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Warning- contains mentions of mental health issues and suicide.

Taehyung screamed.

And screamed and screamed and screamed.

His mind was a haze; he didn't even register the noises spilling out of his mouth. Everything around him was a blur, all sounds were static in his ears. Even when the members had somehow bundled him in the car, took him home, sat him down, and Jungkook pressed a hot cup of tea in his hands, he still made little gasping noises.

Jimin sat one side of him, Jin the other, and both whispered to him reassuringly. Telling him it was okay and not to worry. And gradually, Taehyung began to clam down.

Namjoon and Yoongi were in the other room, talking to the police, whilst Hoseok and Jungkook sat on the opposite sofa, giving Tae nervous little glances.

After what seemed like an age of tense silence, two policemen finally walked into the room, Namjoon and Yoongi trailing after them like lost puppies.

"Alright," the male policeman begun. "I suppose you all are very confused. You want answers as to what happened."

Jimin nodded. "Y-yes..."

The policeman sat down, twiddling his thumbs. "Well, you see, the woman who attacked you-" he nodded at a shivering Taehyung- "and who unfortunately had to be shot, was called Kim Eunseo. She was extremely obsessed with your group. Scarily so."

The man paused, taking a sip of the tea Yoongi had begrudgingly made for him out of politeness. The policewoman spoke.

"A few months ago, she attempted to hang herself, leaving a note saying 'If Kim Taehyung doesn't love me, what's the point of living?' She was luckily found by her parents before it was too late and admitted to a mental hospital, but she somehow escaped. No one knew where she had gone. We'd all assumed she was dead... until she arrived at your fan-sign."

There was a silence as the seven members tried to take the news in. It was chilling to them that their fans, their army, could become so obsessive that this would happen. That they'd actually attempt to take their own life. That they'd end up being killed.

The policeman stood up. "It's a shame we had to shoot her, but we had no other choice. She was dangerous, and could've caused you serious damage."

"We won't be carrying out this case as Eunseo is no longer present," the woman added. "I'm afraid that, as hard as it may be, you'll have to forget about her."

And with that, the two officers left the house.

The seven members sat still on the couches. Every single one of their faces were pale as snow- and Taehyung was still trembling.

"Damn," Yoongi muttered, breaking the silence. He let out a puff of air, rubbing the back of his neck. "I guess we won't be going on any trips over seas anytime soon."

"Shut the fuck up Yoongi," Jin hissed, appalled at how tactless he was.

"What? It's true!" Yoongi huffed, folding his arms.

"I feel like she's still here," Taehyung let out in a small voice, causing everyone to look at him. "I know she's dead, but I keep... seeing her. In my head." His voice wobbled, his honey eyes filling with fresh tears.

Hoseok sighed, walking over to Taehyung and pulling him into a tight hug. "Tae, you're traumatised," he said, voice gentle. "You're obviously going to be thinking about her. It's normal."


"Shhh. I'll make you some fresh tea," Hobi said, nuzzling Taehyung's hair as he stood up and left for the kitchen.

"The officer was right, Taehyung," Namjoon said softly, feeling sad to see his cheerful dongsang in such a state. "We're just going to have to forget it. Forget her."


Taehyung opened his eyes. He didn't recall dropping off to sleep, but it must've happened at some point, being snuggled up next to Jungkook in a warm fluffy blanket. He'd begged the maknae to sleep with him. There was no way he'd be able to stand the night alone. And Jungkook was a very comfortable bedmate.

But something had pulled him from his calming sleep. Something had woken him up.

Tae sat up carefully, not wanting to wake the maknae. He was still sound asleep, lightly snoring. Taehyung couldn't help but smile as he listened to the soft little breaths.

However, his smile dropped off his face as his ears woke up properly and picked up another sound.

It was the jangling of a door handle.

And it was coming from downstairs.


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