First Entry

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Author's Note: Hi! Here's a new story for you guys. Don't worry. I'm still going to continue the other stories. This idea came to my mind so I decided to go with it. The beginning is a little similar to Flawless but don't worry. They're two completely different books. If you guys don't like it though, I won't continue it for long. Thanks for all the support!

Friday # 1

"Ugh, that's the freak that's dating Hiro." I heard whispers around me say as I entered into class. "I can't believe someone as amazing as him would choose her." Another person said. All of these comments made me feel sick to the stomach so I rushed over to the very back of the class and sat down.

Hiro is my best friend and my boyfriend all in one. He's also one of the most popular superheroes on the planet. I guess that's why his parents named him Hiro.

Dating a superhero has its perks but it also has it's downsides like everyone is jealous of you.

"Alright class, open your notebooks and title it Chapter 5A Notes." My calculus teacher instructed. As I'm doing just that, I feel like someone is watching me. I look around but everyone is either looking at the teacher or taking out their notebooks. So, I ignore the feeling and continue what I'm doing. I open my notebook and bring out my pencil. As I am about to write, my pencil is removed from my hand and it starts to float on its own.

For a normal human being, this is incredibly scary and creepy.

For me, I know exactly what's going on. "Hiro, not now," I whisper, already in a bad mood after hearing all the comments about me being a freak. Then he uses my pencil to write on my paper, saying 'Even when you're mad, you're still adorable.' A blush creeps its way onto my face and I try not to smile. Then, I feel him poke my side, all of a sudden becoming visible to me but still invisible to the class. "I can't leave until you smile for me." He tells me. He's never done this before so my eyes widen with shock as I look around, realizing no one else sees or hears him. "Hiro!" I whispered. "Get. Out." He simply stands behind me and starts poking and squeezing my sides. I try my best to conceal my giggles but it feels like I can burst at any minute. "Come on Sapphire! Laugh for me!" He whispered into my neck, only making the ticklish sensation worse. When he goes down to my feet, I have to cover my mouth to hide my huge smile from the teacher as he scribbles across all of my toes. "Hiro please!" I struggle to say. I was lucky to be in the back so no one had noticed yet. When he came up and squeezed my kneecaps, I couldn't hold it in anymore so I quickly got up and tried to walk away from him quickly. "Sapphire?" My teacher asked, stopping me in my tracks. "Where are you going?" I froze, not knowing how to explain that my invisible boyfriend was tickling me to death. "Um...." I started and then he appeared. "Hey teach!" He said, wrapping his arms around my stomach and tickle attacking me again. "Hiro!" I squealed, giggling loudly this time. "Hiro! How nice of you to visit!" My teacher exclaimed, basically fangirling over my boyfriend.


"Of course I would visit. My favorite girl is in your class." He said, moving his fingers to my waist with a smirk on his face. "Let go!" I squealed. "I'll allow you two to finish your business. Free day for everyone!" My teacher announced erasing the board.

Is she serious? Hiro will never stop now!

Luckily, her saying that distracted Hiro enough for me to escape his grip. I ran to the opposite side of the classroom, only for him to teleport himself right in front of me. "You can run but you definitely can't hide." He said with a smirk as I squealed and ran the opposite way, not getting too far before he teleported in front of me again. I try to run again but he does the same thing, and again, and again. Eventually, it started making me laugh. "Are you sensing a pattern here?" He asked as he finally wrapped his arms around my waist to tickle me again. "Yeah. You're annoying me everywhere I go." I told him, playfully smirking back at him. He gasped playfully and I giggled at his childishness. "I'll show you annoying princess." He exclaimed, digging his fingers into my sides again. "Hiro? Are you going to talk to any of us?" One of the girls in my class asked him. He stops and turns around to see all of the girls in my class looking at him with dreamy eyes. "It's not fair that you're only spending time with that freak." Another person said. For once, I agree. "Yeah, Hiro. Go hang out with the other girls. You're so selfish." I told him, smirking at him. He snaps his head back around at me. "Oh yeah?" He asked before coming extra close to my neck and whispering "You're going to get it when you get home. I hope you're ready for that." I giggled the entire time because his breath was tickling my neck. He finally let me go, grabbed a hold of my hand, and turned around. "Sapphire is not a freak. Since you all seem to think that she is, I won't be talking to any of you." He said, walking me back to my seat. "Wait! Please don't do that! We're sorry." All the girls plead with him but he ignores them. Instead, he sits in my seat and places me in his lap, playing with my hair. "Hiro, you don't have to do that," I told him, turning around to see his face. "Yes, I do." He said back, turning my head back around so he can continue playing with my hair. He plays with my hair for a while as I think about what the girls were saying earlier, about how I'm a freak. I just couldn't wait until we got home so I could tell Emerald, my girl best friend who is also dating a superhero, about everything. As I was about to start crying, I felt Hiro start tracing circles on my back, causing me to giggle. "Hiro stop." I giggled. "Why are you sad?" he asked, now doing spiders up and down my back, making my giggles increase. "I'm not!" I giggled. "So now you're lying?" He asked, still doing spiders on my back. I turned around and grabbed his hands to stop them. "I'm fine Hiro." I told him and he smirked. "No you're not but I know how to make you feel better." He said, smirking a huge smirk. "No." I said, already knew what he was thinking of doing. He removed his hands from my grip, turned my body around to face him completely and wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't escape. "No please don't." I begged him and he chuckled. "How do you know what I'm doing to do?" He asked, chuckling at my expense. "Hiro please!" I begged but it happened. He started kissing me all over my face and neck repeatedly. "Hiro!" I yelled through my giggles but it only made him want to continue. He calls it kissing jail. Whenever I'm feeling down, this is what he does to cheer me up. Either this or he tickles me. And even though I'll never admit it, it actually does cheer me up 99.999 percent of the time. "Hiro! I can't breathe!" I giggled harder and harder. "Fine. I'll stop," he said, lifting his lips away from me. "You're so annoying," I told him, still giggling from what just happened. "And you're too cute." He said, kissing my nose, causing me to smile. "There's that smile I love far too much," he added and I rolled my eyes, blushing. "And that blush! I can't get enough of it." He added, only making me redder. "Hiro, stop it." I told him, trying to cover my face but he caught my hands before I could. "Stop what?" He asked innocently before kissing both of my hands continuously. I giggled and asked, "Why are you in such a playful mood today?" "I just love you so much." He said, making me blush again. "You love me so you decided to annoy me as much as possible?" I asked and he chuckled before saying "I love you so I came into your class just to see you, saw that you were sad, and decided to change that." He said, making blush even harder. "Did I do what I came here to do?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "You're so cheesy dumb-dumb." I giggled, calling him by my "pet name" for him. "And you're so adorable, princess." He called me by his pet name for me. "Ah-hem!" I heard one of the kids in my class say. I look over and see everyone, even the teacher, is staring at us. I almost forgot that there were other people in the room. "You can go now, Hiro. I'll see you at home. This is the last period of the day anyway." I told him. "Princess, you didn't drive to school today so I have to pick you up anyways." He countered and I nodded, looking down. I'm thoroughly uncomfortable. "Everyone is staring." I whispered and he rolled his eyes. "Fine. We'll continue this later." He then turned me around and continued playing with my hair while I doodled in my journal for the remainder of the class. Occasionally, he would push all my hair to the front of my face to annoy me and we would bicker for a little bit about it but other than that, we didn't draw too much attention to ourselves.

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