Chapter 61

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Prompt: the backstory for how Roman, Patton and Logan met and how they became thieves.

Hope yalls are ready for some fun!
We already know Logan's past, but now it's time to learn Roman's and Patton's, along with how they all met and eventually became thieves.

Virgil looked over at roman sleeping next to him, his hair a mess as he snored contently. They'd moved around in the night, with logan now pressed up against Romans back and patton sprawled out on the other side of him, all three still sleeping.

He was content to just lay there and admire them though, gently brushing the hair out of Romans face. He stilled as Roman hummed softly and pressed the side of his face into the pillow before stilling again, and Virgil smiled at the action. He and his boyfriends often argued with each other over who was the cutest, though Virgil knew that they would never come to any form of agreement, especially with each of them doing something -even something as simple as giving him flower or a kiss on the cheek- that simply made him fall even more in love with them.

He almost couldn't believe that it was almost a year ago that he'd first met them, just a few months shy of a year really. So much had happened since he'd left his tower, he was almost afraid things were going too fast.

Not that he wanted things to stop, he loved all three of them and he was happy to be back with his parents, but a year seemed like such a short time. And if he was being honest there was still so much about Roman, Logan and Patton that he didn't know yet. That didn't mean he loved them any less, just that he still had some much more to love them for when he got closer to them. Of course he knew stories, the three of them had been almost as eager as he'd been to tell him about their travels and adventures together, all the heists they pulled and how they got out of trouble, and all the fun times they'd had, but they never really talked about the bad stuff.

Though he could understand that, it wasn't like he'd told them every bad time he'd ever experienced, and nobody likes to bring up bad memories, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't think that the three of them had a closeness to them that he just wasn't a part of. It wasn't super obvious, he doubted any of them even noticed, it was just the little things that he noticed. Roman knew all of Pattons favorite things to do and how to cheer him up at any time, Logan knew that Roman hated anything pickled and that Patton had a little trouble reading books that weren't stories, and so much more about each other. Of course he knew plenty about them as well, and them him, but still.

Again, it had only been just under a year, albeit a very chaotic year with magic, kidnappings and poison, and the three of them had know each other for multiple years before that. So he wasn't all that surprised or even upset at their closeness, he just wanted to be on the same level at some point. Not exactly jealous, but more excited for when that would happen.

"Whatcha thinking about?" a soft and tired voice mumbled next to him, and Virgil blinked before glancing down, locking eyes with Roman, who looked back at him with eyes still hooded from sleep and a content smile across his lips.

"Nothing much," Virgil said as he shifted slightly closer to him and draped an arm over Romans waist. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, did you?" Roman asked as he tilted his head so that the fluffiest tufts of his hair tickled the edge of Virgil's jaw and chin, apparently content to allow himself to relax into the pillow and close his eyes again.

Virgil wasn't sure if he believed Roman, so much had happened yesterday he wouldn't be surprised if he'd had trouble sleeping -Virgil knew he himself had had an okay sleep, but even he'd had some trouble -what with the attempted murder, Logan being hurt and getting his magic back- but he wasn't the one who had learned a previously dead great-uncle was actually alive and wanted to teach him about potions on top of those things.

"I slept pretty well," he said as he pressed a kiss to the crown of Romans head, "are you hungry at all? I can go grab us some breakfast -we didn't have dinner last night," he muttered into his hair, "I'm sure those too will be hungry," he added.

"I guess I could eat," Roman said, "want me to go with you?"

"Nah, you stay here and cuddle with Logan and Pat, maybe wake them up if you think they'll want hot breakfast," he said as he reluctantly pulled away from Roman, stretching as he rolled onto his back.

"Alright, if you're sure," Roman said as Virgil got up out of the bed and walked over to Roman's wardrobe, stealing a clean pair of pants and one of his loose red tunics with gold embroidery around the edges, quickly changing into them as he stretched, before running a hand through his golden locks.

"I can't tell if I like the golden hair," Roman said, "I think darker colored goes better with your skin and eyes," he admitted.

"Yeah, I'm not the biggest fan of the gold myself," Virgil admitted, pulling a small bit of his hair forwards so he could look at it, "but the potion the apothecary is bringing should turn it to how it was before it was cut, so it'll get dark again." He said, before inwardly wincing as a frown slipped onto Roman's face.

