Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing

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Sarah never really put much thought into what she wanted to do in life. Sure she's had her goals: kill Danzou, become strong, master the Hundred Healings technique, but she never put much thought into her dreams. She's already accomplished a lot over her eighteen years of living - more than what most of her peers have. Regardless, she doesn't have a dream that she wants to achieve in the end. She's just content with how her life is now.

     Or well...was.

     One day a man with wispy red hair and a friendly smile came and offered her a place in some organization. She was then introduced to the multiverse itself; something she had already became familiar with by Nemuri telling her stories. There she met a lot of new people and was introduced to more advanced forms of medicine, more material to learn and devour. Gears clicked in Sarah's head; she had finally found a greater purpose in life.

     Sure being a shinobi was fun, but Sarah always had a knack for the healing arts. That was and will always be her specialty. Finding a place in the agency's hospital and rising the ranks came easy to her. It was where she belonged, where she flourished.

     Helping others around her came as a bonus.

     First was Rui, then Junpei, Crona somehow was willing to join them after some convincing, and finally Uta. A group of misfits tossed aside by society, who were in the clutches of evil before being reasoned with, just as she was. Together they formed Team Redemption, a sub-group amongst many that specialized in redeeming people all across the multiverse.

     Although that's a story for another day....

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     A female medic who looked a few years older than Sarah came into her office and handed her a file, "Your idea for a multiverse-wide hospital idea was a success. The council wants to meet with you soon to further discuss details about it."

     Sarah nodded, "Alright, I'll make sure to arrange a time to meet up with them. Preferably sometime next week would be nice."

     "But Doctor, you're already so busy. Surely you don't want to take next week off and rest before meeting with the council? Perhaps let Dr. Yuki take over your duties temporarily?" the medic asked in an attempt to persuade Sarah into taking a vacation.

     Sarah sighed. It was true; she has been working herself to exhaustion these past few weeks. Between training, going on missions, and her duties at the hospital, she had hardly been taking breaks to rest and the exhaustion on her face was showing.

     "I suppose you make a fair point. Tell Haku he'll be taking over my duties for the rest of the week while I'm on break." Sarah responded as she took the files from the elder medic's hand.

     "Of course Doctor," the medic bowed before exiting Sarah's office.

     Sarah sighed as she placed the files down onto her desk. Maybe after overlooking this next case will she go to her apartment and rest. Perhaps she should take a break and visit her friends in Konoha; check up on everyone and tease Naruto about his relationship with Hinata, maybe get some baozi..

     Her stomach rumbled at the thought of her beloved steamed pork buns.

     Opening the file up, Sarah decided to look at the contents of it. It started off as a file normally would, but then the more Sarah read into it the more confused she became. This patient has been affected with some sort of new drug, one that's slowly deteriorating the patients health.

"Abnormal purple blotches on the skin, shortness of breath, multiple organ failure...." Sarah muttered under her breath as she continued to read through the file. Numerous tests have already been performed, but nothing came back as a match. No treatments seemed to be having an effect either, "It's almost as if this person has been poisoned."

     Grabbing her work phone, Sarah called up to Haku's office.

     "Haku, get your ass down here now! We got a troubling case on our hands."

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     Deep within the depths of Death City, Shaula Gorgon was busy preparing her newest batch of Trigger. The first few tests have failed, leading to some of her test subjects becoming gravely ill and dying. The latest, being a boy with pale blue hair, escaped from her lair just recently.

     It was such a pity she couldn't have seen how the new batch affected the young boy; Shaula was not too pleased when she got the news of his escape. She replaced the two soldiers guarding his area, discarding them like the filth they are. Shaula does not accept such incompetence, especially when it comes to her subjects.

     She was already on Lord Death and the DWMA's radar, soon she might be on the SRS's too if word got out about her experiments. It was already a pain to hide from Lord Death, but to add the SRS on top of that would just cause more problems for the young Gorgon. Luckily enough for her, she has a way out in case things got out of hand.

     After all, failure is not an option for her.
- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     "This is highly unusual," Haku said as he attempted to use medical ninjutsu to extract the poison, "It's almost as if this...substance is affecting his abilities."

"That's what I was thinking," Sarah responded as she looked over the patients chart, "Nurses said he just magically appeared in the hospital severely disoriented, asking for a 'Mrs. Shaula Gorgon'."

