Chapter Forty-One

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A/N: We reached the next hundred! YAAAAY! I'm so excited and I just can't hide it! So... Here's a little gift from me thanking you for getting me here because I wouldn't have gotten this far without you! Thank you, thank you! Thank you a million times!
End A/N


'Have I mention I hate dressing up?' I asked, scratching myself because the suit I was wearing was so itchy.
'Yes, several times. Stop scratching, people are watching,' scorned Licá.
'This suit is itchy, you'll so lucky you didn't have to wear anything fancy.' I kept scratching myself.
'I'm wearing flowers. These people are lucky I haven't sneeze yet.'
I rolled my eyes. This is specifically why I hate parties and dressing up.
We were all invited into the Uroobacon Palace as 'Honored guests,' but we weren't at all honored guests. 'King' Jazer-I do 'King' Jazer because he's not worthy to be King or to even have the title-decided to throw a masquerade ball. Luckily, we figure out how to know how who's with the Varden and who's not.
Licá wasn't wearing flowers when we first came here-people decided to put flowers on her. I am so glad no one put any flowers on me or asked me to dance.
My Father, Malhaw, and I were wearing similar outfits-the color of our dragons-pretty plain and simple, and our masks were also simple.
We were all standing together on the side. No one really dared approached us, especially to dance with us. Apparently 'King' Jazer and Valln had the same idea-in outfits and where they were standing, mostly. If you count sitting on a throne standing to the side.
Valln, after a while, walked over to us, Espinho behind him-yes, our dragons were allowed to go to the masquerade, as long as they didn't cause trouble or step on anyone.
"How are you liking the party?" questioned Valln to me.
"I hate parties."
"I got to agree with you on that one."
"Want to what I hate most about parties?"
"Dressing up, especially in itchy outfits?"
I nodded.
"Been asked to dance yet?"
I shook my head, no.
"Me either," said Valln. Valln left a few minutes after that.
Ava walked up to me. "Have you been standing here this whole entire time?" inquired Ava, surprised.
"Why are you surprised? I got a huge, flying, fire-breathing, lizard behind me," I said, pointing to Licá.
'Careful of who you call a 'huge, flying, fire-breathing, lizard' else you might get yourself burned,' warned Licá.
'Of course, Licá.'
"Well, how about instead of standing there looking bored, why don't you come and dance with me?" asked Ava, holding out her hand.
I accepted and took her hand. We started dancing.
"Where did you learn how to dance?"
"My father had someone teach me and Malo to dance when we were younger," I explained. Ava rest her head on my shoulder while we danced. It was a slow dance, which I was glad about.
"Are you ready?" whispered Ava in my ear.
I nodded in response.
"I can believe we're here at 'King' Jazer's Palace," said Ava, a little bit louder.
"Me too, the last time we were here we were being tortured." I felt Ava shivered at that. I always try to shield myself from those memories.
"Yes, I remember that, you took most of the beating."
I nodded. "Yes, I cannot believe 'King' Jazer would treat another fellow dragonrider like that."
"Valln was tortured until he said he would work for 'King' Jazer, we're lucky that we escaped before that happened. I believe just about all his followers were tortured until they agreed to work for him."
"That is actually true."
'How are we doing so far?' asked Ava.
'Good so far. Luckily, Jazer didn't say we couldn't talk what crimes he committed against everyone.'
A few minutes later, when the music stopped, we stopped dancing. The whole time we were talking about what crimes Jazer committed.
As soon as I got back to my Father and half-brother my Father said, "Good job."
"On the dancing or talking about Jazer's crimes?"
I thanked my Father for the compliment.
Valln walked towards us with Espinho behind him. "That was pretty clever on your part," said Valln, talking to me.
"He never said we couldn't do it." I slightly smirked.
"That's why I said it was pretty clever."
"You're welcome."
There was silence, but we didn't talk for a few minutes, just watched people danced around the room.
A pretty, young blonde-haired girl came up and asked if Valln wanted to dance. Valln sighed, but he danced with the young girl. It seems that the young girls are getting brave enough to asked us to dance.
Oh, joy!
A young girl, who was rather tall for her age, asked me to dance. I wanted to decline, but before I could my Father made me dance with her by nudging me towards her. I glared back at him as she led me to the dance floor, both my Father and Malhaw were snickering.
A slow dance just happened to start as soon as we reached the floor.
Great! Just great! This is just what I needed! A slow dance with a girl that I don't even know! And that will end up trying to flirt with me, also try to get me to marry her! This is just lovely!
And, of course, the young girl rested her head on my shoulder. It was awkward for a girl, that wasn't Ava, to be doing that. From her clothing I could tell she was from a rich family.