"Forget about that," Virgil said with a dismissive wave of his hand as if the action could dispel whatever thoughts had just crawled into Romans mind, "I think Patton and Logan need more cuddles, and I need to go get food -I'll be back soon okay?" He said as he stepped towards the bed and leaned down to press another kiss to Roman's forehead.

"Alright," Roman said, a small smile replacing the frown, "be careful okay?"

"Of course," Virgil said with a small laugh before he stepped away and left Roman's room, heading down to the dinning room.

His parents were already sitting at the table when he got down there, though both of them looked slightly surprised to see him.

"Good morning dear -did you sleep well?" His mother said as she gave him a kind smile.

Virgil nodded as he shifted his weight slightly, "yes I did, and good morning," he added.

"We weren't expecting any of you to be up for breakfast today, but you're all more then welcome to join us if you'd like," his father said as he gestured to the empty seats at the table.

Virgil shook his head slightly, a smile smile on his face, "it's appreciated, but I was going to bring food up there, I don't think Roman or Logan are going to be up for much socializing today." He said apologetically.

"That's completely understandable dear," his father said with a smile, "you're welcome to take anything here or we can have something else prepared for you," he added.

"And you tell Roman and Logan to rest and take as long as they need, a lot happened yesterday and none of you need to worry about anything for at least a few days," his mother said with a stern motherly look that told him not to argue with her on that -which he didn't plan on.

"I will, and I think I'll see what the cooks can whip up real fast, just something simple," he said as he gave them each a small nod before ducking out of the room with a small goodbye, which both of them returned.

He went to the kitchens next, where he was soon given a tray stacked with two freshly baked quiches, filled with spinach, cheese, mushrooms, and ham, and a kettle of hot chamomile tea with a small dish of honey, along with the necessary utensils and dishes.

He made his way back up to Roman's room, a fidgety Remy swooping in through a window and landing on his shoulder as he made his way back up, the raven clicking softly and pecking at his hair almost affectionately as he walked up the stairs towards the corridor for their rooms. He just barely managed to open the door without dropping the tray -after one or two attempts at least, and he quickly made his way inside the room, gently nudging the door closed again with his foot.

Roman was now sitting up on his bed, his back leaned against the headboard with Logan half asleep still and tucked snug against his right side, and Patton half in his lap on his left side, and he had an arm wrapped around each of them.

Virgil was again, reminded on how close the three of them were, his thoughts from earlier creeping back in -but he quickly pushed them to the back of his mind and instead smiled at the three of them.

"Good morning," he said as he walked further into the room and set the tray down on the bedside table, Remy flying off his previous perch of Virgil's shoulder, and moving to sit on the bedpost, cocking his head to the side as he eyed each of them.

"Good morning," Patton said as he sat up a bit and returned Virgil's smile, " 'missed seeing you when I woke up," he mumbled softly as he reached up and gently cupped the edge of Virgil's jaw with the palm of his hand.

Virgil blushed slightly, and turned his head to press a kiss to Patton's palm, "sorry, hopefully you didn't miss me too much," he said as he moved to sit down on the bed, smiling as Patton moved forwards and crawled into his lap, draping himself across Virgil's chest and hooking his chin over his shoulder with a faint hum.

"Missed you just enough," Patton mumbled as he pressed a gentle kiss to the crook of Virgil's neck, sending a small tingle down his spine.

"Whatever you brought back smells delicious," Roman said as he looked over at the tray virgil had set down a few moments ago, "Quiche?"

"Yeah, cheese, mushrooms, and spinach, and fresh out of the oven so it's still pretty hot," Virgil said as he wrapped his arms around Patton before shifting into a more comfortable position. "And some chamomile tea too," he added as he let one of his hands rub at the base of Pattons spine.

"Tea sounds wonderful," he heard Logan mumble softly from where he was still pressed into Romans side, one of his hands resting on the spot where he'd... where he'd been stabbed the day before.

"I can get you a cup," Roman said as he shift a slightly way from Logan and reached over for the tray, carefully sliding it off of the side table and onto the bed.

"Does it hurt at all?" Virgil asked with a frown as he looked at Logan's hand. His hair healed wounds entirely, or at least it had before, so it wouldn't make sense for it not to anymore.

"Hm? Oh, no it doesn't hurt," Logan reassured him as he pulled his hand away. "it's more that subconsciously I don't quite understand why it's not hurting, but having my hand there kind of proves to my brain that there's no wound," he explained, "at least that's what I've gathered from myself," he added as he adjusted his glasses.

