Friends - Fortuneshipping

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This was requested by TheRainbowSylveon

I'm sorry it took me so long, but I hope you like it!

"Ahh! I really thought I was going to win this time!" Dawn sighed. Dawn and Lucas just had a battle, which led into another loss for Dawn.
"You were amazing! You really had me in a corner back there" he responded.
"But you still won. And you deserve it. I just have to get even stronger!" Dawn said with a determined sparkle in her eyes.

"Here." Lucas tossed her one of the water bottles he just bought.
"Thank you!" Dawn said as Lucas sat down next to her. The sun was setting, giving an orange glow, which reflected in Dawn's beautiful eyes. Dawn saw him staring at her, but not thinking much of it, she gave him a big smile. Lucas quickly looked away, being embarrassed that he was caught.

"Thanks for training with me today" Lucas said after a while.
"No problem. That's what friends are for, right?" Dawn replied. Lucas nodded slightly. 'Friends, huh?'

But if he had to be honest, he didn't want to be friends. He wanted to be more. Looking at Dawn wasn't the same as it used to be. When they were younger, she was just Dawn, his friend. But now it was different. She was Dawn, with her stunning dark blue eyes, at which he could look forever. But he didn't think Dawn felt the same, or she was really good at hiding it. He usually had to mentally prepare himself for every conversation, or he would turn into a stuttering mess.

"So... Do you have any plans tomorrow? Barry and I are going to fish, if you want you could join us" Lucas asked, trying to sound as casual as possible. He did look away though, because one look at her and his 'cool' act would be gone.
"What? But Barry promised me he would help me shopping tomorrow!" Dawn replied. Lucas grinned.
"Yeah, that sounds like Barry. Making two appointments." Lucas suddenly got an idea.
"Hey... Why don't we go do something together, without Barry, to let him pay?" As soon as he said it, he regretted it. 'Idiot! That's like asking her out! You're scaring her!'
"But Barry's our friend... We can't do that, right?" Dawn said cupping her chin in her hands.
"I-I mean! We- we don't have to! It's just that it's the third time Barry's done this!" Lucas said, getting completely red. But Dawn didn't pay attention to him, as she was debating with herself if she could do that to Barry.
"Barry's our friend... But it's indeed already the third time... And you're my friend too..."

"Would you please stop calling me that?!"

The sentence was said before Lucas could stop it. 'Oh no. Now I've done it.'
"What?" Dawn asked, looking confused, but hurt at the same time. 'Idiot. I've fucked up. I've fucked up.'
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that!"
"You don't want to be me friend anymore?" Tears started to form in the corners of her eyes.
"NO! No! it's not like that at all!"
"Than what is it!?" Dawn snapped. They had been friends for years! Did he really not want to be friends anymore!?

Lucas sighed. He could better just tell the truth, any worse than this it couldn't get.

"I hate it when you call me you 'friend'. I've hated it for a while now. But not because I don't want to be friends anymore. I loved being your friend, but at the moment, it feels like it's not enough. I'm your friend, but so is Barry, so are a lot of people. I want to be special to you, not just one of your friends. Because you're special to me." He took a deep breath.

"Dawn, I like you. A lot. So much, that it hurts."

There. He said it. He finally said it. He was afraid to face Dawn, but he did it anyways. Dawn was silently crying, which surprised Lucas.

"H-hey! Are you okay?" he asked nervously. 'Great. Just great. You made her cry. You stupid idiot.'

"Lucas," Dawn finally said, wiping away her tears, "I... I like you too."

That shocked Lucas even more.
"I like you, Lucas" she repeated with a smile.
"Really." Lucas wiped the left tears of her face. He couldn't describe how happy he felt.
"Can... Can I kiss you?" Lucas asked blushing. Without giving an answer, Dawn leaned forward and placed her lips on his. But it didn't last for long, as Lucas' phone suddenly went off, scaring the two of them.

"Aah! I'm so sorry!" Lucas apologized.
"It's fine" Dawn replied, a bit embarrassed. Lucas checked his phone and saw he got a message. It was from Barry, asking where they would meet tomorrow. Dawn also saw the message.
"Say, you still want to do something tomorrow, just the two of us?" she asked him.
"I mean, if you're okay with that" Lucas replied.
"How about we go to the movies?" Dawn suggested.

"That'd be great!"

I'm very sorry if I made them too OOC, but I don't really know how they act around each other since I haven't played the Sinnoh games. I did do some research online, so I hope it's okay like this!


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