Time tourists Part 1 - Contestshipping

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I got this idea from xtrainer_lunax and her version of this is really amazing so you should check it out if you haven't already!!


I walked around the city. It seemed to be a bit more crowded than usual up in the ships flying above the city. I could've expected that, there was a very popular concert today of a band that broke up ages ago, and got back for one more time. If you couldn't get tickets, you could just buy a ticket to go back in time later.
You'd have to see the concert from up there, though. The time travel rules were pretty strict. You're not allowed to travel back further than 2019, when the time travel was invented, and you weren't allowed to go down, to the people. You have to be 20 years old to time travel, and visiting the past is pretty expensive. Usually, you can only visit a time one time, but there are exceptions.

I looked up, and searched for a specific man. He must be around 30 years old. I don't know who he is, but he always seemed to be there. Sometimes there would be two. An older version of him. Those days must've been special to him.
I don't really know why, but I always felt like he was there for me. Not that that is true or anything. Why would he be there for me? Still, I feel safer when I know he's there. Like he's watching over me.

I searched for a while, when I finally noticed him. He was standing apart from the rest of the people, not interested in the concert going on.

I froze, he was looking right at me. Or at least, I thought so. You couldn't really tell from that distance. I waved carefully. No reaction. I sighed. Stupid me. How could I possibly think that he was looking at me.

"June. You're looking like an idiot, waving like that" a voice piped up from behind me.
"Hey Grasshead. It's nice to see you too" I sighed, turning around.
"It's the guy there again?" he asked. I nodded.
"Psh, I know you don't believe me, but he's definitely stalking you. That's creepy."
"You don't know who he is. What if it's you, from the future?" I teased.
"No way."
"You don't know. You might miss me so much that you travel back in time every day just to see my face!"
"I won't need to travel back in time to see your face, because then it'll be the first thing I'll see when I wake up in the morning."
"Shut, shut up...!"
"Your face seems a bit red, April."
"Fuck you."
"Alright. But we have school now, so maybe later."
"What? Also, keep walking, or we'll be late."


High in the skies, a green-haired man was looking at the two teenagers. When he saw the two arguing, tears began to form in his eyes.

"Keep her close, Andrew Hayden. You don't have much time left"  he whispered.


Okay so I haven't finished the second part yet. I'm working on it, just a little stuck. But I decided to publish part 1 already cause wynaut?


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