Chapter 43

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Prompt: "they're in the market for the day and Virgil goes off on his own because he wanted to find something for the other three to thank them for taking care of him while he was sick. But while he's not paying attention, a random guy comes up to him, pushes him in an alleyway and kisses him. What Virgil doesn't know is that Pat Lo and Ro saw and think he's cheating on him. Angst with happy ending."

Okay wow
This is gunna be a fun rollercoaster of emotions
And probably a bit on the long side.
I kinda don't think this would actually happen, I think they would try and pull him off and get angry at the dude and all before thinking he was cheating.
But hey, a prompt is a prompt.

Hope yalls are ready for a n g s t.

With some fluff I suppose.
Hopefully yalls like it!!

Warning: consent issues and cursing

Virgil smiled as he ducked behind a cart, peeking between a few of the flowers on it to watch his boyfriends as they continued walking, not realizing he was gone yet.

He'd needed to sneak away so he could get them their gifts without them finding out, he wanted it to be a surprise after all.

He quickly began making his way to the eastern side of the market when he wasn't able see them anymore, but still kept an eye out for them as he made his way. They probably noticed that he was gone by now, so he needed to be quick.

He had placed in an order at a local jewelry shop, and got a letter saying that his order was ready for pick up today. He was so excited that he'd practically begged his parents to let him go to town, happily agree when they said he'd need to take Roman, Logan and Patton with him.

Virgil gasped in surprised as someone suddenly grabbed his wrist and yanked him into an alleyway he'd been walking by on his way to the jewelry shop.

"What are you-" he was cut off by the person slamming him into the wall and pinning his wrists to either side of his face.

"Hey! Stop-" he was cut off again by the person surging forwards and capturing his lips in a kiss, shoving his tongue into Virgil's mouth as he let out a small yelp.

It felt disgusting, and violating even. Virgil writhed and tried to squirm his way out of his grasp or at least away from the kiss, but the guy pushed him harder against the wall, smacking the back of Virgil's head against the wall and clacking their teeth together.

He felt a knee slip between his legs and up towards his crotch, and made an angry and disgruntled sound as he tried to shove back against the man, only for him to dig his fingers into the tendons of Virgil's wrists painfully. He then began to bite and pull at Virgil's bottom lip, making Virgil involuntarily whine.

The man eventually pulled away from the gasp, leaving Virgil gasping, before moving down to his neck and biting painfully at a spot near his pulse.

"Get the fuck off of me." Virgil said between pants as he kicked his legs, managing to hit the guy in the stomach with his knee.

The guy bit down harder, making Virgil yelp and gasp before kneeing him in the stomach again, harder this time, doing it again and again.

The guys grip loosened on Virgil's wrists and he quickly wrenched them free. He shoved the man away before punching him in the jaw, and yeah it hurt Virgil's hand but it sent the guy sprawling on to the ground.

Not bothering to check if the guy got back up or not, Virgil quickly ran out of the alleyway and down the street, only stopping when he got to the jewelry shop.

What the fuck was that? He felt so dirty, his skin crawling where he'd been touched and feeling like he wanted to vomit from the taste of the guy still in his mouth.

He shook off his discomfort though, and pulled his hood up a bit more before entering the shop, putting in a fake smile as he was greeted by the store clerk.


Virgil had had just about enough.

Roman Logan and Patton were all acting weird, they had been all week.

They'd been distant, and seemed uncomfortable every time he held one of their hands or gave them a kiss, it was really spiking his anxiety.

He'd asked them what was wrong, but each of them had brushed the question off before making some excuse and leaving.

He stepped into Patton's room, where the three of them were, quietly closing the door behind him.

"Guys, can we talk?" Virgil began.

He watched as the three of them stiffened.

"Sure Virgil!" Patton said with a smile, "what is it?"

"Well, um," Virgil glanced at the floor, "is...everything okay?" He asked.

"What do you mean?"

"It's guys have been acting different lately, and I don't know why." He said.

None of them said anything, and Virgil took another step farther into the room.

"Did something happen? If something happened or is happening then I can help." He insisted.

"No I don't think you can help Virgil." Roman said softly from his seat on the edge of the bed.

