Chapter 28 part 1

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Prompt: "What would Virgil do with Patton, and the same with Roman? At least, where it would be just them, not surrounded by a great deal of people." (Basically you know how Virgil went to the library with Logan? What special little thing would he do with just Roman and just Patton?)

This chapter will be for Roman

Ah yes, another multipart prompt. This one will only be two chapters though, unlike last time. There are more of these multipart chapters scheduled to happen later on too, so I hope you're ready.
Also, sorry for not updating in forever, I promise to get back to my previous updating schedule thing.

Also, I wrote a hecking song for this particular chapter. I wrote it and it took me forever to come up with it all and it's laaaaame as f******ck.
It's gunna be cringy, but hopefully it's not too bad.
I hope yalls like it.

Anyway, let's start the chapter now.

Virgil slowly woke up to a pair of warm arms wrapped around him, which was both familiar yet strange. Usually if he woke up to someone holding him it'd be in the middle of the night or early morning when one or all of the others had to leave or else they'd get caught, with the few exceptions of times they didn't leave.

It appears as if now was one of those times.
Although, he didn't remember going to bed with any of them the night before.

He hummed softly and rolled over in the persons arms so that he was facing them, and found a slowly waking up Roman.

He smiled brightly and snuggled up against Romans chest with a content sigh, his smile growing bigger when he felt Roman shift and hold him closer.

"Good morning," Roman mumbled with a small yawn.

"Morning," Virgil said as he pressed a kiss to Romans cheek, "why are you here?" He asked, "not that I'm complaining or anything." He added.

Roman laughed softly, "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me today, and decided to start the day out with some sleepy cuddles." He said as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's temple.

"Sure, I'd love to go out with you," Virgil said with a smile and a small hum.
"Where are the others?" He asked after a few beats of silence.

"Asleep in their own rooms or together maybe," Roman said softly,

"Logan wants to talk with a group of scholars visiting the kingdom this afternoon, and I think Patton was gunna go try out some new recipes." Roman added as he gently began to run his through through Virgil's hair.

Virgil nodded and closed his eyes as he hummed, still feeling rather sleepy.

"What do you want to do today?" He asked with a yawn.

"Well, I don't have any specifics," Roman began. "But I was thinking maybe a trip to one of the orchards at the edge of the kingdom." He said. "They look so pretty this time of year." Added.

"Of course, we can do something else if you don't want to do that." Roman quickly added.

"That sounds like fun," Virgil said as he pressed sweet feather light kisses to Romans neck, earning a few giggles in response.

Virgil smirked and moved his hands to Romans sides, gently digging his fingers into his ribs and wiggling them around.

Roman gasped softly and stiffened a little before squealing as a few giggles escaped him and he began to squirm away.

Virgil wasn't having that though, since he enjoyed hearing Roman, or any of his boyfriends, laugh, and quickly moved with Roman so he could continue to tickle him.

Roman continued to wiggle away though, and Virgil kept following, both of them inching closer to the edge of the bed. It was a few seconds later that they finally tumbled, crashing to the floor with two yelps.

"Sorry." Virgil said as he moved to get off of him, having landed on him when they fell.

"It's okay." Roman said as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head.

They got up off of the floor, dusting themselves off a bit before getting ready for the day, since they still needed to join Virgil's parents for breakfast and ask for permission to leave.

Th two of them quickly went down to breakfast after they'd gotten dressed, meeting up with Logan and Patton on their way down, exchanging a few small kisses when nobody was around.

They all sat down in the dining room as soon as breakfast was served, Virgil's parents already there.

"So," Virgil's father began after a few minutes of random small talk, "today's one of your free days Virgil, any plans?" He asked.

Virgil swallowed his bite of food as he nodded.

"Actually yeah," he said, "I was wondering if I would be allowed to go and hang out with Roman today?" He asked.

"Where at?" Virgil's mother asked.

"The orchards." Roman said with a hopeful smile before taking another bite of his food.

"I suppose that would be okay," His mother said with a smile, "just be back by seven." She added.

"We will." Virgil said with a smile, before turning to talk with Logan, Patton and Roman.

Breakfast continued on for roughly an hour, mostly because of them talking more than they were eating, but they eventually finished up and split up, Roman and Virgil heading out of the castle.

They didn't go straight to the orchards, since it was still morning and they had plenty of time, deciding to wander around the kingdom for a little bit.

"Do you want to pick up some snacks for while we're out there?" Virgil asked.

