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Arya! How come you are here ?...asked Sanyu breaking the hug.

This idiot is my best friend, business partner . He has been eating my head to visit as it is his Princess party....Arya said and punched Randhir lightly.

Yes, it's my Princess Party , isn't it ? ...Randhir said tickling Trisha asking her to come to him but Trisha hided her in Arya's arms.

Awww, doll I guess you missed me soo much . No worries now I'm here only if I had to go away then also I won't go , I missed you too and buddy loves you ....Arya said wiping tears from Trisha's face.

Sanyu too had tears in her eyes.

Arya, you duffer you made my girls cry , you stupid creature I made a mistake by inviting you......Randhir said returning his punch back to Arya.

Shekhawat , can you shut your mouth ....Arya said walking towards tissue box which was on table.

He wiped Trisha's face slowly. He walked towards Sanyu.

Aww, soo cute my Sanyu is still a cry baby ...Arya said wiping her tears too.

Idiot , Shut-up...saying Sanyu pushed him slightly.

While, Arya smiled seeing them.
He too was in tears seeing them after all long.

See , now you are cry baby Arya ....saying Sanyu handed him a tissue.

No, they are tears of happiness.....He said to her.

Btw , how do you know each other ?....asked over curious Randhir to them who was little jealous.

We...Sanyu started but Arya spoke.

We can talk about that later, I need to play with doll...saying Arya walked with Trisha to sofa.

Don't you share a good bond with Arya? ....asked Sanyu.

He is my best friend....Randhir replied adoring the duo who were punching the soft toy.

He is my best friend ....Sanyu said determinedly.

What the hell yaar Sanyu he is my best friend?....Randhir said.

Listening to them , Arya walked with Trisha towards them.

Oyyeee Shekhawat I'm Sanyu's best friend infact, half boy-friend isn't it ?....Arya said pinching Sanyu's nose.

Don't do that you idiot ...Sanyu said to Arya with fake anger.

Randhir felt like punching Arya as here Sanyu was still Randhir's best friend and Arya had made her his half girl-friend.

Yes, Mr.Shekhawat Arya is right ....Sanyu said to make Randhir more jealous.

Okayy, Princess come let's go no one loves us here ....Randhir said to Trisha while Arya moved Trisha back not wanting her to go to Randhir as he still wants to cuddle her.

Arya, you already have my wife on your side now please spare my daughter ......Randhir said angrily to Arya.

Awww, how cute is Randhir Shekhawat pleading ? See, I have not asked doll to do partiality infact she loves me more than you , isn't it doll?...Arya asked to Trisha placing a kiss on her crown.

While, hit him on his face slowly asking her to go to Randhir.

Hahhahahahhaa ! Arya got beaten by Trisha Shekhawat isn't that cute?...Randhir said taking Trisha in his arms.

Whatever you Monkey Shekhawat....Arya said to Randhir twitching his nose.

She loves her Dadda and buddy both. My baby loves you both ....Sanyu said caressing Trisha's face.

But, she loves her Dadda more ....Randhir said to Arya.

Go and die you moron, I'm not saying you anything now, what will revenge on this for sure Randhir.....Arya kinda threaten Randhir.

Let's see who does what ....Randhir too replied him.

Stop you guys, you both are arguing on silly things, she loves her momma more....Sanyu said to stop them.

Infact, Dadda loves both momma and Princess equally ....Randhir said.

Sanyu looked at Randhir while Randhir was already staring at her. Getting that 2 had got lost in each other. Arya smiled and he coughed to get them back.

Ohhhhhhh , love is in the pyaar then chalo Arya you should get going as no one loves you here, bye doll....Arya said to Trisha while Trisha moved her hands to stop her buddy who had took a step away from her.

Oyeeee over-dramatic cartoon stop, I don't love you, but my daughter loves you and infact you have my wife too on your side ....Randhir said annoyingly.

Okay, so you are insisting me then I'll but that's only for Sanyu and Doll ...Arya said to Randhir with a wink.