"Gorgon? Isn't that the last name of your friend Crona?" Haku asked her.

Sarah nodded, "Yeah it is. Could the two of them possibly be related?"

"I don't know, maybe you should ask them." Haku responded, "Perhaps they would have an idea as to what's going on."

"Alright, I'll talk to Crona about this 'Shaula Gorgon' person. Are you sure you'll be alright with the patient?" Sarah asked.

Haku nodded, "You go on ahead, I'll take care of things from here."

"Thanks Haku," Sarah responded as she took her lab-coat off.

Haku smiled, "No problem."

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

Sarah opened up a portal and walked through it, appearing in the middle of the SRS Headquarters. This is where she and her friends currently reside, as they aren't exactly welcomed back in their respective worlds (albeit Kakashi did give her a pass since her defection was part of a mission Tsunade assigned). It was cozy and full of life, as one multiverse-wide hub would be. There was never a dull moment here in headquarters, unlike the hospital where she currently works at.

There was an obvious connection between this 'Shaula Gorgon' person and the poison infecting her patient's body; Sarah knows it. All she needed to do now was to identify who 'Shaula Gorgon' was and do some...investigating. The first step to her investigation: Crona Gorgon.
- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

"Shaula Gorgon?" Crona asked as they were currently cuddling with a giant bear plush.

Sarah nodded, "Mhm."

"Y-You're seriously asking me if I know this person just because we share a last name? Sarah, I thought you were smart," Crona responded as they gave Sarah a blank stare.

Sarah's left eye twitched.

"But yes, I do know who Shaula Gorgon is; she's my aunt," Crona answered.

"Cha?!? Medusa has TWO sisters?" Sarah exclaimed.

Crona nodded, "Yep, she does indeed have two sisters; Arachne and Shaula. Only reason I know that is because she would often rant about them before....I don't like to discuss the last part."

"Understandable," Sarah responded, "But why exactly would Shaula try and poison people?"

"Not all witches are nice people in my universe, especially if they're a part of the Gorgon Clan. The Gorgon Clan is full of some of the wickedest individuals this well..multiverse has yet to face. You already met my mo-er..Medusa, but she's not exactly strong in comparison to Arache. I don't really know much about Shaula asides from that she has a scorpion tail at the end of her hair," Crona explained, "Although I don't know why she would deliberately poison people. Most witches normally use their powers to cause h-harm, hardly do they ever resort to potions."

"I see. So it looks like I'm going to be making a trip to your world then," Sarah sighed, "Great..more work for me."

"I know this probably isn't a good idea but is there any way I could possibly tag along with you?" Crona asked.

Sarah nodded, "Sure, I don't see the harm in-"

"Oh hell no, we are NOT going back there!" a third voice spoke up.

Ragnarok sprouted up from Crona's back, slapping Crona in the back of their head. "You idiot, we're already on Lord Death's radar for the shit we pulled a few months ago! Why do you want to drag us into even more trouble, especially Forehead over there who is also most likely on the radar with us!"

"Okay first of all, don't call me Forehead again. Secondly, IT WAS JUST ONE PILLAR!" Sarah retorted.

"One pillar my ass! You should've been lucky the whole ass place didn't crash down on top of us!" Ragnarok exclaimed, "Crona I don't get why you stick with this idiot-"

"HEY!" Sarah interjected.

"She's very hot-headed and reckless," Ragnarok finished.

"S-Still, she's my friend and I trust her with my life. We're going back to our world and figuring this mystery out, rather you like it or not," Crona responded as they got up from their corner, "Besides, I stopped listening to your negativity months ago."

"Crona you're going to regret this," Ragnarok said as he slowly disappeared back into Crona's body.

Crona rolled their eyes as they placed their teddy bear back on the bed, "I don't care."

Sarah just stood there in shock. Crona must've grown a backbone in the past few months of staying here. Turns out those therapy sessions were surprisingly useful (although she wouldn't resort to Ben being her therapist, since she already has one - or well HAD).

"What? Was I not supposed to respond..?" Crona asked in a hesitant tone.

"No that response was just..sudden." Sarah responded, "I'm shocked you finally talked back to him."

"It's not the first time I've done so..probably won't be the last," Crona paused for a few seconds, " the trip still on?"

Sarah nodded, "Definitely. Let's go."

"Alright." Crona responded hesitantly.

