Strange Love

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Hey Reader-Chan!!!

So I have a question...

Is it Overtale or Humantale???

I think one is where monsters become humans and vice versa, while the other one is where monsters are humans too???

I have no clue T-T

You guys can correct me cuz I know you guys know better than me. So thanks in advance for the help!!! :3

But as you can see from the pic above, its the AU where monsters and humans switch... species???

Art belong to their respective owner/s!!!


Frisk's POV

"I'm home!" I called out as I opened the door to the house.

I was carrying a handful of shopping bags as I just came back from grocery shopping. I bumped into Mettaton while shopping and we decided to shop together, so I may have been out longer than I intended to be. Whoops~. I invited for him to come visit me and the skeleton brothers, but he said he had some plans to do with Napstablook already. So after shopping we had to part ways.

"So, look who finally decided to come home." I hear a voice say.

I turned to face the kitchen to find a familiar white haired human walk into the room, a lazy grin plastered across his face. I rubbed the back of my neck in embarrassment, my cheeks flushed a light pink.

"I may have gotten a little sidetracked..." I let out a nervous laugh.

Sans shook his head and walked over to me. He took some of my shopping bags that were in my paws as he lightly kissed my forehead.

(I give up! I'm using paws cuz they look like paws!)

"Well, welcome back home, shortcake." He grinned.

"I'm not that short!" I object at the nickname he gave to me, puffing my cheeks out.

He simply laughed as he spun around and began to head towards the kitchen again. I followed behind as I huffed, my pink cheeks turning a slightly darker shade. We set down the bags down on the kitchen counter.

"Where's Papyrus?" I asked.

"He's at Alphys and Undyne's place." He answered, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on mine. "The two are introducing him to anime since he was curious and all."

"I see."

I started removing the contents of the bags and spreading them across the kitchen counter as Sans continued to hug me, nuzzling his face in my long chocolate brown hair. Eventually he had to let go when I asked him to help me put everything away. We were silent as we put everything away, it wasn't like an awkward silence, we were just fine enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, I have and idea." Sans said, breaking the silence.

"Hmm? W-what it it?" I questioned.

I was tiptoeing to the very tips of my toes, trying to place a can of spaghetti sauce on one of the high kitchen shelves. I hopped a little in the hopes I could reach the shelf. From the corner of my hazel brown eyes, I can just barely see him shaking his head as he finished placing some eggs in the fridge. I focused my gaze back on the top shelves and tried again to place the can in the shelf.

 My legs began to wobble and I soon felt myself stumble backwards. I knew I was about to fall backwards as I closed my eyes and prepare myself for impact, when I suddenly felt strong arms grip my sides and catch me, slowly lifting me up as I let out a loud squeak.

I was lifted up high enough to easily place the can down, which I did. Once I was gently place down, I turned around and bowed my head down.

"Thank you." I muttered.

"Not a problem, shortcake." He chuckled, patting my head.

"Hmp..! I'm not that short..." I grumbled, crossing my arms as I sat on top of the kitchen counter.

"Awww! Someones getting furry grumpy~" He said, pinching my cheeks.

Before I could retort, he lightheartedly poked my nose as he smiled.

"Your shortness is adorable. Stay like that, kay?" His smile turned into a playful grin.

"O-okay." I managed to get out.

"Good." He said. "Now as I was saying."

Sans jumped to sit on the kitchen counter beside me as I swung my legs. He mirrored my actions as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Since its just gonna be you and me today, howzabout once were done here we head over to Grillby's and have ourselves a little lunch date. Hmm~?" He says, nudging my arm.

I giggled as I rolled my eyes. "Depends. Are you paying this time? I've heard from Grill that you still haven't paid your tab you know."

"I will pay it... eventually." He let out a nervous laugh.

"Sure you will." I snickered.

"Oh ye of little faith. Do you not trust that I can do it?"

"Knowing you, I don't know if that will ever happen."


I burst into laughter as he crossed his arms. I nuzzled my face against his chest as he blushed lightly.

"But sure." I smiled brightly at him.

I felt my small tail flicker as I gleefully looked up at him and lightly pressed my nose against his.

"You sir have got yourself a date." I close my eyes and stuck my tongue out.

"Great!" He grins.

My nose still pressed against his, he tilted his head in an angle that his lips pressed against mine as he gives me a quick small kiss. When he pulled away, he ruffled my hair and jumped off the counter. He glace back at me with his signature lazy grin.

"Now, lets finish up what we started." He stated.

I nodded, hopping back down and we continued to put away the things in the shopping bags while a wave of anticipation hits me. I felt excited and couldn't wait for us to finish.


