Kiss, Kill, Run (Prequel)

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Hey Reader-Chan!!! (Woah haven't said that in a while XD)








This should be interesting!

What a way to come back no~?

I know the story of Horrortale, but for the sake of this chapie and aaaaaaaalllllll the adorable yet freaky fanart and fanfics I've seen and read, Frisk shall the main character!

Now, knowing the obvious horror theme in this AU, I'm just gonna try and make this somewhat fluffy uwu

Enjoy!!! :3

Artwork is made by me!!! :D
(I actually drew this last year, might redraw it hehehe~)


Sans' POV

Do you remember a little bird?

The night you came back to us?

The moment you opened the doors to the Ruins, I barely even recognized you.

You were just like any other human that fell into the Underground, lost, afraid, confused, and weak. Your body was as thin as a stick and covered with scars and bruises, looked like you hadn't eaten in weeks, maybe even months.

Lord, that outfit you wore. It was nothing but a torn up purple dress, as you walked barefoot on the icy snow. I'm surprised you didn't die from just the seer cold.

Nonetheless, during my moment of blinding blood lust, you were nothing but an easy target.

A perfect victim was ripe for the taking.

Looking back on it now, I feel like an idiot for not recognizing you.

It was supposed to be simple. Lure you towards me, kill you, give your soul to Queen Undyne, and feed what's left of you to my brother.



No complication.

I will never forget that day...


"Come out, come out, my weak little prey~."

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

The sound of soft and hasty footsteps echo from behind me, as the cold winter wind blew harshly.

My already wide grin twisted upwards maniacally. I immediately turned around and swiftly summoned a wall of bones from the ground, crushing a line of trees as a small head popped out from behind one of the stumps. Her dusk purple eyes widened as she locked with my eye socket. You could smell the fear emanating from her shaking body.

And the smell was so satisfying~

"fOUnd YoU~."

A gasp escaped her lips as she quickly stood up, and weakly continues to run away. I let out a crazed laugh.

Does fresh meat think she could get away from me?


Funniest thing I've seen all day!

Let's keep playing little human. I'll even give you a running start~

I stood around for a moment, plotting what I could do with her once I got my hands on her. All the fun ways I could mangle up her body before the world resets once again. Her sweet, delicious blood splattered all over the white snow as her face slowly pales, and the life drains from her body, while her ear-piercing screeches ring in my head as I murder her...

That's how you paint a masterpiece.

Maybe this time, I might have the chance to feed her to my brother.

After a minute of standing around and messing around with my ax, I finally decided to walk after her. I pulled my hood over my head, covering my face in a dark shadow. I take my time, taking idle steps while whistling a horrible tune, that could shatter glass, through my jagged teeth as I casually twirl my ax around.

"Pl-plea... please h-h... help me m-m-miss..!"


"I'm b-b-being ch-chased! I, I-I..!"

I could hear the small girl's desperately pleading for help from someone.


Perhaps it's another human that escaped the ruins?

This time, I picked up the pace, curious as to who would possibly help that weak little sack of skin and bones.

No matter. Even if that girl did manage to find some help, it is of no use to her. If some insane monster decided to give her some assistance, they'll take one look at me and immediately stand down or run away. If it was to be another human...

It gives my brother and me a feast!

"CoME tO sANsy LItTle hUmaN~" I taunted.

"I hear him!" Her voice squeaks as I got closer. "W-w-we n-need to run!"

I finally started to see her small figure from a distance...

... with someone else.

Another human female. She was much taller than her, but still pretty short. Her short and messy locks of hair was a delicious chocolate brown, compared to the little girl's long light cedarwood brown hair, and I couldn't see her eyes as her hair swept over them as she stared down at her. She also wore a worn out and torn up purple dress that reaches just above her knees. You could see all the bruises and scratch marks that covered her legs and arms.

Does Tori give every girl that comes by her place the same outfit, or does every human female have the same dress?

Looking at both of them, they almost seemed like a mother and daughter together. It was kind of amusing.

Even with my original prey cornered with nowhere to go, my focus had shifted to that other human that just arrived. She immediately grabbed my attention. Something about her felt, familiar...

... looking at her made me feel safe and warm.

As I approached the pair, my face no longer twisted into its usual wide grin. Instead, I observed them curiously. My eye sockets squinted as I trailing them up and down. The small human clung onto the other human's dress from behind her, her grip tight as her whole body was shaking, and her eyes began to water.

