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I didn't even notice until someone told me that this graphic shop has reached 1K reads! Thank you so much you all for bearing with me and my graphics! I've come a long way from when I started off and it shows :)

So, to show my appreciation I will be doing a small give away of sorts which you can participate in. Here's what I'll be giving away:

1st place:
•Two covers for any books of your choice, they can be yours or for a friend.
•5 chapter's reviews and critique on the same two books which you'll choose above.
•Any four character aesthetics, for characters in books mentioned above
A book jacket for one of the books you've selected
Bookmark for the two books you've selected
A Banner for one of the books mentioned above.

2nd place:
•One cover for a book of your choice.
•3 chapter's reviews and critique for the book mentioned above.

Are these enticing enough for you to participate? If yes, then comment on this chapter and tag as many people as you can. For every 2 tags you get one entry in the Goblet of Fire 😉😆

I will do all graphics I've promised to the best of my capabilities and will hand them to you on Sunday☺
I will close this on this Saturday 12:00 pm Indian timing.

Bạn đang đọc truyện trên: Truyen2U.Pro