"Okay, as long as it doesn't hurt," Virgil said with a slow nod.

"Here," Roman said as he shifted back over to Logan, a lightly steaming cup of tea in his hands, "one scoop of honey, just how you like it," he said as he passed the cup to Logan before pressing a kiss to his cheek as well.

"Thank you," Logan said with a fond smile before he took a sip of the tea, relaxing into Roman's side again.

There was a content beat of silence, before Patton sat up and pulled away from Virgil before he began to plate up some quiche for each of them.

Virgil wanted to talk about yesterday, wanted to know what had happened in Romans past and how he could help, but brining it up felt awkward, he didn't want to make Roman uncomfortable or anything.

Instead he -gently- stabbed his fork into his slice of quiche and ate the small bite, the delicious cheesy eggs melting on his tongue as the the spinach provided a nice freshness to the bite, and the ham added a good change of flavor and some texture to it.

"My parents say that we can have at least a few days to ourselves, more if we need," he said as he went in for another bite, "which isn't very surprising, considering all of yesterday," he added.

"Good, I am not in the mood for getting the stuffing knocked out of me in training today," Roman said with a huff as he also ate a few bites of his quiche.

"I doubt you'd get beaten up that badly," Patton said with a laugh and a teasing smile, "he'd probably go at least a little bit easy on you,"

"No he wouldn't, that man is a menace and is going to end up killing me before any theoretical enemy can," Roman said with a pout as he leaned his head to rest on top of Logan's.

"I think that's the point. If you can't beat him, you won't beat an enemy," Logan said as he sipped at his tea. "On the subject of training -I wouldn't mind learning a little self defense of my own if any of you are willing to give me a couple lessons during free time, just so that we can avoid something like this happening again," he said as he gestured to himself.

"Of course we can," Patton said with a grin, "obviously Roman and I can't always be around, and while Virgil can fight it'd still be good for you to know some basic stuff -although you do know a little bit don't you? From before?"

"You forget that I was mostly the brains behind our heists, I rarely assisted in them," Logan reminded him, "so yes, I know a small bit, but nothing near what I should."

"Well at least you know-" Virgil cut himself off at a surprise knock on the door, "Come in," he called as he shifted so that he was facing the door.

A servant, a young girl Virgil hadn't met yet, quietly opened the door, a thick letter clutched in her hands and a nervous expression on her face.

"Sorry to intrude, your majesty, I have a letter for you," she said with a small bow before stepping forwards and giving him the letter.

"Thank you," Virgil said, giving her a smile and a nod in return, "I appreciate it, er...." He trailed off, not knowing her name.

"Oh! Maddie, Maddie Spiff, at your service," she said with another quick bow before she hurried out of the room, her cheeks flushed.

Virgil blinked, a bit surprised by the girls sudden departure, before glancing over at the other three, only getting a helpless shrug from Roman.

"Who's the letter from?" Patton asked as he peered down at the envelope in Virgil's hands.

Virgil looked down at the letter in his hands. It was a large envelope, thick and even a little bit heavy. It was a little scuffed around the edges, and looked to have some sort of coffee or tea stain on the corner of it. He flipped it from side to side but there wasn't any name or address on it.

"It doesn't say," he said as he wedged his thumb under the green wax seal holding it shut and popping it open.

He pulled out a thick wad of folded papers, and carefully unfolded them. The paper on the top was the actual letter, but all the rest were what looked to be old children's drawings, a little bit torn around some edges but in other wise decent condition. He laid them out on the bed, and couldn't help noticing a small frown forming on Romans face.

"Dear Prince Virgil and Co.
I would like to inform you that the potion regarding his majesties magic will be completed as of tomorrow afternoon at the latest. I'd like for Roman to have come to a decision about my offer by then, if he is to turn it down then we may discuss other forms of payment if truly necessary, but I hope he accepts.
I have included several drawings he made as a child just in case he has any lingering doubts as to whether or not I've been lying, if he wishes he may even visit me before agreeing to see what else I have from his younger years -he was always so forgetful and left many things at my house when he was a child, I've kept them in the attic for safekeeping, I even have a few of his parents things that he can have if he wishes.
I excitedly wait for our meeting tomorrow, and wish you all a good day,


Virgil looked up as he finished reading the letter aloud, a frown forming on his face as he watched Roman reach forwards and pick up a couple of the drawings, his hand ever so slightly trembling as he scanned over the papers.

