Chapter 166: Assault, mass arson, aggravated assault, war crimes

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" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:


Kazuma: Wahahaha ! Wahahaha ! That's it, Megumin ! Give it to 'em ! You are the strongest mage in the world ! Look, Darkness ! Behold this wondrous sight ! Thinking about it, the Demon King's army has caused me quite a bit of trouble in the past ! Now I've finally gotten some revenge ! Wahahaha ! Look at that pathetic sight ! And you dare call yourself the Demon King !?

Darkness: Ah, aaah... Aaah... Top grade manatite that are each worth more than a house are disappearing right in front of me... one... Two...


Kazuma: Are those elite soldiers of the Demon King's army !? They look like they're about to piss themselves ! I'm sure they're normally pretty strong enemies, but to us right now they might as well be kobolds !


Darkness: T-This is Hell... This is Hell on Earth... ! Even if it used up a lot of top grade manatite, if any of the nobles or His Majesty were to witness this, they would definitely designate Megumin as the most dangerous person in the world... ! There's no way the Kingdom could ignore her... !

Kazuma: Wahahahaha ! This feels great ! It's like all the gloomy stuff clawing at my chest vanished in an instant ! Megumin, get them ! Keep blasting even after you shatter the barrier ! Aqua and the others have only just entered the castle ! The Demon King's room is most definitely on the top floor ! Once you break through, raise your aim a little and take the entire top off !

Darkness: D- Don't do that ! Considering Aqua's poor luck, she might end up getting caught in the blast ! And look at Megumin ! Her eyes are already shining brighter than ever... !

"... Smells like Explosion..."

Mitsurugi: What does smell like-


"Ah. Looks like they finally caught up to us in the end. Must've been right behind us."

Megumin: Hey, what is he saying ?

Kazuma: He's saying if he was in peak condition, he would've taken out that "flat Crimson Demon" easily.


Darkness: K- Kazuma, did he really say that ?!

Kazuma: pretty much.

"Ah. And now she's starting going bananas at it, she must be pissed."

Mitsurugi: She's gonna bring the whole castle down alongside the barrier if she keeps it up !

Yunyun: M- Megumin-san...

Kazuma: Alright, here is where the real work starts.

Darkness: Ah, let me take the lead here. Even if a Dragon shows up, I won't give an inch. Seeing Megumin get all the spotlight is making me a little jealous.

Megumin: Heheheh, I'm afraid the only way to overshadow me today would be to take down the Demon King.

Kazuma: ... ... If what's sitting right above the castle is what I think, then preparations for that must be underway already...

Darkness: Kuh... ! The role of a female knight is to be captured by the Demon King, but we came here to take him down... Do I fulfill my role as a female knight or defeat the Demon King...

Kazuma: Why do you think we came here ? Have you forgotten about Aqua ?

Yunyun: Megumin ! Waaah ! Megumin ! Megumin ! I- I- I was so scared ! This place is really scary !

Megumin: W- What's wrong, Yunyun ? You do love to cry, but you look really bad today !

Mitsurugi: Satou Kazuma, you really did catch up with us ! ... Actually, I'm surprised you were safe. Wasn't the Demon King right outside ?!

Kazuma: ... No, why would the Demon King be outside ?

Yunyun: W-We managed to sneak into the castle thanks to Aqua-san... While we were exploring the castle with the help of the light-refracting spell, the castle was suddenly hit by a mysterious barrage... Aqua-san said that the Demon King must have sensed that his natural enemy, a goddess, has entered his castle and plans to collapse the entire structure to bury us alive, so we rushed to the entrance... But I guess Y/n-san was right in saying it was Megumin...

Kazuma: Hey, what happened to them, then ?

Yunyun: T- That's... !

Mitsurugi: Aqua-sama, um... We got separated... The sudden explosions threw the castle into chaos. In the confusion, we managed to use Yunyun's spells and my companion's Lurk skill to make it here, but... She must be close by. She was with us until just a short moment ago. When I took my eyes off her for just an instant... I'm sorry... I couldn't protect Aqua-sama after saying all that to you... Dammit, what Magic Sword Hero am I ? I couldn't even protect the person I love !

Kazuma: No, wait, sorry to interrupt you while you're getting emotional, but getting lost is like her signature trait. It happens all the time, so don't worry about it. More importantly, we should go look for that idiot. I guess someone already went looking after her, didn't he... Well, so long as he hasn't fired with his orbital cannon, it means he should be safe.

Mitsurugi: With his WHAT ?!

Kazuma: I don't really want to split up, but it's an emergency, so we'll have to in order to look for Aqua. Shout if you run into an enemy. Mitsurugi or Yunyun will come running over. I don't mean to brag, but we probably won't be of much use in combat.

