Halos and Horns

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Hey Reader-Chan!!!

Please read the important A/n at the end!!!

This oneshot is actually inspired by the picture up ^^^

This is an adorable picture of Sans and Frisk was done by PillaChan0411. Her style of drawing is just too cute!!!

Their just so freaking cute!!! Words can't describe how much I love these two. Especially in this pic! *Intense Fangirl Mode*

I also really wanted to write a playful Sans with an innocent Frisk. And this gave me so many ideas possible ideas! I've always found that cute, playful Sans with innocent Frisk X3

Ahem. Anyways, you can thank her for this chapie :3

Art belong to their respective owners!!!


Third Person POV

Two different creatures watched over the earth. Angels and Demons. They keep the world in balance.

Angels live high up in the sky in a cloud paradise and watch over humans and monsters from above. Angels are magnificent creatures with pure white angel wings and bright yellow halos above their heads. They wish that everyone on earth would become kind hearted and merciful creatures.

While Demons live deep underground in a fiery hell. Demons are mischievous beings usually having blood red devil wings, a pair of matching blood red devil horns, and pointed tails. Their wish is for everyone to be heartless and evil.

Now each individual Angel and Demons in assigned a person/monster to watch over, guild, and protect. It is their task to make sure the human or monster that they were assigned to will become a good hearted being for Angels or a heartless being for Demons. Ultimately, it is the choice of the human or monster to chose a path. But they make sure that there is a balance between good and evil.

Nevertheless, Angels and Demons never really got along with each other. There like bitter rivals, but they never fought, to keep everything in peace. They stay distant from each other. That is how it's been for years.

But there's a first time for everything, right?


Frisk's POV

I excitedly fly towards the gates to the world, my white wings flapping as fast as they could. I smiled and greeted everyone I passed by as I waved to them.

I was going to visit my human tonight. She's a little seven year old girl named Bella, and I loved visiting her. Being an Angel, I was assigned to make sure that she grows up to become a good girl, but of course she can't see me. No mere mortal can see us, which is disappointing. I really wish I could let her see me. I want her to see her Angel that will be helping her. I loved to visit the human and monster inhabited world, it's a very interesting place. Bella was a fairly good and obedient daughter to her father and mother, but she did have her moments of disrespect and disobedience. Of course that was because of her Demon.

I have never actually seen or met Bella's Demon. No Angel has met their human or monster's Demon, they act quickly before we could ever see them. But it never really bothered anyone, except for me.

I personally don't have any problems with Demons. Everyone says their heartless and soulless creatures with no mercy. But I believe that even creatures like them have hearts. I guess that's just me, but I would actually love to meet a Demon one day. For now I have to focus on the matter at hand.

I continued to fly until I reached the giant golden gate with a magical portal to the world behind it. I smiled warmly at the gatekeeper as he opens the gate.

"Now you be careful out there young princess." The gatekeeper advises me. "Never know when a Demon will show up."

"Thank you for your concern. I will be careful!" I responded before entering the portal.


I was teleport right inside the room of the little seven year old girl and found her asleep on her bed. I glanced over to the clock to check the time, 7:34 pm. She was sleeping rather early tonight, that can only mean one thing. She got into trouble and her Demon was just here. I sighed and cautiously sat at the edge of her bed, pulling the blanket over her and gently brushing some strands of her hair out of her face. She looks like she's been crying.

"My dear Bella. What have you done this time?" I whispered. "Your Demons doing a good job, I must admit."

She started to stir in her sleep as she looked like she was having a nightmare. I rubbed her back and started to hum a little lullaby. I continued to hum until she slowly started calmed down as she soon slept soundly. Well since she's asleep, I guess this gives me some time to explore the town and the forest right at the edge of the town.

I gently kissed the girl's forehead before I headed towards the town.


After I explored the cute little town, I wandered around the forest for a bit. It was calm and quite, with the occasional sounds of nocturnal animals such as the hoots of the owls or the rustling sound of leaves as they swayed to the cool gentle breeze of the wind. A very peaceful nigh indeed. I kept walking in till I found the most beautiful spot of the forest.

