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He couldn't predict when she would laugh, would cry, would be happy, would be hurt. He could predict his opponent's every move in chess, but she was one level too difficult. 

The next few minutes went by in a blur. I was nervous – I hadn't been this nervous in a long time, not even during the finals of the intelligence competition in my pack. My palms were sweaty, my heart was beating loudly in my chest, my knees were trembling.

What if Vir had forgotten to make sure I was given a contract?

What if he was actually done with me? The last time we saw each other he left quite abruptly, seemingly irritated with me. And today, he was completely engrossed in a deep conversation with a woman who was clearly looking for more than just conversing.

Maybe he had decided he didn't want a dumb mate as the Luna of his pack.

I almost didn't recognise myself. Who was I becoming? Desperate for Vir's attention, insecure and with a low self-esteem.

I willed myself to calm down a bit. I would see what life had in store for me. If Vir hadn't thought of anything, I would bluff myself into staying here. Call me desperate, because maybe I was, but I deserved to have a good life with a mate, I knew that much. After already losing my father at a young age, I was sure that fate would grant me at least this.

"Livia Devoe, would you please join me on stage. Give her an applause please, for winning the intelligence competition in the Fortis pack at such a young age." Vir's words brought me down from my thoughts. Sighing deeply, I stood up.

Putting a forced smile on my face, I concentrated on walking to the stage elegantly, without tripping over my long, purple dress.

"Congratulations." He shook my hand as he had done with other representatives. I looked into his eyes, but there was no sign that I meant more to him than any other random person he shook hands with. He showed me the button in his hand, and explained – again – that I was supposed to walk to the spotlight which interested me the most. If there was no spotlight, or I wasn't interested, I was to go to my seat again, and go home by plane first thing in the morning.

"Is that understood?"

I nodded in confirmation, after which Vir pressed the button. I held my breath shortly, but quickly exhaled in relief when I saw that not one, but two spotlights shone brightly on stage. The one on the left showed the company Yaegle, an ICT company specialising in big data and cybersecurity. I had seen their research at the symposium a couple of days ago, and I was fairly certain that my interest wasn't in that field of research. I thought I'd made that clear to them too, so I don't know why the hell they would want me to join their company anyway.

The other spot, on the right of the stage, was even more surprising to me. There stood Daniel, in his three-piece suit, looking all professional. The job-offer that was presented on a banner next to the stand, was described as 'junior personal assistant Alpha's office'.


Did that mean that Vir actually thought of me? Well, now the choice wasn't too difficult.

With a confident smile, I walked up to Daniel, and shook his hand. "Congratulations," he said with a wink, and he hugged me briefly. "Now you only need to sign, I will tell you what is expected of you later."

I smiled broadly and signed my name under the contract. Daniel signed right after me, and I must say that his signature was a lot more complicated and advanced than mine. Compared to his, my hand writing was quite pathetic. Still, I kept smiling confidently as I walked back to my seat. Pulling my dress down a bit – it had crept up when I walked down the small set of stairs from the stage to the floor again – I made my way to the other representatives, the scroll with the neatly rolled up contract in my hand.

Just as I sat down, the next representative was called up on stage. The woman from Sensus walked to the front, shook the Alpha's hand, and saw that she had been chosen for no less than six companies. However, surprising everyone, she asked Vir to tell the crowd something first. Under soft murmurs from the audience, she took Vir's place at the stand, and started talking.

"I am incredibly honoured by your decision of choosing me as the appropriate candidate for your company." She smiled sweetly at the six people that were representing the companies that wanted her to accept their contract. 

"I have had a fantastic week, with lots of new experiences and insights that I can use in my own research. I can do nothing but thank you profusely for that. However, I have decided to not accept any of your proposals. I have a loving mate and a perfect family at home, one that I wouldn't wish to leave voluntarily any time soon. Although the position as a researcher in the Sapientiae pack is much more prestigious than the job I have now, the love I have for my family overflows my heart. No matter the respect I would gain by working here, it would never be better than what I have now, it would never be better than what I would have to leave." She chuckled to herself, laughing at the joke she was about to make. "I guess I'm too much addicted to dopamine."

No one laughed.

"Anyway," she continued, a bit awkwardly now. "I want to thank you, for allowing me this opportunity. I wish you all the success in the world, maybe we will meet again." She smiled softly at Vir after that, and left the stage with her head held high. Opposed to all the other representatives, who left the stage with the sound of a moderate applause, she walked back to her chair in complete silence.

I guess that Sapientiae members did not appreciate sappy romantic stories. At least, not when it caused a person to decline an opportunity for fortunate career prospects. Still, I gave the sweet woman a soft smile as she sat down next to me.

At least she was one hundred percent sure about her love life, having a loving mate and family waiting for her at home. I sighed silently, and looked at Vir in desire as he called the last representative on stage.

I wish I could say the same as her. Even though Vir had made sure I would be able to stay, was he ready to admit that to everyone too?

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