Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N: This book reached the next hundredth, so I will update as promised. As I said, I'll update whenever the next hundredth is reached. Enjoy!
End of A/N


I was at the table, eating, when my Father said, "You know what I think you'll missing?"
I stared at my Father questioningly.
"A dragonrider sword."
I glanced down at my sword, which wasn't a dragonrider sword.
"You been a dragonrider for over a year and you still haven't gotten a dragonrider sword. First, we need to get the right kind of metal to make your sword and I know just where to get it."
After I finished eating we walked to a elf smith, who, presumably, had the right kind of metal.
The female elf was working on something, I couldn't tell what exactly from my angle-it seemed to be a shield of some sort. When the female elf noticed us, she looked up and smiled as if she was expecting us-which maybe she was expecting us. "I was beginning to wonder if you would ever come for a dragonrider sword. You are lucky that I saved some."
'Saved some what?' I asked to my Father.
'Dragonsteel,' replied my Father.
Dragonsteel was rare and only used for the dragonriders, which makes sense for me to have one make out of dragonsteel. Like duh. Of course it was going to be Dragonsteel. I should've remembered that.
The female elf got the dragonsteel out and asked what kind of sword I wanted and what color of a dragon I had.
"Licá is blue, silver and white." The elf nodded. "I prefer I had a sword like this one," I said, handing her my sword.
The elf inspected it as if she's looking for some inspiration-probably was. "Yes, this one would be a beautiful sword if it was a dragonrider sword. I'm not saying it isn't a beautiful sword now, but if it was a dragonrider sword it would be a gorgeous sword-not because it looks beautiful, but because it is useful."
I felt like I was starting to blush. She make swords, all sort of weapons, and tools for a living. To call my sword, that I personally made, a beautiful sword, that is quite a honor.
The elf and I sparred so that she could see what my fighting style was like. When she said she had seen enough we stopped sparring.
"If you don't mind me asking, I would like to know what your name is," I said, politely.
"You're too polite, Dragonrider. My name is Lycia."
"That's a beautiful name," I complimented.
"Why thank you."
"You're welcome," I said, putting on a tight-fitting jerkin and apron-one that was impervious to fire, Lycia wore the same as me. I didn't asked about gloves because a couple of smiths told me "that only clumsy smiths uses gloves."
I saw Licá come in after a while. I made a smelter with barely any help from Lycia-it took a lot of time and basically the rest of the afternoon-which means I didn't have a lot of time. I heated the smelter by using, of course, heat and bellows. Licá went to offer to melt it for them, but Lycia declined before she could even asked. Licá spoke one word and Lycia declined.
It was really hot in here.
We waited for the dragonsteel to cool down.
"You sure you want your dragonrider sword exactly like your other sword?" asked Lycia. "I want it to be similar to my other sword; it doesn't have to be exactly like my other sword. But I would want it to be similar to it."
"Do you still want a hand-and-a-half sword?"
I nodded.
"What kind of gem do you want?"
'What do you think?' I asked Licá.
'A gemstone that is close to my color,' suggested Licá.
'Obviously. What I meant was what kind of gemstones are close to your color?'
'A aquamarine maybe, but that might be too much to asked for.'
I nodded, agreeing with her. 'It's can be too blue-green, we need more of a blue-white at least.'
Licá nodded.
We listed a bunch of other crystals and gems, but rejected them all.
'What about a color changing crystal?' suggested Licá.
'It won't always be-wait are you thinking about those crystals?' I asked.
Licá nodded.
'But that's by the cave and we'll have to asked for permission for that.'
'Remember that one crystal that matched my coloring?'
I nodded. 'We will still have to asked for permission,' I said.
'I'll asked.'
'Don't worry I'll be fine, I'll be back by the time you need it.'
I told Lycia Licá's offer. "Hmm... she'll need someone to go with her just in case," said Lycia.
"I'll do it! I missed the excitement of flying on a dragon and you can stay here and make your sword," offered my Father, who had been so quiet I forgot he was there.
I nodded.
My Father left, got into the saddle and flew away on Licá.
"Let's get back to work," said Lycia, standing up. I broke the dragonsteel into a dragon sized fist -which would've been great if Licá was able to do that before she left.
We-Lycia and I-sorted the dragonsteel by the color and texture of the fractured metal. Taking the dragonsteel we needed, or decided to use, I placed them in the forge. Since Licá wasn't there to heat the steel we had to use heat for the fire.
I removed the dragonsteel-with a pair of tongs-once to it turned cherry red. I laid the dragonsteel on a anvil and started hammering it with a sledgehammer, to smooth out the lumps in the metal. The metal turned out totally awful, that's all I'm going to say.
I heated it again. What would've been only few few minutes if Licá had breath fire on it, turned into over a half an hour.
Once it turned white I moved the dragonsteel over to the anvil and started to pound on the metal again. I brought it back to the forge once it turned from white to yellow.
Again I fired it.
Multiple times we-mostly me-fired it then folded it. The dragonsteel more smoother and flexible each time and we-mostly me-did that until it could bend without breaking. We did that until the fold was complete and then we did it yet again for other half of the hard dragonsteel-making it identical to the first one.
Then, using the softer part of the dragonsteel-which I folded and hit it multiple times with a hammer-before it turned into a short, heavy wedge. I, then, yet again reheated the two harder bars of dragonsteel.
With a pair of tongs, I took the dragonsteels bars and place them side by side on the anvil and twisted them around each other multiple times until they were one single piece of metal.
When the quality of the metal was good enough I flatted the dragonsteel into a thick rectangular shape sheet, then I cut it in half-lengthwise-with a chisel and then down their middle so they were a shape of a long, shallow V's. I had the wedge of dragonsteel between the two V-shaped strips and then I hammered them until they almost had a wedge and a friction, which held all three pieces together. I welded the pieces into a whole and while it was hot I began to draw it out and to make a shape of a sword.
I finished some finishing touches. I heated it again, but not for that long this time.
I rested by sitting in the corner-no, I was not in trouble-while the blade cooled down. Then-after the blade cooled down-I placed the blade between two blocks of wood then spent the next hour or so designing the sides of the blade with a drawknife.
I painted the blade with concoction, putting twice as much on the spine, on the blade, than on the edges and on the point.
After a bunch of other stuff I then went back to the forge and place the blade on some coals then plunged it into the trough of water. Then brought it to the fire once again and plunged it into the trough of water again.
I polished the blade, after that, which a very long time, and carved a narrow groove down the middle of each side of the blade. I made a glossy scabbard which was the same colors as the colors on Licá's back.
The curved cross-guard was made out of some dragonsteel. Just in time Licá and my Father came back with the crystal with looks a awful lot like a Alexandrine gemstone. I placed it in and it was held in place by four ribs made out of dragonsteel, which made the pommel. The hilt which was a hand-and-a-half hilt was made out of some hard black wood.
Yes, finally done! Oh, the sword was gorgeous! I swung it through the air a few times to see how it felt, honestly it felt so light and fast. Lycia gave me some iron rods to test it out on, just to say it was super fun-I cut the iron bolts in half and it didn't even scratched the blade one bit.
"You still have to name your sword," commented Lycia.
I nodded. Ignore when I said 'Yes, finally done!' because I'm not exactly done yet. 'I have no idea what to name this sword,' I admitted to Licá.
'I'm guessing you want me to give you some names?'
I nodded.
'Sparkles?' hopefully joked Licá.
'Sparkles?! You're kidding right?'
'Well, I came up with one, now you come up with one.'
'What kind of person would name their sword sparkles?!'
'Fine. Glitter, wait you'll reject that. Shinythorn.'
'That was better than last time. Umm... Battleclaw.'
Licá just looked at me, no.
'Battlesteel, Ripper, Limbbitter, Limbslasher, Naerging, Avictor, Vantbor, Zibitor, Zibzling, Bribiller, Unconler, Taermallion-join in anytime you want-Starsteel. Okay, it's you're turn.'
'Hmm... those last ones were pretty good... Hmm.... How about...' and I trails off.
'Out of ideas?' teased Licá.
'Hírashor?' I asked, feeling slightly lightheaded.
'Why that?'
I explained to her what it means and why I chose it, afterwards Licá agreed.
I raised my sword. "I named thee Hírashor," I said, feeling lightheaded.
"Interesting," commented Lycia. "Why-" she stopped in mid-sentence when I fainted.