It was a gigantic patch of many golden yellow flowers with a wonderful view of the beautiful stary night. I smiled widely as I flew over to the middle of the golden yellow flower field and sat down. I looked up at the dark sky that shimmered with many glittering stars. I loved looking at the stars, I've always thought they were such beautiful gems that light up the night sky. I plucked a few golden flowers from the ground and started to make a golden flower crown. The night breeze blew and I shivered a bit, as the leaves of the trees that surrounded the golden flower field rustled loudly. It really was a quiet place.

"Why hello there little Angel~" A sudden voice broke the silence.


Sans' POV

"Go to your room!"

"What?! But it's only 7:30 pm!"

"Go to your room. Now!"


I shrunk down to a small size and sat on the little girl's, Bella, shoulder as she stomps her way upstairs and into her room. Another job well done I must say. She slams the door shut and immediately jumps into bed as she silently starts to cry herself to sleep.

I pulled my blue hoodie over my head as I carefully made sure my blood red devil horns slipped through the holes of the hoodie. I grinned as my pointed tail swayed back and forth with content. I will admit, it was much harder for me to tempt her this time. Her Angel is doing a good job, I'll give them that, but I was still able to get her into trouble. I've never actually met this little girl's Angel, but it's been like that for years. No Demon has ever met their human or monster's Angel, and they intend to keep it that way. As for me, I wouldn't mind meeting an Angel. I have nothing against them, I don't even know why we fight. Is it just because we're polar opposites? Probably. Oh well. I'll just keep doing my job, I guess.

Eventually the little girl fell asleep. This was my cue to leave.

Suddenly a bright light started to shine in the middle of the room as a figure began to form from the light. Out of curiosity, I hid under the pillow of the sleeping human and watched the light shine brighter. The bright light soon begun to die down, revealing the most beautiful creature I've ever seen.

She was an Angel, literally! She had shoulder length chocolate brown hair and enchanting hazel brown eyes, a gentle smile on her face. She wore a plain white dress that reached until the ground as she had a pair of white angel wings and a glowing yellow halo hovered over her head.

I felt like all the air from my nonexistent lungs was just drained out as my soul practically stopped working. I've heard about so many stories of Angels being magnificent creatures, but she looked way to perfect for this to be real.

She cautiously sat at the edge of the little girl's bed and pulled the blanket over her. Sighing, she gently brushed some strands of hair out of the girls face.

"My dear Bella. What have you done this time?" Her soft voice whispered. "Your Demons doing a good job, I must admit."

I can feel my grin widen as my tail started to wag, a warm fuzzy feeling building up in my chest. She thinks that I'm doing a good job. Bella started to stir in her sleep, her closed eyes tightening as she silently whimpers. The Angel then rubbed the little girl's back and begun to hum a lullaby. Her voice was so sweet and melodious, I could listen to her all day. Soon enough Bella calmed down as she continued to sleep soundly. The Angel then gently kissed the girl's forehead, then opened the window and went through it, closing the window behind her. I rapidly flew out of the pillow and grew back to my normal size.

I have to meet her.


I followed her as she explores the town. I made sure to stay out of sight as I trailed behind her. I watched as her hazel eyes fill with interest and awe as she flew around the different buildings, her constant sweet smile on her face.

Eventually she started to explore the quiet forest just outside of town. She soon found a giant patch of golden yellow flowers that had a nice view of the night sky. I see her smile widely as she flew to the middle of the flowers, looking up at the shimmering stars. Her eyes sparkled with delight, the stars practically shining from her own eyes. She looked down and started to do something with a few of the golden flowers around her.

This was my chance to meet her.

I flew towards her, making sure I was dead silent. As soon as I was behind her, I sat down and grinned.

"Why hello there little Angel~"

She stopped what she was doing and turned her head around, her bright hazel brown eyes meeting my white eye sockets. She fully turns around and stared at me for a moment, well mostly my at my pointed tail, blood red wings, and matching devil horns.

"Your a... Your a Demon!" She looks at me excitedly.

"What else would you think I was?" I opened my wings and swayed my tail back and forth for emphasis. "The names Sans. Sans the Skeleton."

I extended my boney hand out for her to shake. She happily complied and grabbed my hand.


"The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny." I chuckled.

She was quiet for a moment, but she soon cracked a smile and started to giggle as she started to blush. I felt my face heating up and start to glow a light cyan blue as I listened to her adorable giggle. I can feel a weird thumping in my chest as I started at her beautiful face and my white eye sockets slowly turning into hearts, sighing deeply.

