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Sanyu was still in a happy shock seeing the 1 box she had opened. There was a small 2 beautiful pendants, it was clear that one was for her and other for Trisha. It was round in shape , it was a opening and closing on other side of it.

On Sanyu's pendant was a picture of Randhir and Trisha carved on it along with tgere names, While on Trisha's was Randhir's and Sanyu's in same way.

I guess Princess your momma didn't like the gift ? ....Randhir said to Trisha.

Randhir, the reason I'm crying is because .....she was unable to complete as she was sobbing badly.

Sanyu had got really emotional seeing what Randhir had gifted her, she was unable to form words.

No need to say anything, I got you .....saying he pulled her in a hug. She too wrapped her hands around him. For first time she had hugged him properly, while Trisha was in Randhir's arms , Randhir with one hand holded Trisha and other Sanyu.

I promise that I'll make you feel special everyday....he thought and wrapped his arm protectively around her.

Thank you kadus Randhir .......Sanyu spoke detaching herself from him wiping her tears with her hand.

Don't Sanyu ...saying he stopped her from wiping her tears.

Took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped her tears slowly.

Thank you kadus ....Sanyu said with a smile.

You're welcome wifey Shekhawat ...he too was not less to tease her.

She made little shy when he addressed her as Wife.

Seeing Randhir and Sanyu Trisha began to cry.

See becasue of you mg baby is crying....Randhir said making attempts to keep Trisha slient.

What I did ?...Sanyu asked handing a stuff toy to Trisha but Trisha there that away.

See , you cried so she is crying .....Randhir in blamed her again handing Trisha his phone, she too shooed that away.

Don't cry baccha....saying Sanyu began to pat her back slowly.
Trisha rested herself on Randhir's shoulder and was slient.

Thank God she stopped crying , dare you ever shed tears in front of her ....Randhir said patting Trisha.

But....Sanyu tried to speak but Randhir shifted his gaze towards the boxes.

Kadus Randhir.....she too stomped her foot and saw the boxes lying in front of her.

Ohhh, you got to know now then it's good Wifey....he said to her.

Randhirrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....this time Sanyu shouted loudly.

Concentrate on buying the jewellery shop , don't shout we're in public......he said and Sanyu realised that all the people are staring at them who were fighting like Tom and Jerry , seeing that Sanyu was back from her emotional state Randhir gestured the salesperson to open the remaining 2 boxes.

Ohhh, sorry....Sanyu said slowly and took the pendants in her hand.

Do you love them ?...he asked her.

They are soo pretty , by the way I was not knowing that Randhir Shekhawat has some good choices too...she said and caressed the pictures along with name on it.

I'm glad you loved them ....he replied her.

Open the others too, there is something for you ....he said to her.

She opened the one there were beautiful bangles in it which were studded with diamond.

Not bad choice ....she said with smile.

Thank you Wifey, open the last one too fast ....he replied.

Okay , here you go ...she said opening it and her eyes laid on the beautiful Diamond studded Mangalsutra. It was most prettiest of all . It was simple yet elegant. She was in tears now. Randhir saw that.

Yaar, wifey My Princess is quiet now , if she again cries due to you then see , and think something about yours husband's image , what will people in this shop say that Randhir Shekhawat's Wife is a cry baby ...he said to her to lighten her mood.

Listening to him a smile appeared on her face.

Fine , Monkey Shekhawat....she replied and wiped her tears.

If you loved them, should they pack it ....Randhir asked to her.

Yes .....she replied and the person handed them the packed jewellery.

After that, it was time of Trisha's food so they went to food counter, to fed Trisha while as they came out of the shop Trisha was back to her energy , she was happily playing with her stuff toy in Randhir's arms.
Giggling, and cracking jokes Randhir along with Sanyu took a corner place so that no one would disturb them.

Randhir called Max to get Trisha's food which Max was carrying with him.
Sanyu was not surprised by Randhir's gesture as she had heard him saying something to Max while they were leaving.

Sanyu was carrying her cereal food with her , and Randhir knew that Trisha shows trantums while having cereal food so he had asked Max to get some semi-liquid soup which Trisha haves it without any trantums.

I have got with me her food ...Sanyu said.

I know that you got her cereal but I had only asked Max to get her soup so that she won't show trantums and have it , first fed her soup little and then cereal so she will have it all...Randhir said wiping Trisha's face with her baby towel who was chewing the toy.

I'm impressed Randhir such a good thought and idea, I never got this in my mind....she said seeing impressed by him.

Because , you don't have brains Wifey....he replied to her, but that "Wifey" word was affecting her, turning her into red tomato.