"But- I think I can, please just tell me what's wrong, I can try to make it better-"

"Virgil, this isn't really something-"

"Patton please, I'm trying to figure out what's wrong, but you guys aren't giving me anything, just let me-"

"Just go away Virgil," Roman said as he stood up, an irritated expression on his face. "There's nothing you can do about this except make it worse, so please just go away." He said, his irratedes expression turning into one that looked more hurt, which concerned Virgil, but he quickly brushed his concern away as a twinge anger twisted inside of him.

"What's your problem?" Virgil said as he glared at Roman, "you've all been distant and weird, did I do something?"

"Guys, lets just take a quick-"

"No! If I did something wrong then I want to know!" Virgil interrupted Patton, feeling a small bit of guilt as Patton flinched slightly and took a step back, but it was quickly smothered by his rising anger and anxiety.

"Yes! Yes you did Virgil, are you happy now!?" Roman growled as he glared at him, taking a step closer to him.

"Well what did I do then?! What did I do that was so wrong that it made you all act like this?"

"Oh, I don't know," Roman began sarcastically, "maybe making out with someone else!" He spat.

"What? Roman I never made out with anyone else, why the fuck would you think that?" Virgil spluttered, looking at him in confusion.

"Because I saw you!" Roman yelled. "He had you against the wall and you two were making out and he was touching you and-"

"So you saw what, five seconds and ran off to go tell Patton and Logan?" Virgil said angrily, "cause I guess you missed the part where I told him to get the fuck off me and socked him in the face." He hissed.

"You- I- what?"

"Did you ever think that maybe I didn't want to kiss that asshole? That maybe he dragged me into that alleyway and pinned me to the wall?"

Patton took a hesitant step closer to him. "Virgil we didn't-"

"Stop," Virgil interrupted as he held a hand up, taking a deep breath, "I don't want- I can't deal with this right now." He said as he shook his head and walked over to the door. "Take a moment to think for once and come find me when you're not gunna be a bunch of assholes." He said, before leaving the room. He didn't slam the door.

Virgil stormed out of the castle, heading out into the gardens where he could calm down.

His feet carried him to the tree him and the others usually sat under when they had free time, and he felt tears well up in his eyes.

He sat down at the base of the tree and sniffed as he reached into the inner pocket of his vest, pulling out the gifts he'd gotten for them that day.

He felt another twinge of anger inside him and scowled before throwing them away and over one of the hedges near the tree, not wanting to look at them right now or ever again really. He was too upset.

He pulled his knees up to his chest as tears ran down his face, sniffing softly as he looked at the soft grass gently swaying in the breeze.

He was angry, angry at Roman and the others for just assuming and not actually talking to him, angry that they thought he'd cheat on them. But on the other hand he could also kinda understand. If he thought he'd seen one of them making out with someone else then he probably would have run away too instead of standing to watch, so he couldn't really blame Roman for that.

But he was also sad, and a bit hurt. He'd thought they'd talk to him if they had a problem, communication was important in relationships, and he knew they knew that.

But he couldn't blame them for that earlier. It's hard to talk about things, especially things that make you upset or that you just want to forget about.

Of course he was also partly to blame in the mess, he didn't tell them what had happened with the guy. Sure it wasn't really their business, but if he had just told them about it then maybe none of this would have been happening. But it wasn't something he wanted to talk about, and he didn't want to make them upset, so he'd kept it to himself. Maybe not the best decision.

"Your highness? Um, Virgil? Are you okay?"

Virgil looked up and saw Bailey, a member of the castle staff, standing in front of him, a concerned look on their face.

"Oh, hi Bailey." Virgil said as he quickly tried to wipe his tears away, despite knowing that they had probably already seen his puffy red eyes an the tear tracks. "Sorry, did I interrupt your work?"

"No you didn't," they said as they carefully moved to sit down next to Virgil. " everything okay?" They asked cautiously.

Virgil sniffed and let out a small sad laugh, "no, no I don't think it is."


Virgil didn't slam the door, but when he closed it the three of them flinched like he had.

Angry tears welled up in Romans eyes and he quickly looked away from where he'd been staring at the spot Virgil had just been standing in. "Fuck I messed up." He said as he quickly tried to wipe away his tears as they spilled down his face. "God I'm such an idiot." He mumbled into his hands as he rubbed his eyes, ultimately failing at stopping the flow of his tears.

