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She was responsible for the chaos in his head and the warmth in his heart. He wasn't sure yet what he thought of it. 

"Livia? Is that you?" My mother exclaimed as soon as she picked up the phone. She didn't even give me time to speak before she spoke again. "Yes the called ID says it's you. How nice to hear from you! My little flower, how are you doing darling? Everything alright in the Sapientiae pack? Are the people nice to you? I missed you honey!"

I giggled at her antics. "Hi mum," I said joyfully. It was nice to hear her voice again. I hadn't called yet since I was here, so I hadn't spoken to her for two days already. "I'm okay here, how are you?" 

Immediately she startled rattling about all the things I had missed in the Fortis pack for the past few days. As it turned out, the neighbours had finally managed to sell their house, so they were busy moving out. Allison had started preparing herself for military school 2.1, and started looking into schools for after military school, as she wished to be a kindergarten teacher later on.

Yes, she had started right after I had left, as if I was stopping her from doing that or something. "And how are you, mum?" I asked, when she talked about everything but herself. She sighed before answering me. "Well, I'm good, darling. Same old, same old. I just miss you, my little flower. The house is quiet when you are not around. I can't wait for you to get back! How is it there?"

I kept silent for a while, debating on how to tell her.

"Ehm, well, mum, about that..." 

"Nothing bad has happened to you, has it? I know you can take care of yourself but even you can't defeat everyone, not even in the pack of Nerds. I can come and help you if you want, I'm sur-" she interrupted me right away and started rambling about my safety.

"Mum, mum! I'm fine, nothing's wrong with me, everyone is nice here, and I like it so far." 

"Oh, good." We were both silent for a while, just listening to each other breathe through the phone. "I wish you were home already." My mum said.

"I'm going to be staying here." I spoke up at the same time, breathing loudly, cursing myself in my head for my great timing.

"Wait, what?" I could hear her hurt over the phone. The hurt, confusion, disbelief.

"I... I met my mate here, yesterday. He lives in Sapientiae." 

No answer.

"Mum? Are you still there?" 

"Your mate, you say?" My mum breathed loudly, and in no way could I predict her next move. 

She squealed. Loudly.

"Mum, jeez, calm down!" I grinned widely while holding the phone an arm's length away from my ear. "But yes, I found my mate here. In the Pack of Nerds." We had always called the Sapientiae pack that way. I mean, we weren't wrong. Most people here were nerds, or geeks, or whatever. Obviously, their alpha included. Maybe Vir was the biggest of them all. Not that I minded, he was adorable after all.

She gushed loudly and squealed again. "Oh my little flower, I'm so happy for you! Tell me about him, I want to know everything!" This was the exact reason why my mum was my best friend. She worried for me, wanted to know everything about me, really listened and she cared for me more than anyone else in the world. 

"Well," I started. "His name is Vir, he is twenty-two now." I wasn't afraid telling her his name. My mother was the loveliest woman on earth, very kind, sweet and caring, but she wasn't the brightest. She was perceptive, yes, but she wouldn't make the connection so quickly on her own. She wouldn't know that my mate Vir, was the same person as the Alpha Vir, not even when I described his looks, which I did. "He is the biggest geek I've ever met, but he is so cute, and adorable mum, he get's so shy each time he sees me. He has this amazing dark blonde curly hair, and these gorgeous eyes with rimless glasses." I smiled broadly at the thought of him.
"He sounds amazing sweetie," my mum answered. A short silence fell between us. "And, have you kissed already? Or more?" I could literally feel that my mum was wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

I groaned loudly into the phone. "Mum, really?" 

"It is a legitimate question, honey, have you?" She sounded slightly worried. "I don't want him to push you into anything, no matter who he is."

I giggled softly, touched with her caring nature. "We haven't, mum. I pecked him on the cheek yesterday, and we- well I hugged him today. That's all." 

I suppose she could hear the disappointment in my voice. The thin layer of pain that was underneath the excitement, because she immediately sighed in sympathy. "Oh, honey. Is he that shy?"

Chuckling a little, I nodded, knowing she would know I did. "I don't think he has ever been kissed before. Hell, I don't think he has had a girlfriend, mommy. He is so much more innocent than I am, and he flushes a bright red each time I am the slightest bit affectionate. Or when look at him. Or basically when I'm close to him." 

"I would love to hug you now, my little flower."

"I would too, mum," I sighed as an answer. "I miss you already. But I can't come back yet, you understand that right?"

"Of course, lovely. No one should ever take you away from your soulmate. Ever. He will come around. If he is just shy, then he might take a while to open up to you, but I assure you, he will. If there is more to it, then he needs you, even though he might not express it. In the end, soulmates always come together, in body and in soul. Take it from me." 

I nodded. "Thank you, mum. I have to go now, tomorrow morning I have to get up at six a.m. so I kind of need my sleep. I love you!" 

"I love you too, my little flower, everything will work out for you, I'm sure of it."

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