Shut up ....saying Sanyu placed the food in bowl and began to fed Trisha.

She used Randhir's trick and Trisha completely engrossed in her play completed her food.

Thank you Randhir.....Sanyu said wiping Trisha's face and making her drink some water.

I know I'm talented so you can take my help and no need to thank me.....he replied to tease her.

You can't leave without pulling my leg right ....she asked him.

Never because, at that time you don't thing about anything you are happy, the things which are bothering you , you stop thinking about them and what matters to me is your smile and happiness, so to make you smile , I irritate you....he said genuinely which directly touched her.

Suddenly, Randhir fell that Trisha had slept.

I guess she slept...he said to which Sanyu got up and properly holded Trisha in her arms.

She adjusted Trisha on her lap and slowly covered her with baby duvet she was carrying.

How cute she looks while sleeping ...he said adoring his Princess.

She looks in peace while sleeping , she is too adorable but when she is awake she is chotu naughty devil who makes me run everywhere...Sanyu said caressing Trisha's face and placed a kiss on her forehead.

Oyyyee, don't call my Princess devil you potato Sanyu, hard coconut....he said loudly enough which grabbed attention from others too.

What the hell Randhir you just called me? Let me show you once we get back home , we're in public so I'm sparing you now you Monkey Shekhawat....she too replied him I angry tone.

Seeing her angry he bursted into laughter,Sanyu too not able to control herself joined him in laughing.

Are we going to laugh only or what ? I'm hungry . Tell what to order....he asked her.

Anything you wish ....she replied to him.

Knowing what she likes to eat he ordered that, when food arrived. He gestured her to shift inside so that he would sit next to her.

There is enough space , Why you want to trouble me again ?...she asked getting confused.

Duffer, you're hands are holding Trisha and Did God gifted you two more extra hands to eat , no na then shift inside I'll fed you....he replied and began to fed her.

Sanyu was slient as she didn't had anything to say to him. He was something extra ordinary when it was related to her or Trisha.

Inspite of Sanyu asking him to stop feeding her , as she was full he kept on feeding her saying that she ate little. When he completely made her finish her plate he was satisfied.

Talking about Trisha, and teasing they compeleted there food.


Come let's buy something for you ....Randhir said while they were done.

I don't want anything I have lots of clothes to wear , and don't forget you have got already wardrobe full for me too , soo I don't need now....she said.

He agreed to her. They shopped some things for home , Randhir wanted to buy something for his this house but never got a chance since he shifted , and today Sanyu was with him so they brought lot many things to decorate the house , Randhir knew what he wanted to buy but just needed someone by his side and today Sanyu was with him so he decided to go for it. He was selecting and asking Sanyu for her opinion if she agreed he used to buy that , in such a way they bought lamps , some show pieces and some paintings. He took suggestions from get too while buying.

Randhir asked if they would buy later as Trisha was sleeping but Sanyu said that she didn't have any problem in carrying her.
Later, Max came up with a baby trolley and Trisha was having her beauty sleep while Randhir and Sanyu shopping around.

They were done, till that time it was evening time. It was around 6 when they were walking out of the mall Trisha woke up.
They were driving home when Randhir asked his driver to stop the car near by the park.

Randhir, don't she had already played a lot today, let's go home....Sanyu said.

Areyy, but I had promised her to take to park in morning, if I won't fulfill my promise it won't be fair......Randhir replied to Sanyu.

Randhir was hell tired but to keep his promise he wanted to go to park . Small Trisha don't knew what promise knew , but here Randhir just to fulfill his promise had agreed to her not letting his tiredness affect him.

Randhir , you're tired and she didn't even what promise meant.....Sanyu spoke making him understand her point of view.

Who said I'm tired?...he asked her, while Trisha was banging her toy on window, it used to make little soft sound , she used to giggle at that.

See your face , it's looking pale, don't lie to me , listen let's go home then you freshen up and play with her....Sanyu said but as soon as car stopped his hands reached to open the door.

Seeing soo many kids outside, Trisha began to speak in her baby tone gesturing Randhir yo take her there. And how can Randhir deny

This duo won't ever listen to me....Sanyu said and followed Randhir.

Trio got down the car, it was starting to turn dark by now.

Come Princess let's go , if you're momma wants she can join us too ....Randhir said to Trisha raising her high in air to which Trisha laughed half-heartedly.

Baby,tell you're dadda that momma cares for dadda, he looks tired so she asked to visit park some other day , but you're monster Dadda doesn't listen to momma,and now you too baby are on you're dadda's side ....Sanyu said in fake anger.