Roman shook his head, "nah, I don't think we'll need to." He said with a smile.

That was kinda confusing, but Virgil brushed it off with a nod as they continued to walk.

"How was your date with Logan the other day?" Virgil asked.

"It was fun," Roman said with a fond smile as he thought back to a few days ago.

"You two went to a small lake right?" Virgil asked.

Roman nodded, "we did," he said, "we had a good time." He added with a small wink, making Virgil blush as he thought about what Roman meant when he said a good time.

They continued to make their way through town, stopping every now and then to poke around in a few interesting shops or stalls.

They also stopped for a few kisses, but always hid themselves away where nobody could see them when they did.

It wasn't until it was the afternoon that they began to head to the Orchards, which would be an hour or so walk away.

"So," Virgil began as they walked, the two of them holding hands now that they weren't in public, "what's the plan for today?" He asked.

"Well, I really have much planned, but we could explore the orchards for a bit, just relax and enjoy the peace and quiet." Roman said as he glanced around at the trees around the path, "is there anything you'd like to do in particular?" He asked.

Virgil shook his head, "nah, I'm cool with whatever you wanna do." He said.

The two of them continued their walk, quietly chatting, with a few bouts of comfortable silence between them as they made their way down the path.

They eventually stopped to take a break, after roughly forty minutes of walking.

"It's really warm out," Virgil said as he sat down against a tree, leaning back. It was close to the end of August, and it seemed as if summer was trying to roast them alive before the brisk winds of autumn came.

"It really is," Roman said, "if it was a bit cooler I would suggested cuddling, but it's a little too warm for that." He said as he sat down next to Virgil.

"Yeah it is," Virgil said as he gently reached over to hold Romans hand again, gently intertwining their fingers, "but I'm up for some cuddling later tonight." He added as he closed his eyes contently.

Roman smiled and gently squeezed his hand. "I'd like that." He said softly.

The two sat there for roughly ten minutes, catching their breath and cooling down, before getting back up again to continue their walk to the orchards.

They eventually made it there at round 2:30pm, or at least they assumed it was around 2:30pm, letting them have roughly three hours until they needed to head back.

"Come on, lets explore for a bit." Roman said with a smile. "I don't think you've ever been to the orchards," he said, before pausing and looking over at him, "or have you?" He asked.

Virgil laughed softly as he smiled at him"No I haven't," He said as he shook his head, "I only know about it because we talked about it in one of my lessons." He added.

"Then I will take it upon myself to show you all the best spots." Roman said with a grin, before leading him off into the rows of fruit trees, all of them bending down towards the earth, their branches heavy with fruit almost ready for picking.

Roman led him through the rows of trees, the two of the walking slowly as they chattered and joked, still holding hands.

They stopped multiple times, either to just enjoy the scenery or to stop and take a break cause the heat was making them even more tired then they would have normally been.

It wasn't until an hour or two later that Roman began to look a little nervous.

"You okay?" Virgil asked softly and he looked at him in concern.

Roman, who had been glancing around them quickly looked back to him and smiled reassuringly, "yeah I'm fine." He said with a nod, "I just have one more place to show you." He added.

Virgil slowly nodded as he accepted Romans answer, although still feeling like Roman wasn't being completely honest.

"Okay," he said, "but if anything's wrong then please tell me." He added.

"And I would tell you if there was something wrong, but there's really not," Roman said as he gently squeezed Virgil's hand, "I promise." He added.

Virgil hesitated, before nodding again as he squeezed Romans hand as well.

"Alright Princy, lead the way to your final spot." He said with a smile.

Roman smiled back and pressed a kiss to his cheek before leading him towards the plum trees with dark purple leaves and the ripe dust purple fruit.

"I want you to close your eyes." Roman said softly as he stopped walking.

"Um, why?" Virgil asked as he turned to him.

"It's a surprise." Roman said with a grin.

"A nice surprise or a mean surprise?" Virgil asked as he raised an eyebrow at him.

"Do you really think I'd ruin our lovely romantic mood with a mean surprise?" Roman asked with a pout, trying to look offended.

"You could be lulling me into a false sense of security..." Virgil said, almost teasingly.

"Oh I'd never do that to you love," Roman said.

"But if it makes you feel better," he continued as he gently cupped Virgil's cheek in his hand. "I promise that the surprise I have for you is a good one, and if you don't think it's a good one then you have every right to ban me from cuddles for a while." He said softly, his tone gentle and reassuring.

