Chapter 40

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Prompt: Pillow fight with Pat and Virgil being cute

This chapter might be short, it might not be, who knows, I haven't finished writing it yet and I don't know yalls definition of a "long" chapter verses a "short" chapter.
Anywho, I hope yalls like it!
It's gunna be cringy as heck though

Virgil leaned back against the headboard of Logan's bed, gently carding his fingers through Logan's hair as the taller male leaned against his chest. It had been a busy week for everyone, Virgil with his lessons, Roman and Patton with their new guard training, and Logan with his own new studies and lessons as well, so they were all pretty tired and ready to just cuddle and be with each other that night.

Patton and Roman were also in bed with them, the latter humming as Patton massaged his back to help with his sore muscles.

"You're really good at that." Roman mumbled as he turned his head to look back at Patton from where it had previously need buried in a pillow.

"Awe, thanks," Patton said with a bright smile. "I'm glad you think so." He added, before digging his thumbs into a particularly tender spot, earning a soft groan from Roman.

"Maybe next time you'll remember that you need to stretch first." Virgil said, smirking over at Roman as he massaged Logan's scalp.

"Oh I remembered to stretch first." Roman said as he tilted his head up to wiggle his eyebrows and wink at him.

Virgil face flushed bright red and he quickly snatched up one of the pillows, before throwing it in Romans face. "I hate you." He muttered.

Roman couldn't help laughing as he threw the pillow back at him, hitting him square in the face. "You know you love me."

Virgil huffed and threw the pillow back at him. "Do I though?" He asked with a small smirk.

"Yes, yes you do," Roman said, "otherwise I think our relationship would get a bit awkward if you were faking it." He added as he threw the pillow back at him, but accidentally hit Logan instead.

They paused and looked at Logan, who carefully sat up as adjusted his glasses.

"I hope you know that was meant for Virgil." Roman said.

"Yes I know that Roman," Logan said as he picked the pillow up. "But that fact will not help you." He added with a small smirk.

"Wait wha-" Roman was cut off by Logan throwing the pillow back at him, hitting him in the face.

"Logan it was an accident." Roman whined as he threw the pillow back at the two of them, but Virgil caught it instead of getting hit.

"There are no accidents." Logan said as he snatched up a different pillow and threw it back at Roman, while Virgil threw his at Patton, who purposefully fell over with an exaggerated oof when he was hit, earning a laugh from Virgil.

Virgil and Logan teamed up from then on, while Patton and Roman did the same, and Roman eventually took things off of the bed and into the rest of the room, luring Logan after him with several pillows tucked under his arms as ammo.

Virgil threw another pillow at Patton, who managed to catch it and throw it back. He smirked at Patton, who beamed back at him, although his grin was quickly hidden when Virgil threw the pillow back at his face, managing to hit him this time.

He took his chance and quickly lunged forwards, pinning Patton down onto the mattress. He straddled Patton's hips, a knee on either side of his waist, and smiled down at him when Patton shoved the pillow away.

"This seems unfair," Patton said as he looked up at him.

"All is fair in love and war." Virgil said with a shrug, before moving his hands down to Patton's ribs.

"Don't you dare mister," Patton said as he gave him a small glare, but it didn't have any heat to it.

Virgil just laughed softly and began to tickle him, digging the tips of his fingers into his ribs.

Patton squealed softly and quickly covered his mouth to stifle his laugh as Virgil tickled him. He tried to and squirm away, but Virgil wasn't having it. His fingers skittered across Patton's sides and up to his neck, always finding a new spot to tickle whenever Patton managed to wiggle away from the spot he'd been attacking before.

Patton began to try to push Virgil's hands away as he laughed, not bothering to stifle his giggles anymore and focusing on getting Virgil to stop.

He eventually managed to get a hold of Virgil's hands and pulled them away from his sensitive sides and other ticklish place, moving them to sit on either side of Patton's head, still tightly held in his own hands.

"Now that's enough of that," Patton said, still smiling as he panted softly, his cheeks red from all the smiling and laughing.

"I suppose it is." Virgil said with a small laugh as he looked down at him. "Would you prefer a kiss instead?" He asked.

"I would very much so prefer a kiss." Patton said as he squeezed Virgil's hands.

Virgil smiled and leaned down, gently capturing his lips in a slow and sweet kiss as he squeezed his hands in return.

Patton hummed softly and closed his eyes as he kissed him back, relaxing into the mattress.

"Well isn't this sweet." Roman said from somewhere next to the bed, him and Logan having noticed that their pillow fight was over.

Virgil slowly pulled away from the kiss and sat up as he looked over at Roman. "I won." He said with a smile.

"Excuse you mister, you didn't win," Patton said as he looked up at Virgil, "you cheated." He huffed.

"It wasn't cheating," Virgil said, "I was going at it from a different angle."

"Cheating." Patton said with a pout as he childishly turned his head away with a small hmph.

"Would more kisses make it better?" Virgil asked as he cupped Patton's cheek and turned his head back to face him.

"It's gunna take a lot of kisses to make up for such a high level of treachery," Patton said, "I don't know if your up for the task."

"I'll do any task for you." Virgil said with a smile as he gently rubbed Patton's cheekbone with his thumb.

He watched as Patton's face turned a bright scarlet. "Y-you're too sweet," he hummed shyly.
"But, if that's the case then you'd better get started on those kisses mister." He added.

"Will do." Virgil said before leaning down and pressing a kiss to Patton's cheek, and then another one to his jaw, and then another to the spot just bellow his ear. He began to pepper his face and neck with sweet kisses, earning a smile and a few small giggles from Patton.

