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Tw: blood, killing, etc. Intro written by [https://instagram.com/helena_pich?igshid=YTQwZjQ0NmI0OA==]

Cinnamon isn't asking for much, just the love of her crush. But her methods might be... Unusual for a fluffy, colorful cat that could very well be just a glorified plushie. Talking about plushies, she has an inanimate friend who apparently talks to her. Sounds sweet... Or so you'd think. What seemed like a good companion, a cotton-filled wingman to help her conquer her love slowly dragged her into an insanely dark rabbit hole she can't help but sink lower and lower into.

Her sister, Peppermint, has also got her eyes on a guy. The same guy, unfortunately. Luckily for her, she knows how to outdo her sister, and is smart enough to get to his heart before her. Or so she says.

James is just a random boy who didn't want any of this to happen, but now he has two girls after him, and one of them is scares him more than anything. And he can't wait to see himself free from her everlasting stalking, what initially was just an annoyance became a threat, sooner than he could notice. And now he's trapped in this state of obsessive praise by this crazy girl who just won't let go.

In, Cinnamon walks in, thinking about Peppermint, and her doll and bat, and goes to James.
"Hey James, i was thinking maybe,, we could hang out-"

"Cinnamon, no. I've told you a thousand times, and you just keep coming back with new ways. It's a no."

He walks away, she screams at him. It's gonna be a long day, James sighs.
Cinnamon holds out her blood stricken bat. She laughs, she's truly insane.

"Stop!" Peppermint says. The doll whispers, "kill her." cinnamon goes forward to peppermint, running.

"I want to be with you! Please! I love you!"
"No. You do not"
Cinnamon lunges at Peppermint, who jumps back, and stumbles down the stairs.

Peppermint mumbles out a curse as she's being stumbled by Cinnamon down the stairs.

"You never had a chance. James doesn't love you. He loves me." Cinnamon laughs in their faces, all mad.
Peppermint and James are scared. The doll whispers something else to her ear. She lunges towards peppermint more.

"No! James! James!"

At this point peppermint is the one screaming.
Cinnamon has grabbed her by the ears, and bit her wrist. The two have been wrestling on the floor for a while now. The doll whispers something else to her.

"She always comes back alive after each meme. Take James and kill her off once and for all."

The doll whispers to Cinnamon.
Cinnamon does and puts the bat close to her skull.

"Cinnamon. Don't." James screamed.

Cinnamon is insane, she will do it. Peppermint is stuck in fear.

"Finish it."
"Do it, do it, do it!" the doll says. "Kill her, kill her, kill her!"
"Cinnamon! No! Don't listen!"
The doll whispers something else, and this time it is too late.


cinnamon hits her, hard.
Only it's not her she hit, it was James, he stepped in forward just in time. He fell, unconsciously.

It's all Cinnamon's fault.
She has tears in her eyes.

The doll yells. "He's alive! Kill Peppermint!"
But cinnamon can't listen.

"I'm sorry, James. I didn't mean to... I..."
"It's fine." he says. "It was an accident. It's fine."
"You're bleeding, that was a hard fall."
"It's okay, it's fine,"

he hates you,
James would do anything to get rid of you, Cinnamon.

He brushes it off. But he's suffering. Not cinnamon.

She laughs, the doll yells.
"Peppermint! Don't forget!"

"I'll get you something James." Cinnamon says, rushing off to get a bandage.
"Thanks, Cinnamon."

He's thankful.
"You're welcome," he says, "but we need to talk about this... incident."
"Talk about what?" she asks innocently.
"About trying to kill your sister.

"What are you talking about? My dear old sis? I would never." Cinnamon lied.

"You do know. You do, I seen you, and the doll. You have to stop. I don't love you, cinnamon." James said slowly.

Cinnamon screams. He loves her, she knows it! The doll screams. Kill Peppermint.

"I don't have time for your lies. You... you know it was an accident."
"It was an accident if you want to use that term, but there's something more to it."
Cinnamon steps forward.
"He's realized he loves me! Yay!"

"I don't. I don't love you! I hate you!" James yelled.
The doll kept screaming. Kill Peppermint, keep James.

"I don't care what you do Cinnamon, I'm never going to love either of you. But you should at least get some help."

James said gracefully to her, gently.

Cinnamon stared at him. As long as she's got James she's okay.

"You're pathetic. And you know what? You're lucky I'm helping you out at all."

"Just do it, Cinnamon! Do you want to see your sister's murderer walk free? I can make the deal. I'll sell out your loved one!" the doll screamed.

cinnamon would go to jail though. It wouldn't be the doll.. but does she care. No.