"Are you enjoying yourself?" asked the young girl.
"I don't particularly like parties or dancing that much."
"Oh," said the young girl. A few minutes later she asked, "How old are you?"
Oh, great, I thought, sarcastically. Here we go. "Eighteen."
"Are you married?"
"No, but I'm courting someone at the moment. If you did this in front of her, you would get slapped," I warned.
The young girl looked disappointed. "I'm Elena, by the way, and you're the dragonrider Aeri."
I nodded, as if in a greeting. You should tell someone that before you asked if they are married. Definitively if you asked if they're married.
After a few minutes the song blessedly stopped and Elena stopped dancing with me. When I got back to my Father and Malhaw, they were both laughing their heads off.
Embarrassed, I started blushing. Great, now they will laugh about this for all eternality. "You get asked by a girl next time and dance with her and see what it is like," I snapped.
"You're right, Aeri, we should, but too bad no one wants to asked us," said Malhaw, laughing.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that."
A bunch of women started asking Malhaw and my Father to dance with them. I chuckled at their expressions as they danced with the women.
As soon as they stopped dancing, they admitted, "Fine, you win. It's not all that funny when we do it ourselves."
I just smiled, satisfied.
Valln came towards them again with Espinho behind him. "King Jazer should be starting that little chat soon, so just be ready," whispered Valln in my ear.
I nodded.
After Valln left I told everyone-in the Varden-that.
While everyone was distracted by the masquerade ball, we were all lead to a room that surprisingly fit all of us. 'Surprisingly' Jazer had another one of his throne in here too.
Jazer looked at my Father and Malhaw. "Really? You have another son who's a dragonrider?"
I saw my Father nod, not saying anything to him.
Jazer then scanned the group, making sure everyone was there. "It seems like everyone is here."
I scanned the room, just like everyone else, for trouble. For some reason Valln wasn't besides Jazer or in the crowd. Normally anyone would shrug that off, but I knew better, something was wrong. I warned everyone about that and to watch out for anything suspicious with my mind.
Without warning, there was a knock at the door.
"Come in," said Jazer. Valln came walking in. The person who came behind Valln we weren't expecting.
It was Tenter.
Tenter walked up and stood next to Jazer. Tenter was smirking at us. My father, Malhaw, and myself were all glaring at Tenter.
"I would like to introduce you to my friend, Tenter, who happens to be a werewolf." Jazer stretched on the word 'werewolf.'
"That doesn't look like a werewolf to me," said one of the rebels against Jazer.
"Werewolves have you see deceivable looks," explained Eucer.
"Isn't that right, Karlag?" 'asked' Tenter looking at my Father.
"Who's Karlag?" inquired someone in the Varden.
"You may know him as Kar, the rebel dragonrider, and many other names including a werewolf," said Tenter, looking at my Father.
Everyone turned and looked at my Father. "Kar's a werewolf?" demanded someone, gasping.
"Don't forget-" started Tenter.
"That's enough!" boomed my Father.
"Oh, but I'm just barely starting." Tenter smirked. Tenter and my Father started speaking in our native tongue.
"You know what Mother would say about your actions!" yelled my Father.
"Don't you dare bring Mother into this!"
"So you can try to force all of the citizens on Alaëa Island to obey you, but I can't mention Mother?!"
In common Anjustlia speech someone asked what they were saying, but no one answer.
"I should tell everyone in this room about your sons and how many people are werewolves!"
"Don't you dare!"
In common Anjustlia speech, Tenter said, "Everyone I need your attention." As if he didn't already have it. "I have some very interesting news you would want to know. Pak Islanders are actually-"
My father, Malhaw and me lunged at him, but we got hold back by some guards.
"Werewolves. All Pak Islanders are werewolves," finished Tenter, smirking.
People, noticeably, moved away from us-besides the people holding us, they just gripped us tighter.
"I knew it! All I needed was proof!" yelled Eucer.
Suddenly a uproar started.
A bunch of people said, "How could that be?!" or "Why didn't you say anything before?!" and "Stay from us, you monsters!" and many other nasty stuff.
We were dragged-besides Tenter for some reason-to a prison cell and we were locked up and the prison cell was made out of silver. Great, now we're dead. We could hear Tenter telling them what happened, how he became a werewolf and what a tragedy it had been for his family. Once I got so angry that I punched a wall, which was made out of silver.
When Tenter was telling them where Alaëa Island was we all snapped-we didn't snapped at him, we finally lost it.
A few weeks later, no one-of the Empire or Varden, that isn't a Pak Islander-could find Alaëa Island, or the rest of the Pak Islanders. Apparently they just disappeared, which is a very good thing, especially if they escaped to Alaëa Island.