"Virgil I need you to betray me." Roman said from where he was now leaning against the bed with his elbows propped up on the mattress and his knees on the floor.

"And why is that?" Virgil asked in between kisses.

"Cause I wanna get smothered in kisses." He said with a pout.

"Are my kisses not as good as Virgil's?" Logan said with a raised brow.

"Oh no specs your kisses are amazing," Roman said as he turned to look at him, still having his elbows propped onto the bed, but now he was leaning back against it as he faced Logan, "are you offering?" He asked.

"Perhaps," Logan said, "would I have to betray you first?"

"It's not a requirement." Roman said with a small smirk as he moved to sit criss-cross.

"Then I believe I'll be able to work something out." Logan said with a smile as he moved sit in Romans lap, his knees on the floor on either side of Romans hips.

Roman smiled and wrapped his arms around Logan's waist, but didn't pull him closer as Logan cupped his jaw in both hands and pulled him into a gentle kiss.

Patton tore his gaze away from his kissing boyfriends, and looked back to Virgil"I think that's enough kisses now," he said with a smile, his face flushed.

"You sure? Cause I can still give you more." Virgil said as he pressed a kiss to the pulse point on Patton's neck.

Patton hummed softly but gently nudged him back, "I'm sure," he said, "your debt has been fulfilled and I am no longer betrayed."

Virgil laughed softly and nodded, "Alright pat." He said as he got up off of him and let him sit up.

He glanced over and saw Logan peppering Roman with kisses like he had done to Patton, although his lasted longer and he left little pink marks on the kisses he placed on Romans neck, making a constellation of light hickies across his skin.

"You know the bed might be a bit more comfortable than the floor." He said as he moved to lean against the headboard, Patton cuddling up against his side meremoments later.

"That may be true but I personally don't want to get up right now." Logan said after pulling away from Romans neck for a second.

"I think I can help with that." Roman said as he tightened his hold around Logan's waist and maneuvered himself into his knees while Logan quickly wrapped his arms and legs around him.

"If you drop me you don't get any more kisses or cuddles." Logan said as he clung to him tighter while Roman carefully stood up.

"It's a good thing I'm not dropping you then." Roman said as he carried Logan abound the bed.

He carefully sat down and moved to be next to Virgil, keeping Logan in his lap.

"And tada, we are now on the comfy bed." He said as he pressed a kiss to Logan's cheek.

"Indeed we are." Logan said with a small yawn, before moving to continue kissing Romans neck.

Patton snuggled closer to Virgil, halfway in his lap as he wrapped his arms around him.

"You know, I take it back," he said softly, "I don't think you've fulfilled your debt yet."

"Is this you asking for more kisses?" Virgil asked.

"No, this is me asking for revenge." Patton said with an impish grin.

"Revenge?" Virgil asked slowly.

"Yup," Patton all but chirped, before moving his hands to Virgil's sides and digging his fingers into Virgil's ribs.

Virgil gasped softly and squealed before trying to wiggle away while also trying to cover his sides with his arms, but Patton still managed to continue tickling him, drawing out a string and small giggles that bubbled up in Virgil's throat as he squirmed.

"Awe, your laugh is always so cute," Patton cooed as he moved one of his hands to tickle around Virgil's neck, "and your face is flushed suck a pretty pink, don't you think so guys?"

Roman hummed in agreement, "very pretty," he said, as he gently carded his fingers through Logan's hair, "but I think he's getting a bit tired." He added.

Virgil was gasping between his laughs and giggles, and wasn't even wiggling around anymore, just taking it with only a few twitches.

"Awe are you tired? Ready for bed?" Patton asked softly as he pulled his hands away and moved to cup Virgil's cheeks in his palms.

Virgil panted softly as he nodded, before leaning into Patton's touch with a small hum, a smile still covering his face.

"So cute." patton said with a coo as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's forehead, before moving away and getting out of the bed to turn the lights off.

"Not as cute as you." Virgil countered as he moved to snuggle into Romans side.

"I don't know about that," Patton said as he moved back to the bed, taking his glasses off and setting them on the bedside table. "You're pretty cute."

"You're both adorable," Roman said, "now  snuggle and try not to wake specs up, he's already conked out." He said, his voice gentle as he pressed a kiss to a slumbering Logan's temple.

Patton smiled and went around the bed to take off Logan's glasses, setting them next to his own, before climbing into bed and snuggling up to Virgil as they all shifted into more comfortable positions and pulled the blankets over them.

Patton traced invisible patterns across Virgil's skin as he waited for the comforting tug of sleep that had claimed Roman in addition to Logan not that long ago.

Virgil turned over so that he was facing Patton now, a small sleepy smile on his face.

"Am I forgiven now?" He asked teasingly, his voice barely louder than a whisper.

Patton smiled and chuckled softly, "of course you are silly." He said.

Virgil hummed softly and nodded before he leaned forwards and pressed a kiss to Patton's forehead. "Let's get some sleep." He said, wrapping his arms around Patton waist and pulling him close, tucking his head against his chest and under his chin.

Patton smiled and snuggled closer, sleep quickly over taking him as he soaked up Virgil's warmth and listened to his gentle breathing and heartbeat.

And tada, have another chapter.
This was very cringy and I have many regrets but I'm too tired to care right now so bleh.
The next chapter will be out soon, I've already started writing it.
Hopefully yalls like this chapter!

And feel free to comment or pm me your thoughts or a request for this!!


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