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Target completed,so here is the next part,

In Bengalore ,

You are all good for nothing. I won't pay you anything now, not a single penny just get lost ....a man sitting in dark room roared looking at the photo frame of Sanyukta and Trisha in his hand .

But, dad ....his son spoke in between.

Don't you poke your silly nose in this matter, you are a loser....he threaten his own son with a gun.

But ...his son was speaking to be just cut by his father.

Don't....his father threatened him again.

You all are good for nothing, it's last time I am warning you, go and find Sanyukta where can she go from last 4 years she is just changing the cities and you can't even trace her ....the man in late 50s rorared again.

Just don't come near me and try to calm me you all are useless creatures, go and die somewhere ...the man pushed his son aside.

I said just leave the place and start to search Sanyu and that baby girl ...the man shouted to which all of the people left the room .


In Mumbai,

Randhir's pov  :

My sleep got disturbed from the phone call from Max.

I opened my eyes quickly seeing his number flashing on my screen.

Good morning Sir, ....Max spoke.

Good morning Max ...I replied to him.

Sir, Aryan won't be able to wake up but his father is some what weird...Max spoke.

Means ...I .Asked .

Sir, yesterday you told me check upon Aryan so I went to check but his father was hell angry and he was behaving some what like mad person because his son got beaten by some one....Max told to me.

Don't worry we will see ...I replied and hang up the call.

No matter what I will be always there to protect Sanyu...I thought and left to get ready to leave for office.

After having my breakfast, taking the cars keys I drove towards the office.

But, What I saw made me hell angry.

Chashmish was trying hard to help a small little girl was leg was stuck under the stone.The stone was heavy and she was not able to lift it due to its heavy weight.

I got angry  seeing her struggle, she must have called someone to help but no she wants to be lady dabbangg.

Just Great !

I walked towards them.

Sometimes , I don't get why this Chashmish had to use her brains in such things where she won't be able to achieve anything.

I saw that Sanyukta was trying to move the heavy rock but that was out if her control and that small girl was crying in pain.

I felt bad for both of them.

Sanyukta just move away ...I told her.

And seeing the source of voice she turned towards me.

What?...she asked.

I said just move away ....I told to her move asise and asked the service boys to move aside the rock.

The small little girl was out of pain now.

Did you get hurt ?....Sanyukta asked her checking her legs and hands.

No, didi thank you let me go my mumma must be a waiting for me .....she spoke and ran but not before kissing Sanyu's cheeks.

Sanyu turned her head towards me.

Where I stood on place behaving like nothing he happened.

Thank you for the help ....she thanked me and walked away not meeting my gaze.

I really wanted to knock some sense in her brains so that from next time she will ask some one to help her and she won't show her lady dabbangg side to anyone.

I knew that she don't want to face so she is ignoring me , but I will also see how long see keeps on ignoring me.

I slowly was walking behind her but what I saw made me hell angry, her hands were bleeding and nowI understood that she got hurt while she was pulling that stunt out which was out of her capability.

Sanyukta....I called her out loudly and she stood froze on her place trying to hide her hand, I guess she must have understood that I had saw it.

I walked towards her and hold her hands it was bleeding badly.

She was trying to move her hand backwards so that I won't be able to she it.

What is this ?...i asked her.

It's nothing, I will apply medicine ...she spoke.

Is this girl mad or what ?
she is saying it's nothing,can't she see how badly her hand is bleeding.

Just shut your mouth, you know that it was out if your calibre to pick up that rock, no still you had to show that you can, can't you take someone's help, just speak up , and why will up speak , it's nothing big you as you say....I spoke with heavy heart as I was hurt badly.

I just ..she was trying to explain but I cut her in middle.

This is nothing for you seriously, see how deep the cut is...I pointed to her where she kept on looking down hanging her head.

Come with me ...I warned her with a stern.

I can manage myself  ....she spoke.

Just keep your mouth shut ....I warned her and took her hand in mine and started to walk towards my cabin.

All the while she was looking down and All the staff people were staring at us as we had murdered some one and ran away.

But, I don't care about any one when it comes to my Chashmish.

On my way, I ordered the office boy to get the medical box and he immediately got it in my cabin.

I made her sit on the couch and took seat beside her.

I applied anti-spetic to clean the wound and she hissed in pain.

Sorry, I will be gentle....i spoke and blew some air on her hand.

It's okay ...she replied while lowering her head.

I bandaged her hand, she thanked me.

if you want you can take leave today   ...I spoke to her.

And as excepted she denied to take leave.

Fine, then just don't stress your hand ..I warned her and she walked out of my cabin.

Why this girl can't take of herself, if something happened to her I won't be able to live without her , I had got her back after 4 years and I don't want to lose her.

While day passes away,

At the time of break too I had my food stealing her glances while she kept on ignoring me.

it was evening time,

Almost all had left for the home except me and Sanyu.

Aman informed me that it's too late and I should call off for today so I shut down my laptop and walked out of my cabin taking my coat.

I walked in the parking  area and saw that Sanyu was waiting for the auto but too her bad luck there was no any auto.

I took the seat beside my driver and asked him to take the car near to Sanyu.

Come, Sanyukta I will drop you at your place as it's late ....I spoke.

I can manage ...she spoke.

It's late ....I spoke.

Thank you sir but trust me I can manage ...she replied.

Fine, then ...I asked my driver to take car little far away from her and stop it.

I took out my phone and dialled Aman's number.

Aman, send some goons to my office area quickly...I told him.

What are you gone mad ???But why ?...he questioned me back.

I explained him...something and his eyes widen in shock.

It's not the way to threaten her, she is soo naive girl ..he spoke.

But, She is too way stubborn to listen , just do what I had said ...I spoke and hanged up.

I kept sitting in my car.

End of Randhir's pov..


What is Randhir upto?😏

So, Who is searching for Sanyu and why?


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