Chapter 25

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Sam's P.O.V.

"Okay Strange let's do this," I said flying up. I started circling Agatha and teleported out of her vision. Dr. Strange used a magical weapon to hit Agatha onto the roof of a building. She got up and I sneaked up behind her and used my powers to show her worst fear. I saw corpses of women in pilgrim outfits with Agatha magically chained to a pole. "Wow you did all of this i'm impressed," I said walking in front of her. The corpses got up Agatha begging to them. She looked at me and the corpses turned to me pointing at me. They all started saying "You are a sorcerer," over and over. I looked at Agatha and she said "Told ya so,". I turned to a white haired woman and she said "You are the Sapphire Sorcerer. Bringer of chaos,". Agatha was freed and the women chained me to the pole.

3rd person P.O.V.

Sam was chained to the pole by the witch corpses. "Give me your power and escape your destiny," Agatha said. A crown of blue energy appeared on Sam's head.

(imagine this but on Sam and blue)

The witches gasped at the appearance of the crown. Sam blasted blue energy at the witches freeing him. He ran to Agatha and knocked her off the roof they were on. Agatha flew up and Sam followed her. "TAKE IT!" Sam exclaimed blasting Agatha. "I don't want it," He said. Dr. Strange flew up to help Sam but Sam blocked him with a forcefield.  "Kid what are you doing?" Dr. Strange exclaimed. Sam blasted Agatha and created a shield around them. Sam blasted the shield's wall and the blasted Agatha repeat cycle for about 5 minutes. Sam was completely rotted his power gone. Agatha was about to blast Sam but nothing happened she tried again but again nothing happened. Sam looked up and the wall of the shield started glowing.

(this but blue energy and blue shield)

"Runes," Agatha said. "In a given space only the magic user that cast them can use their magic. Thanks for the lesson," Sam said the rot disappearing. "But I don't need you to tell me...who...I am," Sam said. The crown of blue energy reappeared on Sam's head. Sam regained his magic from Agatha. Sam was transformed into the silhouette from when he got his powers. He was wearing a blue leather trench coat,a black shirt,black pants,black combat boots,blue leather fingerless gloves,and the crown of blue light materalized on Sam's head. "Oh God. You have no idea what you've done," Agatha said. Sam waved his hand and they both floated down to the ground. Sam made the shield vanish. "That was amazing," Dr. Strange said floating over to Sam. "Thank you Dr. Strange but I have to go," Sam said. "Why?" Dr. Strange asked. "I don't understand this power. But I will," Sam said "For now I need to be alone,". "Goodbye Strange," Sam said flying away. "Goodbye Sam," Dr. Strange said. Sam flew away from New York to find his place of seclusion.

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