Chapter Thirty-Eight

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"Intruder alert, intruder alert!" was the first thing I heard when I fell down through the hole. The words 'Intruder alert' kept on being repeated over and over. Honestly, we get it. I saw a little boy repeating those words over and over.
"Umm...can you please stop doing that?"
The boy shook his head and kept on saying intruder alert.
I stood up and walked toward the boy. "Can you tell where a man named Aeri is?" The boy looked at me as if I was speaking gibberish. "Can you tell me where a man named Kar is?"
"Kar?" asked the little boy.
"Yes, Kar. Can you tell me where to find Kar?" I said, pronouncing my words slowly. The little boy nodded and finally stopped saying 'Intruder alert' which I was extremely grateful for. The little boy took me to a house cave(?) if that is what those are called.
The little boy started yelling Kar's name until Kar came out of the house cave. Pointing to me, the little boy said, "The girl with the pointed ears wants to see you."
Kar nodded, acknowledging that he heard the message. "Thank you for telling me. Do you want to come inside?" asked Kar. At first I thought he was talking to me, but then I realized that he was talking to the little boy.
The boy, noticeably, looks like he's going to reject the offer, but then decided against rejecting it, thanked Kar, and walked inside the house.
"Would you like to come inside and chat?"
I nodded.
He lead me inside the house cave. "Boys, come out here we have a guest!"
I heard people coming done the steps and out of some rooms. First, I saw Malo, Burdenn, then Ryderr.
"You have to apologize my half-brother for a moment, he's going to be a little bit late," apologized Malo.
I smiled and nodded as if as it was alright. I came all this way for him to be the last one to see me! Then again he might not even remember me.
"You're name is Ava, right?" inquired Kar.
"Yes," I yelled without meaning to, I was just excited that he remembers my name. Hope filled through me. I might have a chance after all. "We know each other for many years now, although you might not remember me."
"I remember you a little bit. I only known it was you because you're exactly how Aeri describes you."
"Oh, really?"
Kar nodded.
I looked up and I saw him as soon as he reached the last step. He still took my breath way whenever I saw him. When he saw me he looked surprised and happy at the same time.
Aeri gasped. "Ava?!"
I nodded my head.
He ran up to me and hugging me as hard as he could-I could hardly breathe.
"Aeri, I... can't breathe," I panted, barely managing to get the words out.
He let go of me-so I could breathe again-but he didn't remove his arms from my waist. Which I quite glad for because he kissed her on the forehead, like he always does, a second later.
"I miss you," whispered Aeri in my ear.
I buried her face in his shirt, crying tears of happiness. "I missed you so much!"
He lifted my chin up to face him. "Ava, what's wrong?" questioned Aeri, concerned.
"Nothing, these are tears of joy," I replied.
He smiled.
I buried my face in his shirt again, crying my tears of joy. He kissed me on top of my head again.
Someone cleared their throat, presumably to get our attention. We both turned to face them. "You wanted to see my son, didn't you?" wondered Kar.
I nodded.
"Why did you come? Besides wanting to see my half-brother?" asked Barber.
"You do know up above there's a war going on, right?"
Everyone went, "Oh, that makes so much sense now," and, "That's makes sense why we have so many weapons." They also made the 'oh, that makes sense' expression.
"Who's winning?" asked Ryderr.
"Since I last checked, and since you left us the Empire-which is ruled by the evil King Jazer-Jazer is winning the war," I responded.
Everyone nodded, hopefully they were following me. I went on explaining about things and I was explaining it slowly, asking if they have any question and if they're following me. After a few hours I finally explained everything and they realize it was late and we are dinner. Aeri told them that I only eat vegetables and fruit, no meat. I was surprised that he remembers that. It must means he's getting some of his memory back and all we need is time, too bad we don't have anytime. I was so tired that I fell asleep as soon my head touched the pillow.
When I woke up, every Pak Islander wanted me to explain what is happening, so they were all gather together and they listened to me while I explained what is happening and what had happened. If anyone had questions, I answer them. I made sure everyone was following me. When I finished, suddenly they all started to prepare to go back up and help the Varden win the war as they have previously done.