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     Arriving on the outskirts of Death City, Sarah and Crona quickly put on some disguises. Sarah, wearing a black wig and a long tan cloak covering her ninja attire, and Crona who opted to dress up in a more masculine fashion instead of wearing their usual dress and wear a short blonde wig. They had to make this mission real quick before Lord Death got on their trail.

     "So where exactly would a witch hide?" Sarah asked as she and Crona descended into the city.

     "Amongst the crowd most likely, at least that's what my m-Medusa did for a while. Skilled witches can mask their soul lengths to appear like normal civilians." Crona responded.

     "Great..we're going to be here a while," Sarah groaned.

     "I'm sure we'll find something.." Crona said as they comforted their stressed out friend.

     "We barely have enough time to waste as is! If we can't find whoever poisoned that kid then he's going to die." Sarah exclaimed as they looked at a nearby alleyway, "I refuse to let that happen."

     Crona nodded, "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be just fine."

     As soon as Crona said that, an explosion went off nearby. The duo looked over and noticed a girl with switchblade arms attacking nearby civilians, strange markings appearing all over her body.

     Sarah quickly lept into action, slamming her fist down into the ground and trapping the girl in a crater. Another kid came up from behind her, armed with a longsword. Sarah ducked before the boy could land a hit on her, using her leg to kick his feet out from underneath him. Quickly grabbing a seal from her backpouch, Sarah used her vines to restrain the boy in place.

     Crona rushed over to their friend, assessing what had just occurred. They quickly summoned their sword, slashing at a nearby alleyway. A man came out from it armed with a mace aiming to take the duo down.

     "Scream Resonance."

     Sarah quickly covered her ears as a mouth formed on Crona's sword, sending a loud pitched scream at the man. Crona quickly sliced the man in two before dispelling their sword. Sarah uncovered her ears, looking over at Crona.

     "So much for staying hidden," she joked to her friend as she ripped her wig off.

     "We better get going before Lord Death notices us," Crona responded.

     "Too late," a familiar voice said from behind them.

     Crona and Sarah looked back and noticed Maka Albarn standing behind them, scythe in her hands.

     "You two are coming with me."

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     "So what you're telling me is that there is another witch residing here in Death City causing problems in the multiverse?" Lord Death said.

     "Yes sir," Sarah responded.

     "Well that doesn't explain why an entire city block got destroyed, or why six people were detained during the incident not recalling anything," Lord Death said as he looked down at both Sarah and Crona, "Or why Medusa Gorgons kid decided to return?"

     Crona started to sweat bullets.

     "Look, what happened happened. Crona was manipulated by Medusa into doing the shit they did. As to why an entire city block was destroyed, don't blame me for that! It was self defense!" Sarah exclaimed, "If you got a problem with it then talk it up with the SRS heads, not me!"

     Lord Death chuckled, "No need to worry about that, Ben Cipher already informed me of your intentions. I just wanted to see how you both reacted."

     Sarah looked like she was about ready to murder the man.

     "So that means we're in the clear, right?" Crona nervously asked.

     "Hmm..nope! I'm afraid I can't just let you run amok in my city, hence why I'm sending in two of DWMA's trusted students to accompany you both on your mission," Lord Death responded as he gestured for the individuals to come out.

     Maka and Soul stepped out from behind two nearby pillars.

     "Oh great, we're being policed." Sarah deadpanned before getting elbowed in the gut by Crona.

     "Be nice," they whispered.

     "Wait, we have to watch over these two! Didn't they both nearly destroy the underneath of the city a few months ago?" Soul exclaimed.

     "In my defense, I was being attacked!" Sarah raised her hands up, shooting Crona a death glare.

     "I was being affected by the kishin!" Crona responded as they repeated what Sarah did.

     "You tried to release the damn kishin!" Soul retorted before pointing over at Sarah, "And you decided to use that inhuman strength to throw a pillar at the kinshin, nearly causing us to all die!"

     Sarah rolled her eyes, "Worth a shot."

     "Guys lets calm down," Maka interjected, "I know we all have our differences but lets put them all least for the mission."

     Soul scoffed, "Fine."

     "Excellent!" Lord Death said as he clapped his hands together, "Good luck guys!"
    Nobody responded as the group walked out of the realm, clearly not enjoying where this mission was heading.

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     Shaula was having a hard time keeping her anger under control. Two agents from the SRS have arrived in Death City to capture her. No matter how many hostages she mind controlled to take the duo down they always ended up getting defeated.

