Partners In Crime

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Hey Reader-Chan!!!

I'm finally back guys!!! Sorry again for the long wait :(

So remember my Mafiatale inspired chapie??? Well this is basically another chapie of them!!! X3

I absolutely loved writing that chapie and I wanted to make another one :3

Man those chapies were a long time ago O.o

I saw a bunch of comments in the previous chapies of "Stolen Heart" comment about the song above, and now this is like my theme song for them! Thanks for introducing me to a awesome song guys!!! X3

Well I hope you enjoy this after the long wait!!! :3

Art belongs to me and the video belong to their respective owner/s X3


Third Person POV

The large ballroom of the castle was filled with an incredible amount of people and monster as they all chatted with one another, ate by the buffet table, or dance to the music played by an orchestra of people and monsters. A costume party being the theme of the party, of course everyone was dressed up in their own unique outfit for the occasion. The king and queen smiles as they watched the citizens enjoying themselves at the party.

But they hadn't noticed the arrival of a pair of new comers enter the room with the most stunning of attire.

The first of the pair was a human females with long wavy raven black hair that reached just below her mid-back and was held up by a small white ribbon just to the side of her hair along with having a pair of soft aqua blue eyes. She wore nothing but a simple long white dress that fell all the way to the floor as she dragged it behind her while she walked with a small red heart at the top of the dress and some white sequences dotted the bottom of her dress and a pair of one inch high white high heels with a red heart in the middle of each one. The back of her dress also had some pure white feathers, simulating a tail. Finally she wore bright red lipstick and a matching white swan mask, just covering the first half of her face and showing only her aqua blue eyes.

The next of the pair seemed to be a monster, a human like monster, yet baring no skin, hair, or eyes because all anyone could see were small white pupils in a black hole as his 'skin' was a boney white color instead. He wore a grey turtle neck shirt that had long sleeves with a black vest over it, black pants, and black dressed shoes. Just like the girl beside him, he too wore a matching swan mask that covered the top half of his face, but a midnight black color instead of the pure white color, and the very bottom back of his vest also had black feathers. He also had the addition of a black scarf around his neck and a pair of black gloves covered his hands.

Although their costumes were simple, it seemed to match the pair perfectly, making it look stunning. They walked into the ballroom hand in hand, as they smiled at each other. They looked like they were the complete opposite of one another.

The girl walked gracefully as she had such a warm and innocent smile on her face, her blue eyes shining with glee as she had such a certain bounce in her step.

The monster on the other hand had look intimidating as he slowly walked side by side with the girl, his face showing absolutely no emotions whatsoever while he kept his free hand in his pocket.

But as the girl happily hugged the arm of the monster, giggling, and the monster grinned down at her, everyone knew they came together.

When the king noticed the pair walked towards the buffet table, he stared at the human, an uneasy feeling began to build up inside of him as he eyed her suspiciously. The party continued on without any complication, making the king ease up a little. Soon he notices the girl excitedly pull the monster towards the dance floor before the pair began to dance.

They began to get mixed up in the crowed of people as they waltzed around the dance floor with everyone else.

"My dear, are you alright?"

The king felt his wife place a paw on his arm as she looked at him, her eyes filled with concern.

"You seem bothered."

"Of course I am." He replies, smiling. "I just... thought I saw something very... peculiar. Nothing to worry about."

She wasn't quite convinced, but shook it of as she didn't want to spoil the fun of the party. Just when the king was finally about to convince himself that he was being paranoid, the lights in the ballroom suddenly switched off.

The room was then filled with confusion as the guest's murmurs and slight panic began to echo through the large room. Before the king could utter a word of assurance to everyone, a loud piercing screech rang throughout the entire castle, causing for everyone to become silent. When the lights turned back on, everyone gasped as the king dropped to his knees, tears welling up in his eyes.

Laying on the ground in front of everyone, laid the queen, dead.