I was upstairs in my room taking a nice warm shower. Sans and I had just finished putting everything away and now I was getting ready for our little lunch date. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed my towel and dried myself off. I exited out of the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my body as I held on to the top of my towel, securing it. I walked to my closet and rummaged through my clothes as I tried to find something nice to wear, the fur on my head still dripping wet. I let out a frustrated sigh, one thing I hate about having fur is that it takes forever to dry, and the water tends to drip into my big ears. After a while of searching I decided on what to wear.

I grabbed a purple falling sleeves shirt with pink stripes and a black skirt that barely reached the top of my knees. I removed my towel and put on the shirt and skirt. I head over to my bed and grab a shoe box from under, opening it and bringing out a pair of black wedges with small black ribbon designs on each one. I slipped on the wedges before walking to my desk as I sat down and looked at the mirror in front of me.

There was a hairdryer on the desk and I grabbed my hair brush. Turning on the hairdryer, I began to comb my chocolate brown hair and dry it. I hummed a little tune as I brushed my hair, smiling.

"Hey shortcake! Are ya ready yet?" I hear Sans call out.

"In a minute!" I call back.

I loved the feeling of my hair being combed, so I might have gotten a little distracted. I switched of my hairdryer and speedily stood up, running my paw through my hair one last time. Just before I left, I grabbed my red heart pendant necklace and wrapped it around my neck.

I come out of my room, closing the door behind me as I ran past the skeleton brothers room and down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, sitting on the couch, Sans waited for me in his usual plain white shirt with his iconic blue jacket over it, black basketball shorts with the single white stripes, and a pair of blue converse.

His cyan blue eyes were shut as he was quietly waiting for me, he looked like he was about to officially fall asleep. I suppress a laugh, walking closer to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Hey sleepyhead~ I'm ready." I smoothly say.

He lets out a soft grunt as he rubs his eyes, standing up and stretching his arms.

"Jeez... I know you girls take furever but-"

He stopped mid sentence as he opened his eyes and stares at me. His lips curled upwards as he brushed his hand on my cheek.

"You look absolutely gorgeous." He then chuckles, cupping my cheeks. "Then again, your always so breath taking."

"Thank you." I shyly say.

I avert my gaze away from him as I timidly look down on the ground, shuffling my feet. I let out a sheepish laugh as my cheeks dusted a bright red. He chuckles again before he leans his face towards mine and closes the space between us with a kiss. It didn't take long for me to melt into the kiss as I kissed back, my arms wrapping around his neck.

As we part away from each other, Sans takes my paw in his hand and holds it tightly.

"Now, shall we leave, m'lady?" He says.

"But of course!" I cheerfully say.

We soon left the house and began our journey towards Grillby's. Grillby's wasn't so far from where we lived, so Sans and I usually just go on foot whenever we visited the bartender's place.

On our way to Grillby's, I would swing our linked hands back and fort and giggle like a small child while Sans would simply smile at my childish nature. With a skip in my step, I also started to hum happily a song, a wide smile spread across my face. Going out with Sans was always fun instead of being cooped up inside the house.

On our way however, I begun to notice that the monsters around us were sending us weird looks. I can hear their murmurs of disgust and disbelief as they stared at us.

With all the eyes that watched us, I can feel my cheerfulness begin to waver as my humming began to soften. A wave of an uncomfortable feeling washed through me, the skip in my step stopping. With each step we took, we passed by more and more monsters as the swinging of our arms had completely become still.

I guess most monsters still aren't use to humans being on the surface. So a human-monster relationship was still something society needed to get use to. Unlike humans, who were completely fine with those relationship. I sighed.

Sans must have noticed my sudden silence and my lack of skipping because he stopped walking.

"Shortcake? Is something wrong?"

I broke out of my thoughts and instantly looked up at Sans who had a concern expression. I mustered up my best smile as I closed my eyes.

"Of course!" I exclaim. "How can I not be when I'm on a date with you?" I open my eyes, reassuring him.

He seemed unconvinced as he raised an eyebrow. I tiptoed and lightly pecked his cheek, smiling sweetly.

"There's really nothing to worry about." I calmly say.

He still didn't seem to buy it, but sighed in defeat. "If your sure about it."

We then continued to walk as he dismisses everything. I mentally let out a sigh of relief. I'm glad he let it slide.

What am I doing? Were on a date! I don't wanna ruin this for him. I shook my head and removed all the negative thoughts I was thinking earlier and began to feel better again.

Finally we made it to Grillby's and entered the establishment, the sent of grease fills the air while a blast of heat hit us both. We walked pass many different tables and saw many familiar faces of humans I met in the Underground as they greeted us and we greet back. We sat on our usual places and we were greeted by the bartender himself, Grillby.