I opened I eyes and when I did what I saw astonished me. Everyone was frozen, they weren't moving at all, not even their eyes were moving.
What on earth is going on? A group of people came out of nowhere and they were not frozen. Who are they? What are they doing here? Why are they here? Why is everyone else frozen? Why aren't they frozen? Why am I not frozen? What's happening? They were only a few feet away from me when they sat down in front of me. Uhh... what am I suppose to do now? I literally have no clue what I'm suppose to do. I have no idea who these people are. Why are they even here? They kept staring at me as if I'm suppose to do something, but what?! Honestly what am I suppose to do?! I have no idea what to do, I thought, my thoughts going crazy.
I closed his eyes, thinking. Skimming through my memories, I couldn't find anything until I found a memory that might help:

A knock at the door to the bedroom. "Come in," I said.
My Father walked in. "Burdon, I need to talk to you."
I gave my Father a questioning look.
"There are going to be some men at a random time, which I do not know, and they're are going to test you to see if you're right going to be fit to rule. This was established right after Tenter left, so I need you to be ready. It will happen at any time. When they come they will just walk up to you, sit down a few feet from you and just stare at you until you say, "Welcome, I am (state your name, you're full name) and who are you?" and you put your hands on your chest indicating that your talking about yourself-when you say the greeting about you-and then we your talking about them you spread your hands out towards them." Father demonstrated and then I recited it. My father nodded, the memory was about to continue when the memory suddenly vanished.