Multiple weeks had passed, which turned into months, since Ava left to look for the Pak Islanders. I was beginning to worry. What if she didn't find the Pak Islanders? Wouldn't she have sent a letter saying she failed to find them? Did she died? No, no she didn't die, but I still didn't know if she failed or not.
I was beginning to think Ava failed when a large group of people was spotted.
Was it Ava with the missing Pak Islanders or was it the Empire?
One of my soldiers told me that the group had a white flag-which means truce or surrender. I still didn't know if it was the Empire or not. That was until I saw Ava, Kar, and his sons in the midst of the group. I rode out on my horse-with my guards, of course-to meet with them, to make sure it really was them.
Ava explained how all the Pak Islanders on the main land lost their memory, but they were regaining some of their memories back. We-the Varden-did some tests to make sure it was really them. The only time they freak out was when I mentioned the blood test. I knew that the Pak Islanders never liked needles; or they were a fake. Every person-including Ava-took a blood test and they all came clean. They-Ava and the large group of Pak Islanders were immediately accepted back into the Varden and their camp after the tests. We now have a chance to defeat the Empire, now that the Pak Islanders are back.



Eucer wanted to see me for some reason. I had no idea why. I was outside of his tent when I knocked on Eucer's tent pole.
"Come in," said Eucer from inside. I stepped inside the tent. "Please sit." Motioning towards a chair. I sat.
"Is the Pak Islanders memory loss authentic?" inquired Eucer.
I nodded.
"Interesting." Writing that on his paper. "Do you know a Pak Islander that is a werewolf?"
I shook my head.
Eucer wrote that down. "You may go."
I left.
I ran all the way to the tent where Aeri and his family lives. I knocked.
Kar came out of the tent. "Oh, Ava, Aeri not available right now."
"Do you know where he is?"
"He's asleep, I'll awake him, but that's when he remember things the most," explained Kar.
"Okay, I'll just come back later," I said, walking away already.
"Okay, bye," said Kar, shutting the curtain of the tent.
"Bye." I left. I ran all the way to my tent. As soon as I was inside, I sat down, crossed legged, and closed my eyes. I reached out towards Aeri's mind. At first, I was able to see what he was dreaming-it was actually for a second-then some sort of wall went up around his mind.
'Aeri, it's me Ava! Let me in!'
Suddenly an icy dagger drove into my mind. Pain exploded against my eyes. I tried to retreat, but couldn't. I was held in a iron grip. I threw up my defenses, but it didn't seem like it didn't work because the dagger stabbed my mind again-swiping away my defenses as if they were leaves in a storm. It was like Aeri was trying to squeeze the life out of me, but I couldn't figure out why.
'It's me, Ava! I'm your friend!' I yelled, desperately.
The deadly grasp loosen its hold, but barely.
'Who are-wait I already know that. What are you doing here? What do you want?' asked Aeri(?) though it seems like a deeper version of Aeri's voice.
'I came here here to talk to you.'
'Interesting. I never thought anyone knew of me, much less would actually want to talk with me.'
'Who are you?' I asked, suspiciously.
'I'm called Wolf, never really had a name. No one was suppose to know about me, much less talk to me,' explained Wolf.
'Wait, are you Aeri?'
'I'm inside of him. Actually we both share this body.'
'Can I talk with Aeri?'
'No, he's asleep.'
'Please, I need to talk to him.'
'Give me your message and I'll give it him,' said Wolf, clearly annoyed.
'How do I know you'll give it to him?'
'I'm in the same body as him, I highly doubt that I'll forget to tell him. You may leave now.'
'I said you may leave now,' growled Wolf.
'I need-'
Wolf snarled and growled, clearly irritated-understatement. 'I got your message now leave before I lose my temper!' snarled Wolf.
You haven't already? This is you 'not losing your temper yet?' I wonder what it is like to see him actually lose it. On a second thought, no. No, I wouldn't. I bet it is a terrifying experience. 'Can you answer this one question first?' I asked sweetly, knowing I'm trying his patience.
Surprising, Wolf said, 'Fine.' But he said it grumpily.
'Does he really love me?' It has been on my mind for quite some time and I wanted to be at the Varden before I asked it. I don't want him to feel like he has to love me-or pretend to still have feelings for me, if he doesn't-I want them to be for real.
'Why don't you asked him that yourself?! Now get off my territory!' snarled Wolf, clearly his patience has run thin and was no longer in the mood to talk.
Daggers came crashing down onto my mind. I drew back from the contact, returning to my body. I opened my eyes, wondering what really just happened. The first thing I noticed was that I beginning to have a headache.


Question(s) of the chapter:
What do you think about Wolf? Love him? Hate him? Don't really care? Let me know, even if it's the last one.


Bye, lovelies! Stay gorgeous!

SC ©

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