Darkness: O- Okay, if you are willing to say it so boldly, then I won't rely on you in combat. Give us a shout if you run into any problems.

Kazuma: ... What is that... ?

*Do not push*

Kazuma: ... Hmph. You might be able to fool these simpletons back there, but you won't fool me that easily...



Kazuma: ... Shit it was a trap !

Aqua: Waaaaaaah ! ... Eh ? Kazuma ?

Kazuma: Aqua ?

"Hey, you're finally here. You were trying to infiltrate the Demon King's, right ? Walked right into that devious and extraordinarily obvious trap, same as me, and that blue idiot over there."

Aqua: K- Kazuma... ! Waaaah ! Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san !!

Kazuma: Hey, keep quiet ! We are in the Demon King's castle ! If you keep raising a fuss some of his underlings might come to investigate !

Aqua: But, but... ! When I thought we finally met up again, Kazuma, Kazumaaaaa !

Kazuma: Oh, come on, show me where you hit your face, i'll fix it up for you... heal !

Aqua: It-It healed... Kazuma, Kazuma, you used Heal... ! Ah, aaah, aaaaah... ! Waaaaah ! You shitty NEET, you came all this way to steal my role !? You're not content with just demoting me to the goddess of toilets, now you've stolen the only thing I'm good at, too ! Alright, bring it on, you thieving NEET ! My real enemy isn't the Demon King, but you ! Let's settle this right now !

Kazuma: Stop being a pain in the ass ! Do you have any idea how much trouble we've gone through while you were off getting lost like a fool !? You even left a letter practically begging us to come after you before running away from home ! You really are a handful, you know that !?

Aqua: Seems like I have no choice but to give you a taste of divine punishment... ! I'll make you regret angering the Goddess of Water ! The water will refuse to come out of the shower just as you are washing your hair !

Kazuma: Your punishments are always so petty ! Anyway... No, wait !

???: I really did hear a woman's voice.

???: That's impossible. We are on the top floor, you know ? The intruders are still wandering around somewhere on the first.

???: Who's there ?! Come on out !

'Oh, so that's where the door was ? Thank you very much for opening it.'


Kazuma: ... Clever bastard got away...


Guard: He's here, that's the intruder ! Get him-



Guard: G- Get the guys from the other floors to come !

Soldier: We can't ! The intruders are going crazy out there ! The guys who destroyed the barrier are coming up !

Guard: Nooo ! I was told that being a guard at the Demon King's castle was a safe and stable job ! I think I forgot to feed my neroid today, can I go home ?!

"You're excused. Anyone else ?"

Guards: nah, nah, we- we're good.


Soldier: Listen up ! The large detachment led by the Demon King's daughter to fight humans to the death has overwhelmed the knights at the capital ! If she comes back to find that we, the custodians of the castle, were unable to stop a few intruders, it'll be all on our heads ! So take them out ! Stop them, no matter the cost !

"... What was that ? About the Capital, what you just said... Mind repeating that ?"

Soldier: Heh, scared, are you ? Yeah, the tides of battle are going in our favor ! Right as we're speaking, the army led by the Demon King's daughter is overwhelming the capital ! It'll be reduced to rubble before long !

"... Congratulation ! You just won a fantastic prize, a one-in-a-lifetime opportunity !"

Soldier: Oh, oh, what is it ?! What did I win ?!

"The complete and utter extermination of the Demon King's army ! Congratulation ! How does it feels ?"

Soldier: You... What ?

"You heard me. I didn't think the battle at the Capital would take such a turn, so I guess I'll have to stop playing around and actually start trying. I'll show everyone involved in this fight a power to topple kingdoms and wash over armies ! The true power... Of a Summoner ! RISE, ARMY OF THE NIGHT ! MY 100,000 SOLDIERS ADVANCE, AND TRAMPLE THAT PUNY DEMON ARMY !!


Guard: Ah, Mammon-sama !! He killed Mammon-sama !

Soldier: How despicable can this man be ?! he's lower than a beast ! How could this happen ! Are you still human ?!

Kazuma: Gh... S- Support, please !

Yunyun: Light of Saber !!

Knights: That man is dangerous ! Surround him and get him together !

Kazuma: Oh, going three on one with me ? You guys really bring shame to the title of a knight. I can't believe these ate the much vaunted Demon King's Elite guards !

Knights: Y- You're not one to talk ! I don't want to hear that from someone who stripped their female friend at swordpoint and killed Mammon-sama by surprise ! I- I can't believe the nerve of this guy... !

Knight: That's enough. There's no need for us to go along with this man's pace-

Kazuma: BIND !!

Knights: Gah, dammit ! That could get any worse-


"Foooound youuuuuuu~. Seriously, it took me so long just roaming around this floor to find you guys. How are ?"

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