A large cut was sliced across her neck as blood seeped out of it and a stab would through where her soul would lay. She laid in a pool of her own blood while everyone watched in terror as her soul parted from her body and shattered into nothing more than a pile dust. If the citizens weren't scared before, they were definitely terrified now. Panic immediately filled the room as the loud chattering and screams of people and monsters filled the thick air.

"Alphys was right Sansy. It is very pretty!" A sweet voice said, amongst the crowd of voices.

The king's head shot up to the crowd as he saw that same aqua blue eyes girl hold up the crown of the queen.

"Leave it up to Al for us to do the really hard jobs." The monster beside her said, sighing. "Look, the king has already spotted us."

"You two!" The king exclaims, standing up.

"Oh. Good evening your majesty!" The raven haired girl says, doing a small crusty.

"Guards! Seize them!"

"Uh oh."

The pair ran off in different directions as the Royal guards began to enter the ballroom and chase after them. Citizens began to evacuate the castle.

The girl ran towards a set of stairs that lead up to a small balcony looking place where there were three thrones. She kicked the thrones down in front of the entryway as she heard the guard's footsteps right behind her. She stood up on the railway as she clutched the crown close to her chest before jumping forward and grabbing a near by rope the opened a really big curtain. She swung forward as she looked behind her, seeing the guards that were chasing her struggle to get through.

"Can't catch me!" She taunted, giggling.

As she swung to the next rope, she can see her skeleton partner running through the crowd as guards were chasing after him too. She then noticed one of the monster guards were flying up from above and was about to reach him. She quickly reached inside the pocket of her dress and threw a small piece of candy towards him. The candy softly landed on the flying guards head and got his attention. He turned around and saw the girl swinging onto another curtain's ropes as she stuck her tongue out.

"Come at me ya big chicken!" She screamed.

Growling, the monster spread open its feathers, causing for some feathers to shoot out and fly towards the girl. She dodged them for the most part, until one hit one of her ankles, causing for it to bleed, followed by one feather cutting the rope.

As the rope ripped apart, the girl's eyes widened as she let out a terrified scream mixed with pain, the monster flying towards her at full speed.

Meanwhile as the monster continues to run from the line of royal guards and avoided bumping into as many guests as posible, he could hear the screaming of his beloved human partner. He took a quick peek behind him to find her falling to her doom. Eye sockets widening, he snapped his fingers and a giant goat skull looking creature appeared floating beside him.

He pointed towards the girl and the creature nodded it's head in understanding, zooming towards her, quickly passing the flying monster.

As the girl continued to fall, her raven black wig slipped of her head, uncovering her shoulder length chocolate brown hair. When she was about to reach out for it, she felt something catch her by the back of her dress and toss her up, landing safely on top of the creature's head. She took a moment to catch her breath before she smiled down at the creature, patting its head.

"Good boy." She cooes.

It let out a satisfied grunt, smiling up at her. She turned towards the feathered monster before smirking.

She pointed her finger towards him.

"Now fetch."

It turned towards the direction her finger was pointing at and growled darkly, before flying towards it. The guard rapidly changed his direction and flew away from them. While it continued to float after the royal guard, the girl brought her knife out and cut of the sleeves of her dress and wrapped it around her ankle to stop the blood.

'Shit. This is a really deep cut, but this'll have to do for now.'

"That's enough chasing for now." She said, grinning. "Now let's try something a lot quicker. I'm sure it'll be a blast."

The creature opened its mouth as a blue light shoot out and hit the guard, turning the poor thing into dust.

On the ground, her partner dodged spears and sword swings that were being thrown at him with ease, lazily shifting from left to right or jumping up, as if he was playing with nothing more than a small child. His eye sockets were closed, but soon his left one opened, showing it to be blazing a bright cyan blue as bones appeared behind him. Lifting his hand up, bones flew by him, hitting most of the guards that were chasing him, leaving them lifeless, a grin crawling up his face.

"This... This can not be possible!" The king voice boomed.

More guards entered the room as they went after the two.

"Down!" The girl screamed.

The creature opened its mouth once again as it blasted the guards below them.


It didn't stop firing its beam as it turns its head to the left, blasting more guards below them.


