against his chest, still being wary of his injuries though.

Logan got up on op of the crate and peaked outside the window, where he saw Remy perched in a tree, bobbing his head rhythmically.

"He's bobbing his head?" Logan said as he looked back down at Virgil.

"Means we're good to go." Virgil said with a small smile.

Logan nodded and lifted himself up on the ledge with a small grunt, pushing his chest and torso forwards and out the window, before crawling the rest of the way out.

He turned around and kneeled down, holding his hands through the window. "I'm ready when you are." He said.

"Come help me lift Roman up Pat." Virgil said as he carefully got up onto the crate, Patton quickly following him.

Working together they managed to lift Roman up and into Logan's hands, carefully pulling and sliding him through the window, all three of them wincing when he groaned.

"You next Pat." Virgil said as he kneeled down and threaded his hands together to give Patton a boost.

Patton hesitated at first, but reluctantly stepped onto Virgil's hands, and with his help, pulled himself up to the windows ledge, carefully crawling out like Logan had.

Virgil followed after them, hoisting himself up and crawling out the window with the help of Patton.

Virgil stood up and dusted himself off.

"Okay, Thomas should be around here, let's go hide in the woods while we wait for him." He said, quickly glancing around for any thugs before leading them into the woods, remy following close behind.

They stayed silent as they walked, not wanting to get caught, the only sounds being Romans occasional whimpers if he got jostled suddenly.
Virgil wish he still had his hair so that he could heal all of them, he hated seeing them hurt like this, and without his hair they be stuck healing for a while, and he didn't want them to deal with that.

They eventually ran into Thomas, who got excited when he saw them, but then concerned when he noticed the unconscious Roman in Logan's arms and everyone's bruised up state.

"Hey Thomas," Virgil said with a relieved smile. "Mind carrying at least two of these guys?" He asked.

Thomas got a determined expression on his face and nodded, quickly leaning down so it would be easier for them to get on.

"Logan and Roman can go first, then pat and switch out with Logan after a big." Virgil said, "if that's okay with you guys." He added.

"That's fine with me, but what about you?" Patton asked with a frown.

"I'll be fine," Virgil said with a small wave of his hand. "You guys are in worse shape than I am, probably more tired too."

Patton didn't say anything, just bit his lip looking uncertain.

They helped Logan and Roman get on the horse, positioning Roman so that he was sitting in front of Logan, who had his arms wrapped around Logan's waist as the other male leaned back against him.

"Okay, let's go." Virgil said, and they began walking back towards corona, Remy perching on his shoulder as they began to walk.

Things stayed silent for a while as they walked, that is until Roman woke up.

Virgil heard a soft groan from next to him, and looked up at where Roman and Now Patton were, him and Logan have switched places after a little over an hour of walking.

"Ro?" Patton said softly as he reached up and gently brushed some hair out of Romans face.

Roman groaned again, before his eyes sluggishly slipped open.

"Hmmmm pat?" He mumbled, still kind of out of it.

"Hello sweetheart." Patton said with a bright smile as he pressed a kiss to Romans cheek from his seat behind him.

"Wha happened?" He asked as he reached up to rub his face, "wheres Logan?" He asked as he sleepily turned his head to look for him.

"I'm right here." Logan said as he reached up and gently took Romans hand.

Roman smiled, "oh, good." He mumbled.

"You got knocked out Ro, they were gunna hurt you really bad." Patton said softly.

"Don't feel real hurt." Roman mumbled.

"That's because Virgil came in and saved us before they could hurt you real bad." Patton said with a small smile.

"Virgil?" Roman said, sounding suspicious. "No, Virgil is safe at the castle." He mumbled. " was someone else."

Virgil chuckled softly, "sorry to break it to you princy, but I'm here." He said as he gently took Romans other hand.

Roman looked confused for a second before looking down at Virgil.

"Virgil?" He said in confused, "what are you doing here." He said, waking up a bit more.

"I came to rescue you guys, and I did." He said.

"Did you get hurt?" Roman asked.

"No I'm fine," he said, ignoring the looks Patton and Logan sent him.

"Good." Roman said, before leaning back against Patton, still holding Virgil and Logan's hands.

"We're almost back to the Kingdom, the bridge shouldn't be to far from here." Logan said.

