2 (edited)

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I own nada.

Sapphire's POV

(This is what she packed)
As I was walking out of camp I heard a light tap-tap 30 seconds later a slightly heavy thump thump started. I peaked from behind the tree to see nico and thalia stood tense.

Nico POV

I'm leaving camp. I know saph is going to and so is thals so I might as well. I packed some stuff.

I'm at the west side of the tree. SHIT. I hear footsteps. Very light ohhhh it must be saph and thals

Thalia's POV

I'm leaving. I have to. My dad desieded to trick saph out so the whole camp hates her so I'm going too. Fuck I sense a destubence in the air. Oh wait it's just nico and saph. I grab my packed bags and start walking.

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