Chapter 36

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So I previously said that chapter 36 would be the chapter where they have sex and all, that is no longer the case. That chapter has been shoved forwards to be chapter 38 (parts 1-3) now, chapters 36 and 37 involve the parents.
Thank you for reading.

Prompt: "Virgil and father bonding (without mom knowing)"
"Virgil asks about mom not liking him"

Who knows how long this chapter is gunna be.

Get ready for some father son bonding, acceptance, and supportiveness.

Virgil rode alongside his father on Thomas' back, fiddling with his mane.

"So," he began slowly, "where exactly are we going?" He asked.

"Somewhere." His father replied with a smile as gently stroked the mane of his own horse.

"Where is somewhere?" Virgil asked.

"Out there." The king said as he gestured down the path ahead of them.

"So you're not going to tell me?"

"Nope, you'll just have to wait." He said with a small laugh.

The two of them continued to ride along, chatting about random things. Eventually the path plead out of the forest and into an area of small grassy yellow hills.

His father lead Virgil across a couple of small hills until they reached one with a short lanky tree on it. His father got off his horse and gestured for Virgil to follow him.

The two of them walked up to the top of the small hill and carefully sat down beneath the tree.

They were both silent for quite some time, the king thinking and Virgil not knowing what to say.

"I used to come here with your mother," he began softly, "when we were less busy." He said.

"The fields were always lush with fresh grass and wild flowers, with a warm breeze and the bright shining sun above us."

"Obviously it's not like that at this time of year," he continued, "but it's still beautiful and holds important memories for me."

Virgil stayed silent, listening to him with a curious expression.

"We'd come here if we were ever stressed or needed to get away for a day, or if we needed to have a private talk that absolutely no one else had the right to hear." He continued.

"I proposed to her here." He said softly as he ran his hand along with dry yellow blades of grass next to them. "I had set it up to be just a casual night to watch the stars and have a picnic, she didn't expect a thing." He said with a small laugh.

There was a stretch of silence for a few seconds.

"You love them don't you." The king said softly, turning to look at Virgil.

Virgil jerked and sat up straight in surprise, "l-love who?" He asked cautiously, looking anywhere but his father.

"Your three friends, Roman, Logan and Patton." The king said softly. "You all love each other, don't you."

Virgil was staring at him now, panic clearly flashing across his face.

"I-I don't, I mean, kinda? I-I mean...Maybe? we just...." he stumbled over his words, and stopped for a second to take a breath and look away, "I-I'm sorry...." Virgil said softly.

His father smiled, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder, Virgil going silent as his cheeks flushed cherry red.

"You have nothing to apologize for," he said, "I'm not mad at you."

Virgil's snapped to look up at him, "You're not?" Virgil asked.

His father shook his head, "no I'm not," he said, "although I would have liked it if you came and told me and your mother yourself." He said.

"Mom knows?" Virgil asked.

"No she doesn't," His father said, "but I'm sure she'd appreciate it if you told her." He added.

Virgil bit his lip and fidgeted with the hem of his shirt slightly. "...what if she's mad?" He asked softly.

"Why do you think she'd be mad?" His father asked.

"I don't know, I just..." Virgil paused for a second, before bringing his knees up to his chest and curling up slightly. "I don't think she likes me much." He said softly.

The surprised Virgil's father. Virgil's mother, Arianna, had been so happy when their son had come back, he hadn't seen her as happy as she was now in years.

"Why do you think that?" He asked as he moved his hand from Virgil's shoulder to his back.

"She's always so...serious and proper about things," Virgil began slowly, "she seems to have expectations for me that I just can't seem to ever meet," he continued, "...some times I think she would have been happier if I hadn't come back." He added quietly, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

His father frowned. "Well, I can assure you she wouldn't be happier of you hadn't come back." He said.

"Your mother had been so happy when we found out she was pregnant," he began, "she began making a list of possible names, and had the room next to ours converted from a study in a nursery for you, and filled it with soft rugs and large squishy pillows. She and I hand painted the walls inside to room to look like an forest, and painted the ceiling with clouds and a sun." He continued, smiling fondly at the memories of them painting and accidentally making a mess.

"Then she grew very ill as it became close to having you, but she was more concerned about you than she was about herself. She was scared something had gone wrong or that she had done something wrong and you weren't going to make it, but then we found that flower and saved you both."

"I sat next to her bedside as she held you in her arms, only a few hours old with the brightest amethyst eyes and the shiniest tufts of golden hair atop your head." He said as he glanced at Virgil.

"She loved you, we both loved you so much." He continued, "you were our son, so small and full of joy, and we couldn't wait to watch you grow up." His father paused as he frowned at that.