     Now Lord Death and the DWMA were on her radar. If they're able to find her lair then it would be all over for her...unless..

     A grin appeared on Shaulas face as she looked into her crystal ball. Yes..she will definitely do.

     Byakugou no Sarah, a head doctor at the main SRS hospital. Someone young enough to easily fall into her trap with the right amount of preparation. It was perfect.

     Unfortunately that blood traitor was with her, alongside a weapon and meister duo. Separating the group will be difficult, but not impossible to do.

     All she has to do now is set her plan into motion.

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     "So how the hell are we supposed to find a witch in this big ass city?" Sarah asked.

     "I possess an ability that allows me to sense people's souls. If we were to come across a witch at any moment I would be immediately alerted to their presence," Maka explained, "Witches have unique souls, just like you and Crona. They fluctuate on a different wavelength than we do, with an exception being those who are under the Kinshins madness wavelength."

     "Basically you're just a walking radar awaiting to go off?" Sarah analogies.

     Maka nodded.

     "It's a pretty convenient power when we're not in a city full of other people," Soul retorted.

     "Well we should be lucky the SRS managed to pinpoint the witches general location before contacting us! It could be worse!" Maka responded.

     Soul rolled his eyes, "And? Whose fault would that have been?"

     Maka's eyes twitched.

     "Geez, they argue about as bad as you and Uta," Crona whispered into Sarah's ear.

     Sarah chuckled, "What can I say; some people don't see eye-to-eye."

     "Are we there yet?" Soul asked.

     "We should be coming up on it now," Maka responded as the group arrived to a locked door.

     Sarah quickly broke the door down with her fist. The group quickly pulled out their weapons as they stepped into the unknown, awaiting any possible attack. Tubes filled with different test subjects lined the walls of the place; people who went missing several months ago were in there seemingly unconscious. Vials of different substances were laid array. It was like a mad scientist lived here, only said scientist was actually a witch from an infamous clan.

     Crona's whole body started to tremble in fear. Flashbacks of their life with Medusa came flooding through their mind. They couldn't handle seeing this sight; people trapped in test tubes being used for unethical experimentations. It was sickening. Maddening.

     Maka couldn't believe her eyes. Never had she come across a sight as horrid as this in her life. She was speechless, shocked.

     Soul knelt down and vomited on the floor in disgust. Sarah just looked indifferent; she'd seen worser things during her days as a shinobi. Human experimentation, sadly, was not a new concept to her.

     "You guys can back out of this if you want. It's only going to get worse from here," Sarah warned.

     "We got to alert someone about this!" Maka said, "This is too much for us to handle."

     "Alright. You three go ahead and gather some backup, I'll continue this mission alone." Sarah responded as she pulled out a pair of black gloves from her pouch, putting them on her hands.

     "Okay. Crona let's get Soul out of here before he continues to stink up the place with his vomit," Maka helped her partner up off the ground.

     Crona nodded, "S-Sorry Sarah."

     "It's alright," Sarah responded, "Be safe."

     Sarah continued her descent into the hideout. The more she seen of it made her want to gouge her eyes out. It was like raiding Orochimaru's hideout during the Fourth Great Ninja war; experiments laying everywhere and possible traps at every turn.

     Quickly turning around, Sarah threw a kunai at a nearby wall. One of Shaula's experiments came running out in an attempt to ambush her. Sarah quickly knocked the girl out in one punch, slamming her body into the ground. More came out from around, charging at her from different directions.

     Sarah blocked and dodged each attack that came her way, throwing senbon laced with a paralysis agent at some of the experiments. More came at Sarah only to be met with her fists.

     Normally Sarah would just cut her enemies down with her swords but unfortunately in this case she had to use non-lethal methods to take them down. Deep down inside they were still living human beings. If she could figure out what could be controlling them then defeating them would be much easier. As Sarah was finished taking the last one out, she was hit in the back with something sharp.

     "Sorry but I can't let you interfere with my plans," a voice whispered into her ear.

     And with that Sarah's body quickly hit the ground, her vision turning dark.

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

     First came the pain in her back. It was like her consciousness gradually returned through the doorway of that pain. Soon Sarah felt something cool and hard against her shoulders and back. She realized she was lying on the floor in an unusual posture. Sarah tried to move her arms and legs but wasn't able to.

