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But as it has always been with him, as soon as a girl came into the picture, his mind stopped working.


The ride to the Headquarters was long and boring. The roads were busy with traffic, and since my phone had died - I had forgotten to bring my powerbank, - I couldn't do anything but look through the window and listen to the noisy chatter of all smart people in the bus. 

While we were slowly progressing through the enourmous city, I watched the people in the streets. 

Their fashion was very different than in the Fortis pack. While at home most people wore black, leather and clothes that were easy to move in, here women wore long, blue coats, uncomfortable shoes and tight skirts. 

I shuddered in disgust by the idea of ever having to wear that. 

At first sight, the city seemed to be very peaceful and happy, but the longer I looked, the more things I noticed. In small, dark alleyways I could faintly see people standing in the corner, exchanging money for packages. I saw people arguing at a market stall, I saw shops that were forcibly closed. 

It kind of shocked me.

Or this was the poor neighbourhood of the Pack, or not everyone here was as smart as was said, or something fishy was going on. 

I wanted to investigate it some more, but was then distracted as we pulled up in front of an expensive looking building. It was mostly made of glass, steel and gold, and looked very modern. A red carpet was being rolled out as the bus stopped and the doors opened.

I had learned long ago that it was best to wait until everyone else had gotten out before standing up myself. Therefore I was the last to get out of the bus, not before nodding politely at our driver. 

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and shook my head to remove my hair from my face, after which I followed everyone else. As a butler took care of my luggage, backpack and coat, saying it would be brought to my personal room in the Headquarters, I took my time taking in the beautiful entrance hall of the building. 

I could look up to the top of the building from the inside, feeling the warm sun fall down on my skin through the glass roof. 

Everywhere I looked, the colours were rich and there were plants in each corner. As we followed a young woman in high heels and a tight skirt to a room behind the security station, I made some more pictures to show my mum and Allison.

We were led into what looked like a conference room, or a college lecturing hall. 

We all took a seat, and I could clearly see that everyone was extremely excited that they would now actually see alpha Vir from up close. We could talk to him, ask questions. 

Even though I wasn't here to meet the Alpha - I was here to see new places, to experience things I could never experience behind the bars of the Fortis pack - I was still very excited. 

However, as the young woman stood at the speakers podium in front of a small microphone - which was completely unnecessary, we were all werewolves, we could  hear perfectly fine and besides that we were only with like 8 people in here - I could already see by the look on her face that something was wrong.

"First of all," she said. "A very warm welcome to the Sapientiae pack."

A short silence from her side as someone decided to awkwardly start clapping.

"My name is Willow Cervantes, sister of Vir Cervantes, the Alpha of Intelligence. You are considered to be the smartest people in your pack, very promising scientists, doctors, students, or even possible members of the Sapientiae pack."

Again that same person started clapping, which was really starting to annoy me.

"By winning the intelligence competition in your pack, you were promised to meet Alpha Vir right here and now, after which you would follow a week's worth of inspiring lectures and conferences from our most famous scientists. However," she started to sound apologetic. "Due to unforeseen complications, the Alpha is unable to be here right this moment."

I could practically feel the sadness and disappointment of every representative in the room. It saturated the air, and I must say that I was partly causing it. I too, would have liked to meet him.

"I understand your disappointment," Willow spoke then. "And he does too. Which is why he decided to meet with all of you briefly in person later this night. You will be brought to your own room in a minute, where you will have the opportunity to freshen up, eat something from our room service and maybe even sleep for a while. The Alpha has a busy schedule, but he is willing to free some time for all of you, so later tonight, you will all be called by a maid to meet with him for half an hour tops. Is that alright?" She ended her speech with a smile, knowing for sure that we would be alright with it. And we were.

Some started chatting excitedly with each other, while that same annoying person started clapping and howling with happiness. 

I don't know who it was exactly, but I was certain it was either the representative from Commutatio or Tempus.


My personal room was as spacious and beautiful as I had suspected. 

Not knowing when I would be called, I decided to order some Indian curry immediately. While I was waiting, I chose to take a quick shower, after which I put on some eyeliner and mascara, as usual. 

I was proud of myself when I actually bothered to be polite and wear something that wasn't as bold and blunt as my usual clothing. I just kept it simple with dark grey jeans and a tight, elastic white shirt with long sleeves. It looked good with my hair, and I felt like I looked kind of nice.

The curry I ordered was lovely, which made all the waiting today worth it, because this kind of food was absolute heaven. 

I got all the time in the world to enjoy it extensively, because it was already three hours later before I was called by a maid to bring me to a sitting room where I would meet the Alpha. 

It was on the top floor, and extremely quiet. As I got out of the lift, the winner from the Sensus pack was being brought down. He'd had fun apparently, because his eyes were very bright and there was a smile on his face that even a nuclear bomb couldn't wipe away.

Somehow, this reassured my subconscious fears that the Alpha was a prick.

What? The Alpha of the Fortis pack really is an awful person, why wouldn't this Alpha be one as well?

But well I guessed he wasn't.

Anyway, the maid led me towards a simple wooden door with a steel handle. She silently bowed at me and then walked away as quickly as she possibly could.

I didn't bother knocking before getting in, I just opened the door and got in silently.

The Alpha hadn't noticed that I entered yet, so I took my time looking at him. He stood by the window, looking out over the city in silence. 

I was a bit flabbergasted by the fact that from behind, he seemed a lot younger than I'd expected. His dark blond curls danced across his head, never really reaching his neck. He was tall and lean, not buff with muscles like most Alphas were. 

I didn't know why, but I liked it on him. 

His clothes, however, were a different story. He looked like he really needed someone to style it for him, because like this one would think he was a man older than fifty - which he wasn't.

I decided I was done checking him out from behind - though he did have a butt I would have liked to look at a little while longer. 

Coughing quietly, I made my presence known to him. He turned around quickly, saying something like "Oh, I didn't notice you'd come in already," but I didn't notice.

As soon as his eyes locked with mine, I could feel everything fall in its place. 

If I thought I didn't really exist, I did now. This feeling was amazing. It was a feeling of finally belonging somewhere. With someone.

He gasped at the same time as I did.




So, they've finally met! What do you think? 
Next week I'll be in Denmark on a holiday with my friends , so I hope I'll have internet to post on monday! Otherwise, I'll update whenever I can ^^.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned until next time!

Sanne :)

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