"I'm Frisk. Frisk the Angel." She introduces, still smiling with a hand covering her mouth.

"Nice ta meet ya, Angel." I grin playfully as my eyes turning back to normal. "Wanna hear a joke?"

"Sure! I love jokes." She eagerly agrees.

"Knock, knock." I started.

"Who's there?" She responded.


"Wish who?"

"I Wish to know why your talking to a door."

She started to laugh as I finished the joke. Her laugh was contagious because I too begun to laugh along with her.

"Knock, knock." I begun again.

"Who's there?"

"Broken pencil."

"Broken pencil who?"

"Never mind. Its pointless." I winked.

We both laughed together.

"Knock, knock!" Frisk then started.

"Who's there?" I grinned, playing along.


"Nut who?"

She suddenly lightly pushes my shoulder and spreads her white wings.

"Tag! Nut it!"

She giggled before she quickly flew off. My grin widened as I spread open my own blood red wings and quickly flew after her. She was fast, but I wasn't about to lose to her. I teleported in front of her, surprising the little Angel as she bumped onto my chest.

"Tag! Nut it." I wrap my boney arms around her waist.

"No fair! I can't teleport!" She crossed her arms.

"Well ya started the game without me knowing. Its only fair I did that." I argue.

"Hmp!" She puffs her cheeks.

The cold night breeze then blew once again, causing for Frisk to shiver and embrace me tightly as she buried her face into my chest, her wings stopped flapping. On instinct, I wrapped my blue jacket around the both of us as my face started to glow a brighter blue and held her close to me, making sure she doesn't fall down.

"Your so... Warm~" She sighed deeply.

Upon hearing those words, I felt my wings and tail start to stiffen as my face was now a bright blueberry. I carefully brought both of us down, making sure my wings were still flapping. Once we were seated down from where we were sitting earlier, Frisk was still hugging me tightly, her hazel brown eyes closed.

"Glad to know that I'm warm." I say.

Her eyes then shot open as she hurriedly let go of me and sat in front of me, her faced flushed a dark red.

"I-I... I'm sorry! I w-was just c-c-cold... And I...I don't k-know what..!" She rapidly says, covering herself with her white wings.

I chucked at her reaction, she was so adorable!

"It's alright." I rubbed her back with my tail.

She soon slightly parts her wings apart and peeks at me, shyly fiddling with her fingers.

"So your ummm... Bella's Angel, right?" I change the topic.

"How did you know?" She asks, removing her wings from her face as she tilts her head to the side.

"I'm her Demon. Plus I saw ya earlier magically appear in her room." I explain.

She started at me.

"What did you do? It's obvious that she got into trouble." She finally says.

"Not much. Just lied a bit. They were the once who decided to fight." I answered.

"Please don't do that." She requested

"No promises, Angel. Besides, I have no other choice. I'm a Demon, it's my job." I responded.

"I suppose so..."

We sat there in comfortable silence as Frisk started to play with the golden flowers again. I just watched her as she soon started to sing a little song.

"First things first, the round sun rises above."

"Makes me wake up thinking positive!"

"With a one, two, three! I get off the bed."

(Props to the person who can figure out the song X3 I actually like this song :3)

She sings happily. I closed my eye sockets and listened to her soothing voice echo through the forest as my pointed tail swayed back and fort.

"You have an angelic voice, Angel." I say, opening my eye sockets and glace back at the chocolate brown haired Angel.

She let out a small giggle as she looked up at me.

"Oh, th-thank you S-S-Sans." Her cheeks lightly flushed red. "I forgot y-you were here for a sec. B-but that was a very sweet thing to say." She smiles timidly.

She fiddles a bit more with the golden flowers. She then scoots closer to me and kneels up, facing towards me. She places the golden flowers on top of my skull and smiles in content and sat back down.

"What's this for, Angel?" I asked, touching the bunch of golden yellow flowers that rested a top my head.

"It's just a flower crown." She says. "You've been really nice to me since we met, and I wanted to give you something." She smiles sweetly at me.

And just like that, the weird thumping in my chest came back as my tail stiffened.

"I'm sorry that it's not much..." She lowers her head a bit.

I smiled warmly as I moved my tail towards her chin and made her look back up at me.