Doing the same as before, it turned its head to the right, blasting even more guards.

"Woohoo!" She cheered, fist pumping the air. "Alright!"

She celebrated to soon however, as one of the guards weakly threw a spear towards the skeleton goat head before he took his final breath. The spear was aimed perfectly and hit the creature right from behind, causing for it to dissolve into dust.

The girl let out another surprised scream as she once again began to fall, her eyes shutting tight. As the skeleton monster created a wall of bones, shielding himself from the guards and killing a few of them, he heard her cry for help again.

He looked around and once he found her, he immediately used his magic to teleport himself to her, catching her midair and carrying her bridal style, before teleporting them both to the ground.

When she felt herself being caught in a familiar pair of strong arms, her eyes shot open as they locked gazes with the skeleton's white eye sockets.

"Sans!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"You alright, my little doll?" He worriedly asks, setting her down.

"Just a cut in the ankle." She gestured towards her ankle. "But I can stand."

The guards took the opportunity to surround the pair as they were distracted. When they surrounded the two, they faced back to back against each other as they let their defenses up, holding each others hands.

"Looks like we'll have to leave the party early, doll." He says, adjusting the mask on his face.

"Awww! Already?" She says, disappointed.

"Silence!" One of the guards demands.

"Rude." The girl huffs.

"You are not to speak without the permission of the king."

As a guard says that, the king walked up to them, a cold hard expression splattered across his face. They were unaffected as the skeleton stared lazily back at him.

"Its been nice seeing you." He grinned.

Before the king could say anything, a blue light started to surround them.

"Bye! You guys had nice food by the way!" She smiled.

"Don't let them escape!" The king ordered.

But it was to late. The blue light began to shine brightly and blinded the guards for a moment, before the light died down and revealed nothing but a empty spot.


Sans' POV

We teleported back to the base of the mountain near the outskirts of the city. Once we caught our breath for a while, we immediately removed our masks.

"Gah! These contacts have been irritating my eyes!" Frisk says.

She doesn't wast any time in carefully taking of the blue contacts that covered up her hazel brown orbs. Rubbing her eyes a few times, she then smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"That's better!"

I ruffled her hair. "You look better without your disguise."

"But of course! My natural beauty can not be compared after all." She had a smug grin on her face as she looked up at me, flipping her hair.

"Now don't get too ahead of yourself, doll." I say, grinning back.

She tried to move towards me, but flinched as she lifted her injured ankle up, making her nearly fall over. I was able to catch her in my arms before she made contact with the ground.

"Whoa there. Take it easy on the ankle, doll." I say.

"Ugh. Stupid cut." She groaned.

"Come on."

I steadied her up as I turned my back on her and bent down slightly. She immediately jumped on my back and wrapped her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder. I grabbed her legs and stood up strait while she placed the crown on her head.

"Onward, boss!" She exclaimed, pointing forwards.

Rolling my eye sockets, she let out an adorable childish giggle as she nuzzled her head on my shoulders while I began to walk up the mountain. She hummed happily as we continued to walk up the mountain, swinging her legs back and fort.

"Do you mind sitting still? Unless you want me to drop you." I grin, turning to look at her.

Her grip around my neck tightened as her eyes widened.

"Y-you wouldn't dare! Injured person here!" She stutters, her body clinging closer to me.

"Well if ya don't stop moving, your gonna make the both of us fall." I warn her, shifting my arms slightly away from her legs.

"I can't help it!" She complained. "Please don't drop me."

"You think I'd actually drop ya, doll?" I asked.

"There's no telling when it comes to you, boss." She says, a small smile forming on her face.

"Your a real dummy, ya know?" I chuckled.

"Hmp! Your mean boss." She huffed.

I pat her head. "Your also really cute, ya know~?"

"Goddammit boss..!"

Her voice was muffled as she buried her face in the nape of my neck, her face flushed a light red. I laughed as I see our gigantic house and research lab. God it was so much fun messing with her, she's adorable.

"Grrr... stop laughing!" She growled.

"Sure thing, doll." I smiled.