Most of the drawings were indecipherable scribbles, but a couple of them had more shape to them, and a few even had a couple of wobbly letters of misspelled words with a much more elegant handwriting re-spelling the words correctly underneath.

"I made this one on my mothers birthday," Roman said as he lowered one of the drawings down a little. It was a scribbled picture of four people, three of them were holding hands -one of which was significantly shorter than the other two and had to be Roman- and the forth was standing right next to them. They all had wobbly smiles and brightly colored clothing, all reds and yellows expect for the bright green on what must have been Remus's robes. There was even what looked like a chicken next to Roman's feet. The paper was yellowed from age, with a few little tears and wrinkles around the edges, and small holes in each corner from when it had most likely been hanging on a wall or something.

"So, he really is your great-uncle then," Patton said softly as he peered down at the drawing in Roman's hands.

"Yeah, I guess he is," Roman said with a soft laugh, "or he's a creepy stalker that followed me as a kid and just now found me again," he added sarcastically as he put the drawing down.

"I have to doubt that," Logan said as he moved to set his cup of tea on the bedside table, "if he was a stalker I doubt it would have taken him this long to find you."

"If he's my great-uncle why did it take him this long to find me?" Roman countered.

"Well, he said you moved when he was traveling or something right? And that by the time he got back the 'accident' had already happened? Maybe he just couldn't find you?" Patton said, "you were just one kid in apparently a different kingdom, it couldn't have been easy to track you down."

"Especially if this accident had already happened by the time he returned home, you could have been long gone by then," Logan added.

"What... what was the accident?" Virgil asked slowly, his hesitancy to bring up the subject clear but over powered by his curiosity, "if you don't mind my asking that is." He quickly added as his cheeks flushed and he looked away.

There was a few heavy beats of silence, and Virgil eventually glanced back over at Roman. He was looking down at his lap, chewing on his bottom lip as if debating with himself on if he should speak or not.

Apparently he came to his decision, as he took a deep breath and began to speak.

"When I was younger my parents decided to move, not just a out of the capital and to a different town or something, but to a different kingdom entirely," he began, not looking at any of them, "I don't know why, but we left in a rush and had little time to say any goodbyes -though at this point my great-uncle was already traveling and not in town so there wasn't anyone to really say goodbye to except for the neighbors," he explained, "I forget the name of the kingdom, Logan might remember, but we moved into a small house crammed between a bookstore and the post office, I'm pretty sure it wasn't meant to be a house actually, but it worked well enough." He continued as he fiddled with the hem of his shirt, picking at the seems.

"it was barely large enough for the three of us, but it had a small underground cellar that was big enough for a couple boxes of our stuff and a small bed for me -there was only one bedroom in the house and my parents could barely fit in there themselves, forget about having a squirmy kid in there too," he added with a small laugh.

"I'm not sure how long we had been there for when it happened, but one night my parents where acting weird." He said, "I remember it so clearly, better than anything else I can remember from that age." He continued, "They'd been anxious all day, and after dinner my father had dragged the table in front of the door, and my mother had closed and locked all the windows before the sun had even begun to set. They put me down in my little cellar-room and told me that we were playing a game of hide and seek, and that the neighbors where going to come try and find us while we hid, so I had to be really quiet, then they closed the hatch."

"The cellar was small, really really small, I could fit in fairly well but my parents needed to be on their knees with their heads bent, and only one could be in there at a time -and that was when it was empty," he continued, "so I was put in there by myself, and I'm not sure what exactly happened after that. It was quiet for awhile, but eventually I heard yelling and loud banging, and someone was screaming but I couldn't understand what they were saying, and then there was a loud bang that shook everything and all I could do was hide under my blanket and pressed as far into the corner as I could. I'd realized long before this that this wasn't a game and found myself crying and desperately wanting my parents, but something inside of me was preventing me from reaching up to open the door or even making a sound," tears had begun to well up in Roman's eyes and Virgil felt his heart ache as he placed a hand on his boyfriends knee, but didn't get any reaction from it.

"Then the smell of smoke seeped down into my tiny room, and as the time went on I felt things getting warmer and warmer and it was getting harder to breath. It has been quiet for a while at this point, the yelling and the screaming having stopped, but I didn't dare to move. I was frozen and terrified but my mama had told me to be quiet so I didn't make even a peep -not until I heard things again,"

"Someone had come inside and was yelling, calling out my name and my parents names and they sounded so worried," his voice cracked softly, but he didn't stop talking.