The newcomer hadn't noticed me yet, or at least I didn't think she did. She seemed too busy trying to console the young girl. Then I heard her speak.

"Shhh, i-i-it's okay little one..."

Her voice was so soft and sweet despite her shivering. I accidentally let my guard down a bit at the sound of her calm and soothing tone.

So I was caught off guard when her head suddenly shot up to look at me. Her hair swept back, and I could finally see her eyes. They were a striking candy red as they narrowed, staring directly at me with her eyebrows furrowed. I could still sense the fear in her closed-off body language, hugging the small human protectively.

But her eyes showed that she wasn't going to back down. They were full of something I haven't seen in years...

"E-excuse me, sir..!" She started, trying to sound intimidating. She shakily stood up straight and puffed her chest out. "But I w-w-would l-like to kindly ask y-you why y-you're coming after this sweet l-little girl..?"

All I could do was stare back at her.


It can't be... her.

I sucked it up and continue walking towards the pair. I didn't want to get my hopes up...

... but if it is her...

The taller girl smiled with my somewhat calmer aura. She began to move towards me as well. The little prey looked panicky and tried to get her human protector to stop.

"Miss w-wait! Y-you can't t-t-trust him! He will kill you!"

The girl turned her head back for a moment to give fresh meat a reassuring smile. Although she didn't seem convinced, the smaller human did nothing to stop her, and she didn't follow her either, most likely out of fear.

Now this human and I are making our way to each other. Both of us were silent. She didn't look afraid at all. A warm smile was spread across her face, wholeheartedly ready for what may come.

That smile...

Despite the harsh weather and the dark atmosphere, her gorgeous red candy-colored eyes still seemed to sparkle brightly. I couldn't stop staring at them.

But as we got closer to each other, those bright eyes soon transformed into a look of uncertainty, then a look of disbelief as her eyes began to water. We were only a few feet away from each other, but she paused for a moment...

... and a single word uttered from her mouth.


When my name escaped her lips, I stopped in my tracks. My eyes widened.


It was like a ton of brick had suddenly fallen onto my spine, and I couldn't stop myself from falling to my knees.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

My ax slipped out of my hand. It... I-it can't be..!

I placed my hands on my skull and began to scratch at it, shaking my head. A million thoughts raced through my head.

'It can't be her, she left. She abandoned us. She's never coming back. Remember when you thought that little prey was her? This human isn't her. You have to kill this girl. Kill her. Kill her. Kill her! Kill hER! kILL HeR! KILL HER!'


Before I could even act upon my thoughts, I heard the crunching of hasty footsteps. I am then, engulfed into a warm embrace. The sound of quiet sobs came from the girl that hugged me. It sent a piercing pain in my soul.

I didn't dare look up at her.

We both stayed on the ground of the snowy forest. No one said anything for a while. Who knows how long we had been together like that, a few seconds? A couple of minutes? It honestly felt like hours.

Then I felt my hood, being pulled back down, and her hands made their way to my face to make me look up at her. They felt cold, even for me. Then I was meet with those striking red eyes again. Her delicate fingers began to wipe the tears that I hadn't noticed until now we're falling down the sides of my skull. We stared for a moment at each other, unblinking. Her eyes were revealing so many different emotions that she was quickly cycling through that skull of hers.

Confusion, fear, relief, guilt, sadness, joy, it felt like I was looking at a mirror. Those same emotions were racing through my head.

"... Frisk?" I finally muttered out.

She smiled.

"I'm home, Sans..."

That's when I finally broke down.

I pulled the girl into another hug and cried and howled loudly into the night. I muttered over and over again, "You're back. You're back. You're back".

She rubs my back reassuringly as she laughs blissfully. God, it was like music to my ears.

"I'm s-so sorry, Sans. I won't be leaving you this time..."

"I promise."



Meanwhile Aliza in the background is just like:

Now the reason I put prequel in the title is because I came up with this idea, and then came up with another (better) idea. I didn't want to cram my other idea here, so I decided to make this a prequel, and then write my other idea separately as im the present day.

Does that make sense uwu;;;?

Well, either way I hope y'all enjoyed my first oneshot back! I kept it short for now, but omg I'm so excited!!!

It's good to be back òwó

Anyways, bye Reader-Chan!!!

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