"Hey, no you're not." Patton said softly as he carefully put a hand on Romans shoulder, only for Roman to push his hand away and take a few steps away from him.

"No I really am pat," He said with a sniff, "I'm so fucking stupid, don't try to make me feel better." He said as he took a few more steps back.

"I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, I just saw him and bolted and fuck I'm so stupid." His back hit the wall and he slid down it till he was sitting with his knees pressed to his chest, his face still buried in his hands. "And then I told you guys without knowing what was happening and now he's mad at us and I hurt him and he hates me and I made him mad at you and- a-and-" He hiccuped softly, cutting himself off as a lump formed in his throat.

"Hey, now you listen to me right now mister." Patton said sternly as he kneeled down next to Roman. "You're not an idiot, and you're not stupid," he said, "yes you made a mistake but making mistakes is okay," he said, his voice going from stern to gentle, "and it's not entirely your fault, both me and Logan didn't react well to the situation either." He added.

"B-but I-" Roman choked, "n-now he's so mad and he hates me." He said with a sniff as he curled up a bit more.

"Roman can I touch you?" Patton asked, keeping his voice calm.

Roman hesitated before nodding sharply, still hiccuping softly.

Patton placed a gentle hand on Romans knee, "I'm sure he doesn't hate you," Paton said, "yes he probably feels hurt and he's probably upset, any of us would be if we were in his shoes in the whole mess." He continued as he moved his hands up to pry Romans hands away from his face, holding them gently. "You can't blame yourself though, cause it's not only your fault." He said softly, a sad expression on his face. All three of them were at fault.

Roman sniffed as he looked at Patton, before nodding as he uncurled his legs, and hesitantly opened his arms. "Please..."

Patton quickly pulled him into a hug, tucking Romans head under his chin as he held him tightly, murmuring soft reassurances into his hair. Roman cried softly as he buried his face against Patton's neck hugging him tightly.

It took him several minutes to calm down, his breathing slowly calming and going back to normal, with the occasional sniff.

He pulled his head back and looked at his other boyfriend who'd been quiet the whole time.


Logan glanced away for a second before kneeling down in front of the two of them, who watched as he took a deep breath before speaking.

"You made a mistake," he began, and he and Patton couldn't help but notice the small flinch from Roman, "you jumped to a conclusion and spread information without checking the facts and it was very wrong for you to do." He continued. "You hurt Virgil, and it's going to take time to make things better and back to normal."

"But..." Logan paused. "Even the best people make mistakes, and Patton is correct that neither he or I reacted well to the situation." He said slowly, "all three of us hurt Virgil by not bringing the problem up to him in a civil and calm way, which is why things escalated," he continued. "The best thing we can do right now is to either wait for Virgil to come back, or go to him." He said.

"But, we don't know where he went." Roman said.

"We could check his room," Patton suggested. "Or-" He was cut off by a knock on the door.

The three of them paused, glancing at each other, before Logan stood and walked over to the door, pulling it open.

There stood Bailey, a slightly anxious but determined look on their face.

"Hello," Logan said as he cocked an eyebrow. "This is not the best time..."

"I know," Bailey said, "I talked with Virgil." They added.

Both Roman and Patton perked up at that. "Do you know where he is?" Patton asked. "We need to talk to him." He added.

Bailey seemed to hesitate before nodding. "Yes I know where he is," they said, "'re not going to yell at him again are you?" They asked, their eyes lingering on Roman for a few seconds, watching as he visibly deflated, a pained and guilty look on is face.

"No, we just want to talk and get everything cleared up." Logan said. "We don't have any plans on letting things get out of hand again." He added.

Bailey nodded. "Alright," they said, "follow me."

Bailey lead all three of them out to the garden, and to their tree where Virgil was sitting with Remy perched on his shoulder, the raven puffing up slightly and letting out a low hiss as they walked closer, only stoping when Virgil gently shushed him.

He had explained everything to Bailey, who had talked with him and helped to calm him down before leaving to get the other three.