     Sarah slowly opened her eyes. Her hands were bound tightly behind her, her ankles tied together with some sort of metal restraint. She felt vaguely nauseous but the feeling passed after a while.

     She was in a bare concrete room. It was big and empty, reminiscent of the cell she was once contained in as a child. Directly in front of her was a rusted iron door. There were no windows, but Sarah knew she was still in the hideout.

     If she had a quarter for every time she was locked up against her will in a dungeon, Sarah would have two. It was quite funny to her considering the odds of this happening again later in her adult life. Nemuri would've had a field day if they were still around.

     "Pity that you sacrificed yourself so that I could defeat Madara. You would've been so proud of who I had grown up to become."

     Sarah had no idea how much time had passed since she had been kidnapped. She tried forcing her arms apart; maybe she could break the restraints apart and possibly escape from this wretched place. Unfortunately she was unable to do so, still recovering from whatever they injected into her.

     The iron door had a tiny window in it. She was able to see someone peeking in through it.

     "She's awake. Go get Lady Shaula."

     After these words Sarah could hear the footsteps of someone running off. Yep, she ended up getting captured by the enemy. Just great.

     At least she still had a remaining card up her sleeve, regardless of how bad of a ninja she is.

     "Damn I've gotten rusty."

     Sarah closed her eyes. She was ashamed of   herself for getting caught. All her pride and honor as a ninja had suddenly went down the drain.

     "I'm such a fucking disaster it isn't even funny."

     She could hear the footsteps of several people. Sarah quickly opened up her eyes. The door opened up, Shaula Gorgon entering the room alongside a handful of her experiments.

     Shaula was wearing a sailor-uniform esque dress with small black ankle socks and black uniform shoes. Her hair was braided back, a large scorpion stinger fire directly at the end of it. Sarah will admit, she definitely was the ugliest out of her sisters.

     "'re ugly as fuck." Sarah said as she looked Shaula up and down.

     Shaula's face contorted into anger, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?"

     "Clearly a child who hasn't grown up," Sarah responded in a deadpanned voice.

     Shaula slapped her across the face, her nails grazing against her skin. Sarah could feel small drops of blood forming. She didn't bother reacting.

     "Ha! I'll have you know I'm the most powerful one out of my siblings." Shaula scoffed, "Clearly stronger than you since you so easily fell for my trap."

     "It really wasn't much of a trap if you ambushed me while I was distracted," Sarah responded. She could slowly feel her strength coming back.

     "Tsk. I ought to kill you right now and make an example out of you!" Shaula shouted.

     Sarah tried to shrug, "Feel free to do so. You wouldn't be the first one to accomplish such a feat."

     She just had to drawl this out for a few more minutes. Sarah could feel the antibodies kicking in, slowly reducing the effects of the paralysis drug Shaula somehow injected into her.

     "Ha! Nice try but I got business with you first." Shaula pulled out a vial of something out from her pocket, "This is a special drug I've been developing for a long time. It'll give me the power needed to finally out-do my siblings and soon I'll be the most powerful person in the entire multiverse!"

     "So...basically that thing increases your pre-existing strength and magic by a tenthfold?" Sarah asked.

     "Yep! I've finally perfected it just as you and your...squad arrived." Shaula quickly unscrewed the cap and swallowed the liquid.

     Sarah smirked as she felt her strength finally returning. Quickly breaking out of her restraints, Sarah punched the roof of her prison. Jumping out of her prison, Sarah landed in a nearby street.

     "Sarah!" Crona shouted from nearby as he, Maka, and Soul came running towards her.

     "Be careful! Shaula's on my ass!" Sarah ran as Shaula and her experiments came out of the hole she made.

"You brat!" Shaula shouted as she attempted to strike Sarah with her stinger.

Sarah quickly formed handsigns and shoved a seal in her mouth, "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!"

Shaula dodged as a large fireball came directly at her. Soul quickly shifted into a scythe for Maka to wield, Maka using the blunt end to knock the experiments out. Crona summoned their sword and ran directly at Shaula, slicing her attacks in half.

Shaula conjured up a spell and blasted it directly at the duo. Sarah dodged it and ran up to Shaula, slamming her fist into her chest. Shaula was sent flying down the streets of Death City, crashing into a nearby building.

"Crona, evacuate the nearby citizens." Sarah shouted. She knew things were bound to get messy from here.

