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"Koa!" The brown haired boy said and hugged the tiny girl. "Bearie! You came!" The younger said twirling around in her summer dress. "Appa isn't home." She said with a mischievous grin to which the older caught onto quickly.

"Ahh I know what you want to do today." He said and walked with the five year old to the gates of the mansion.

Adventure land was a secret code amongst the children for Secret Garden. The children never had freedom given that their parents were well known mafia's in the underground business which was why they tried their best to enjoy their very limited time.

The two pretended to leave the huge Mansion but sneaked right back in when they made sure nobody was watching. They moved quietly from behind the blooming gorse bush and to the behind of the house.

"What are you kids doing here?" A booming voice startled the children making them flinch into each other. "W-we came to play sir." The boy lied politely. The bodyguard gruffly nodded and disappeared back into the mansion. "That was really close." The small girl giggled making the elder smile and continued to crouch till they reached open land.

They walked to the boundary which separated the Lee acre from the other land owners' land and stopped in front of another bush. Reaching his little hands under the thick bush, the boy lifted open what seemed like a trapdoor to which the bush was glued. "We've gone down there so many times but i still get so excited." the younger girl squealed.

The boy got down with the help of a rope ladder and jumped onto the firm ground. "You can get down now koa." The said to his bestfriend who was glued to his back like a koala throughout the climb down. "I don't want to." The girl fussed making her bestfriend laugh. "See this is why I call you a koala." He said and continued to walk till they reached outside.

(A/n: if you didn't already guess it, koa is short for koala 🐨)

It was a plain road now which meant they weren't in the Lee's acre anymore. The girl slowly slid off the boy's back and stood next to him, his hand engulfing her small one completely. This road that the children were currently walking upon wasn't fully developed. Which meant there were no pavements because of which they had to walk carefully.

"Bearie." The girl called out. "Yeah koa?" The boy answered. The only reason the younger called him Bearie was because when they first met, he was wearing a brown fur jacket that made the girl think that he was a bear especially with his brown eyes.

"Why can't the fishies breathe outside water?" She asked. It was nothing new to the boy considering he already knew how much his little companion loved asking questions.

But he wasn't always smart to answer them all.

"I don't know- Koa watch out!" He yelled and pulled the girl into his embrace while he rolled onto the ground. A car zoomed past them not stopping even once to check whether the kids were okay or not.

"Koa? Are you okay?" The boy asked waiting for the dust to settle registering everything that just happened within the last second. He heard tiny sniffles from his shoulder making him think that the latter was hurt. He waved his arms around trying to get rid of the dust floating in the air.

He sat up from the ground and gently pulled the girl who was clinging onto him as if her life depended on him. "Hey it's okay." He said gently wiping the tears with the sleeve of his shirt. The girl leapt onto him again squashing him into a hug. His round and chubby cheeks were pressed against the girl's hair.

She pulled back and looked at her saviour with sparkly eyes and a huge smile on her tiny lips. "Bearie saved me again! You're my hero!" She exclaimed and hugged him again. The boy felt fuzzy inside.

'I'm her hero?' He wondered in his head. He grinned widely and hugged her tightly sniffing on her scented hair. "I'll always protect you no matter what Koa. Just don't ever forget me." He said getting feeling sad. The girl pulled back and looked at the teary eyed boy. "Why is Bearie crying?" She asked pouting. "I think you forgot why I call you Bearie." She said getting out of his embrace and standing away from his dusting her dress yellow dress.

The boy looked at her with confused face but his eyes widened as soon as he saw the girl raise her hand and slap herself. "Koa! Why would you do that?" The boy asked worriedly looking at the youngers red cheek."If I told you someone at school told me to do that, would you go fight them?" She asked her hands behind her back. "Of course! No one tells my Koa to slap herself." He said and crossed his arms over his chest.

Where was the lie though?

The girl giggled. "That's why I call you Bearie. You are soo strong that nobody messes with me but you are also so fun!" She said with a cute smile.

"Come on! Let's go!" She said not giving the boy time to thank her for making him feel better.

"Kids you're here!" The caretaker of the garden said welcoming them into her arms lovingly. The two mothers, Nari and Marie had borrowed a piece of land (without the knowledge of their husbands of course) to create a safe place. Not only for themselves but for their children too. They paid for a Gardner to grow flowers and maintain them. The garden had to be kept as a secret from both their husbands (again) knowing they wouldn't want their children to be friends.

"Can we go see the sunflower field today ahjumma?" The younger asked with pleading eyes. The woman smiled her eyes crinkling. "Of course my precious babies." She said booping both their noses. "Right this way."

"Woah." Both the children stared at the sunflowers that were bathing in the golden sunlight. "Amazing isn't it?" She asked looking proud of her work. "Can we go into them?" The girl asked excitedly jumping around. "Why yes you may!" She said and off went the girl running into the tall beautiful flowers. "Koa wait for me!" The boy said giving a quick bow to the middle aged lady and dashing off into the field to find the girl.

"Ahjumma can I ask you something?" The boy asked eyeing the girl who was busy admiring the newly bloomed flowers behind the cottage. "Go ahead." She said setting her lawn mower down. "Do you by any chance have a camera?" He asked and the woman was surprised. "I do. What would you want a camera for?" She asked. "Umm the s-sunflower's looked beautiful and I wanted a picture to remember them forever." He said. The older lady smiled knowingly.

"It isn't the flowers is it?" She asked kneeling in front of him. He blinked twice. "You want to keep a picture of little koa with you incase you never get to see her again don't you?" She asked and he had no choice but to nod with a sad smile. "You really see through me ahjumma."

The reason the boy was so sad today was because he had overheard a conversation with his father and presumably his bestfriends father. He hadn't seen her father but only acknowledged him as Mr.Lee as he was told to.

Their conversation consisted of how they shouldn't let their children meet because they were sworn enemies and that they were going to move away just so their children actually become enemies.

"Ahh here it is." The lady said pulling out a vintage camera snapping the boy out of his thoughts. "My older son used to use this but he isn't here anymore so you can keep it." She said handing it to the boy. "Really? Thank you so much!" He said hugging the lady's leg. She patted his head lovingly. "I'll get going now." He said and ran outside.

The girl sat there bathed in the soft golden light of the evening with the sunflowers towering her. She walked further inside the field her silky locks floating with the wind as she moved. She would've continued to go further inside but then she saw a sunflower that was taller than the others. "Papa sunflower!" She giggled at her own joke and hugged the stem of the sunflower, careful not to break it.

The boy had reached to where his bestfriend was and saw her hugging a sunflower. He smiled and clicked on the shutter of the camera.

The girl looked startled when she heard the sound at first but then relaxed that it was just the boy. She held up a peace sign and gave her signature smile to the camera and the boy didn't waste another minute in clicking another picture which soon came out the slit in the machine.

The girl ran towards the older to see the pictures but all she saw was a blank glossy surface of a paper. "It takes time to develop. It'll come don't worry." The boy said noticing the confused face. And then the picture began to slowly come onto the picture.

First the background with the setting sun then the heads of the sunflower and then the girl. "Woah! I should become a morel!" She said and the boy laughed. "It's model peaches." He corrected and held her hand again leading her out the field.

"Goodbye ahjumma! We'll come to see you again!" The children waved while the lady looked at them with a genuine smile.

If only they knew,

They wouldn't even be able to see each other.

But that's how children are right?

Naive and innocent.

Would they meet?

Only time and fate would tell.


Many of you don't really vote even after reading which makes me sad :(

Should I do more flashbacks? Lemme know

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