"But you never did." Virgil said softly.

His father shook his head, "no, we never did." He said.

"When we heard you crying that night, and rushed in to see what was wrong, only to find a man taking you away, your mother and I were devastated, your mother especially."

"She immediately sent out search parties, and would have gone out to look for you herself if I hadn't stopped her. She was still recovering from the pregnancy, and running around in panic could have hurt her."

"She sent out the search parties every month for years, looking for you in every kingdom we could get to, trying to find you, but we never did."

"By the time you would have been seven she had begun to give up." He continued, "she hadn't been the same since you were taken, she'd grown more serious and all she could do was try and find you. I woke up several times to find her sitting in the nursery with a small doll her mother had given her that she had planned to give to you. But as the years went on and she began to lose hope of ever finding you, she became worse. She became distant from everyone, even me and her closest friends."

"She didn't want to have another baby, she told me that if she tried all she'd be able to do was think about you and that wouldn't be good attitude to have towards the baby if she were to have another."

"She eventually got better, she reconnected with some of her friends, and began to smile more."

"But I had never seen her smile so much and as big as she did when you came back." His father said softly as he wrapped his arm around Virgil.

"She kept it behind closed doors, but I saw every little shining glimmer of happiness, every time she smiled till her cheeks turned pink." He said with a fond smile. "She even cleaned out the nursery, even though she knew you wouldn't need it."

"She didn't want anyone to ever treat you differently because of how and where you grew up, which is why she insisted on having you take all these lessons, and wear shoes and not climb about." He continued. "She didn't want anyone to ever judge you and wanted you to be the best you could be."

"Of course she went a bit overboard and tried a little too hard, but she's toned some things down." He said with a small laugh.

"She feels awkward though. She doesn't know you anymore, not that she ever got the time to know you before. She doesn't know how to act around you now that you're here after all these years and all grown up, and yes she should probably work on that." He admitted.

"She has always liked you and will always like you though, I can assure you if that." His father continued. "She gushes about all of your accomplishments when it's just the two of us, she fawns over you from a distance, too nervous to get any closer."

"I think that she thinks you're going to disappear again one day and doesn't want to get to close to you so that it doesn't hit her as hard if you do." He added softly. "I could be wrong on that, she might just have horribly awkward, but I'm almost certain that she couldn't bounce back from loosing you again. I don't know if I could either." he finished quietly, looking down at his lap.

The two sat in silence for a few moments, before Virgil sniffed slightly and shifted to lean against his father.

"I promise I'll never leave." He said as he hurried his face in his father's shoulder. "If I ever do 'disappear' I'll do everything I can to get back to you both."

"I'm sure you will," his father said as he held Virgil closer, "but don't forget about those boys of yours, you'll need to come back to them to."

Virgil blushed slightly and smiled as he nodded. "I know, although I'm sure they'd come get me before I could get back to them." He added.

They sat in comfortable silence after that, Virgil still held against his father in a one armed hug.

"You should tell your mother sooner than later," he began softly, "I can assure you she won't mind, she might actually be happy in a way."

"Happy?" Virgil asked in confusion.

"Yes, she could finally send decline letters to the ever growing stack of suitors she's been getting mail from." He said. "She and I have been extremely hesitant about letting you see anymore suitors after what happened with Miss Kaitlyn." He said. "She doesn't want you to get hurt for for someone to just try and use you."

A small shudder went down Virgil's spine as he remember Kaitlyn, before smiling. "I'm sure Roman, Logan, and Patton will appreciate her doing that, they got very jealous." He said with a smile and flushed cheeks.

"I'm not surprised, from what I can remember being told to me she was basically pushing herself onto you any chance she got."

"Maybe a little." Virgil said with a small laugh, "they took care of it though." He said with a fond smile that his father didn't miss.

"You really do love them don't you." His father said softly.

"Yeah, yeah I really do." Virgil said, his voice just as soft.

The two sat there for quite a bit of time, just chatting and enjoying their time together before heading back to the castle.

Virgil, after wishing his father goodnight, went to Romans room, where he found his three boyfriends curled up and half asleep.

They quickly pulled him into their cuddle pile, and he told them about his day.

All three where surprised about his father having figured it out, but where happy that he wasn't angry or anything.

They agreed to help him figure out what to say to his mother, since he agreed with his father on her deserving to know now that his father knew.

He fell asleep that night, contently curled up with Roman against his chest, most of his worries laid to rest for the night.

Here was this.
Hopefully yalls enjoyed it.

The next chapter will be out soon.

And a change of plans, Chapter 38 (parts 1-3) are the chapters with sex in it. Just a fair warning.

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