Finally, your tubelight gleamed that we both are on same side , don't manipulate my Princess Wifey she is on my side .....Randhir said to her.

Randhirrrrrrrrr...she shouted in irritation as to her every question Randhir had a counter answer to trigger her more.

If you want someone in your team , then we need to have a kid and you know what.....Randhir was going to continuing but Sanyu put her hand on his mouth before he would utter something further.

Dont utter you stupid person anything more, can't you remember that we are in public , you dumb creature .....Sanyu said to him.

Oyeee ma'am what's in feeling shy when we will have kid then you can have him or her in your team , remember me and Princess are team ....he spoke inspite Sanyu had stopped him from speaking.

Stop now don't utter anything, I'm getting embarrassed....Sanyu spoke up looking at other side removing her hand as Randhir's talk had turned her cheeks all red.

Wifey , don't feel shy , stop dreaming about kids we have time for it , let's go inside , you are making my Princess wait ......Randhir said and holded Sanyu's hand in his, while Trisha was enjoying the lights around, like a good Baby she was busy in her own world adoring the lights and buzzing around of people's around her.

Trisha let out a small cry to get attention of both who were busy fighting.

Yes , baby we're going inside come now......saying Randhir gestured Sanyu to walk inside.

I'll....Sanyu uttered and matched steps with him.

Walking inside , Sanyu saw that Max was standing with bodyguards around them. She got that Randhir must have ask them to be here.

Sir , This side ....saying Max guided them towards the space where there were less people present.

Trisha was already moving in his arms asking him to let her down on the lawn.

Wait baby , let Max chachu get the mattress to spread down or else you will get hurt....saying Randhir pointed toward the mattress.

Max along with other people spread it down , Sanyu stood watching what Randhir , Max and Trisha were upto. She knew none is going to listen to her.

Randhir placed Trisha on the mattress and took a seat beside her. Max got some toys in a bag and handed then to Trisha.
Randhir and Trisha were playing with toys , while Sanyu stood there observing them.

Randhir saw that she was just standing.

Baby , ask you're momma to join us for play, tell her that her legs will pain , and she should join us as Trisha wants momma to play with them, and also tell her that Trisha won't share her toys with momma, she will only share her toys with dadda....Randhir said to Trisha soo that Sanyu would hear him.

Sanyu smiled listening to him.

Soo you both remember that I'm also present here....Sanyu spoke taking a seat beside him.

Such a drama queen you are ....Randhir said to her.

I'm not a drama queen you are Randhir .....She said hitting him lightly on his hand.

Ouchhhh Sanyu .....he faked a cry.

See now who is drama queen ......she said to him.

Whatever ....saying he twitched his nose.

Seeking the opportunity that Randhir and Sanyu were talking with each other, Trisha crawling fast moved out of the mattress, she was trying to smash the softy ball with one hand, and plucking the grass with another hand.

Ohhh God Randhir see what Trisha is doing.....saying Sanyu walked towards her to get her back.

Seeing that Sanyu had picked her up Trisha began to cry , she was moving her hands.

Momma made you cry baby , cone to me come let's play....saying Randhir moved his hands towards Trisha while jumped into his arms, Randhir wiped her tears which were rolling down, snuggling close to him.

Randhir sat with Trisha on his lap while he pulled standing Sanyu to sit beside them.

Why did you both need me now ? Daughter doesn't listen to momma, she wants only dadda, and Dadda only pampers his daughter, always scolds his wife ........Sanyu said plucking the grass from the lawn, her cute complain made Randhir laugh.

Such an kid you are Sanyu, Why don't you like me pampering Trisha ? Wait , now I got why you are angry I don't pamper , isn't tgat the reason? So , now onwards Mr.Randhir Shekhawat will pamper his daughter and wifey equally , happy now , Trisha's momma.....Randhir asked ruffling Trisha's hair to which Trisha moved out her head from his arms and saw towards Sanyu with her small dovey eyes, and again hid herself in his arms.

See you had scared her already by your antics .....Randhir said.

What the hell ? I have not scared her, it's just she shows more trantums, she just wants to masti and you are not less than her .....Sanyu said to him.

Leave that , we are not here for argument, pass us that ball and we will pass you back ....he said to her.

Happy Realisation.....Sanyu said picking up the ball.

See, Princess momma too is playing with us , See if she scolds you then we both won't talk to momma , now come let's play ....Randhir said to Trisha pointing his finger towards the ball.Trisha slowly saw from his arms.

Trisha .....saying Sanyu called her out and passed the ball towards them.
While , Trisha slowly sat on Randhir's lap properly.

