Chapter 11: Memories

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pov of DIANA

"Organize my files today."

I added it to my to-do list today. I have a lot to do today. Starting from arranging the meeting with Mr. Smith to arranging a hotel for someone named Sofia. I first started with the difficult task. I know most people in my place will start with the simpler ones. But I think that if we do simpler tasks first the difficult ones will get neglected.

So I decided to arrange a meeting with the cobalt company which was literally difficult given that they already rejected our proposal twice.

At noon, I finally decided to arrange the files. Mrs. Bose told me where the files were.

The files were beside Aiden's room. I went there. And took a once over. The room was white in color just like the entire office. There were 2 plants in the corner and a small round table with two chairs in the center. It had 6 cupboards filled with files. 6 cupboards. Hoards of files.

The files were already neatly organized. Does he want me to clean all this shit? And besides, I am not very good at cleaning or organizing. If you want a proof, you are more than welcome to pay a visit to my apartment.

I sighed and reached the first cupboard and started taking out files. I started stacking them one by one on the small table. The table was too small. I decided to take the files to my desk and arrange it properly.

I held the whole pile and made my way towards my desk. How can I do this all alone? And that too in one day? He didn't ask me to do all this in one day. So I suppose I have some time.

Suddenly I felt something under my heels. Shit, I think I stepped on something. Hastily I took a step back and lost my balance. I closed my eyes shut and got ready for the impact on the back of my head. It never came. I opened my eyes.

Tall. Lean Frame. Citrus .

He held my back firmly with his arms. Heat rushes through my body. He rescued me from my great fall. I thought he is going to balance me. But he leaned forward and my body leaned backward. My eyes widened. What is he doing? And then


He removed his hand from my back and I fell onto the floor. My eyes widened in stupefaction. He didn't just do that. The whole office saw it.

He adjusted the button of his suit and glared at his staff. They got back to their work. He turned to me. Before he could say anything words involuntarily escaped my mouth.

"Hell is filled with people like you, sunshine," I whisper yelled.

His eyes softened, "I have no doubt."

And his mouth curved into a smile. He was smiling. At me. He has dimples. His eyes gently crinkle when he smiles. His smile was radiating more light than the whole sun can. I think my nickname for him -sunshine- is very very appropriate. And his dimples. Have I mentioned he has dimples? Those god dammit dimples. I can-

"What?" he returned to his usual frown. I was about to say nothing when again I got mesmerized by those damn dimples. No, he was not smiling but they were lightly visible when he was withering too. God, how have I not noticed them?

"Dimples. You have them." SHIT. Did I just say that out loud?

"Yes, you did." He replied as if he read my mind. Does he have a superpower or something? He rolled his eyes and he offered his hand to me. I raised my eyebrows in confusion.

He raised them right back. "Do you want to stay on the floor the entire day?"

Oh. I didn't notice that I was on the floor. I stood up without taking his hand and got back to work.


At 7 I returned home. Allen was not there. He is out of the house most days. And I don't really anticipate meeting him. I showered and watched some TV in my bedroom. I locked it just in case.

At 10 I went to bed. I couldn't sleep. My brain wandered to random memories.

I see Allen

"I love you"

He hugs me for the first time.

He kisses my neck.

He brings me flowers.

"You are the best thing that happened to me."

My memories now wandered to my first best friend Shina.

"He is not right for you."

"You should leave him."

"Why him?"

I want to stop thinking about it. I don't want to feel this. But the memories came flooding back. I can't stop them. It's like my brain wants to hurt my heart. The more I try to stop them the more they come.

"Hey babe, happy one-month anniversary," he said." same to you" I responded while kissing him. he brought me flowers. At night he told me he have some work. I called Shina. "Hey, what's up? Wanna hang out since my husband is very busy." I said while watching tv. 

I hear noises from the background." know.....I umm... I can't I have to be somewhere." I grinned because now I know what the noises were about. "Okay. No problem. 

By the way, are you having sex?" I grinned even more. I like to make her uncomfortable." What? No," she said. And just then she screamed," NOOOO". 

Someone(who she was having sex with, of course) grabbed the phone. And he said, " Hello? She is busy at the moment can you call later?". This voice. This voice was too familiar. ALLEN. Fucking Allen. "Sure husband, why not?" I said calmly.

 Like I didn't just get the best surprise of my life." Di-Diana? I a-am so sorry. I di-didn't mean to-....I-I am coming home." He covered the mouthpiece thinking I couldn't hear him, "YOU FUCKING PICKED UP HER PHONE DURING THIS?"

 Something broke inside me. My heart? Definitely. But something else too. He said it like I am someone else, some stranger that was intruding into his life. Like this all- this between us was just an act.

 I can physically feel the pain in my chest. I cut the call. And packed my bags. I left for my mother's house.

I didn't even know when I started crying. I started crying like a baby just like I cried that day. I felt something getting discharged from my vagina.


That's why I was crying. My fucking periods started.

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