"That's good," Virgil said.

"Do you want to take a turn up there were Roman?" Logan asked, looking over at Virgil.

"No, you and pat need more rest then I do." Virgil said.

Patton frowned at that, and leaned down to whisper something in Romans ear.

A smile found its way to Romans face.

"Virge," Roman said, looking over at Virgil.

"Yes Roman?" Virgil asked.

"I want you up here." He mumbled sleepily, "wanna cuddle." He added.

"We can cuddle later when we're back in my room," Virgil said, "and you need to stay awake now anyway." Virgil added.

"I'll stay awake, I promise," Roman said, as he moved and reached down towards him, "please?" He asked.

Virgil bit his lip, "I don't know..." he said. He really wanted Patton and Logan to rest up, but he also didn't want to upset Roman.

"If you don't come up here and cuddle me right now I will get off of this horse and walk." Roman said.

"You'd collapse before you even took one step." Virgil said with a raised eyebrow.

Roman pouted. "Please love? For me? I've missed you a bunch these past few days, and want to cuddle." He said. He didn't mind cuddling with pat, but that was besides the point.

Virgil sighed, "I suppose..." he said, "but only until we reach the bridge." He added.

Roman beamed and Thomas stopped, letting Patton and Virgil switch places before beginning to walk again.

Virgil wrapped his arms around Roman and rested his chin on his shoulder as they grew closer to corona, letting himself relax and snuggle with Roman as best he could with how they were sitting.

Roman, happy that he'd gotten Roman to get on the horse, leaned back against Virgil, humming softly as he closed his eyes.

"No sleeping." Virgil said to him, despite Virgil's eyes closing as well.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm just getting comfortable." Roman said.

"You can sleep though Virgil," Patton said from where he walked next to them, "both Logan and I took naps while we were up there." He said.

"Nah, I'll be fine." Virgil said as he forced his eyes open.

They continued on their way and eventually made it to the bridge, where Virgil had them stop so he could get down.

"I wonder," Virgil mumbled to himself.

"Thomas, do you think you could carry three people?" Virgil asked, gaining a nod from the horse.

"Okay," he said as he slipped off of him, "how about both of you guys ride up there with Roman now?" Virgil said.

"You weren't up there for very long," Patton said, "you can stay up there longer if you want."

"No I'm fine, don't worry." Virgil said, "I want you guys to rest up though."

Patton and Logan reluctantly agreed and go onto Thomas's back before making their way across the bridge, Virgil walking along next to them.

A guard spotted them the moment they stepped of the bridge, and quickly sent his partner up to the castle to tell the king and queen and a get a doctor ready for them, while staying to escort them to the castle himself.

They were quickly whisked away when they got to the castle, each brought into separate rooms to get looked over and patched up.

Virgil's parents say in the room Virgil was in as he was getting patched up, where he told them what he'd done and what exactly had happened. They told him they were upset that he'd left without saying anything, but did admit that he did a good thing in going to get his friends.

The four of them were told to take it easy for the next week, to get lots of sleep and not do anything strenuous. They were also told that if anything seemed to get worse hen to come to them right away.

Roman had a bandage on his head where the gash was and a few on his arms and torso from the small cuts, along with a bit of ointment on his bruises, which Patton, Logan and Virgil all also had on their bruises as well. Virgil also had a small bandage on his head from where he'd been hit in the wall. He didn't have a concussion, but he'd be having headaches and migraines for a few days.

They had been fed and watered before being sent off to rest, with Roman, Patton and Logan sneaking into Virgil's room.

They all curled up on his bed, pressed as close together as they could while still being comfortable.

"I'm glad you guys are safe," Virgil mumbled softly as he nuzzled his face against Romans neck, cuddling closer to him.

"We're glad you're safe as well," Patton said.

"I love you." Virgil mumbled as he began to doze off.

"Love you to." Roman said, placing a kiss on top of Virgil's head.

"I love you guys." Patton said.

"Me as well," Logan said softly, pressing a kiss to the back of Virgil's neck.

They all quickly fell asleep after that, and were left undisturbed for many hours as they rested, taking comfort in each other.

Ta da.
Sorry for the ending, it was a little rushed in my opinion.

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