"No need to worry, Angel. I love it."

"Really?" Her hazel brown eyes looked back at me with disbelief.

"Yep." I grinned.

She then hugged me again, burying her face into my chest as her warmth spread towards me. I felt my tail wag rapidly as I wrapped my arms around her, running my bony fingers through her soft cinnamon scented chocolate brown hair.

"Well I have to go. It's getting pretty late." She says as she lets go of me.

We both stood up and dusted ourselves.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asks.

"Just call my name, and I'll be right by your side, Angel." I responded with a playful grin.

She smiles brightly before a bright light surrounds her and slowly engulfs her, soon disappearing with her. The next thing I knew, I was left alone in the field of flowers.

~~~The Next Day~~~

Frisk's POV

I sighed in relief as Bella finally fell asleep, finally. Today has been a really busy day and I just need some rest. Bella and her father had another big fight, which worries me. The thing is, I haven't seen Sans the whole day, so it can't be his fault. Maybe he was in his world resting. I will admit that I was disappointed that I didn't see him today, I was kinda hoping we would talk again, like last night. Oh well. I pulled a blanket over Bella as I thought of a place where I could go for a rest.

I smiled as I thought of the perfect place to go, the golden yellow flower field.

I opened the window and silently closed it behind me as I then headed over to the forest.


I finally arrived at the golden flower field with the beautiful view of the stary night. But tonight the sky was covered with a few clouds, covering the many twinkling stars that shown in the night sky. Before I flew over to the middle of the patch, I actually noticed that a lot of the flower from the middle of the patch were gone, leaving only the green grass beneath them. I hovered over to the empty patch where there were once golden yellow flowers and curiously examined it.

Then I felt something tap my shoulder from behind. I spun around but found no one there. Something taped my shoulder again. I cheeked behind me again, still their was no one.

I suddenly felt something snake around my neck as I was about to turn around again. I looked down at my neck and saw a very pretty necklace made out of golden flowers.

"Welcome back Angel~!" A familiar voice said from behind me.

I turned around and saw Sans' playful grinning face as his tail flicked around, the golden flower crown still a top his skull.

"Hello Sans." I greeted happily as we both sat down. "What's this?" I pointed at the flower necklace.

"A little gift from me." He says, his grin widening. "Worked all day on it. Do ya like it?"

"I love it! Thank you so much!"

I embraced him, thankfully. His pointed tail started to flicker faster and his wings opened up in surprise as he returns the embrace, a goofy grin spread across his face. He's such a sweet Demon. I'm so glad he's here, I can talk to him some more. After we pulled away, we started to chat for a bit, exchanging puns and laughing as we sat under the dim light of the moon.

"How long were you waiting for me?" I asked.

He seemed to think for a moment.

"I think was here since... Sunrise?" He finally responded.

"Sunrise?! Why did you wait that long?" I asked, shocked.

"I didn't know when you'd show up, so I came here early morning. Heck, I didn't even know if you'd show up here again." He says.

"What if I didn't show up?" I questioned.

"Then I'll wait for you the next day." He answered.

"And what if I still haven't showed up?" I asked again.

"Simple. I'll keep waiting, easy." He smiles widely, his tail wagging.

"Why..? You don't know if I'll ever come..."

"Because I want to see you again, so I'll keep waiting." He simply says.

I sat there, just completely speechless as I didn't know how to respond. I don't know why, but his words moved me so much. I can feel my face heat up as I suddenly felt so flustered. I then covered myself with my wings, covering my now red face. I can hear a faint chuckle as I felt my wings being pulled apart and I stared at a pair of white pupils.

"Awww~ Isn't someone a little embarrassed~" He cooed as he pinches my cheeks.

"St-st-stop!" I shuttered, slapping his hands away.

He chuckled once again as he wraps one of his wings around me, pulling me closer to his chest, making me blush harder as I inhaled the sent of ketchup. But it felt comfortable being in his, surprisingly, warm embrace.

"Ya don't have to be shy, Angel. I don't bite~" He smirks, showing off his two sharp pointed teeth.

"I d-don't know how much truth was in that last sentence." I quietly say.

He laughed as he then continued to tease me for the rest of the night.