Crona nodded as they rushed off to help evacuate. Shaula quickly emerged from the rubble with an irritated look on her face. She summoned several large scorpions, sending them directly at Sarah. Sarah charged up her fists and jumped up into the air, slamming them into the backside of the scorpions. She then grabbed one of them by the tail and flung it at Shaula. Shaula dodged and quickly summoned another one. Sarah simply crushed its skull in with her fist, blood and guts splattering all over the pavement.

Shaula ran up to her and began engaging in taijutsu with Sarah. Sarah was easily able to counter her attacks, blocking them with extreme precision. Sending a kick to her side, Sarah's body slammed into a nearby tower. Shaula slammed her fist into the structure in an attempt to strike Sarah down but the purple-haired kuonichi simply dodged, hopping out of the building and landing on a nearby roof.

Sarah grabbed a nearby piece of rubble and threw it at Shaula. Shaula quickly broke through it with her hair, coming directly at Sarah with her stinger ready to attack.

Sarah jumped up into the air and slammed her leg into Shaula's shoulder, the two of them crushing the building from the sheer impact of the attack. Sarah quickly pulled a seal out of her bag and trapped Shaula in some vines, taking a few steps back as the witch easily broke out of the restraints.

"Enough!" Shaula shouted, "I'm sick and tired of horsing around!"

Shaula quickly started to morph into a human-scorpion hybrid. The lower half of her body starting to resemble that of a scorpions while her upper half still retained its human features.

Sarah gulped. This was truly a disgusting sight to see.

The only way to end this fight now would be to use the Byakugou seal. Unfortunately she will be completely drained of mana if she decides to use that technique.

"Well it's not like I have much of a choice now."

Black ribbons started making their way down Sarah's body, her body being protected by Chinese-styled armor made from her mana. A rapier formed in her hands, completing her transformation.

"So this is the true power of Byakugou no Sarah? I must say I'm impressed. It's too bad you're going to die now!" Shaula shouted as she charged at Sarah.

Sarah jumped into the air and landed several consecutive hits onto Shaula's body with her rapier, watching as the witches magic started to heal the attacks. Shaula used her two stingers to keep attacking Sarah, the purple-haired woman quickly deflecting the attacks. Ducking as she avoided another hit from Shaula's stinger, Sarah ran up to her and sliced one of Shaula's stingers off.

Shaula screamed in pain as she summoned a giant scorpion. Sarah quickly cut the creature up with her rapier, dodging a blast of magic coming towards her.

If she were to somehow tire Shaula out before her mana ran out then that's how she'll be able to win the battle. But in order to do that she's going to need some assistance.

"Fuck! I sent Crona out to evacuate the civilians!" Sarah groaned as she dodged another blast of magic, "Fucking fantastic!"

"Bloody needle!"

A bunch of black needles came from above and skewered Shaula's body. Sarah looked up and noticed Crona flying right above her, their left hand having been sliced open.

"Crona!" Sarah shouted.

"H-Hi!" Crona flew down and stood beside Sarah, sword in their right hand, "Sorry I'm late."

"Actually this is perfect timing! I need you to distract Shaula for a bit while I prepare something." Sarah cautiously watched Shaula pull the needles out of her body, "Got that?"

Crona nodded, "Alright."

Sarah quickly rushed off into the distance, her Byakugou seal receding back. Crona's hand quickly healed up as they got ready to land another attack.

"Gosh...I really can't handle being in these types of situations..." Crona muttered to themselves as they quickly attacked Shaula with extreme precision, "Screech Beta!"

Crona sent several upward slashes at Shaula's body, tiring out her magic with each attack. They used their wings to block a large blast of magic, reflecting it back onto her. Shaula managed to free herself from the needles, charging directly at Crona.

"Hey Scorpio, eat shit sucker!" Sarah shouted from above as she threw a large spear made of ice into Shaula's backside.

Shaula screamed out in pain as the spear pierced her in the spine, pinning her to the ground. Crona quickly sliced up her body with their sword, blood splattering onto the ground as Shaula's magic quickly began to fade from each hit. With one quick slash to the neck, Shaula's body went limp.

Sarah landed swiftly on top of the body, blood covering every inch of her as the Byakygou seal receded back into her forehead. Crona just stared at her in disgust.

"You need a shower."

"Well worry about that later," Sarah pulled out  an empty glass vial from her pouch, "First we need to find an antidote."

"And how do you suspect we do that?" Crona asked.