"Welcome I am Crown Prince Burdon A-"
"You may skip to the first part of your last name," ordered one of the men.
I nodded. I outstretched my arms in greeting. "Welcome." Motioning towards myself, "I'm Crown Prince Burdon Wolf of Anjustlia of Alaëa Island." Motioning towards the the men sitting in front of me, asking, "And you are?"
"Excellent speech, Your Highness. I'm Adolph of the Wolforamis. I will be doing most of the speaking today. I will let the others introduce themselves," said Adolph, motioning towards the others. There were eleven others, not including Adolph.
The man with reddish-brownish hair came forward. "I'm Blaine." He stepped back.
The man next to Blaine walked forward and this one has brown hair. "I'm Charles." He also stepped back.
Next was a man with a dirty blonde hair and said his name is David, then he walked back.
Then a man with more of blonde hair than anything and said his name is Earl, then he moved backwards.
A man with brown hair stepped forward and said his name is Frederick, then took a step backwards.
The seventh one has red hair with a little of brown in it and said his name is Gerald and he stepped back.
After Gerald was a man with reddish hair and said his name is Hubert and he moved back.
A man with brown hair who introduced himself as Irvim and then walked back.
The tenth man has brown hair with a little blonde in it and said his name is John and then he put one foot behind the other.
The eleventh one has a dark brown hair and said his name is Kenneth. They were all standing at that point and then sat down again when Kenneth said his name.
"Now that we said the introductions, we must leave now," explained Adolph.
I nodded in response.
"You have passed the first test."
"Thank you," I said.
"You're welcome," replied Adolph and he and the other men disappeared in thin air.

I woke up and noticed that I was laying on my back. Suddenly everyone and everything unfroze.
Lycia ran to me, face full of concern. "Are you alright?!" demanded Lycia.
I nodded, standing up.
"You sure?"
I nodded again. Lycia and Licá didn't let me leave until they were convinced that I was okay.
I sparred afterwards with anyone who was willing to spar me-besides people from Pak Island. Not very surprisingly no one raised their hand to fight me. Then suddenly a hand went up.
Huh, that never happened before. A challenge has actually been accepted by a challenger who wasn't a Alaëa Islander.
The challenger stepped out of the crowd and drew his sword. I drew my sword also and advanced onto the challenger.
When we got close enough I heard the challenger say, "So you got a dragonrider sword." A statement.
I nodded.
The challenger lunged, I blocked. The challenger kept on attacking and I kept on blocking-waiting righting for the right moment to strike. I saw a opening and took it. I caught the challenger on the rib, that seemed to surprised him.
Again the challenger took a swipe at me and caught me on the arm. The wound on my arm wasn't deep but it wasn't just a scratch either. The challenger tried to wound me again but I hit the challenger with the hilt of his sword to the challenger's midsection. The challenger dropped his sword and fell to his knees, out of breath.
I took my sword before he could regain his breath and pointed it at the challenger's neck. "Do you surrender?" I asked.
"No," responded the Challenger.
"And why is that?"
"I never been known to surrender, unless I have to."
I nodded and handed the challenger his sword back.
The Challenger charged at me, I blocked with my sword. I blocked every single move that the challenger made and made a attack of my own. I slashed at the challenger's wrist as if to cut his hand off, but I stopped as soon as my sword got close. The challenger looked so surprised, a bunch of other expressions, but surprised was most of his expression and he never looked more surprised. The challenger swiped at at my head, I ducked. I slashed my sword at the challenger's feet to knock him off his feet, it worked. The Challenger was on his back, his sword out of reach.
I placed sword to the challenger's neck. "Do you surrender?" I asked again.
The challenger shook his head no.
"Then get up," I said, removing my sword from the challenger's neck.
The Challenger stood up.
"You got three seconds to get your sword before the fight restarts," I warned.
The challenger lunged for his sword.
"One," I counted. "Two."
The challenger almost had his sword.
"Three..." I counted, slowly.
The challenger just barely got his hand around the hilt of his sword when I charged. The challenger barely managed to make a blow until I removed his sword. "Do I even have to ask 'Do you surrender?'"
"Fine, I surrender," said the challenger. I helped the challenger get back up-the Challenger fell down as I took his sword.
"I thought you would, Valln," I whispered in Valln's ear, so no one could hear. The look on Valln's face was rewarding enough. "I recognized your voice and your fighting skills."
He just nodded, acknowledging he heard me.
"Come up with a better disguise next time."
Valln nodded again and ran off.
'Good thing to. I didn't want to charge him out of here, causing all sort of chaos,' said Licá.
'Well, the chasing part would be fun. The chaos part would be fun also, but could get annoying after a while.'
I smiled at that. 'How true.'
'Of course it is, I said it. And-'
'I am always right,' I finished with her.
Which made her purr, happily. 'Glad you caught on.'
I smiled.
'What do you think Valln is-was-doing here?'
I shrugged.
'Doing something for Jazer most likely. I hope we never become his servants, his slaves. It would be awful,' commented Licá.
'How true.'

Question(s) of the chapter:
How many errors did I make? Not too many I hope. I was so tired that I just did the italics and bold and no editing(I'll go to bed after I update the next chapter). If I did, just tell me what they are in the comments.


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