~~~A Few Months Later~~~

(You guys decide on how long it's been. Open up to interpretation :3)

I gently tucked the little girl into bed as she fell asleep. Today was the first day snow fell, and Bella has been playing in the snow with her friends the whole day. Now the poor girl was tired to the bone. Heh.

Okay maybe I've been spending to much time with Sans.

Sans and I have been meeting almost every night in the field of golden flowers. We normally just chat and joke around, and every once and a while Sans would pull a prank on me. Sometimes we would see each other on Bella's shoulders, that normally just ends up making the both of us get into a whole disagreement and confuse the little girl. But that didn't stop us from being friends.

Sans was nothing like what I've been taught to believe about Demons. Sure he can be very mischievous at time or would tell Bella to do something that wasn't right, but he doesn't mean for anyone to get harmed. He's actually just a really sweet little goofball.

As I make my way over to the golden flower field, a strong gust of winter wind blew, making me shiver as I wrapped my arms around myself. I should have brought a scarf or something to help me keep warm. Mental note taken.

When I finally made it to the forest, I saw that the flower field was covered with a think blanket of white snow. And in the middle of the field looked to be a figure sitting down, a familiar blue jacket wrapped around them. I smirked as I hid behind a tree, this was my chance to finally get back at you for all of those pranks, Sans.

I silently flew over to the sitting figure as I tried to hold back my giggles.

"Gotcha!" I screamed.

I tackled the figure to the ground. To my surprise, the figure completely flattened as the blue jacket fell off, revealing a now crushed snowman.

"Huh? Where is-"

Before I could finish my sentence, I was tackled to  the ground. I looked up and was meet with a familiar grinning face as they stared back at me, their pointed tail flicked back and fort and their towering figure prevented me from getting up.

"Thought you had me that time, Angel~?" Sans says.

"Ch-cheater!" I complained, my teeth chattering a bit.

"What can I say? I don't exactly play by the rules."

He gets off of me and sat up as he helps me up. I shivered again when another gust of wind blew, making me teeth chatter more obvious.

"Hey. Are ya okay?" Sans wraps one of his wings around me as he looks at me with concern.

His red wings bring me closer beside him as I caught a whiff of his ketchup sent, his embrace warming me up a little.

"I'm f-fine... Just a l-l-l-little c-cold-" I interrupted myself as I sneezed.

Sans left eye started to glow a cyan blue with blue wisps as he looks over at his blue jacket that laid over the crushed snowman. The jacket was then surrounded by a blue hue as it the floated over to me.

"Here." he nudges his head over to the jacket.

The jacket falls on my lap as his left eye turns back to  its normal white color. I grabbed the jacket and put it on me. I sighed deeply as I soon felt the warmth surround me.

"Better?" He asks.

"Mhmm..." I responded, leaning my head on his shoulder, sending me much more warmth.

From the corner of my eye, I can his this face starting to glow a light cyan blue as he wraps an arm around my waist. I looked up at the night sky and stared at it in awe. There were no clouds in the sky, making everything is the sky so clear. The many stars in the sky shone brightly as I smiled.

"The stars look really beautiful tonight." I say, not taking my eyes off the stars.

"You sure are." He rests his head on my own head.

"What?" Did I hear him right?

He  didn't responded. I shrugged it off and just continued to watch the twinkling stars. Suddenly a bright ball of light flew through the sky as my eyes widened.

"Sans look! It's a shooting star!" I pointed excitedly at the flying star. "Make a wish!"

I close my eyes and clasps my hands together as I made my wish. After I made my wish, I opened my eyes and saw the star flying in the distance now. I looked up at Sans and found him already looking down at me.

"Did you make a wish?" I asked.

"Yep. So what did you wish for, Angel?" He questioned.

"I can't tell you silly!" I giggled. "If I tell you my wish it won't come true."

"Oh come on, Angel. Please~!" He begged. "I'll tell you my wish if you tell me yours."

"Fine." I gave in. "I wished to be someone's star."

"What?" He looks at me puzzled.

"Its a stupid wish I know." I started as I looked back at the stars. "I've always thought that stars were like beautiful jewels in the sky that help people and monster through the darkness of the night. Their just as important as the moon in the sky. They light up the sky more that the moon ever will. I guess I just wish I was important to someone." I continued. "Oh I'm sorry. I'm probably rambling on."

"That is a stupid wish." He says.

