Chapter 34

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Prompt: "Virgil has a nightmares about Patton dying. How about how Patton, Roman and Logan comfort Virgil that Patton and all of them are safe and that he won't lose any of them."

There will be some amounts of biting, snakes, character death, and such forth in this, I apologize.
In this deceits lies with be underlined since the dream itself is in italics.

Virgil cradled Patton in his arms, opening crying as he held him closer.

"Don't leave me, please please please don't leave me," he said through shuddering breaths and hiccups as tears ran down his face.

"Wake up, please Patton wake up, don't leave me, don't leave us, I-I can't-" he gently shook Patton, but got no response.

With shaking hands he checked for a pulse, but found none. Patton's body was cold and stone grey and suddenly began to crumble away.

He cried out slightly and clutched at Patton, trying to hold him together, begging him to stay, but then he was gone, crumbled away into nothing.

Virgil weeped, hunching over and curling in on himself as he cried.

"You." An angry voice in front of him suddenly said.

Virgil jerked his head up and saw Logan and Roman standing over him, tears running down their angry faces.

"Guys-" He was cut off by Roman stepping forwards.

"You killed him! He loved you and all you did was kill him, we should have just left you when you gave us the crown, we could have had our happy ending somewhere else, just the three of us." Roman said as his skin began to crack and fall apart.

"You killed him, you killed us, how does that make you feel Virgil," Logan spat the name out like it disgusted him, "You killed the first people who ever loved you, the only people who ever loved you and will ever love you!" Logan's skin began to crack and crumble as well.

"N-no no no, I didn't kill you, you're not dead- I-" Virgil stuttered as he stumbled to his feet, reaching out for them, only for them to crumble away into dust just like Patton had, disappearing into the dark nothingness around them.

"No!" He cried out as he collapsed to his knees, a fresh wave of tears welling up in his eyes and spilling down his cheeks.

"Well well well," a new voice, a familiar voice, said in the darkness, the sound echoing around him and filling his head.

"I wanted to say I told you so, but I didn't told you so." The voice said again.

"Looks like my pretty little flower wasn't plucked from his pot and isn't all wilted and dead, what a shame."

A loud slithering sound could be heard as well.

"You really shouldn't have stayed in our tower, my little flower, all of this would have happened if you hadn't just stayed inside, with me."

Sudden his father stepped out of the darkness in front of him, making him gasp and scramble back.

He looked more snake-like, with yellow eyes with slits for pupils, and sickly green scales covering half of his face, and what looked like long fangs in his mouth.

Deceit pouted playfully.

"Aww, did I not scare you, little flower?" He asked in a disgustingly sweet voice as he circled around Virgil, revealing that the lower half of his body was that of a snake.

"you know, if you hadn't just stayed with me you would have most definitely met those three, and you would have broken your heart," he continued, "and you would have killed them," he moved closer to Virgil, wrapping around him, Virgil not putting up any struggle at all.

"It's not all your fault Virgil, my sweet little flower." He said as he leaned in close to Virgil's terrified and tear stained face, wrapping his body tighter around Virgil.

"Virgil? Virgil sweetheart wake up!"

"If only you hadn't listened." He said, his face only an inch away from Virgil's now.

"It's just a dream virgil!"

"You shouldn't know by now Virgil," Deceit reared his head back, bearing his fangs.

"Wake up! Virgil!"

"Father doesn't know best."

He lunged forwards and sunk his large fangs into Virgil's neck-

Virgil jerked forwards and sat up with a harsh gasp, breathing heavily and shaking.

His gaze shakily jerked around the room and he saw the worried faces of Patton, Roman and Logan sitting around him.

His face was wet from tears and he felt clammy and cold.

He began crying again after a few gasping breaths, and Patton quickly reached forwards.

"Hey hey, it's okay," he said softly, his hands hovering over Virgil's skin.

"I-it's all my- it's a-all my f-fault, A-all my m-my fault," Virgil began mumbling as he continued to cry, repeating himself over and over.

"Nothing is your fault, you just had another nightmare Virgil," Roman said softly.

"Virgil, sweetheart, can I touch you?" Patton asked.

Virgil hiccuped softly and nodded his head as he trembled slightly.

Patton gently wrapped Virgil up in a hug, pulling him close as he rubbed his back.

Virgil held onto Patton tightly, still crying as he buried his face against Patton's chest.

"Shhh shhh, Virgil, it's okay, you just had another nightmare."