Randhir took the ball in his hand, holded Trisha's hand and threw towards Sanyu.
Trisha giggled in her baby tone as the ball kept on rolling. Her giggling was enough to feel Randhir and Sanyu satisfied.

See , I had missed these giggles and laughter if we had skiped the park plan, and you know I can't afford to miss this....Randhir said in between in the play.

Why do you love "Us", soo much ?...asked Sanyu next moment.

Sanyu realised what she had spoke.

Ohhh, sorry it just slipped , Why do you love Trisha soo much ? ....she asked looking down at her fingers.

First of all, there is no need to feel awkward Sanyu , my answer to your question is this baby girl had brought the lost light,shine and my smile back , I love you too much Princess , I know you are jealous but I love Princess more than I love you .......he said in flow and realised what blunder he had created.

Sorry, that was a mistake, it just slipped out ....he said trying to justify his point.

It's okay , I know that was a mistake .....she said and passed the ball to him.

Randhir saw that Sanyu was not meeting his gaze.

For a moment, he thought that he had hurted her by saying that, as he was still trying to figure out her feelings for him.
No matter how much he loves her, his love his endless , but he had just imposed or force his love on her , her love for him should be in same way as he loves her.

Listen, Sanyu I'm just sorry , you know na, just to irritate you i had said those things ...he said.

Randhir, Its okay , just forget about it , let's contiune the game ......she replied to him passing the ball.

After sometime, it seemed that Trisha was getting bored with the playing so she stopped palying, enjoying she was looking around at the lights.

It seems she doesn't want to play, come let's roam a little around .....Randhir said to Sanyu.

Trio were walking around, while Randhir was showing Trisha the lights. Sanyu was pointing at flowers , some flying butterflies around , when Trisha saw a butterfly her amused expression was worth seeing , she was thrilled with that butterfly.
Sanyu slowly catches one butterfly to show to Trisha , but seeing that tiny fly she got scared and hided herself in Randhir's jacket.

Baby, it's not scaring you see....Sanyu said to her, but Trisha was adamant to look at that fly, so Sanyu left that and it flew away.

It's gone Princess see we have reached next to fountain...Randhir said to her while hearing the gushing sound of the water Trisha looked around.

Seeing that colourful fountain, such a big gushing of water, Trisha began to do movements in his arms as she wanted to touch that colourful thing in front of her.

Trio stood at some distance watching the scenario in front of them, it was getting tough for Randhir to handle Trisha as she wanted to go near to that colourful thing in front of her.
2 to 3 tiny droplets landed on them as Randhir took a step foward. Feeling water droplets on her face Trisha gleamed looking at them, she with her tiny fingers pointed towards them to Randhir.

That's water droplets baby, wait let me wipe them....saying he a grabbed a tissue from Sanyu.

As soon as he wiped the drops of water from her hand she seemed that didn't like it her.She left out a small cry.

Randhir , I guess she don't want them to be wiped out....Sanyu said watching out Trisha.

Ohhh, sorry Princess I thought you didn't like it so you want me to wipe them out ....Randhir said.

It's sometimes hard to predict what small babies want and don't want....Sanyu said making Trisha wear her cap as it was evening time and there was cold too.

This time Trisha didn't made attempts not to wear it neither made any attempts to stop Sanyu from making her wear it.

Yes , I experienced just now ....he said with a smile wearing her cap properly.

After spending sometime, they decided to retire back to home as it was late by now.

In car, Sanyu was and Randhir along with Trisha were on backseat while Max was sitting next to driver.
Randhir's bodyguards were following them in their cars.

Come here baby , it's now Milk time ....saying Sanyu pulled Trisha towards her who was rolling on Randhir's lap while Randhir was tickling her not tickling just making her laugh.

Trisha snuggled close to Sanyu, Sanyu asked Max to pass the milk bottle which he had got from Mary Aunty.
Checking that the milk was not hot enough, Sanyu moved the bottle towards Trisha's mouth, instead Trisha grabbed the bottle from Sanyu's hands, and started to chew it.

No no, it's not to chew you need to get healthy so you need to drink milk , See I'll make you drink it .....saying Sanyu tried to take the bottle from her hand, Trisha's grip on the bottle tighten.

Sanyu made her sip some milk from the bottle, while all tired, exhausted Trisha drifted to sleep holding the bottle in her hand. Seeing that she was fast asleep Sanyu removed the bottle, wiped her face. She made her sleep properly on her lap.

Randhir covered Trisha properly with shawl.

Every weekend we are now going to plan for a day-out ..... Randhir said with happiness in his voice.

So, Randhir Shekhawat enjoyed my company ,I'm fabulous person I know, definitely we will plan next weekend too....Sanyu answered him in a teasing tone.

