Chapter 13: Thanks

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First of all, I want to thank emaanumer callherblue divisionmartha chinixx_kim for supporting me with their votes and comments. Thank you so much I really appreciate it. Love you guys<33

PS: I can remove your name if you want me to


pov of DIANA

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. No, I have seen it before. Oh! I was sleeping in his cabin. I don't even remember falling asleep. I looked around. Aiden was working on his laptop and quietly talking on his phone. As soon as he saw me awake, he cut the call and started coming towards me.

"You woke up? I was going to wake you up in an hour. How are your cramps now? Should I call a doctor?" He asked all the questions in one breath.

"No, I am fine now. Thanks for the painkillers, it really helped a lot." I paused. " and for the, you know chocolates."

"Sure," he said thoughtfully, rubbing his jaw.

I turned my head to see the time. It was 6 o clock. Did I sleep for 2 fucking hours in my office timing? And he didn't wake me up? Oh no, I had to arrange some meetings today as well and clear those god damn files. Shit. I have to submit the weekly report. How had I slept for 2 hours? Fuck. I stood up and started pacing. He folded his hand and looked confused.

"Why didn't you wake me up? I had to do things today. Important things. Shit and I totally forgot about c-"

"I told you I would handle the rest of the meetings. I wasn't aware you have Alzheimer, Diana." He said seemingly amused and putting emphasis on Diana. He does it every time since I have told him he never calls me by my name.

Oh. I totally forgot that. But why would he handle things for me? Of course, because he doesn't want his employee sick. He said so before.

I narrowed my eyes," I don't have Alzheimer."

He rolled his eyes. "I know. Let's get you home."

Let's get me home? What does he mean by that?

I scrunched my nose. He was already out of the door, heading towards the lift lobby.

OH. He meant let's go together to the cars. Does he think I live in a car? No why would he think that? I don't live in a car. I rubbed my scalp confusingly and he wasn't even expounding the statement.

We reached the parking lot. I went towards my car when he grabbed my wrist.

"Why are you so difficult?" He looked towards the sky and cursed.

"What do you mean? I didn't even do anything now." I frowned.

"What part of "I will take you home" you didn't understand?" he inquired.



"You never said you will take me home," I argued.

"Okay, I am saying it now. I. will. take. you. home." He paused at every word.

But my car? I have to come tomorrow also. And honestly, I don't want to tell him where I live. Yeah he can check my files and all but knowing the address and physically coming to my home are two different things.

"I will ask someone to take your car home. Get in the car." I got distracted by his slightly rude voice. He had already opened his car door for me.

I took a step forward hesitantly. Is it a good idea? Nope. Should I do it? Nuh-uh. Do I want to drive? again n-

"Get. In. The. Car. Diana. I am not going to say it again." his voice was laced with concern.

I walked quickly to the car and settled on my seat. The atmosphere of the car changed as soon as he sat on his seat and shut the door. I felt.......warm and hot. The car was silent the entire ride except when I was telling him the directions.

We reached my house. And when I was about to leave he said," Wait."

"Yeah? Do you need something?"

"Don't come to the office for a week," he said evenly.

What? I don't want to stay at home. With Allen. No. And besides that, I don't want my pay to be cut just because of periods. I have already taken enough rest today. And the pain lasts for one day only.

"No. I will be coming tomorrow. And plus, the cramps are a 1 day thing. You don't have to worry." I said very very sternly. I didn't know that I had it in me to say something this sternly. My tone was like 'you try to disagree with me and I will kill your firstborn.' I think it is all just hormones.

Before he could say anything I muttered a quite thank you and left the car.

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