"I recognized the voice as one of my neighbors, the one who owned the bookshop, and quickly stood up and tried to open the hatch door, but it must have been locked since it didn't budge. The door was getting hot too, but it didn't hurt that bad so I began to bang on it, yelling for him and shouting that I was in the cellar. He must have heard me because not even a minute later the hatch was opened and he was kneeling there above me, a scarf tied around his face and ash covering him from head to toe,"

"He scooped me out of the cellar and immediately ran out of the house, holding me tightly. Everything was on fire, the whole house was burning in a chaotic and terrifying storm of bright orange and yellow flames, and it was quickly filling up with smoke and ash. I don't know what kept the wooden hatch from burning along with everything else, but I'm lucky it didn't because I would have definitely died if it had given out." He ignored the way each of his boy friends stiffened, still not looking at any of them.

"I remember sobbing into his shoulder, I wanted my parents, I was terrified, and the smoke hurt my lungs, but my neighbor just held onto me out in the street, checking me over for burns or injuries as other people in the town began bringing buckets of water to stop the fire before it spread too far."

"I remember looking back at my house before I was handed off to a nurse to get checked over again. A good portion of the fire had been put out by this point, and the smoke had cleared enough for me to see something on the door. It was two circles -one inside of the other- surrounded by small lines that had been haphazardly carved into the door... I can still see it so clearly, like it's been burned into my memory and I can't get it out." He reached up to wipe his tears away, rubbing at his face harshly until Patton gently grabbed his wrists and pulled them away from his face. His cheeks were now bright red, along with his eyes that still bubbles with tears.

"It's funny," he began with a sniff and a wet laugh, "everyone wrote it off as an accident, that they left the stove burning, or that it had been on purpose, that they couldn't live like that any more," he said as his hands curled up into fists, "but I heard other people in the house, I heard my mother pleading, and someone had to have carved that mark, so no matter what anyone ever says, I will never believe that it was an accident or on purpose, someone did that to them and I will never forgive them," he said with another sniff.

"Whoever said that about your parents are awful, awful people," Patton said, "if someone ever says anything like that then I will personally set them straight." He said, earning a small laugh from Roman.

"Thanks Pat," he said as he leaned over and pressed a kiss to Pattons cheek, before continued, "anyway, later on Logan explained that it must have been an eclipse and not the sun, but at that age I didn't know what an eclipse was, so all I saw was a sun -so I came back to Corona because the symbol of Corona is a sun, and because at the time I had hoped to find my great uncle, since I still remembered him at that age."

"You never told me what the mark was from..." Logan muttered as he looked at Roman sadly.

But Roman ignored him and instead continued talking, "Obviously I wasn't able to return right away, seeing as I had been sent to the orphanage the town had so that I could be taken care of -I actually had to wait three years before I was able to sneak away and get a ride on one of the chicken carts headed to a kingdom between there and Corona. The men in charge of the carts weren't exactly the best, and being stuck with a bunch of smelly chickens for a couple days wasn't fun, but I wasn't complaining because they were giving me a ride for free and I didn't want them to give me back to the orphanage."

"That next kingdom was where I met Patton, since I had been found and sent to the orphanage in that town -it wasn't the capital though, so there weren't many guards or anything to keep the crime down and keep order and such,"

"So that's why you were covered in chicken feathers when we first met," Patton said softly, a sad smile on his face.

"Yeah," Roman said with a fond smile as he glanced over at Patton, "anyway, the orphanage there was awful, so when I convinced another group of traders to take me to Corona two years later, I took Patton with me. I had to pay these guys though, so we actually stole some money from the orphanage before we left -well, Patton stole the money since the caretakers there had a soft spot for him apparently,"

"Yeah, they liked that I didn't argue and did what I was told, so they used me as an example to the other kids by treating me better to show that if they did as they were told and stuff that they'd get better treatment too," Patton chimed in, "they eventually just started being more lenient with me, so they believed me when I lied to them and such, it made stealing a bit easier," He explained.