We approached some high-tech doors as I imputed a code. Soon a loud voice boomed through the speaker next to the door.

"I swear if your that little squirrel that wont stop messing with the buttons! I will personally come out and murder you with a quick stab of my spear!"

"Chill Undyne. Its just us." I say.

"Hey Undyne!" Frisk chirps.

"Oops, sorry. Give me a sec."

After a few seconds, the doors automatically opened and we both entered the place, greeted by the sight of our friends anticipatly waiting for us.

"WELCOME BACK BROTHER, HUMAN!" Papyrus, my brother, greeted us.

"Hi guys!" Frisk happily greeted on my back, waving her arms.

"How'd it go darlings?" Mettaton questioned.

"Now is that anyway to speak to your queen?"

She placed a hand on her chest and turned away, as if she was offended. She flipped her hair for emphasis, showing of the glittering crown atop her head.

"Nice! You guys got it!" Undyne shouts, giving a thumbs up.

"Of course we did! Your talking about the best partners in crime in the whole world after all!" She lightly pounded on her chest, proudly.

"I told you all her ego's gotten way to high." I say, sweat dropping.

"My, my, its studded with so many absolutely fabulous gems!" Mettaton gushed.

"I know right? Its to sparkly!" Frisk smiled, stars filling her eyes.

Using my magic, I surrounded the crown with a blue hue as it began to float out of the girl's head and towards the small yellow dinosaur scientist that stood beside Undyne, making Frisk pout.

"Hey Al, mind seeing how much this is worth?" I asked.

"I-I'll get right t-to it..!" Alphys says as she takes the crown and heads towards her lab.

"And Paps." I turned to face my brother. "The doll here hurt herself while we were being chased." I gesture towards the deep cut on her ankle. "Could ya please help her out?"


He walks towards us as I carefully let Papyrus carry her away from my back. Before they left however, Frisk lightly kissed my cheekbone before she quickly nestled into my brothers arms, smiling sweetly at me.

"See you in a bit, boss." She says. "Bye guys!"

Then Papyrus began to walk up the stairs and brought Frisk to his room. I placed a hand on where she kissed me as I sighed, walking over to the nearest couch and sitting down.

"You seem tired Sans. You alright?" Undyne asks.

"Nah I'm fine. Just lazy." I reply. "And worried about the doll."

"Its just a cut in the leg dear. I'm sure Papyrus can fix that cut without a problem!" Mettaton cheerfully says.

"I know." I bluntly say. "Anyways, shouldn't you be packing up?"

"Oh I finished packing more than an hour ago while you two were out, darling." He replied. "I know your thrilled to kick me out, but I'm not leaving until the early morning."

"How long will you be visiting your cousin anyway?" Undyne questions.

"I'll be staying at Blooky's house for a week at least." He answers. "Which reminds me, I better get off to bed early if I want to wake up early and make it to his house bye lunch time."

He began to walk towards his room, waving his hand at us. "Night, night darlings~"

Then he disappeared into his room.

"I might as well head off to bed too." Undyne said, heading towards her own room. "Al gave me a mission to do tomorrow, see ya Sans."

When she entered her own room, I stretched my arms and legs before standing up. I walked upstairs towards my brother's room and knocked on the door.

"COME IN!" I heard my brother's voice faintly through the door.

I opened the door and entered the room, closing the door behind me. I see Frisk sitting on Papyrus' bed while Papyrus looked like he had just finished bandaging up her ankle. A white bandage wrapped around her ankle as she looked down at it and moved it around a little, smiling lightly.

"Thanks a lot Pap!" Frisk thanked him.

"IT WAS NOT A PROBLEM HUMAN!" Papyrus replied, smiling happily.

I walked towards the pair, making her turn towards me, her smile brightened.

"Hey boss look! Good as new!" She gestures towards her ankle.

"That's good to hear, doll." I smiled back.

She stood up and hugged Papyrus, thanking him again for fixing up her ankle. She then walked towards me and kissed my cheekbone again.

"I'm gonna go to my room and change. Night Paps. See ya in a bit boss." She bids us, before exiting the room.