Yayyy...Sanyu said clapping her hands like a kid tickling Trisha.

While, Randhir was surprised by her excitement. Randhir looked at Arya with a suspicious look while Arya winked at Randhir again raising his invisible collars.

Sanyu realised that all are staring at her she looked embrassed. She was staring now at floor.

Sanyu,btw I must say you are looking sexy in this dress and hot too....Arya said to Sanyu while Sanyu blushed at his statement.

Randhir was angrily glaring Arya as he was openingly flirting with his wife in front if him , while his wife too was blushing at Arya's statement.

Thank you Arya , infact Randhir gifted me this isn't it pretty ?...She asked Arya while he twirled her around .

Randhir was burning in jealously while Arya looking at him smiled inwardly.

My Doll too is looking pretty ....Arya said to Trisha asking her to come to him.

Instead, Randhir took her back.

She is prettiest you idiot she is my daughter....Randhir said kissing her on her cheeks.

Whatever, come to your buddy doll....Arya said while Trisha jumped to his hands.

Arya...Randhir said getting irritatingly.

Randhir Shekhawat your wife is looking total pattka I think you should accompany her instead of my doll , I can handle doll, so good luck if you are not interested then I can.....Arya spoke in his ears, Arya was going to say but Randhir pushed him while Arya laughed at him.

What are you guys talking?....asked curious Sanyu.

Nothing, you come ....saying Randhir took Sanyu with him to a chair.

Sit...saying he made her sit on it.

What happened Randhir ?...asked Sanyu.

Listen just stay away from that idiot Arya, before you question me , just stay away from him...He was going to say but someone hugged him from behind.

A girl dressed in crop-top , with tight jeans wearing denim jacket was hugging Randhir like a baby. Randhir smiled feeling the touch.
While, Sanyu was confused.

She screamed next moment, closing Randhir's eyes with her hands.

Hearing the scream Arya rushed towards them with giggling Trisha while seeing the person he gulped down. His heart began to beat with faster rate. He was still dazed when Trisha hit him with her hands as he was ignoring her.

Doll, sorry buddy is not ignoring you....Arya said taking a step slowly forward.

Sanyu frowned seeing what girl was doing with her husband and Randhir's happy face.

Idiot leave him....Sanyu's inner self said.

Guess who is now .....girl squealed in happiness.

Ohh, who is this ?......Randhir too played while girl made a face.

You forgotten me , I know now you will as you have got married and a Cutipiee daughter....She said in a sad tone.

Awwww, bachha it's not like that .....saying Randhir pulled her in bond crushing hug.

I'm missed you Motuuu......Ruhi said in between her sobs.

Ruhi bachha don't cry , see I'm here ......Randhir said wiping her tears while Ruhi stood hugging him while Randhir planted a forehead kiss.

Hearing her sobbing Trisha too began to cry, now rest people grabbed Ruhi's attention.
Hearing Trisha cry , Sanyu took Trisha from Arya.

What happened baby ? Did buddy troubled you .....Sanyu asked to Trisha while Trisha her little eyes with her tiny hands.

I guess doll wants to sleep....Arya said.

Is she your daughter motu.....Ruhi asked Randhir with twinkling eyes.

Yes....came His reply.

Can I hold her ?...Ruhi asked him cutely.

Bachha, but .....Randhir said.

Please....Ruhi pleaded.

Okay go ....Randhir replied with a smile.

Ruhi stood in front of Sanyu, while Trisha was looking at her stuff toy in her hand.

Hii, babydoll I'm your dad's best friend you can call me Masi, we will have lots of fun, you are soo cute babydoll .....Ruhi said touching Trisha's hand while Trisha directly hit the stuff toy on Ruhi's nose which turned it red totally.

Good baby, you did good by hitting her , She called Randhir Motu and now Best friend. Randhir too hugged This girl I Will see him afterwards, you did a good job baby .....Sanyu's inner self said looking at Ruhi's red nose, Sanyu was doing happy dance from inside.