"Good afternoon Sans, Frisk." He politely greets us, putting down the glass he was previously cleaning.

"Sup Grill." Sans casually greets him.

"Hi Grillby!" I happily greet him.

"The usual?" He asks.

"You know it. And one for the lady too." Sans says, gesturing to me.

"Alright, I'll be back with your order shortly." He says before leaving to the kitchen.

When Grillby left, I scooted my chair closer to Sans' chair and leaned my head on his shoulder. In return he kisses the top of my head before resting his head on mine as well. The pleasant feeling of him being next to me made my fluffy tail wag.

(Fwuffy tail wag is kawaii as fudge!!! X3 [Yes I meant spelled it like that.])

Again, I can hear some monsters' murmurs again, making my already droopy ears, droop down even more as I frowned a little while I felt my body tense up. As sad as I felt, I actually started getting irritated. I mean, this isn't the first time that Sans and I have gone out and monsters have judged us. But come on! After a while it just starts to get annoying. Why do people think this is so strange? My gaze was focused on my lap, where my paws rested as they curled up into tight fists.

Suddenly, I see Sans hand hold the top of my balled up fists, making them relax slightly.

"Come on, shortcake. You wouldn't think that fake smile actually fooled me, did you?" He said.

"It was wort a shot?" I hesitantly answer.

He gives me a look of disapproval as he placed a hand under my chin, making me look directly at him. His cyan blue eyes felt as if they were piercing right through me as I bit my lower lip, continuing to stare up at them. His thumb begins to caress my cheek and my body eases up a little.

"Now, tell me whats wrong." His voice was firm, but gentle.

"Fine, but its kinda stupid." I started.

"Lay it on me."

"Well its just that..." I started. "I just feel annoyed that the monster around us keep... you know... judging us..?" I managed to get out, my voice trailing near the end.

I was twiddling with my fingers. Sans let out an 'Oh..!' as he beams down at me, nodding in understanding.

"I see." He chuckles. "Well remember what you said? Were on a date." He cups my cheeks. "Which means we just have to focus on each other. Furget about it, okay?"

I giggle at the pun. "You... have a point." I say, the ends of my lips tugging upwards. "I feel a little better now. Thanks."

"No problem, babe." He grins.

I hug him thankfully. "Your the best."

"Of course I am." He confidently says, hugging me back.

As if on cue, when we separated from the hug, Grillby came back to us with our food. We thanked the bartender gratefully as we begin to eat and chat.


After we ate, we bid our bright ginger haired friend farewell and started to walk back home with our arms linked. On our way home, we passed by Nicecream Guy's stand and my eyes sparkled in delight. I tug on Sans jacket to get his attention as I pointed towards the small stand.

"Sans! Can we get some nicecream? Please!" I beg him like a small child, jumping up and down slightly.

"Whoa now, why don't ya paws there for a second." He jokes.

"Please! Pretty please with cinnamon bunnies on top?" I press on, clasping my paws together and putting on my puppy dog face.

"How can I say no to a face like that?" He cooed, patting my head.

My tail swayed from side to side rapidly as I squealed in excitement. I immediately pulled his arm towards the stand and I can hear him laughing.

"Hi Nicecream Guy!" I greet him, ecstatically.

"Hey little dude! Its been a while." He greets us with a smile. "Hey to you too Sans!"

"Sup." Sans grins back.

"Anyways, its pretty obvious your here for some nicecream." He chuckles, looking over at me.

"Yep. It was this ones idea." Sans chuckles along, rubbing my head.

I wanted to protest, but I gave in to him when he rubbed my head, making me sigh.

"Anyways, what flavor do you guys want?" He asks.

(I love this picture so much :3 I can so see him hanging a poster for flavors like this X3 If you guys had to try a flavor, what would it be??? I wanna try the Butterscotch Cinnamon, MTT, or you know, just the regular flavor X3 Okay, back to the story!!!)

"Butterscotch Cinnamon!" I instantly say.

"Ketchup of course." Sans replies.

"You got it!" He says.

I watch him prepare our nicecream as I peered into the stand and stared at the many different flavors. They were all so weird yet cool! After a minute or two of waiting, he handed each of our nicecreams as we pay him respectively.

"Thank you so much!" I say to Nicecream Guy as I immediately started eating the cool and refreshing nicecream.

"Ya, thanks pal." Sans thanks him too.

"Anytime." Nicecream Guy says, nodding his head. "Catch you guys on the flip side!"

"See ya."

We exchange our goodbyes as Sans and I made your way back home. I eagerly lick my nicecream while Sans rolls his eyes at me. I feel him tap my shoulder.

"Ummm. Ya got a little something on your cheeks." He says, pointing to a side of his cheek.