"I'LL BE HEADING TO BED AS WELL." Papyrus said, giving me a hug. "GOODNIGHT BROTHER."

"Heh, night Paps." I say, hugging back before I exited the room.

I walked to my room and shut the door behind me. I took of my black vest and tossed it aside. Sitting down on my bed, I took my shoes off before I laid down and closed my eyes for a bit. Then I heard a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in." I say, opening my left eye socket.

The door opened up as the chocolate brown haired girl stepped into the room, closing the door behind her. She wore a simple black shirt that had only a red heart design right in the middle of the shirt and matching black shorts. She opened her mouth to say something, but stopped for a moment as she took a good look around my room.

"Man your room is still a mess." She said, picking up a pair of socks that littered the floor. "Seriously, who needs this many pair of socks? You could at least pile them up in one place instead of it being scattered across your floor." She continued, tossing the sock aside.

"Did you come here just to give me a lecture, doll?" I said, grinning slightly.

She shook her head and smiled a little. "Of course not."

I sat up as she walked towards me and sat beside me. She hugged me and beamed while I hugged back.

"I came here to say goodnight." She then laid down and pulled the covers over her. "I also came here to take over your bed."

I watched as she snuggle up in the blanket, making me roll my eye sockets. I laid down beside her and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her towards me. She let out a small giggle as she gladly cuddled closer to me. I ran my boney fingers through her soft hair, causing for her to sigh.

"You know, you could just ask to sleep with me." I say, looking down at her.

She looked up at me. I stared directly at her hazel brown eyes as she grinned, sticking her tongue out.

"I know."

She then let out a yawn. She nuzzles her head against my chest and closed her eyes. I too let out a yawn as I hugged her close to me, kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight boss..." She sleepily mutters. "I love you..."