"I'm going to be nearby," Bailey said as the three of them sat across from Virgil, none of them looking at each other, "and I'll still be in ear shot, so I'll know if you start arguing again and I'll come stop it." They added, casting a glance between all of them, before turning around the corner and leaving the four of them alone, Remy quickly following after him when Virgil told him to and that he'd be okay by himself.

They sat in silence for a few seconds, before Roman took a deep breath.


"Stop." Virgil interrupted, finally looking up at them. "Just...can I explain what happened? Please?" He asked, glancing between them.

Roman blinked, slightly surprised, but nodded slowly.

Virgil nodded and took a deep breath. "So," He began, "that day in the market I snuck away from the three of you, and while I was gone I was grabbed and pulled into an alley, where a guy kissed and touched me without my consent." He said, noticing how all three of them stiffened. "I eventually managed to get out of his hold and punched him before running away and eventually coming back to you guys." He said. "Now you explain what happened from your point of view." He said.

Bailey had told him that they should, before trying to discuss everything and make it better, fully understand what everyone had though happened. Get everyone's point of view.

"Well, we notice you had disappeared," Roman began, "so we decided to split up and look for you, which is when I saw you in the alley." Roman continued as he looked down at the ground, "It looked like you were making out with him, and I didn't see you struggling, although I couldn't really see your face." He added. "I was surprised, and hurt, and ran away, then I found Logan and Patton and told them what I had seen, or what I had thought I'd seen."

"We didn't know what to do at first," Patton said, picking things up after Roman stopped talking, "we didn't want to confront you about it there in public, so we were going to wait to talk with you about it back here." He continued. "But then you were just acting so normal, as if nothing had happened, which helped make it seem more believable that you had gone to make out with this guy on purpose and didn't want us to know, since we thought you'd be acting different if you hadn't wanted it and had been forced." He added. "It got awkward, and we ended up not talking about it, and I guess our awkwardness lead to distancing ourselves from you and acting differently." He admitted.

"And then I confronted you about it." Virgil said softly as he looked at them with a sad expression.

"Yeah..." Patton said with a small nod.

Virgil sighed softly. "I was trying to act normal so that you guys couldn't see how shaken up about it I was." He admitted, "I didn't want to make you worry, so I just tried to forget about it, pretend it never happened and act normal. I guess it kinda backfired though." He added. "If I had told you from the start than none of this would have happened."

"But if I hadn't jumped to conclusions then this wouldn't have happened either," Roman said, "I should have trusted you more, I should have realized that you wouldn't have cheated on us, but I just-" he cut himself off as he started to get worked up again, biting his lip and looking away.

"Roman, I love you three more than anything," Virgil said, "I should have trusted you guys to not get upset and just told you from the start." He added.

"...I guess we need to work on trusting each other more." Patton said softly.

"And communication." Logan said, finally speaking. "The main parts of our situation that are problematic are because of lack of a clear communication between us. If you hadn't tried to hide it to make us happy then none of this would have happened, and if we had expressed our concerns to you in a calm manner then none of this would have happened." He continued. "I know everyone is a bit hurt, and everyone has the right to be considering all that has happened," he glanced between the three of them. "But...I still love you all, very dearly, and don't want our relationship to end because of this, albeit very large, misunderstanding." He said.

"Me too," Patton said. "I can't imagine not being able to be with you three."

"Gosh me too," Roman said, and suddenly there were tears in his eyes again, "I can't imagine not being able to hold you all, and kiss you, and love you, and take care of you, and make you happy." He said as he sniffed and moved to wipe his tears away.

Virgil stayed silent for a few seconds, before sniffing as well. "You guys got me crying again," he said with a small laugh as he also moved his hand to try and wipe his tears away.

"Virgil-" Patton started, but stopped when Virgil shook his head.

He sniffed again before looking up at them, and giving them a small watery smile. "Me too." He said softly, "I don't want this to be the end for us, you guys mean so much to me, I can't-" his voice cut off for a second, "I can't imaging ever being happy without you." He said softly as he looked up at them, before opening his arms.

A new wave of tears welled up in Romans eyes, and he quickly moved forward, hugging Virgil tightly and burying his face in the crook of his neck as he cried, but smiled as he felt both Patton and Logan join the hug as well.