Virgil blushed and quickly nodded his head. "While I appreciate the promise I don't think I'll ban you from cuddles," He said, "you're too comfortable of a pillow for that." He added with a smile.

Roman laughed softly and shook his head as he smiled. "Whatever you say love," He said, "now close your eyes before I find something to blindfold you with." He said.

Virgil rolled his eyes before doing as he was told and closing his eyes.

"You'd better not let me run into anything." He said as the two of them began walking.

"I'll make sure to keep you safe." Roman said as he gently squeezed Virgil's hand, making his blush darkened.

They walked for a few more minutes, with Roman guiding Virgil, before they stopped again.

"Okay, I'm going to let go of your hand and move away, but you can't open your eyes yet." Roman said.

"I swear Roman if you-"

"I promise I'll be right here." Roman cut him off, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Just trust me." He added softly.

Virgil hesitated slightly, before nodding. "Alright," he said, "I trust you."

Although he couldn't see it, Roman smiled and slowly let go of his hand, leaving Virgil there while he quickly and quietly set a few things up, still talking to Virgil to reassure him that he was still there.

"Okay," Roman said after a minute or so. "You can open your eyes."

Virgil waited a second before slowly opening his eyes, looking ahead of him to where he'd heard Romans voice coming from.

There stood roman, underneath a large plum tree with a large quilt spread out on the grass next to him, a picnic basket on top of the blanket, along with several candles in small jars scattered around them.

"Oh Roman..." Virgil said softly as he slowly took a step forwards.

"Do you like it?" Roman asked, a hopeful smile on his face.

Virgil stepped towards him, "I love it." He said as a loving smile spread out on his face. "Can I kiss you?" He asked.

Roman laughed softly and nodded, smiling brightly as Virgil took his face into his hands and pulled him down into a kiss.

They pulled away after a few seconds and Roman moved them to sit down on the blanket.

It was still very warm, so they didn't cuddle, but they sat somewhat close to each other as Roman opened up the basket.

"So this is why you said we wouldn't need to get anything while we were in town." Virgil said as Roman began to pull some food and drinks out.

"Yup," He said, "Logan and I set this up yesterday evening while you were with Patton in the gardens after dinner." He said. "Then when we got back you were already asleep and I couldn't resist cuddling with you." He said sheepishly.

"Oh my gosh you guys are too sweet," Virgil said as he smiled and laughed softly. "I'll need to give Logan some appreciation kisses when we get back." He added.

"Yeah, I'll join you in that, He was a big help with setting this up." Roman said.

The two ate for a while, still chattering, until it got to be around five thirty or so.

"We should probably start packing up." Virgil said, "we need to leave soon if we want to be back by seven."

"Wait," Roman said, "I have one more surprise."

"Another surprise?" Virgil asked, tilting his head curiously, "this wasn't it?"

"No this wasn't just it, I have one more thing for you, but I want you to close your eye again." Roman said, looking nervous.

Virgil, still surprised that Roman had more planned, didn't argue and closed his eyes, wondering what was going to happen.

He heard a bit of shifting of a few seconds before it went quiet again.

"You can open your eyes whenever you feel comfortable now," Roman said softly.

Then Virgil heard the soft strum of a guitar.

"I remember, when we first met" Roman began to softly sing, his voice gentle and soothing.

Virgil slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Roman, seeing him sitting in front of him with a guitar in his lap and a piece of paper in front of him.

"I climbed so high,
I was touching the sky."

Roman continued to sing softly, keeping his eyes closed while he played.

"But before I could touch the light,
You were standing there so bright.
You took me out, and even to this day
I was so lucky you didn't hide away..."

"I'm lucky to have you in my arms to hold,
I'm lucky you didn't do as you were told,
I'm lucky you're letting me love you..."

"I'm lucky to have you in my arms to hold,
I'm lucky you didn't do as you were told,
I'm lucky you're letting me love you..."

Virgil felt something bubbling up inside of him, like when you feel butterflies in your stomach, but much stronger.

"You now have everything you could ever want,
And I'm so lucky that I'm a part of that."

Roman has slowly opened his eyes by this point, staring down at the music in front of him, not meeting Virgil's eyes as he focused on singing and playing the guitar.

"You could have left us all behind,
You could have left us stumbling blind."

Roman slowly lifted his gaze to look up at Virgil, who had tears gathering in the edges of his eyes.

"But here you are, standing there before me like the sun,
And I can't help feeling like I've somehow won..."

Virgil didn't dare to move or make a sound, to lost in the fact that Roman was singing to him, that Roman had wrote a song for him.