"Goodnight doll." I whisper quietly into her ear as we both began to drift off into sleep. "I love ya too..."

~~~The Next Morning~~~

I feel the sun's rays hit my eye sockets as they come through my room's window, making my eye sockets squint. Soon I slowly opened them as I let out a loud yawn. I tiredly glace over at the wall clock and read the time, 9:25 am. Its too early for me to get up.

I soon felt something shift a little beside me. I looked to my side and found the small human, her head resting on one of my arms as she slept soundly, snuggled up close to me and a small smile spread across her face. It felt as if my soul melted as I stared at her innocent face while I began to run my fingers through her hair. Damn this woman had made me so soft.

I then stopped brushing my fingers through her hair and placed a hand on her cheek, gently caressing it with my thumb. Her smile seemed to widen as she let out a soft sigh, snuggling closer to me. As I watched her sleep peacefully, a tiny smile began to creep up my own face. I embraced her seemingly delicate body closer to me.

Eventually I watch her soft hazel brown eyes slowly flutter open as she let out a yawn.

"Good morning hun." I softly greet her, placing my teeth against her forehead, giving her a light peck.

"Morning..." She greeted back in between her yawn, sleepily rubbing her eyes. "What time is it..?"

"It going to be nine-thirty soon. Time to get up, doll." I tell her.

She let out a groan.

"Its too early..!" She groggily complained.

She buried her face onto my chest as she let out a 'hmp!'. I chuckled at how adorable she was being. I made her look up at me, my usual grin plastered across my face. A hand of mine was placed on her cheek while I let my thumb trace the bottom of her lip. Her face began to flush a light pink as her eyes locked gazes with mine. I inced my face closer to hers, her face reddening, until I closed the space between us and kissed her lips gently.

Eyes wide, she was motionless for a sec, but eventually wrapped her arms around my neck as she shut her eyes, deepening the kiss. Once we pulled away, she hid her face against my chest again as she let out a small squeak.

"Now, how about we have breakfast, hmm~?" I say, winking.

"O-okay..." She managed to get out.

I gave her one last kiss before we got up and began to head downstairs.


Frisk POV

I hummed cheerfully as I tied the pink apron around my back, it was long, reaching a few inches below my knee and passing my black shorts. I let out a yawn as I covered my mouth. I know it wasn't considered early to most people, especially since it was already ten in the morning, but everyone has been working extra hard lately, myself included. Recently I was given lots of missions I was needed to do, on top of my usual chores around the house with Mettaton.

I slept late often, but I didn't think it was a problem. I'm just glad that I'm having a day off today. Once I was sure the knot was secure, I grabbed a frying pan, fork, spatula, and a bowl as I opened the fridge then grabbed a few eggs. I was making breakfast for just me and Sans since Undyne and Papyrus seem to be already out on their mission (Not surprising since those two are such early birds), Mettaton was out visiting his cousin, and Alphys was studying the gems on the crown.

I closed the door of the fridge and began to crack the eggs, I was making scrambled eggs. While I continued to hum quietly and crack an egg, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist as Sans placed his head on my shoulder.

"Need any help, doll?" He asks.

"I think I'm good." I say, smiling as I kissed the top of his skull. "Thanks boss."

"Hmm, alright." He hums, nuzzling his face onto my neck.

He continued to hug me as I continued to make the scrambled eggs while I hummed. He sighs as he closes his white eye sockets. As I was stirring the egg in the bowl, I felt him suddenly nibble on my neck. I gasped, nearly dropping the fork I was holding. My face began heating up as I turned my head to face him, eyes narrow.

"Sans." I growled.

"Hmm~?" He smiled innocently at me.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to make breakfast." I huff.

"God your really cute." He teased, pinching my cheek.

I exhaled deeply as I turned my head back to the bowl in front of me, my face heating up even more. I hear him laugh silently as he kissed my cheek.

"I'll leave you too it then, doll."

He let go of me and ruffled my hair, messing it up slightly. When he left the kitchen, I couldn't help but smile like an idiot as I shook my head.

He's really cute too.


Once we finished eating breakfast (Not meaning to brag, but I am a pretty good cook), I began to wash the dishes while Sans just sat on one of the dinning chairs. I swayed from side to side as I hummed again, scrubbing the dishes thoroughly. Sans just watched me from the table, his head laid down on his arms.

"You just gonna watch me?" I say as I washed the dishes.

"Mhmm. Kinda not in the mood for doing anything." He replied, eye sockets closed.

"Wow. Thanks a lot." I shook my head, turning to face him.

"... besides. I've got a pretty breath taking view just sitting here." He winks.

I felt a blush form in my cheeks as I turned back to face the sink and resume my washing of the dishes, biting back a smile.

"W-well that doesn't help." I puff.