My eyes widened a little as I quickly rubbed my paw to my cheeks as my face flushed a little in embarrassment. I looked at my paw and saw some of the cream that was on the nicecream was now sticking to the fur on my paw.

"Did I get it?" I question, hiding my paw behind my back and wiping it behind my shirt.

"Hmm..." He brings his face close to mine as he examines my face.

"S-so is there a-any left?" I stuttered.

His face was really close and I felt myself start to feel flustered. He snickers at my probably red face.

"You missed a little right..." He kisses my lips. "!"

My body tenses in surprise by the unexpected actions. Sans laughs as he licks the cream that stuck to his lips, a cheeky grin spread across his face.

"Nevermind, I got it." The sound of his voice was playful in a cocky sort of way.


I tried to act natural as turned away from him and went back to licking my nicecream. From the way he burst into laughter, clearly amused by my reaction, indicated to me that I probably messed up. I growled as I covered my face with my free hand. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulders.

"Your so cute~" Sans voice says next to my ear.

I only huffed in response. His playful grin widens as he takes his arm away from my shoulder and grabs my free paw.

"I'm sorry my sweet little shortcake. Will you ever find it your heart to forgive me?" He innocently says.

"Bonehead." I muttered, shaking my head.

"Is that a yes?" He nudges my arm.

"Fine, fine. I shall accept your apology." I say, flashing him a quick smile.

We laugh it off as his grip on my hand tightens and he starts to swing our arms back and fort. And just like that, I joined along with the swinging of our hands and was giggling like a kid again, gleefully licking my nicecream. By the time we finished our nicecream, we arrived back home.

When we entered the house, the first thing I did was go up to my room and change. It seemed like Papyrus wasn't home yet, I wonder what time he's coming back? I changed into a red t-shirt with a single yellow star design in the middle and some blue shorts. I took of my wedges and sat down on my bed for a while, stretching my arms and legs out as I let out a sigh of relief.

Then there was a knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in!" I responded, crossing my legs in an Indian sitting manner as I remained on my bed.

The door opened revealing Sans standing on the other side of the door. He walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. Before he heads over to me, he passes by my desk and picks up my comb. Sitting down beside me in the same Indian sitting like manner, he takes off his fluffy pink slippers.

"Hey." I say, beaming up at him.

"Hey." He beams back.

"So, need anything?" I genuinely ask.

"Nothing really." He replied. "I just kinda thought maybe we could be lazy together is all." He grins.

"Of course you'd want to be lazy." I say.

"Well, what do ya say?" He insists.

"Why not?" I shrug my shoulders.

With those words, he moves his sitting position from beside me to behind me. I was about to ask what his intentions were, when I felt the light brushing of a comb run through my hair. I leaned myself backwards and ended up leaning my back against Sans' chest and closed my eyes. Sans wrapped his legs around me, pulling me closer to him as he continued to brush my hair. My whole body felt so relaxed. Like I said before, I loved having my hair combed.

Sans continued to brush my hair, causing for me soon feel drowsy. I let out a yawn, covering my mouth with my paw, as I turned sideways and nuzzled my head against Sans' chest. I placed a hand on his chest while Sans adjusted his position, making it more comfortable for the both of us.

"Lazy?" He asks.

"Lazy..." I silently muttered back.

His natural warmth and unusual ketchup-y sent didn't help either as his warmth enveloped me and the only thing I could smell was ketchup. With every stroke of the brush, my eyes became heavier and heavier.

"Why don't ya take a nap shortcake?" Sans says.

"Mhmm..." I hummed.

That didn't sound like such a bad idea. I snuggled up to him while I listened to his calm beating heart.

"Sans?" I whispered.


"Can I have a pillow please?"

"Sure thing."

Sans reaches for the nearest pillow and places it behind me. I smiles and closed my eyes.

"Sans?" I whisper again.


"Can I also have a blanket?"

"Of course."

He grabs my blanket and places it over the both of us.


"What is it shortcake?"

"Please don't leave me, until I fall asleep."

"That won't be a problem." He laughs.

"You spoil me too much." I laugh along with him.

"It's fun to spoil you. Cause I know it makes you happy." He says.

I pull the end of the blanket and gripped onto it while Sans still continued to brush my hair. Just before I let myself drift of into a slumber, I tugged on Sans' sleeve.



I smiles and shook my head.

"Nothing. I just love you."

"I love ya too."

He kissed my nose as I giggle before I finally gave in to sleep.



Let's hope this year will be better than the last one ;3

Let's start the year off with a chapie as fluffy as goat Frisk's tail!!! X3

I hope you guys like the first chapie of 2017 :3

Anyways, bye Reader-Chan!!!

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