Sarah knelt over Shaula's lifeless body and began to collect some of her blood in the vial, "She used some kind of potion to make herself stronger. I suspect whatever's in that potion must've been the final product from the poison she put in that kid. By deconstructing the potion and reworking its basic components, I'll be able to create an antidote from this to heal the kid."

"Sarah that's...." Crona scratched their head, "I don't understand this...medical science stuff."

"That's fine." Sarah grabbed a rubber stopper from her pouch and put it in the vial, "At least we were able to complete the mission."

Crona smiled, "Yeah..we did."

Shaula's soul floated up from her body. Ragnarock appeared from behind Crona's back and instantly swallowed the soul while. Sarah and Crona's eyes widened.

"Ahh...delicious!" Ragnarock burped, "Haven't had a meal that good in a long time."

"Ragnarock you fool! You just fucking ate a witches soul!" Crona exclaimed, "We're so fucking dead now!"

   "Did...he just?" Sarah's jaw dropped.

"That's right, I ate that bitches soul! Now we're going to become the most powerful Kishin ever!" Ragnarock cackled as he felt an immense amount of power course through his body.

Crona felt the effects too, gripping onto their head tightly. Sarah punched Ragnarock in the face with her fist, the demon sword disapperating before reapperating on Crona's back. A third eye appeared on the middle of Crona's forehead, signifying Crona's new status as a kishin.

"Holy shit..." Sarah gasped, "Crona are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm...fine. Wait, why is there a t-third eye on my head????" Crona's eyes widened, "No...nononononono...."

"Crona calm down," Sarah attempted to comfort her friend, "It's alright. We'll just...explain to Ben when we get back to headquarters and I'm sure he'll come up with some sort of solution."

"But the DWMA...they're here," Crona whispered as they pointed out the fact that the two of them were surrounded.

Sarah looked back and noticed Maka standing there with a scythe in her hand, everyone else following suit with their own weapons. Lord Death also made an appearance, death scythe in his hands as he stared down at the duo.

"Please hand over the kishin at once, or else I won't hesitate to kill you both."

Sarah smirked as she bit a chunk of her palm with her teeth, slamming it down onto the ground, "Fat chance in hell, you old hick! Summoning jutsu: Nekomata!"

A large cat appeared right where the two of them were originally standing. Sarah and a scared Crona were on top of the ninneko, Ragnarock just being there for the ride.

"Now!" Sarah commanded.

Nekomata quickly put the surrounding opponents in a genjutsu. Crona just looked at Sarah in shock. Sarah grinned, "What? Did you really think I was going to hand you over?"

"Uh...yeah?" Crona responded.

"Nope! You're more useful to me alive than dead. Now let's get the hell out of here before they wake up!" Sarah shouted as she popped a soldier pull, her mana replenishing enough for her to open a portal back to their headquarters.

Nekomata walked them back into headquarters before Sarah unsummoned him. Sarah's eyes began fluttering, exhaustion slowly taking over her body. As she heard Crona shout her name, Sarah's vision darkened. Her body collapsed on the ground, motionless.

- Sarah Hiden: Embracing Love Through Healing -

Waking up in the hospital from mana exhaustion was not what Sarah had in mind when she considered taking a vacation. As comforting as the smell of disinfectant was, Sarah needed to get some things done first. Grabbing some clothes that was left behind for her (hm..Haku must've dropped by and placed them here), Sarah quickly put them on and headed out the door. Forcing her way through the door, Sarah walked into her office.

Looking through the documents on her desk, Sarah saw that Haku was able to make an antidote from the blood she snagged from Shaula's corpse. Hopefully that kid will be able to make a full recovery.

The other problem at hand here is Crona's new status as a kishin. Third eye, increase of strength and power, requires suppressants to control madness. There was one new development that had came from this; Crona can now use magic.

Their mom's a witch, so it makes sense theoretically from a bloodline perspective. Ragnarock consuming Shaula's soul must've unlocked the recessive trait, which in return gave Crona the ability to use magic. It's quite impressive - Sarah couldn't help but snicker.

The only downside to harboring a kishin on her team is that the DWMA was now going to be on their tails. That's not really a problem for Sarah, as she's pretty used to being hunted. Crona's probably freaking out right now; Sarah chuckled at the thought of the pinkette screaming at the top of their lungs.

As for herself, well....let's just say she's taking a one month vacation...

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