Question for the masses

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So I've been squeezing in chapters that can happen before these chapters happen, which is why they're now chapter 38 instead of 36.

But the next chapter will have sex in it.
I'm not going to make it vague or anything while writing it.

Which is why I want to ask you all: what terms do you want me to use when writing those parts?

Like would you guys be more comfortable with:

dick, cock, or penis (or something else?)

anus, entrance, or asshole (or something else?)

What would make the majority of you the most comfortable?
Because I'm okay with writing with any of these terms, but I don't want to make the majority of you uncomfortable.

(sadly I cannot make everyone happy so I'm going to go with the majority on this)

But yeah, what do you guys want me to use?

If you're not comfortable writing what you'd prefer in the comments then feel free to pm me!

The chapters are going to take a while to write, since so far they're pretty long and I'm not even done with the first one yet, and I might even restart the first one, so it'll be a few days before they're published or anything.

I'd really appreciate all of your opinions! Let me know what you think/want!


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