"After we paid the traders, they took us to Corona and dropped us off at the orphanage in a town not far from the capital, which is where Logan joined us about a year later -both Logan and I were 11 and Patton was 10 at this point," Roman continued, shooting Logan a fond look. "Despite tiny-Logan's hesitancy, we managed to drag him into our little group, and eventually made our way to the capital after another few months -during which we may or may not have begun to do a little stealing when needed, not for everything of course, just for when we needed money or needed to pay someone to get us from town to town and none of us could find anyone willing to pay us for a job."

"Upon arriving here I spent a lot of time trying to find my great uncle, but at this point it had been several years since I'd last seen him and I had forgotten his name, so I eventually decided that he must have died from old age -he was my father's father's brother, so he was pretty old and still is." He continued, as Paton shifted to lean against his shoulder, an arm moving to circle around Roman's waist comfortingly.

"The three of us were staying in an orphanage now, and the only one of us who was ever almost adopted was Patton because he's just too darn cute and a sweet couple really wanted to give him a better life,"

"Of course I refused though," Patton cut in, giving both Roman and Logan an exasperated look, "I wasn't going to leave the two of them behind -even if they both said it'd be better for me if I went and had a stable life, so I refused to go with them unless they brought Logan and Roman along too -sadly they didn't have enough space for three kids, so they eventually gave up," Patton said with a grin that was a little too satisfied.

"At one point a year or so later a couple of thieves offered Roman a large amount of money -or at least it was a large amount for a 13 year old- if he'd help them out with a small heist, and he agreed without telling us," Logan cut in as he gave Roman a disapproving look, earning himself a sheepish smile from Roman in return, "thankfully everything went well and he wasn't arrested, but then the men thought that they couldn't trust roman to go back to the orphanage and risk him ratting them out -so they broke into the orphanage that night, and came to our room, where the three of us shared a bed since there weren't enough for all the kids in the orphanage at the time. They tried to take Roman, but Patton and I refused to let him go alone and said that if they didn't let him go then we'd tell the adults what they'd done -which, looking back on it, was stupid since they just decided to take all three of us then,"

"After that we were dragged into several heists -mostly me since the thugs didn't really trust Logan and Patton and were also kinda using them as leverage against me, but once they learned that Logan was smart and that Patton was sweet enough to pull off some stunts with a little acting, they decided to drag them in on it as well."

"Wait, sorry, pause for a second-" Patton cut in as he held up a hand, "they used us as leverage against you? And you didn't tell us?" He said as he gave Roman an almost heartbroken look -that paired with a similar look of shame and guilt on Logan's face had Roman quickly reassuring the two.

"No no -well yes, but it's fine! They only threatened you guys when it came to the more important heists, so it wasn't horribly often but they did kind of like to mention some things they'd do to you if I went to the guards or something." He admitted sheepishly. "But it turned out alright in the end so you two don't need to worry." He added.

"We're talking about this more later," Logan said with a pointed look, Patton nodding in agreement.

"Anyway," Roman quickly changed the subject, "after a couple years being stuck with them we eventually double crossed them and got their whole group arrested, but at this point we were wanted criminals so we could just go back to a normal life, not without leaving town -which we almost did a couple of times," he continued, "but then we got tangled up with the Stabbington brothers, which, come on, does anyone actually believe that's their real name?" He said with a small chuckle, "and after about two years with them we finally got roped into the last heist we'd ever need to do -stealing the crown of the missing prince," he said as he gave Virgil a knowing look.

"You can just assume what happened after that," he continued with a shrug, "we stole it, were on the run from some guards, ditched the Stabbingtons and they got arrested, found your tower, tried to hide inside, got the shit knocked out of us by some beautiful boy with dark hair and violet eyes, and the rest is all history," he finished with a smile, making Virgil's cheeks flush.

"With all of that happening I guess it's not too surprising that your great-uncle didn't find you until recently," Logan said, going back to their original point.

"That's, uh, a lot of info all at once," Virgil admitted slowly as he wrapped his head around the tale, "I don't think you guys have ever actually told me anything about your childhoods before you met up -except for Logan, but with his parents showing up that's kinda of a given." He added with an awkward laugh.

He watched as Roman and Patton glanced at each other, "it's not that we were trying to keep anything from you," Roman began slowly, "there was just never a good time to tell you, especially with some of the more depressing aspects -what were we gunna do? Just decided one morning to sit down and dump our life story on you?"

