Chapter 11

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Sam's P.O.V.

I woke up to the sounds of the busy New York streets and my own groaning of being tired. "I don't want to get up," I said. I looked over at the sleeping bag that Wanda was sleeping in and found it empty. "Guess Wanda's up," I said. I got out of bed and left the room. I walked down the hall and saw a man with red skin on the couch. (Remember this happens before Wandavision,Endgame,and Infinity War). "Hello there," The red skinned man said. "Hi," I said. "I am Vision," He said. "I'm Sam" I said. "So you're the Sam Wanda has been talking about," Vision said. "Yes and... Wait you know Wanda," I said. "Yes," Vision said. "You know what i'm way too tired to care right now," I said.

Wanda's P.O.V.

I had gotten up before Sam and I didn't want to wake him up because he looked as snug as a bug (REFERENCE!!!!). I was in eating some toast and saw Sam in the Living Room talking to Vision. "Good morning Sam," I said as he walked over to the kitchen. "Whatever," He said. "Rough night last night?" I asked. "No it's just Tony and I had a weird conversation and I am just way too tired to think right now," He said. I levitated a plate if toast over to him and said "Toast?". "Thanks," He said taking the toast. "You know you kinda act like my brother Pietro," I said. "Okay I bet he doesn't wake up in the middle of the night to talk to rich and snobby business men," He said. "Actually he was killed by Ultron," I said my happy mood decreasing. "Oh i'm so sorry," He said. "It's okay it wasn't your fault," I said. "Well I lost my family too," He said. "You told me," I said. "I know," He said smiling for the first time that morning.

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