Chapter 15: Specs

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pov of AIDEN

I really don't understand why I took the bracelet and why am I still wearing it in a fucking meeting. Of course, I know why I am wearing it. I like her company. A lot more than I would ever admit. When she called me "her moon", my heart dipped. My stomach did a fucking somersault. And my arms had goosebumps. Thank god I was wearing a suit. 

She entered the meeting room and sat near me at the long round table. I was surprised that she was sitting near me. I looked at her. She was already looking at me. No, she was already glaring at my hand. I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you wearing my moon, Sunshine?" I rolled my eyes.

"Back to sunshine, are we? I thought I could get used to being 'your moon'" I air quoted your moon. I love that her cheeks turn pink when we banter like this.

"I don't understand what point are you trying to make by taking my bracelet and wearing it," she said honestly. I smirked. 

"Sunshine" Now she smirked.

I narrowed my eyes and got back to the conference. Just when I was about to leave the office, I heard her voice from behind.

"You know you could just ask me to stop calling you Sunshine!" she said calmly.

"If I will ask, will you stop calling me that?" I asked amused.

"No. But it would be nice to know that you don't like it." she smiled.

"What if I like being called that?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh please! We both know how much you hate it. You can't even say the word." she smiled wider. I sulked.

We both made eye contact. I don't know what came into me I took her glasses off.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing? Give it back to me now." she was giving me 'if-you-did-anything-to-my-specs-I-will-dump-your-body-in-garbage'.

Her eyes are black. They are very very beautiful and deep. I can fucking swim in her eyes. 

"I am going to strangle you, I swear," she said scowling.

"Can you even reach my neck?" I asked smirking. She looked at my cheeks, probably my dimples. I don't know why she likes them.

I gave the specs back after two minutes just because she was withering so much that I fear that her lips will form a permanent pout.

She took it and left.


In the evening, she knocked on my door. I don't know why she was here since there is no meeting scheduled right now.

"Yeah?" I asked without looking at her.

"Actually I wanted to know what is the password for this." she showed me the laptop. 


"My penis," I said absentmindedly. I froze. Her eyes widened.

I will fucking kill John. I and John made a game of saying 'my penis' to every important question. And whoever says it the most in a week gets a thousand dollars. We are playing this game from college. Fucking hell. I just said the word penis in front of her.

Shit. Shit. What should I do? I never get embarrassed. But this is embarrassing as fuck.

"It is saying error not long enough."

I froze again. Did she just say that or am I hallucinating? I looked at her and she was smirking like she was proud of what she said and internally patting her back for such a witty comeback. She definitely said that. I ignored her comment.

"You wouldn't be saying this if I-" I cut myself off and started raking my hands through my hair.

"I am sorry that was completely inappropriate. Umm...Actually, John and I made sort of to say 'my penis'" I paused. I said the word penis again. Heat rushed to my cheeks. "I don't know how to explain this but I am really really sorry. I didn't mean that."

She was laughing. I bunched my eyebrows. Why is she laughing?

"I know" She knows? "John also said it, accidentally, in one of the meetings. Then he explained all this. I never believed him because I thought you would never play this game. But-" she was laughing so hard that there were tears in her eyes.

"Your cheeks are red. Are you blushing?" she said between her laughs. 

My eyes softened and my lips curved into a smile. She is very beautiful when she laughs. 

Thank god John has said it before me or else it would have been very difficult to explain this. Just then John came barging into the room.

"Hey man! What's up?" he asked me and looked towards Diana who was still fighting to resist a laugh. "Oh hi! you are also here? I didn't know Aiden was funny." he said playfully.

"Guess what he did?" she then narrated the entire incident to John and by the end, they both were laughing. 

"I can't believe you said that," John said.

"I know, right?" she said while giggling a little.

I glared at them. I am pretty sure my face was red again.

I told Diana the password and asked both of them to get out. I went to my library in the office to distract myself from the awfully disparaging incident that just took place.

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