They continued to talk, each of them promising to be better about talking and expressing their concerns, even if they were small.

"Hey Virgil," Patton asked, his voice soft.

They were all cuddled together under the tree now, with Roman held against Virgil's chest in his lap with Patton and Logan pressed to either side of them, a pile of tangled arms and legs that was somehow comfortable and grounding.

"Yeah?" Virgil said as he turned his head to look at him, resting his chin on the top of Romans head.

"Why did you sneak away that day?" He asked. "If you don't mind my asking." He added.

Virgil blushed, and a sheepish smile crept its way into his face.

"I um, I had been getting you guys a gift, as a thank you for taking care of me while I was sick." He said shyly as he shifted to reach into his inner vest pocket. Bailey had went and found them before giving them back to Virgil, saying he shouldn't get rid of them unless their relationship truly was over.

"Awe Virgil, you didn't need to get us anything," Patton cooed as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's cheek. "Taking care of you and making you happy was enough."

"Now I feel like even more of an asshole." Roman muttered softly.

"Hush, you're not an asshole I was just angry when I said that." Virgil said softly as he held him closer.

"Then I'm an idiot." Roman said.

"Well you're my idiot, and I don't let my idiots think they're idiots," Virgil said, "only I'm allowed to think that my idiots are idiots."

"That doesn't even make any sense." Roman said with a small laugh.

"Hush babe and except your present." Virgil said as he opened his hand for all of them to see.

In his palm sat four lockets, glimmering pale gold in the sun. They were circles, roughly an inch and a half in diameter, and were engraved with a beautiful sun design on the front.
On the back of each were additional engravings of small sprigs, each different, and the owners name in an elegant font.

Virgil's had a single hellebore stem, Logan's had a fluffy sprig of jacaranda, Patton's had a cluster of oxeye daises, and Roman's had bundle of marigolds.

"Oh Virgil," Patton said as he gently picked up the one with his name, "they're so pretty." He said softly as he looked it over.

"You really like them? I wasn't sure if you guys would." Virgil admitted as he gave Logan and Roman theirs.

"I don't like it," Roman said as he carefully turned the locket over in his hand, "I love it." He said with a fond smile.

"Will you help me put mind on?" Logan asked Patton, a smile gracing his lips as well.

"Of course," Patton said, before moving so he was behind Logan, carefully clasping the necklace behind his neck. The locket falling to rest in the middle of his sternum, where it continued to glimmer in the sun brightly.

"Help me with mine?" Patton asked, and the two quickly switched positions so that Logan could help Patton with his necklace too.

"Can I put yours on you?" Roman asked, a little hesitant.

Virgil smiled at him, "I'd love that." He said, and the two moved so that Roman could put on Virgil's necklace, before Virgil did the same for him.

"There isn't anything inside of them." Virgil said as he pulled Roman back into his lap, wrapping his arms around his waist and hooking his chin over his shoulder. "So you can find something to put in them on your own." He added.

"I'm going to find something that reminds me of you guys inside." Patton said as he gently touched the locket around his neck with a small fond smile.

"I might do that too," Virgil said, "then I won't feel so alone when I need to go on trips by myself." He added softly.

"You won't be alone for much longer." Logan said, "we'll finish our training and studies soon, and then we can go with you." He said.

Virgil smiled and closed his eyes as he hugged Roman tighter. "I know, but you won't always be able to come with me." He said.

"Then we'll exchange letters if you're gone for too long and we can't come for whatever reason," Roman said as he tilted his head back to lean against Virgil's shoulder. "If you ever feel lonely then just write to us."

"I'll keep that in mind." Virgil said with a small laugh.

They spent the rest of the day outside, sitting under the tree, and that night they all gathered in Virgil's room and exchanged many kisses and cuddles, the three of them quickly peppering Virgil's neck and collarbone with hickeys when he told them that the guy from before had left a hickey and teethmarks, the three of them wanting to cover it up and move past the whole ordeal.

It was still going to be a little awkward and it was going to take a bit of time for everything to settle and go back to normal, but they'd work through it together.

And huzzah another chapter.
Hopefully yalls like this one 👌
The neck chapter should be out soon!!

Feel free to comment your opinions or any requests!!


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