Chapter 4

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I stood infront of the mirror attached to the wall examining myself. Sana and Harsha had finally settled down after they made Ali bring their remaining clothes, I won't say I'm not guilty of making him bring mine too.

I had worn a peach shimmery dress with a pair of warm stockings and a baby blue jacket, I couldn't take risk of falling sick again within a week. Sana and Harsha looked beautiful as ever in their red and black dresses.

"You've been standing there for an awfully long time," Ali observed, "What couldve made you want to look so pretty?"

"What or who?" Sana teased. They've been trying to make useless deductions since I came back this afternoon. The Captain didn't show up at the usual time and had later apologised to Ali when we weren't around giving some reason or the other for his absence. This had only made them question my flustered state more than they already did.

They were being unreasonable. I wasn't flustered. And I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

"I was just making sure that I look presentable, is that so hard to believe."

"Considering its you and not literally any other girl, yes. It is weird." Harsha shouted from the other room.

For past three years, when they became confident enough that I, infact, wasnt capable of finding a boyfriend for myself on my own, they had been trying to score one for me. I being me, had messed up their every effort.

Harsha and Sana, had gone as far as to text a guy, pretending to be me. Hell broke loose when one day he tried to make a conversation with me and claimed to be a very close friend which left me in a very confused state. On further exchange with the guy we figured out what the matter was and needless to say I was pissed. I had taken away both their phones and kept it hidden for three day straight.

"I think we should go now," Ali Said, picking up the metallic lock that lied on the window sill.

One by one we filed after him out of the door and he locked it. We made our way to the mess where the party was going to be organised. The change in the ambience was drastic. The discipline filled environment of the building was now filled with glamour and music.

I scanned the crowd for a familiar face, which made Ali shove me with his shoulder with a mischievous smile. I glared at him and made my way towards the refreshment table. The table was decorated with deli-

"Avni? Is that you? What are you doing here?" I was intercepted midway by new voice. I looked to my left to see a very beautiful girl standing there. She looked familiar but the lights coming from behind her made my vision obscured. I squinted my eyes to get a good look at her.

"Riya! Hey what are you doing here?"

"Me? Haha you're kidding right? My boyfriend's an ex NDA but you already know that right? He joined here, I came here for his welcome party. I did post it on Instagram? Surely you must've seen it? Anyway what are YOU doing here? You don't have any connection in the forces."

Yeah. She talks a lot. Riya, was my childhood friend who grew up to be a very very beautiful girl. She had a boyfriend in the army and she was PROUD of it, if all her insta posts were anything to go by.

"Oh it's a long story, why dont you meet my friends? Come on I'll introduce you!"

"Sure! Then I'll introduce you to nick!" She said cheerfully.

"Your boyfriends name is Nick?" I enquired.

"Yeah! It's short for Nikhil."


After introducing her to my group. We made our way towards the front of the room. Few gentlemen were standing in a circle and I recognized exactly one of them. Captain Neil Khanna.

"Nick! I want you to meet my childhood friend, Avni." Riya said excitedly to one of the guys who had his back towards us.

Nick turned around to greet me, along with him, all the eyes of his company turned to us. They all admired Riya and greeted her, and then me.

We stood there, exchanging pleasantries for a while. Riya, not so discreetly, got an opportunity to show off her soldier boyfriend. Good for her. I felt eyes on me and turned around to find Captain Khanna looking at me for brooded expression. The scene from the afternoon played infornt of my eyes, I felt myself heat up again. I looked up again to see him grossly engaged in a conversation with another beautiful woman and I felt someone drenched me with cold water in this cold weather.

"She's Nupur, the Colonel's Daughter and the guy he's talking to is the captain of this base. I've heard Nick talk about him a lot. He is very inspired by him."Riya informed me, I smiled unconsciously at that statement.

"Let's go talk to them," she said dragging Nick and I, with her. As we reached him, his companion's dad called her and she excused herself. The music started playing at the same time.

