Spider Queen Cave

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Maverick, Koharu, and Asuna make it to Spider Queen Cave. They are met by an elf.

???: Who goes there? This byway should be under the protection of Kizmel.

Maverick hands over the Jade Key.

???: That's...But how!

Koharu: We've come in place of Kizmel to see you.

Maverick explains the situation.

???: Very well...I shall accept your words as sincere. Kizmel has my trust. You have traveled a long way. I am here on a secret mission for our Empress, and I command our vanguard forces out here.

Maverick: I hope Kizmel is okay out there.

Asuna: Why are you so concerned?

Maverick: No reason.

Commander: Worry not. Kizmel is one of the greatest fighters amongst us. If she had not been burdened the Forest Elves never would have stopped her.

Koharu: (By "burden" does he mean this key...)

Maverick: (I have a feeling he's talking about us.)

Commander: I wish I were able to bestow some form of reward, however...This key must be returned to camp as soon as possible. The path that I take is not for the likes of man. I must ask that you proceed to our camp as foot as you are. South of W. Mists Pathway a scout will be on watch. I will send words of your deeds, and ask the scout to grant you your reward. My apologies for asking this much of you.

Maverick, Asuna, and Koharu make it to their destination. The meet the scout.

Dark Elf Scout: Our Commander has sent word of your approach. I will see you have your reward. Wait here a moment.

The Dark Elf Scout leaves.

Maverick: This was definitely a long quest. Though I have a feeling this isn't over any time soon.

Koharu: They're all so dramatic, huh...? Almost makes me nervous.

Kizmel appears.

Kizmel: Maverick. Koharu, Asuna, you have served us well. Allow me to thank you once again.

Koharu: Kizmel!

Maverick: Happy to see you're still okay, beautiful.

Koharu: Oh, sure, just a second ago you were excited about a reward but now that she's here...Guess that's just like you though, Maverick.

Maverick: What's that supposed to mean?

Asuna: Beats us.

Kizmel: I had gone out in search of death itself, but found salvation at your hands, to hear you are now relieved to find me again...I must say I do no understand the way of fate.

Koharu: In search of death...?

The Dark Elf Scout returns.

Dark Elf Scout: Kizmel, ma'am, I have brought the rewards for our guests from the Commander.

Kizmel: This is a symbol of our gratitude. Please, accept this as a token. The battle with the Forest Elves yet wages on. If you wish to join forces with us again, let our soldiers know. You have proved brave enough to face down a knight of Kales'Oh. With you standing by our side, morale would fly high amongst our forces. I shall await good word from you.

Koharu, Maverick, and Asuna talk amongst themselves.

Koharu: What should we do?

Maverick: I say we help!

Asuna: You're very enthusiastic about all of this.

Maverick: Hey. This is fun. I just want to enjoy this a much as I can. We are trapped here but I want to have fun as well. It's refreshing.

Asuna and Koharu smile at Maverick.

Maverick: She's also very beautiful so why not?

Asuna and Koharu growl and then elbow Maverick.

Maverick: OW!

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