I don't why, but I was just drawn to the dragonrider Aeri like no other. Like flies to honey. And Aeri is the honey. I wouldn't mind having some of that honey. He is so handsome and so strong. Maybe I can ask my older brother if I could take Aeri out of jail to speak to him, and to have a good time. A very good time indeed. Excellent in fact. And the elf princess, Ava, can't get in my way because she isn't going to be courting him after this.
I couldn't wait until the time when the dragonrider Aeri is mine! I want him! I want him to be mine so badly that it hurts. And I can't explain the reason why I feel the way I do, I just feel that way. No idea why. I just do. And I want him. No one is going to get in my way of getting him, not even that elf princess, Ava.
Speaking to my older bother might help. Key word: might. It just might help. I don't know if my brother would willingly do that for me-even if I am his sister.

"No!" screamed my older brother. "Absolutely not!"
"Why not?!" I argued.
"Because he is not getting out of that dungeon-end of discussion!"
"Because he is not my servant yet! Nor is he obedient to me!" My older brother sighed. And adopted a gentler tone-never thought it was possible for my brother to adopt a 'gentler' tone actually I never thought that it was possible for my brother to have a gentle anything. "I may change my mind later on."
I snorted. As if. My brother never changes his mind about anything-even if I am involved.
My older bother glared at me. "Keep up that attitude than I wouldn't change my mind. But if you do change that attitude of yours than I might consider it."
I smiled at that.
"But you have to be on your best behavior. And I mean best behavior-no attitude of any kind," warned my brother.
Even though I had to be on my best behavior I still yelled, "Thank you! Thank you so much! How can I ever repay you?!"
"You can repay me by being on your best behavior," said my older brother, leaving the room.



I wept. My heart breaking. The man I am in love with is a werewolf. Why didn't I pay attention to the warning signs? They would've saved me from all this heartbreak. I should've listen to the warning signs then my heart wouldn't be breaking so hard right now. Why on earth did I not listen to the warning signs? How could I have been so blind in order to not see them?
'You were in love. Love makes people do silly things. Love also makes us ignore the things that we should've paid attention to because we didn't want to believe it,' said a voice in my mind.
And I knew it was true because I ignored the warning signs because I loved him.
I couldn't even watch him get dragged away by the guards, into the dungeon, else my heart would break even further.
I rode away, on my horse, out of the Palace City.
At the Palace gates, a guard stopped me, yelling, "Halt!"
I pulled on my horse's reins, causing the horse to stop-obviously. I must've looked like a wreak, but I didn't care anymore.
Grabbing my horse's rein, the guard asked, "Are you alright, milady?"
I shook my head.
"Can I be of any assistance?"
I shook my head again.
"Why are you so sad? What happened?"
"Nothing," I managed to say without bawling. "Nothing is wrong. I'm fine."
"Are you sure? I never seen a elf cry so much-or show so much of their emotions."
Curse these human feelings. I wish I didn't spend so much time with human, sometimes. If I didn't spend so much time with humans then I wouldn't be bawling so much. "I just made a horrible mistake, which end up costing me a broken heart, that's all."
"Care to talk to me about it?"
I looked up, surprised. "You want to hear my sob story?" A guard doesn't normally act like this. Usually they just ask who you are and what is your business then send you on your way. Why is this guard suddenly so interested? I never met a guard like this. It is like he actually has a human soul underneath all that armor. Then again I could be imagining things. Or it could be that I have a pretty face.
"Do I look like I am doing anything important right now? Besides guarding the gate, which has no one passing through at the moment. Plus I would like to know what cause such a pretty face to be crying like this in the middle of the night."
So it was because I have a pretty face. If I didn't then this guard wouldn't have given me a second thought. He would've send me on my way. Which I don't know which I would've prefer the guard willing to listen because I have a pretty face and because he has nothing to do, or the guard who would just send me on my way because I'm not interesting enough. I think the latter one would've broke my heart even further. "You really want to know it?"
The guard nodded. "I got nothin' else to do. And like I said, I want to know why such a pretty face is crying in the middle of the night."
Releasing the breath I have been holding, I told him my sob story.
Once I was finished the guard said, "Wow. That is quite some story you have, Milady. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
Some hoofing came. But because I am a elf I could hear better than this silly guard, the guard couldn't hear the noise.
"I could help you as soon as my shift is over," said the guard.
How is is this silly guard supposedly going to help me? "And how are you going to do that?"
"Oh, don't worry, you'll enjoy it," said the guard, wiggling his eyebrows.
Suddenly I knew what he implied. Gross, I thought, disgusted. Is this how humans fix their broken hearts? That is just revolting.
Then the guard looked up, behind him, seeing the riders quickly approaching. "Sorry, Milady, you lost your chance. Better luck next time," he said, letting go off my reigns.
Without a second thought, I had the horse galloped all the way back to my home, hardly even looking at who was passing me at the gates, though the female rider did look a bit familiar-stopping only for food, water, and sleep.

Question(s) of the chapter:
Who is your favorite character? Who is your least favorite? Type down a comment in the comment section below to tell me your opinion!

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