"I'm lucky to have you in my arms to hold,
I'm lucky you didn't do as you were told,
I'm lucky you're letting me love you..."

"I'm lucky to have you in my arms to hold,
I'm lucky you didn't do as you were told,
I'm lucky you're letting me love you..."

Roman looked back down at the music, playing for a few seconds on the guitar without singing, but the guitar got much softer and his voice just barely louder than a whisper as he began to sing again.

"You'll keeping shining brightly and more will come to you, more will start loving you."

His breath hitches slightly as he took a small pause to breath before singing the next part, closing his eyes again.

"And if by then I'm gone and have left you all behind,
Don't be sad,
here's something to remind you...."

"I'm lucky to have you in my arms to hold,
I'm lucky you didn't do as you were told,
I'm lucky you're letting me love you..."

He played a few soft notes on the guitar, before adding softly.

"Letting me love you."

He played three more soft notes on the guitar before letting the sound slowly fade out.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked up at Virgil, surprised to find him with his hands covering his mouth as a few tears ran down his face.

He winced and quickly set the guitar aside as he hesitantly reached towards Virgil. "Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have-" Roman was cut off by Virgil lunging forwards and wrapping his arms around Romans neck, a small hiccuping sob escaping from his throat as he knocked Roman down onto his back as he looked down at him, quickly shifting his position so that he had a leg on each side of Romans torso.

"Y-you, you wrote that for me?" Virgil asked, moving to cup Romans face.

Roman, still in shock by what Virgil did, only nodded, watching as another small sob bubbles up out of Virgil's throat, along with a watery smile.

"C-can I kiss you?" He asked as he leaned down closer to him.

Roman couldn't do anything but nod as he looked up at Virgil with wide eyes.

Virgil wasted no time, leaning down and pressing their lips together as he closed his eyes and kissed him lovingly, still cupping Romans face.

Roman quickly kissed him back as he wrapped his arms up and around Virgil's shoulders, both of them ignoring the still very present August heat.

They continued the kiss for almost a minute, before Virgil pulled away.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you," Virgil began to press short but searing hot kisses to Romans lips, cheeks, temple, forehead, and neck, peppering the skin he could reach with kisses as he mumbled 'I love you' between each kiss, not giving Roman a chance to speak.

Eventually Virgil slowed down, stopping his kisses as he instead decided to press his face to Romans neck, pressing himself as close to the other male as he could.

"Did you...did you like it?" Roman asked softly as he gently rubbed Virgil's back.

"I loved it." Virgil said as he moved his head back and looked down at Roman, who grinned up at him.

"Oh thank goodness," Roman said, "I was hoping you would." He said as the two of them slowly sat up. Virgil not moving away from Romans lap though.

"How could I not?" Virgil asked, "you wrote me a song, and it was so freaking beautiful."

"It wasn't sappy?"

"Oh no it was very sappy," Virgil said with a laugh as he wiped the tear stains from his cheeks, "but I still loved it."

"Oh good," Roman said. "I know Logan liked the song I made for him, but I wasn't sure if you would." He said, "and I haven't quite finished Patton's yet." He added.

Virgil looked at him for a few seconds before shaking his head and pressing another kiss to Romans lips. "God you're too perfect." He mumbled as he pulled away, earning a laugh from Roman.

They stayed like that for a while, cuddling despite the still ever present heat, before they really did need to pack up and leave if they still wanted to be back before seven.

They reluctantly pulled apart and packed everything back into the basket, before making their way out of the orchards, holding hands again.

The trip back felt much shorter than the trip there had, and they soon found themselves back at the castle just in time for dinner. They lied to Virgil's parents when they asked what they'd done at the Orchard, leaving out all the romantic stuff and adding in other activities.

Virgil was tired by the time he had bathed and dressed in his pajamas and was ready for bed, quickly crawling under the covers next to Roman and Patton, while Logan made sure to turn the lights off before crawling into beds as well.

"Did you two have fun?" Patton asked as he snuggled up against Romans side.

"We did," Virgil said softly, smiling as Logan climbed into bed next to him and snuggled close.

"I love you all." Roman hummed..

"Me as well." Logan said.

"I love you guys too." Patton agreed.

Virgil smiled, "I love you guys as well." He said, before snuggling closer to Roman as he began to slowly drift off to sleep, the melody to Romans song playing softly in the back of his mind.

Welp, there was that.
Hope yalls liked this chapter, hopefully it wasn't too cringy and sappy.

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