Oyeee, hello Wifey! It's I enjoyed my Princess Company , yours was okay , so remove that misconception of yours ....Randhir replied flopping a forehead kiss to Trisha.

Whatever Randhir, I know you both doesn't love me anymore , My baby too is also is on yours side .....Sanyu spoke in extra dramatic tone.

Such an drama queen you are , if there is any award for extra drama then that should be awarded to Sanyu, now be happy, See I love you too as much as I love Trisha....saying he too flopped a kiss on her forehead.

In heat of moment , both of them didn't realised what just happened. When Sanyu got what happened she turned her face towards window and was looking out from window.
Suddenly, car came to halt.

Before , Randhir would utter anything Max and driver were out of the car.

Randhir got what happened Now. He was blushing by his act, he was not at all agility or anything.

Why this stupid persons walked out without specifying any reason?... Randhir spoke but Sanyu was too busy in her session to hear to him.

Randhir took out his phone to dial Max's number , but there flashed a message from Max saying that " Boss, when you are done with your romance , let us know, we don't want to make you feel embrass and Ma'am too, we are giving you full privacy, we don't want to see adult film " and there was a wink emoji after that.

I want to bang my head somewhere....saying he opened the door of the car.

Sanyu , I'll be back in one minute , just stay here.....saying he walked away.

These idiots, I'll show you guys wait ....saying he dialled Max's number moving hand through his hairs.

Hello , Boss....Max picked up his call.

Where the hell are you return back soon or else see ?......Randhir said to him in angry tone but that was sounding more funny to Max.

Boss , if you are done then only we both will return .....Max said in teasing tone.

Fine , I'm calling Aman you both die here ......saying Randhir hanged up the call.

Before, Randhir would turn Max and Driver were standing in front of Randhir controlling there laughter.

What the hell is wrong with you both ?...asked Randhir.

We don't want to disturb you ....Max said controlling his laugh.

Don't get wrong things in your mind, it just happened in flow....Randhir said remembering there sweet moment.

We didn't see anything , I swear, you too didn't see or hear anything speak.....Max said gesturing the driver to speak.

Enough now , you drive the car or else give me the keys I'll drive ....saying Randhir walked away in fake anger.

Boss, wait ....saying Max ran behind him while driver ran to take the driving seat.

Here, Sanyu was not less than a tomato. When Randhir sat back and when car ignited she got to know that car had halted till that time she was in her own land.

Rest of the car journey was slient, none of Randhir neither Sanyu were speaking. Sanyu used to look at Randhir, at same time Randhir used to look at her and both getting caught used to look away again. Stealing glances of each other.
Home journey came to an end.

Boss, here we go.....saying driver opened Randhir's door.

Sanyu , wait a second ....saying he moved towards her side and holded the door in his hand.

Randhir, can you remove the shawl....Sanyu spoke.

He did as Sanyu asked him to do, in that process his hand got brushed with Sanyu sending jitters down her spine.

Are you able to come out holding her...Randhir asked to Sanyu.

Yes....saying she holded properly Trisha and got down.

Randhir asked the servants to carry all the belongings to Sanyu's room.

Both of them walked inside, a person was sitting on the chair wearing specs reading newspaper.

Here, we come Aunty.....Randhir shouted in happiness.

Randhir, slow Trisha is sleeping.....saying Sanyu gestured him to be slow.

Ohhh,sorry ....he replied slowly.

Randhir had not seen the person sitting there but Sanyu's eyes had caught the glimpse of some unknown person. Person's back was facing towards them his face was not visible to them.

Seeing the person for first time a tinge of fear engulfed in Sanyu , but she didn't show it on her face.

Mary Aunty hearing Randhir's voice came out from kitchen, who was preparing food.

How was your day?...asked Aunty.

Very Good .....Randhir yelled in happiness.

Seeing the kid Randhir , Sanyu as well as Aunty smiled.

Aunty, we are hungry , we will freshen up and come down...Randhir said looking at Sanyu.

Why not ! But, before that someone is waiting to meet you guys.....Aunty said.

Who ? .....asked Randhir getting confused.

See there ...pointed Aunty towards the chair where the person was reading a newspaper.

Randhir turned his attention towards the person , he took a step forward and he got who that person is . Shocked expression was all over his face, he was shivering a little.

Seeing him Sanyu got tensed up.


Precap : New Person entry ( Guess the person ??) Negative or Positive entry...

How did you find the update ? Do let me know what you loved the most in update?

How was the mall scene ? Randhir's gift for Sanyu and Trisha ?

Thank you!!!

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