"How charming. She's blushing~" He chuckles.

"Am not!" I deny, glaring at him.

"Awww, she's turning even redder~" He continues, standing up.

"Why I-!"

I was taken back as he suddenly teleports in front of me and silences me by pressing his teeth against my lips, shutting his eye sockets. I stood frozen.

The plate I was holding slipped out of my hand and nearly fell to the floor. Before it could hit the ground, a blue light surrounded it and caught it. The remaining dishes I had covered in dishwashing soap was soon surrounded by the same light while the faucet turned on. Like lightning, the dishes were instantly rinsed, dried, and back in their proper places in the kitchen cabinet.

When Sans parted his teeth away from my lips, he had a giant smug grin on his face as he opened his eye sockets.

"All done."

I stared at him.

"And you didn't do that in the first place... why?"

He shrugged. "I said I wasn't in the mood to anything. But you were taking to long."

He then gives me a light peck on my forehead.

"I've been wanting to spend some quality time with you. Now go hurry up and wash your hands. I feel impatient today." He grins. "I'll be in the living room."

Soon he teleports out of my sight. I stood there for a few seconds before I shook my head. God that skeleton.


After washing my hands and cleaning up the table a little bit, Sans and I were watching TV in the living room. Sans sat down on the corner of the couch while I rested my head on his lap and took up the rest of the couch. I played with the end of Sans' undone necktie while he smiled and looked down at me.

"That explains what happened to the kitchen when me and Undyne came home." He chuckles.

"Hey! Me, Papyrus, and Alphys were just experimenting on some recipes." I say, twirling his necktie.

"You cooking, that's fine. You and Papyrus cooking, at least your there to watch over him. You, Papyrus, and Alphys not only cooking, but experimenting, that is just asking for a recipe for disaster." He says, grinning.

"Pfft... that was terrible." I say, pushing his cheekbone.

"So? Your smiling, so I must be doing something right." He snickers, bending his head down and nuzzling our foreheads together.

"Bonehead." I mutter, smiling slightly.

I grin as stared up at him, while he stares back at me, tilting his head slightly to the side and raising his nonexistent eyebrow.

"What's with that look?" He asks, eyeing me suspiciously.

"What look~?" I say, batting my eyelashes.

I then cupped his cheekbones and instead of kissing his teeth, I swiftly pecked his jawline. His white pupils disappear as his cheekbones dusted a light cyan blue, freezing in place. I laugh as I sat up, covering my mouth.

"You should see the look on your face!"

I wish I had a camera right now to snap a picture of his expression right now. It was priceless! And adorable. Snapping out of his trance, his eye sockets began to glow their usual white as he shakes his head.

"Your such a tease, doll."

"Well I am like a butterfly after all." I smirk. "Pretty to look at, but hard to catch!"

I shut my eyes and began to laugh as he simply continues to shake his head. While I was laughing, I felt the couch ever so slightly shift as I felt a cold hand place itself on my cheek. The sudden cold hand abruptly stopped my laughter as I felt myself go stiff. When I opened my eyes, I was staring directly right at a pair of white eye sockets, the skeleton right in front of me had their signature grin spread across their face.

"You know, I don't like being teased, doll~"

Our faces were very dangerously close as I felt his warm breath mix with my heavy breathing. I tried to back up slightly, but found myself corned.

"What's the matter doll face? Your turning red~" He said as his thumb stared to caress my blushing cheek.

You can hear the amusement in his tone as he spoke. I began to compose myself before I spoke, trying to put on a grin.

"W-well you see... I... ummm..." I stuttered.

"Precious, she's trying to keep her cool." He smiles deviously. "However, her attempts are failing."

"I... uhhh I..."

I wanted to smack him in the face for messing with me right now, but I was too busy staring at his eye sockets to even move a muscle. And I can tell that he was enjoying this.

"What's this? No witty comeback?"

He moves his body closer as his face was now only barely few millimeters away from mine. I felt his other hand on top of mine as he slowly trails it up to my arm and then firmly holds onto my shoulder, preventing me from moving. His other hand had moved from my cheek and began to trace the edge of my lip. His touch sent shivers down my spine.

"Hmmm... my don't your lips look extra delicious today~"

His voice had become smooth and husky as his eye sockets trailed down to look at my lips for a brief moment before returning to eyes. I can feel my heart race with his sudden actions.

He leaned his head to the side as he whispered into my ear.

"I'd love to kiss them~"

"Then what's stopping you..?"

The words slipped out of my mouth and I quickly wished I could take them back.

"I mean..! I- uhhh..."

I turned my head away in embarrassment as I shut my eyes. I can tell that my face was probably blushing a bright red as I felt my cheeks burn up. I mentally face palmed as I gripped onto the couch cushion.