She throws the bat at Peppermint, peppermint screams. She fell. Peppermint felt dizzy, is she dead?

"I knew you were going to do it. Kill your sister. You're a monster."
"Cinnamon! I'm sorry!"
She ran. But suddenly, her leg is grabbed, she's pulled back. She screams as she's seen James.

james pulls her against underneath his leg.
"Enough. No fucking more. I had to deal with this for so long, and this is the thanks I get?!"

He yelled at Cinnamon, as he throws her backwards, she lands with a thud. He goes fast to her, and kicks her up. She's coughing.

"Heh." Cinnamon laughed a harsh laugh, no one laughs with. She's slowly gets up.

"I love you, James."
"Get out of here. You're too pathetic to love."
She left with her doll, leaving James alone.
"You're a good person, James. The best I know."

"I'm really not. Get out of here, I'm staying with Peppermint until she's okay from your shit." He says to her.
Cinnamon smiles an grin. No he isn't.

"You are. But you won't for long."
Then she's gone.
James stays with Peppermint.

james and Peppermint talk about Cinnamon, they're on the same side. They hate each other and cinnamon, but agree on some points, and would protect each other from her wrath, or more likely.. the doll's.
They have to destroy her, or get the doll out of her hands.

Cinnamon comes back.
"I don't know where she is. I can't find her anywhere. Honestly, I'm scared now. I don't want to go through this again. She's so angry, and she won't listen to reason. She..."
Suddenly, the doll screams.

she's here.
They're both so afraid, but doesn't really show it. James and Peppermint.
"So brutally pathetic." Cinnamon says, as the doll sneers, if it could, "what a show!" They said.
James frowned and stepped up to her.
So did Peppermint, warningly, out of her wits.
"Are they gonna do something or what?l Cinnamon thought.
"Better do it first." The doll said as it could read her like a book..

James inhaled.

"Get out of here, you..."
Cinnamon didn't even have the time to scream before she was pushed to the wall, hard. Her head banged hard as she slumped down, instantly."

"Why are you doing this?

"Because I love you James. And I'll do everything to get that!" She yelled her feelings out. She yelped in pain.

"Well maybe, you should go someplace, get help." He said, "away from the doll too. I don't love any of you, and never will."
He also said.

"Just go, Cinnamon. I don't want to fight you, go."

"I can't, I love you too much."
She cried as she fell to the floor. The doll laughed cruelly.

peppermint smirked evilly.
"Fucking go. No one needs you." Her eyes seemed to glow.

Cinnamon could barley stand up. Her black wings gave out, she wanted to fly.

But she couldn't. She cried as the doll hugged her again.
"Goodbye, cutie. I'll be seeing you soon."

The doll kissed Cinnamon on top of her head, before walking away.

cinnamon fainted.
She didn't get up, it was like she was under a spell to stay there with James, forever, but she isn't dead.

Peppermint laughed a soft laugh.

She needed some help, and Cinnamon got it.

James laughed too,


"We have to destroy this doll, before it destroys the world."

the doll came back, looking at Cinnamon. Huh, it needs a new vessel. They looked at Peppermint.
"This will be good."

The doll threw itself at Peppermint as it said that. The doll whispers in Peppermint's ears. It seems to get in control of her, easy enough.


"You need help!" James said, as he mumbled a chant.

Cinnamon woke up.
"What the..."
"What do you think?" The doll asked.
"What's going on?"

"Your ex-crush just punched you in the face, kiddo. Now answer the question."
"I think I need some help, doll.

the doll, as Peppermint moved closer to her.

"I'm gonna kill you Cinnamon." Peppermint and the doll said in unison. "We will, together."

They kicked her weak ass body, to the ground.

James ran to Peppermint and the doll and kicked their asses.

"Shame this has to be a painful experience." He said.

The doll and Peppermint looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

"I'm living my life, showing these kids that you don't need a crush to be happy." Doll said.
"You brought this on yourself, freak."
Peppermint spat on the ground.

the doll spat too. They smiled at James,
it whispered to Peppermint.
"Hurt James, I had enough of this."

Peppermint didn't want to. She saw through it. Unlike her sister.


She bit into James' hand. He yelled out in pain. As if this wasn't enough for her, the doll kicked her in the head as she lay on the ground. She was out before she hit it.

"I can't watch this."

After fighting, soon everyone was beheaded, thrown aside, corpses out.
The doll had no one to serve.
It had people do it.
It had people killed.
People were scared of it, even the brave ones.
It dominated everything and anything.
It's not alive.


#sashley #youtuber #fictive #animation #cartoons

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