Chapter 23

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Wanda's P.O.V.

I hadn't seen Sam in a while and I was starting to get worried I attempted to contact him with our powers but I got nothing. "Where could he be?" I asked myself. "Are you okay Wanda," Vision asked. "Yes Vis i'm just fine i'm just worried about Sam," I said. "Well i'm sure he's okay Wanda," Vision said.

Sam's P.O.V.

Agatha let me out of the chair and she captured me in her magic. "Okay let's see if you can give me the information I need," Agatha said plucking a strand of my hair. "Repeate Memoria," Agatha chanted. The strand of hair levitated to a door in the room. The door glowed a vibrant purple. Agatha let me go and I fell to the floor. "Let's go," She said. "No," I said getting up. "You know you're not getting out of here unless you come with me right," Agatha said. I followed her through the door that turned into a door that was strangely familiar.

We came into my living room from before my town blew up. "Mom," I said as my mom finished whatever she was doing in the kitchen. "Dad," I said as dad walked in the house. My mom went over to my dad and pecked his lips. "So what do you have for tonight?" My mom asked sitting on the couch. My dad layed a case on the couch and knelt by it. He opened the case and it was full of old movies and t.v. shows. "Oh Mike," Mom said. "Don't worry i'll sell them all tomorrow," Dad said. "Now where's Sam?" Dad asked. "That's your cue Sam," Agatha said pushing me. 

Dad embraced me in his cold arms. "Are you ready for Movie Night?" Dad asked. "Obviously," I said. "Don't I get a hug?" Mom teased. I embraced her and she plopped me in between her and Dad. "What are we watching tonight?" I asked. "Godzilla," Dad said dramatically.

Time Skip

We finished the memory of Movie Night and the memory of how I got my powers and how I found my town destroyed. "So let me get this straight parents dead,friends dead,lover dead. What happened when they weren't there to pull you back from the darkness," Agatha said. "I-I can't do this anymore," I said. "Come on Sam you're on the precipus you are right there. Confirm my theory," Agatha said. "Just stop," I said releasing a burst of blue energy. Agatha vanished. I heard screaming coming from outside. I ran out the door and saw Agatha in the air. "I know what you are. You have no idea how dangerous you are. You're supposed to be a myth a being of spontanious creation. You have Chaos Magic, Sam. That makes you the Sapphire Sorcerer," Agatha said.

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