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Many years ago, in a land far far away, a single drop of sunlight fell from the sky and to the earth, and a beautiful golden flower bloomed in the spot wherevit landed.

The flower existed there untouched for decades until a injured man stumbled upon it. The man, in awe of the flowers beauty, touched one of the petals and felt his pain fade away slightly.

He began to speak to the flower, and the flower continued to heal the man.
The man slowly became obsessed with the flower, to the point where he hid it away and used it to heal himself and keep him healthy.

This obsession grew when he learned that the flower could keep him young forever.
Eventually a kingdom grew near where the man lived with his flower, and stories of the flower that had been passed on for decades were whispered throughout the kingdom, but were only thought of as fairytales without an ounce of truth.

The kingdom continued on and grew in size as more decades passed, without any proof of the man or his flower being brought forth.

The newest king and queen, who where loved by the people, soon became pregnant with their first child.

The kingdom was filled with joy, and they grew even more excited as the birth of the child grew closer and closer.

But, as the child's birth drew near, the queen fell deathly ill, and the lives of both her and her child became endangered.
The king did everything he could.

He called for the best healers and doctors, even a few good witches, but no one was able to heal the queen.

The clock was ticking and the king became desperate.

He'd heard tales of the magic flower ever since he was a child, and even though there was no proof of the flower being real, he sent out his knights to find it.
The knights dutifully searched for the flower, but couldn't find anything, not even a petal or leaf.

They looked for days and traveled far into the woods, but couldn't find the flower.
The queen had grown even more ill, and could now barely move, now confined to her bed, where the king sat by her side all hours of the day and night.

It seemed as if though all hope was lost.
But then, the man who had found the flower made a mistake.

One simple mistake.

And it cost him his precious flower.

The man had been singing to his flower late in the evening, bathing in the golden glow of the flower as he was healed and given his youth back.

He was so absorbed in the flower's power and beauty that he didn't hear the approaching knights until it was almost to late.

He quickly covered the flower and rushed away as quietly as he could, but ended up accidentally knocking over the cover he'd made for the flower in his hurry, leaving it out for anyone to see.

He hid himself in a tree and watched in silent rage as the knights found the glowing flower and dug it up, calling out the others to go back to the kingdom and tell the king.

The flower was brought to the king and queen and was quickly made into a potion for the queen to drink.

The Queen quickly recovered with the help of the flower, and gave birth to a healthy little boy several days later.

The little boy had bright shining eyes the color of amethysts, and beautifully hair as golden as the sun and as soft as clouds.
The king and queen where so happy, and the kingdom celebrated the healthy birth of the new heir.

But the man wanted his flower back.
One night, he snuck into the castle with the help of an evil magician, and into the room of the young prince.

The man smirked as he peered over the edge of the cradle and began to quietly sing to the child, watching as the boy's hair and eyes began to glow faintly. He felt the familiar power of the flower wash over him and make him young again.

He reached forward and carefully cut a lock of the child's hair off with a small dagger, but to his shock the hair, no longer attached to the baby, turned dark brown and the magic was gone.

The man felt himself growing old, as if the now 'dead' lock of hair had sucked the rest of the flowers magic out of him.

The man accidentally woke the baby as he angrily slammed his hands down on the edge of the cradle, the small baby beginning to cry, which alerted his parents of his distress.

The man, in desperation, scooped the crying infant up, and ran towards the balcony he'd come in from, looking back just in time to see the king and queen entering the room before he jumped of the balcony and disappeared into the night.

The king and queen sent out their knights in search of the baby, but they couldn't find anything.

No sign of the baby showed up for another seventeen years of searching.

To be continued.

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