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In second grade i remember learning that bumblebees flap their wings 200 times a second. I also remember going home to tell everyone that crossed my path about this very fascinating information.

To my younger self who thought that'd be the most surprising piece of information, you were wrong.

Now that i look back at where i stand I'd like to say the best thing I've discovered so far is true love.

Sounds cheesy right? Yet all of us continue to look for it. 

We look for it in the movies we watch, the music we listen to and the books we read hoping to feel that feeling of being in love somewhere.

For me love has always been connected to one person. 

The person who I'm about to get married to in a matter of few minutes.

Choi Yeonjun.

I never truly had a home, I only had a house. I never experience home until I saw him for the first time. Every time he smiled at me it was as if he was telling me that he'd be my safe place. And he was. For the longest time.

The day before we were separated, I remember him hugging me tight and looking me dead in the eye, promising that he'd find me no matter what. And I wholeheartedly believed him.

Years flew by and when i knew it was him, the boy who was my home, it was as if it was spring and flowers were blooming all around and perhaps inside of me too.

To accept somebody's flaws and deepest insecurities isn't an easy task. Yet everytime he sees my at my lowest he holds me like im the most perfect and fragile being in the whole world and he made it look easy.

Butterflies swarmed my stomach as I clutched my brother Taeyong's a little tighter before he placed my hand in Yeonjun's.

"Take care of her well." He whispered and Yeonjun smiled and nodded.

The officiant read out the vows and I followed along with no hesitation after Yeonjun.

"I, Lee Y/n, take you Choi Yeonjun to be my husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us apart." 

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." The man said as cheers went up and before I knew it Yeonjun had his hand on my jaw pulling me in softly until our lips met in a gentle kiss. 

It was one that sealed the promise of being together forever by each other's side no matter how pathetic and unbearable life became. 

"You're lawfully mine now." Yeonjun whispered his hands now on my waist holding me close.

"Right back at you, husbando." 


"MY SHIP SAILED REACHED A PORT AND NOW THEY'RE BUILDING A CRUISE." Beomgyu slurred at our table as we all laughed at his antics.

"Thank you guys for helping. Our day wouldn't be as special it it weren't for you guys." I put in and everyone almost collectively scoffed.

"Why would we not help y/n? Did seeing Yeonjun in a suit do something to your head?" Chaeyoung teased as i glared back at her with a red face.

"S-shut up." I said looking away and Yeonjun leaned in to say something in my ear.

"I'm glad you liked it. You'll be able to see under the suit too, tonight." He whispered with his hot breath fanning my bare skin.

"STOP." I whined as he laughed at my even redder face.

Everybody at the table laughed and I couldn't help but laugh along.

All's well that ends well, especially if your end is the beginning of a new chapter. 

The end


Also dw theres going to be an epilogue followed by the questions i'd asked you guys earlier :)

Here's what images i had in mind:

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