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Randhir's pov:

Not knowing what to do and how to do, I decided to just go and get some fresh air.I walked outside the room and sat on the bench digging my head in my hands as by thinking how to manofy stubborn ladies my head was ready to burst at anytime.I saw that Max was walking towards my direction.He came with Aman and stood next to me.

Hello,Sir you look stressed...Aman asked me.

Sir,any problem...Max shooted another query.

This people I tell can't even see me in trouble for a second,they are soo concerned for me.

Nothing much .....saying I narrated what blunder I had created inside and next they were laughing at me.Poor me !

Inside ladies made fun of me and now these two monkeys are making fun of me.

Guys,stop it and help your boss....I faked in a bossy tone.

Sir,I think you should try some flowers for ma'am and toys for Trisha baby......Max suggested and bursted out next second.

Seeing,him Aman too was laughing now.

Get,lost you two before I chop your head from your bodies...I replied to them and they stood slient next to me.

But,Sir,we are trying to help you....Aman spoke.

In this way....I spoke and cried at my poor fate.

Think something think....saying I started to think something to make stubborn ladies happy or else they are way more stubborn than me.

I got a idea ....saying I shouted in happiness.

What's the idea  sir?......Aman asked me.

I told both of them something and they too beamed in happiness.

I asked them to get ready all and they rushed to arrange for all the things.

I walked inside to check upon the ladies but seeing the sight beautiful smile crept on my face.

Sanyu was sleeping in sitting position holding Trisha in her arms.I took out my phone and captured that memory.

It was they were sleeping peacefully,so I decided not to disturb them.I sat on the chair kept there and don't know when I slept there.

My deep slumber got broken due to ringing of my phone.I opened my eyes lazily and it hit me that I'm in hospital.I saw towards side and found that still Sanyu and Trisha were sleeping.

I picked up my phone which was continuously ringing.It was a call from Max.

Yes,Max...i asked him.

Sir,all the arrangments are made...he spoke up.

Fine,I will come there as Sanyu and Trisha wake up ,be ready with all....I ordered and he smiled and assured me that all will be fine.

He was going to hang the call but a fear engulfed me.

Max...I called him again.

Yes,Sir.....he asked.

What if Max she doesn't forgives me?....I asked him.

Sir,Sanyukta Ma'am will definitely forgive you ...he spoke with a smile and we hanged up.

It Was almost after half an hour Trisha began to cry and listening to him Sanyu too woke up.

What happened baby?....she caressed her and Trisha closed her eyes again indicating that she wants to sleep again.

Sanyu was trying to make her sleep but Trisha was just playing with her hairs.

I know that baby you are not sleeping.....she spoke to her and Trisha giggled getting what Sanyu was talking to her.

Smart baby troubling mommy,team up with me ,it will be great to trouble her....I spoke up out of blue observing two ladies.

Randhir,two ladies are angry on you,so no team up and no nothing ....she spoke with a fake anger.

I thought that she must have forgotten all,but no her train bus all kinds of vehicles were stuck on that same path now.

There is no escape for you Randhir,you need to work hard to gain forgive.Get ready to execute your plan and I'm sure she won't be angry on seeing my surprise.

Okay,fine I give up...I spoke up.

And I knew that she was disappointed,she must have thought that I didn't do nay efforts to gain forgiveness.

Suddenly,a ward boy walked in and a smile crept on my face as I knew that it was now time to start with the surprise.

Ma'am doctor had called you with the baby for the check-up..........he spoke up.

Fine,go....i will come or else it ask doctor to come here as the baby is little weak and it will be fine if he comes here.

NO,no! the surprise is in the hall.How can Sanyu stay here!

Go Sanyu,doctor have talked to me and told that baby is fine,her surgery is fine and she is weak but will be fine soon,he need to instruct you about what all care you need to take ....I spoke up with a puppy face and she had to agreed.

She changed the clothes of Trisha and made her wear new clothes as her previous clothes were all dirty while she was eating her food.

I gestured the ward boy to take her towards the surprise,and he gave me a thumbs up.

End of Randhir's pov


Sanyu's pov:

As soon as,I stepped inside the room in which the ward boy had walked in,there was  darkness and for a moment I was scared.I was going to shout but suddenly the light came up and Trisha giggled loudly.My eyes widen in shock seeing the surroundings.

The whole room was filled with SORRY greetings,and I knew who had did that.

RANDHIR....was only i would grasped.

Some greetings were small,some very big,and most important there were lots of teddys of different sizes on which SORRY on engraved.This man seriously got soo many teddys and SORRY was written on it.I turned to find Randhir around but saw that some people were holding some board in there hands and SORRY was written on it.

I recoginsed that,it was Max,Aman and Pinky.Some hospital staff too were included in them.

Ma'am please forgive Sir....Max spoke up.

Seeing all the lights and beautiful Trisha was jumping in my arms as she had saw the teddy and want to grab that.

Baby,wait ...I spoke to her but she was way stubborn to listen to me.

Princess,I'm sorry .....a voice came from my behind and there was someone standing hiding his face behind that big teddy.

Hearing the familiar voice Trisha was waving in that direction as too knew who it was.She just wanted to jump into Randhir's arms.

I knew whose voice was that .

It was Randhir.

He walked towards me and stood in front of me.Seeing the teddy which was way bigger than Trisha she was bleaming in happiness and wanted to grab that teddy and murder it,she began to get irritate in my arms.

Come to me.....Randhir moved his hands in Trisha's direction,keeping the teddy down and she jumped in his arms.

Randhir took her and kissed her whole face.

I missed you baby,your mommy is Hitler.....he spoke and nuzzled his nose with hers while as if Trisha was getting some words she started to giggle more.

Both of them were completely lost in each other forgetting all,as they were busy in there small world and it was clear that Randhir her soo much no one can even compare.I was just faking anger of been angry as I was really angry because he had left due to that stupid Aryan.I had never knew he would do soo much just to gain forgiveness from me and Trisha.

I don't knew when I was crying.

What happened Sanyu?....he asked in concern.

Nothing...I lied to him.

Mr.Randhir is really SORRY,for his behaviour and it's his promise that he won't repeat it again........he spoke handing me my favourite chocolate bar.

I had forgiven you.....I replied and he hugged me tightly holding Trisha in his arms.

Trisha was trying to play with a teddy which was two times than her.

Who gets such a big teddy ?....I asked Randhir.

Randhir Singh Shekhawat get's for his Princess,what's your problem Hitler Sanyu?....he asked me.

Get lost you Randhir....I shouted at him and all started to laugh seeing that Randhir was making my fun,whereas I looked down in embrassement.

We ate the chocolates he had got for me,while Trisha was playing with her Teddy.

Doctor had told me that he will discharge baby tomorrow and we can take her home.

Thank you Randhir.....I thanked him for everything and he assured me to trust upon him as he would be always there for them.

I feared about Aryan but Randhir told that after we get home tomorrow Aryan will be behind the bars.

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