I can hear him let out a small 'heh' as he cups my cheeks and makes me face back up at him. Opening my eyes, his white pupils loving stared back. Dammit! This goddamn skeleton!

"Don't look away from me, doll. I wanna keep staring at your beautiful face." He says, sighing.

"O... o-okay..." I managed to breath out.

I gave up at this point. I let my head rest on his hands as I sighed in defeat.

"I see your finally submitting yourself to me." He smiles deviously. "As much as I love your feisty attitude, seeing your submissive side is pretty damn adorable~" He chuckles.

He pressed his forehead against mine as his gaze lowered again to my lips. I inhaled deeply as he began to close the little space between us. This made me shut my eyes as I braced myself for what was about to come. At this point, I couldn't hold back anymore. I just really wanted to kiss him.

But nothing happened.

I felt him, unexpectedly, pull away. When I opened my eyes, I can see him sitting back in his corner of the couch, eye sockets focused on the TV, while he hand his head rested on his hand. You can see his eye sockets were filled with amusement as I just sat there, dumbfounded, and left a blushing mess.

"You look shaken up, buttercup." He smiles innocently.

"You... you..!"

I grabbed a hold of the nearest couch cushion pillow.

"You jerk!" I screamed, throwing the pillow at him.

He catches the pillow as he begins to burst into a fit of laughter. Grabbing another pillow, I threw it at him again as I continued to shout.

"You bastard! You tease! You can't just play with me like that!"

I continued to throw pillows at him as he catches each one of them, before I soon ran out.

"What were ya expecting, doll? A kiss~?" He jokes.

"Actually, I was."

My words caught him of guard, giving my the chance to tackle him. I jumped at him, causing for us to fall of the couch and land on the floor. I was able to pin him to the ground by holding his hands to the ground and smile triumphantly. It took him a bit to recover, as I brought my face close to his, making him flush a light cyan blue.

"Now you cocky little bastard~" I grin playfully. "You started this little dilemma, and I-"

Now I was caught of guard when a blue hue began to surround the both of us, and sent me a small wave of nausea throughout my body as I soon felt my back against the cold hard ground. Coming back to my senses, I can feel Sans' grip my wrists tightly against the floor as his towering figure smirked down at me, pinning against the ground.

"And now I'm gonna finish it~"

Without warning, he quickly smashed his teeth against my lips. It din't take long for me to quickly melt into the kiss as his grip around my wrists loosened, allowing me to slip my arms out and wrap them around his neck.

"Hey g-guys! I'm done a-a-analyzing... t-the... the ummm..."

Sans and I pulled away from the kiss as we saw Alphys awkwardly standing near the entrance door to her lab, rubbing her arm.

"I-I am s-s-s-sorry..! I didn't m-mean t-to interupt..!" She rapidly says, stumbling on her words as she adjusts her eyeglasses.

Her face was flushed red as her eyes were shifting from side to side and avoiding eye contact with us. As Sans and I quickly sit up, she turned around and pointed towards the entrance to her lab.

"I'll b-b-be in the l-lab i-if you n-need me."

She then speedily fled to her lab, the doors of the entrance automatically shutting as she enters. We turned to face each other, both our faces heating up slightly as we just sat in silence. We both then erupted into laughter.

As our laughter died down, Sans stood up and sat back on the couch. I turned to face him and held my hands out, gesturing for him to help me up. He looked down at me and rolled his eye sockets. Closing his right eye socket, his left one began to glow a brighter cyan blue color and surrounded myself with the same bright light. I can feel myself being lifted onto the air and gently placed on his lap. He wrapped his boney arms around me as I nuzzled close to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"You know? Sometimes, I dunno whether to hate you or love you." I smile, closing my eyes.

"Heh. Well is doesn't matter." He rest his head atop of mine. "Cause I'll always love ya, doll."

I nod. "Hmmm... thanks boss..."

I can feel myself start to doze off as I let out a satisfied yawn. I tugged slightly at his sleeve, grabbing his attention.

"We're gonna have to apologize to Al later."

I let out one last laugh. before I let my drowsiness consume me.

Sans' POV

I watched as her eyes start to flutter close. And soon enough, her soft snores began to echo through the living room. I used my magic to close the TV, preventing from any noise to wake up my sweet doll. I lightly kissed the top of her nose, smiling.

"I know you've been working really hard doll. You deserve some rest." I whisper, staring lovingly at her small sleeping figure and running my hand through her soft hair.

I rested my head atop her head once again, embracing her protectively.

"I love ya doll..."


Hey Reader-Chan!!!

So after a long await, here it is!!!

Imma try to get back into the swing of things :3

But right now it's really late as I type this and I really need some sleep. Any spelling or grammar error may be cuz I can't think strait. Hope y'all enjoyed it tho X3

Anyways, bye Reader-Chan!!!

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