I lowered my head in embarrassment as my face reddened, fiddling with my fingers.

"I know. It's just that I-"

I was cut of when Sans' tail rested under my chin and made me face back up at him.

"That's a stupid wish because your already my star, Angel." He smiles, genuinely, as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I a-am..?" I stuttered.

"Mhmm." He answered. "Ya wanna know what I wished for?"

I nodded. He placed my chin in between his index finger and his thumb as he brings my face closer to his slightly glowing cyan blue face, his white pupils forming into the shape of hearts while his other arm was still wrapped around my waist.

"My wish, is to do this."

He closed the space between us by placing his teeth on my lips as he closed his eye sockets. My wings quickly spread opened in surprise as I sat there, unmoving with my eyes wide. But my eyes slowly closed and my wings relaxed as I begun to kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. The kiss was long and gentle as Sans brought me closer to him, his tail wrapping around me. Once we pulled away, Sans pressed his forehead against mine, both of our eyes opening.

"Look at that. Looks like my wish came true." He grins.

"It did." I was all I could breath out.

"I love ya, Angel." He hugs me tightly, making me rest my head on his chest.

"I... I love you too, Sans." I snuggled closer to him.

I can see his tail wag faster as he rested his head on top of mine.

"You know we'll be in a lot trouble if anyone finds out about this." I say.

"Doesn't matter. As long as they don't take ya away from me, I'll be happy." He buries his face in my hazel brown hair.

"You really are just a sweet Demon." I smiled, closing my eyes.

"Only for you, Angel."


Bonus!!! (Cuz you guys have been waiting so long for the next update :3)



"Pretty please?"

"Sans we talked about this."

"One last time!"

"No! Don't you remember what happened yesterday?"

"We weren't careful yesterday. We'll be more careful this time!"

"But its wrong!"

"But she needs to pass the test! And she didn't study last night!"

"Because you made her procrastinate about studying last night!"

The nine year old girl, Bella, was about to take some sort of test and Sans and I were both arguing because somebody decided that she should cheat.

"Come on, Angel." He whined, hugging me from behind.

"No Sans. That's final." I crossed my arms.

"Ugh. Fine." He grumbled.

I smiled as I turned around and kissed his cheekbone.

"Thank you!"

He sits down on one of Bella's shoulders and makes me sit on his lap as he buries his face in my hair, his arms wrapped around waist.

"Your no fair. I can't fight you." Sans complained.

"All is fair in love and war my dear Sans." I giggled.

"I swear, you will be the reason why the balance breaks." Sans says.

"But you still love me anyway." I turned around and poked his cheekbone.

"Of course I do, Angel." He pecks my cheek. "Its pretty hard not to love ya."

I lightly kissed his teeth, then nuzzled closer to him.

"Love you, Sans."

"Love ya too, Angel."

~~~Somewhere Up In the Sky~~~

?????? POV

"You really need to calm down, Asgore."

"But I still don't trust the boy, Tori."

"Its been two years since their relationship started. If you wanted to stop their relationship, you should have stopped it a long time ago."

"She was to young and innocent at the time to understand. She still is to young and innocent."

"We did agree for our eldest daughter to be with the eldest son of King Gaster, remember?"

"I know, but agreed not to let them meet each other until they were old enough."

"Well its too late. Besides, this might be a good thing. Now that their together, we could stop this petite hate between Angels and Demons earlier than before. Just give him a chance Asgore. He's been nothing but a gentleman since he's meet our dear little Frisk."

"Alright. But if anything happens to her, I will not hesitate to-"

"Nothing will happen, Asgore. Trust me."

Asgore sighed in defeat as we continued to watch over the two lovers snuggle closer to each other's embrace. I didn't want to admit it to Asgore, but I purposely made sure that Frisk would be assigned to the little Bella girl so she would meet Sans.

I'm just going to cross my fingers and hope Asgore doesn't find out about it.


Okay here is the very important A/n!!!

So by the time this is posted, it would be a Saturday for me and I had just finished my second week of school.

I just wanted to say that school will be the reason why my updates will be slow.

I also wanna apologize that I haven't updated in so long. Sorry!!! I really am sorry that this took so long do do cuz of school.

But thanks for being so patient!!! You guys are the best!!!

Anyways, bye Reader-Chan!!!

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