"Y-you were dead,  I couldn't save-save you, and it was all my fault, a-and then Roman and Logan d-died to and they were so mad a-at me, and then my fa-father my- Deceit showed up and said it was a-all my fault and it is- it is, and then he bit m-me and then I-I-I..." Virgil trailed off into a spluttering mess of hiccups and sobs, holding onto Patton tighter.

Patton looked up at Roman and Logan with a sad expression, before gesturing for them to come closer.

Although it didn't happen often, virgil would occasionally have nightmares about the day they'd saved him from his father, where Patton almost died. It broke their hearts to see him like this. He'd usually go to Patton's room if they happened on nights they weren't together.

"Oh sweety, I'm fine, see?" Patton said, "you're holding onto me right now, and I'm breathing and warm," he continued, "can you feel my heartbeat? Can you hear it?"

Virgil hiccuped softly and pressed his ear against Patton's chest, and was greeted by the soft and soothing sound of his beating heart. He nodded shakily, and Patton smiled.

"There, you see? I'm just fine." He said. "Now can you feel Romans hand? See how warm he is?" He asked as he gestured for Roman to gently touch Virgil's back.

Virgil nodded again, feeling Romans warm hand against his back through the thin material of his shirt.

"And can you feel Logan's hand as well?" Patton asked as he gestured for Logan to do the same as Roman, "does it feel warm like Roman and me?"

Virgil nodded again, taking a shake deep breath.

"That's good," Patton said.

"They wouldn't be warm if they were dead, right?" He asked as he gently rubbed Virgil's back. "Can you turn and look at them for me?" He asked.

Virgil hesitated, biting his lip nervously.

"Please? For me?" Patton asked softly, gently trailing his fingers down Virgil's cheek.

Virgil waited a few seconds before hesitantly nodding. He shifted in Patton's lap, slowly turning so that he was facing Logan and Roman, although he didn't look at them.

"Darling?" Roman said softly as he hesitantly reached forwards and cupped Virgil's cheek, lifting his chin so that he was looking at them.

"Virgil, we would never be mad at you for something like that." Roman said, "if...if Patton had died that day we wouldn't have blamed you, we love you and would have never even had the though of it being your fault cross our minds."

"It would be highly illogical for us to pin the blame for something like that on you when it was clearly Deceit who would have been to blame." Logan said as he gently took hold of Virgil's hand.

Virgil sniffed softly and nodded, reaching up with his free hand to wipe his tears away.

"Sorry for waking you up a-and freaking out." He said, his voice sounding wet and rough. "I feel stupid..." he mumbled.

"Hey, no, don't start that again." Patton said softly as he snaked his arms around Virgil's waist and held him closer. "We don't mind you waking us up if it means we can help to comfort you." He said as he nuzzled against Virgil's neck.

"And you're not stupid for having nightmares." Logan added, "nightmares are a common response to traumatic events, and Patton almost dying was indeed very traumatic." He said, shuddering slightly.

"Never think its stupid, and never think you're stupid because of something like this," Roman said as he leaned forwards and pressed his forehead against Virgil's.

Virgil blushed and nodded slightly as he closed his eyes, feeling more tears begin to well up.

"Okay." He said softly.

They sat there for a few minutes, calming down and grounding each other by just being there.

"We should go back to bed," logan said softly, "you have things to do in the morning," he added, although he thought it would be best for Virgil to skip and have a mental health day.

"You're right," Virgil said softly as he slowly opened his eyes. "Cuddle with me?" He asked softly.

"Do you even need to ask," Roman said with a smile as he laid down.

Logan and Patton laid down as well, the latter pulling Virgil down with him and snuggling up against him as he held him close.

"Sweet dreams." He mumbled softly.

Roman curled up on Virgil's other side, letting Virgil press his face against his chest as Roman draped his arm across both him and Patton.

Logan had his arms wrapped around Roman, with one of his hands holding Virgil's as he pressed a kiss to Romans neck.

Virgil didn't know who pulled the blankets up over them, feeling both too sleepy and still shaken. It took him a long time to doze off, the feeling of Patton hold him, hearing Romans heart beat, and feeling Logan occasionally squeeze his hand helping him eventually fall asleep.

He and the others slowly fell back asleep, taking comfort in one another and feeling loved and safe.

Angst I guess.
Hopefully you guys like it! I kinda suck at writing the panic-y moments despite being a very panic-y person myself, so hopefully it wasn't cringy or horribly inaccurate and all that Jazz.

Anyway, the next chapter is already done and will be out soon! I only posted this chapter today cause I'm feeling kinda down, I had plans to wait and post it in a day or two, but eh.


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