Worried Sachi

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3rd Person POV

[Maverick stares at Koharu after her proposition]

Maverick POV

[What do I do? What do I say? I'm supposed to say "yes" in this situation right?]

Koharu POV

[He didn't answer right away. He's really thinking about it! There's a chance he could say "no".]

3rd Person POV

Maverick: Sure.

Maverick POV

[Ah yeah! I'm the man! I will have a pretty girl following me!]

Koharu POV

[He said "yes"! He said "yes"! I might be acting all cool on the outside but I'm freaking out! I'm totally fangirling!]

3rd Person POV

Koharu: I have to spend some time thinking about what I'm doing here and what I want to do from here on out. I know it sounds weird and all, but I just can't even think about it right now. And I'm pretty hungry.

Maverick: Well, wars aren't won on empty stomachs.

Koharu: I guess this just all part of the plan to make this all feel more real. Can't say I'm much of a fan. All this chatting has just made it worse, too. Let's head for a meal at the inn, or get some bread at the NPC bakery. We'll think better on full stomachs. I've actually been carrying lunch since this morning. Let's split it! Here!

Maverick: Just bread, huh?

Koharu: Even a slice of bread can make all the difference. Thanks.

[Koharu's face goes from happy to hopeless]

Koharu: What? It's hard as a rock!

Maverick: Oh come on! That's exactly what this game needed! The bread gets stale over time!

[Koharu gets very angry]

Koharu: Did they really have to gami-fy THIS? This is just cruel! Gah, shouting makes me even hungrier...

[A girl with short black hair and dressed in blue walks over]

???: Hehehe...Sorry for laughing. You two are just so lively. I couldn't help myself.

Koharu: That was probably pretty loud, huh. How embarrassing.

???: Not at all. If only we could spend more time talking about normal things. Empty stomachs, terrible food, you name it.

Koharu: Normal things...No monsters, no quests, just, normal everyday stuff...

???: Exactly. Just talking about nothing. It's almost relaxing to hear that here. I'm for it.

Koharu: So...umm...You're always around here, huh? Are you alone?

???: Oh no. I'm here with my IRL friends...From school. We're all just split up at the moment. Can't I talk to you for a bit? You two are kind of the talk of the group lately.

Maverick: What?

Koharu: We are? Why?

???: There's just talk about how you're out on the front lines even though you're about our age.

Maverick: How old are you?

[Koharu elbows Maverick]

Maverick: Right. Don't ask that.

???: I saw you off from a distance myself and I was pretty impressed.

Koharu: I'm nothing to admire. I just follow Maverick around...It's kind of embarrassing really...

Koharu POV

[Did I just say I was embarrassed to be following him? Stupid! Stupid!]

Maverick POV

[I love her following me around. Makes me important and needed and wanted]

3rd Person POV

Koharu: Oh, right! Almost forgot! I'm Koharu, and this here is Maverick.

Sachi: Right, well...I'm Sachi. Nice to meet you. Hey, so you haven't eaten yet, right? Here, have some of this.

Koharu: A sandwich? Are you sure?

Sachi: Yeah, I bought enough for my friends, but they're taking so long and all...I'm afraid they'll just go to waste. I'd rather someone ate them. So go ahead.

Maverick: Thank you.

[Koharu looks at Maverick with an angry face]

Koharu: Well! So you were hungry after all, weren't you, Maverick?

Maverick: I said I was hungry!

Koharu: You made it seem like it was just me!

Sachi: Hehehe. You two are really something, huh.

[Maverick and Koharu eat the sandwichs]

Maverick/Koharu: So good!

Koharu: Mmm. Thanks. That was really good. Hey, can I ask you something? Why didn't you go with your friends, Sachi?

Sachi: Well...

Koharu: Oh, sorry...You don't have to answer. Didn't mean to push you.

Maverick: Is this when I elbow you?

[Koharu elbows Maverick]

Maverick: Ow! It's going to leave a bruise!

Sachi: No, no. It's weird, right? I'm just afraid of fighting. The very sight of a monster makes me freeze. And I hold everyone up. So my friends said I should use a long spear to fight from a distance until I'm used to it.

Maverick: Spear, huh? I got one of those! Nice weapon.

[Sachi blushes a little. Koharu doesn't like what she sees]

Sachi: My friends went off to earn money to buy one. So that I can fight alongside them. If I wasn't such a chicken, I wouldn't have caused them so much trouble.

Maverick: It only makes sense to be scared.

Sachi: Are you scared too, Maverick?

Maverick: Uh...

Sachi: of course, right? But we all have to fight to survive, huh.

Koharu: Is there anything we can do to help out? Where are your friends now?

Sachi: They're just out in the fields here and there doing this quest, I think. They're a group of 4, so they say they should be safe out there, but...They seem to have trouble with monsters they've never seen before.

Koharu: Okay then...How about we go gather monster info and you relay that to your friends, Sachi? Even new monsters shouldn't be so bad if you know what to expect, right?

Sachi: Are you sure? You'd do that for us?

Maverick: Just because you're so cute, Sachi.

[Koharu gets jealous]

Koharu: Jeez, would you stop? You're making Sachi uncomfortable!

[Sachi blushes]

Sachi: Well, that's sweet of you to say. Thanks though. Alright then, if you really don't mind. Do be careful out there.

Koharu: You just wait there for us!

[Koharu and Maverick walk away]

Koharu: If we defeat each kind of monster in the field, we should figure out their attack patterns. Let's start out in Origin Plains!

[Maverick and Koharu go off on their assignment. Koharu smacks Maverick on the backside of the head]

Maverick: Ow! What was that for?

Koharu: I have my reasons.

Koharu POV

[Sachi better stay away from my Maverick. I'm not a yandere but it just doesn't feel good to see him flirt with other girls. First Argo and now Sachi? Why doesn't he talk to me like that? I'm beautiful right?]

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