"No I get it," Virgil said, "if my mess of a childhood hadn't kind of been a large factor in all this," he said as he gestured around them to everything, "I probably wouldn't have told you either,"

"And I don't think we really told each other much either," Patton said sheepishly, "I mean, Roman and I have known Logan for years, and we didn't know he still had a family, let alone that he was the son of a Lord and Lady," he said.

"And we didn't know much of anything about Roman's past until just now either," Logan added.

"What about you Patton?" Virgil asked as he looked over at him, "if you're up for it, could you tell us?"

"Well, my past isn't as riveting as any of yours," he began sheepishly, "in all honesty I never knew my parents, I'd been dropped off at the orphanage I met Roman at as a toddler and had only ever lived there, that's all I really know," he admitted with a shrug, "I asked some of the caretakers about it a couple of times, but all they knew was that I had been dropped off on their doorstep with just a stuffed doll and a note that said my name, age, and that they were sorry." He explained, "it's cliche really, but I genuinely don't remember anything from before then."

"I'm sure there's a good reason they'd let someone as sweet as you go," Roman said, "and if we ever find them and they didn't have a good reason then we can just pretended they never existed or if they're assholes then we can beat them up." He said.

"Yeah, the three of you can be pretty intimidating when you want to be," Patton said with a laugh.

"Oh you're one to talk," Virgil said, "have you ever looked in a mirror when your mad? I swear people have shit their pants because of you." He said as he reached forwards and cupped Pattons cheek, smiling as his boyfriends face flushed bright red.

"Who knows Pat, if my great-uncle turns out to be an asshole maybe I'll just unleash you upon him, magical potions or not I'm certain you could easily take him."  Roman said with a laugh.

"Let's hope he's not an asshole, if he is then I'm not sure I want Virgil drinking any potions from him." Logan said.

"I mean, technically I've had this potion before," Virgil said, "so as long as he doesn't change it then I should be fine, might pass out for a couple days or something but fine overall."

"Pass out for a couple days? Is that what happened last time?" Roman asked as he gave Virgil a surprised and concerned look.

"Yeah, deceit had me drink this potion when I was younger and apparently I didn't wake up for a couple of days or something and I had a fever for a little while after that," he said. "It's actually one of my more fond memories," he admitted, "deceit had doted on me and taken care of me, reading me stories, which he never did after I learned to read on my own, and making my favorite soups for dinner, which he usually only did on my birthday," he explained, "it's weird, having all these good memories with someone only for them to turn sour when you think about them now that you know that person was bad."

"Well yeah, that's understandable," Patton said, "we'll just have to make more memories, better ones, to make up for all the ones you had with him." He said with a smile.

"I'd like that," Virgil said as he returned his smile.

"We should probably finish eating before the food gets cold," Roman said as he gathered up the pile of drawings and carefully folded them before leaning over and putting them into the drawer of the side table, "I don't know about you, but cold eggs aren't nearly as good as hot ones." He added.

The four of them quickly finished their breakfast after that, and spent the rest of the day lounging about, draped over one another and cuddling in bed. They took turns leaving to get lunch and get dinner, and Patton even showed Logan a little bit of self defense lessons at one point, which he took up easily.

It wasn't until that night, when Patton and Logan had already fallen asleep, that Virgil finally asked Roman a question.

"Roman, do you think you'll accept his offer? To become his apprentice?" He asked, his face pressed into Roman's chest as he snuggled closer to him.

"I think I will," Roman said softly, "I want to get to know him again, and I want to learn what he has to teach me so that I can help and protect the ones I love," he said, tightening his hold around Virgil's waist, "I hate seeing any of you hurt, and I want to help prevent it, maybe this way I can be better for you all and keep you guys safe."

"You don't need to be better for us, you're perfect already," Virgil said, "but if this is something you really want to do then we'll support you all the way," he continued.

"Thank you," Roman said as he pressed a kiss to the crown of Virgil's head.

They laid there in silence for a few moments, just basking in each other's presence, before Virgil spoke up again.

"I'm sorry about your parents," he said, "I promise that we'll eventually find who killed them and get you answers,"

"Thank you," Roman mumbled, "you have no idea what that means for me."

Virgil hummed softly and pressed a kiss to Roman's collarbone, "we all love you so much." He said with a small yawn as he began to finally doze off.

"And I love you all," Roman said as he closed his eyes and relaxed into the mattress, "good night, Love."


And huzzah
I finally wrote another chapter bitches
I'm sorry it took so long!!!
Hopefully the next chapter won't take as long!!!

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