Ruhi got little upset, Arya felt bad seeing her condition but next moment he was laughing his heart out holding his stomach. Same was with Randhir and Sanyu, but Sanyu was super happy.

Randhir walked upto Ruhi.

Motu your daughter hit me, I guess because I call her father Motu , isn't it munchkin? ...Ruhi asked with a smile as she didn't feel bad at all for Trisha hitting her.

Sanyu felt like banging her head somewhere, same with Randhir and Arya.

Wait, let me talk to her sweetly ....Ruhi said and started to walk but Randhir pulled her towards him.

Baccha, go and freshen up, after that you can play with her...Randhir said to Ruhi.

Oakyy, Motu I'll be back, and yes Babydoll Masi and you are going to have fun....Ruhi said kissing Trisha's cheeks quickly and she ran upstairs.

Such a baby she is.....Randhir said adoring Ruhi.

Baby, My foot....Sanyu said which Arya only heard it.

She is disaster.....Arya said remembering something gulping down some water from nearby bottle in fear.

Trisha started to wave at Randhir,while next she was playing with his shirt buttons.

Did you like your Masi baby ?........Randhir asked Trisha.

Trisha hided herself in his embrace.

She didn't like her Masi , because she called her dadda MOTU....Sanyu answered this time gritting her teeth angrily ,while Arya suppressed his laugh.

But, Sanyu.....Randhir was saying Sanyu cut her in middle.

Guys ,I'll be back taking a call.....saying Arya walked out.

Randhir Shekhawat can you care to explain who she is ?...Sanyu asked him in stern tone.

Sanyu...Randhir said.

Answer my question ....she replied.

She is my best friend ......he was saying but she cut him in middle again.

Best friend my foot Shekhawat. she called you Motu and you didn't said anything to her, she hugged you and you too hugged her, did you ever hugged me ? And that forehead kiss ?URGHHH...I hate you Shekhawat , dare you come near me and my baby now, if you enter our room, I swear I will hit you with broom and I'm damn serious, did you get that ? I got about whom you were talking the other night .....Sanyu spoke all in front of him.

Listening to her Randhir was shocked as she has assumed lot many things.

Listen Sanyu...he said but she showed her palm to him.

I don't want any justification Mr.Monkey Shekhawat , come baby dadda doesn't love you and momma, he never told your momma about his best friend, and how will he tell? He doesn't consider us his family only and get that straight I'm not jealous of that Chudail Mr.Monkey Shekhawat , or else you will assume things on your own....Saying Sanyu took Trisha in her arms and walked up to her room.

Randhir too shook his head in disbelief and holded Trisha's hand but Trisha moved her hand towards Sanyu's face. She started to play with Sanyu's hairs.

While, going through she asked a servant to get a broom get in her room , if Randhir tries to enter to manofy her she will teach him a lesson.Seeing her actions and anger, Randhir gulped down in fear.

Randhir stood with shocked expression in middle, While his uncle was standing and observing trying hard not to laugh, same was with Arya, he was happy that both are working on the marrige , but thinking about Ruhi he started to sweat . All the servants controlling their laughs returned to their works.

After few seconds,
God please help my image is stake or else this Shekhawat girls I tell you ...Randhir said praying for his life.

He took a slow baby steps and reached next to Sanyu's room .

Here, Sanyu was sitting next to Trisha who was playing with her stuff toys while a broom was lying in front of her and she was staring at it.

Randhir entered slowly slowly, he pushed the door without making any noise.
He saw Sanyu was fuming in anger while his Princess was playing with her stuff toys.

Randhir went next to Trisha and picked her up, and walked out of the room immediately

Coming out he handed Trisha to Mary Aunty and rushed to room where he saw that Sanyu was walking out in anger.

He pulled her in the room and locked the room.

Before, she would burst or do something he pinned her to wall, and put his hand on her mouth.
While, she was trying to shout.


How was the part ?

Some words for Ruhi ..

Some words for Arya...

Some words for Sandhir........

Thank you !

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