"Why don't you dance Captain? There are so many beautiful ladies in the party?" Nikhil said good humourly.

"I beg to differ Nikhil, I do not find these ladies very charming. The only beautiful lady in the party is taken by you." Captain smiled a Riya, I suddenly felt a lot colder than I had earlier. Riya blushed and Thanked the Captain.

"What about our friend Avni Captain, she is no less!" Nikhil said kindly.

"While I do not find her any less beautiful than any other girl in the room Nikhil, she hardly captivates me. I barely find her agreeable." He said and looked at me challengingly.

Suddenly I did not feel very well. I felt nauseous and tired and most of all I felt anger at myself for letting someone affect me in this way. Again. I couldn't belive he was the same guy who held my hand just few hours ago. I scanned the room for my friends, hoping they would come to my rescue, but all they did after catching my eyes were wink or wave. I was on my own.

"You must find yourself very agreeable to make that statement." I finally said. Nikhil and Riya were already on their way to the dance floor. Now, it was just the the two of us.

"I do." He retorted.

"I wonder what made you think you're better than me." I was seething now.

"There are many reasons."

"Give me one." This wasn't actually how imagined this conversation to go, but so be it.

"I already have a job, I earn money." He said.

"You take pride in the money you earn." I observed silently. He modded. "Well what a despicable thing to place your pride in. You love the money you have, and yet if a girl comes along and starts loving your wealth as well, you'll abuse her for being a gold digger. Isn't it hypocritical?"

"It's my money, don't you think I deserve to love it? While if someone else is behind that money they are bound to earn the title of a gold digger." He mused.

"There are other ways of getting their hands on your money than to sell themselves to you. And anyway, I've observed that people will love you the most for the things you love about yourself. So if you place your love in your wealth, it's only normal that people will go after it." I wasn't sure if I made sense to him any longer, I looked up to find him staring at me with unfathomable expression.

"You do have a weird theory." His speculation made me even more angrier.

"Maybe. But back to the point, it does not make you any better. Not according to me at least. I will be earning my fair share as a doctor within two months. What's your other reason?"

"I protect the country."

"I will save lives."

"But you haven't yet."

"You don't know that! You haven't fought an actual war and yet you are protecting the country, similarly, I might not have directly saved a life but I've invested four and a half years to prepare for it." I saw a ghost of smile on the captain's face, but it was gone so soon that I began to doubt if it was even there.

"Okay, well I'm handsome." He smirked. I was startled by the smugness.

"I- I can draw really nicely." I said.

"Interesting." He said while looking at me.


"Why didn't you say 'im beautiful too'?" He pressed.

"We're talking about things we take pride in."

"And you're not proud of your beauty? Interesting." He mocked me and it affected me. I wasn't ready to have this conversation with him. Not yet.

"So I guess that's it, I proved you aren't any better than me. Suck it up."

"You know you're very foul mouthed, don't you?" He chuckled.

"I'm hungry, see you later."

Or not.

I was pissed, not at him, but at myself. Because I let him affect me this much. In the past, letting people affect me didn't prove out to be a very smart thing to do for myself. I did not enjoy the feeling.

I was about to reach the delicious food when Riya intercepted me. Again.

"I talked to Nupur. Is something going on between you and Captain Khanna? I really need to know this for your own good Avni." She said with urgency.

"Uh- No. Why?" She visibly relaxed.

"The Captain told Nupur that you were desperately trying to seduce him."

And just like that, my whole world came crashing in front of me. I had allowed this to happen. Again.

3 years ago, I made a promise to myself that I'll never let this happen to myself, and here I were, going through the same thing once again.


Ooh Ghosts of the past. God knows what the story is.

Hello again lovelies! Did I tell you how awesome you guys are and how much I love you?
Well now you know.

The love I received on last chapter was overwhelming.

Thank you so much. <3

Also, what do you think is Avni talking about? And don't you agree that Neil is a douchebag in this chapter? XD

Do let me know. <3

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