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(A/n: it's time you guys finally know why the book is called saudade 😌 enjoy!)

Y/n's POV

After the cops arrived and everything was taken care of, all of us had headed home. Since Chaeyoung's parents didn't know what had happened to her yet, we let her stay with us for a week.

Currently I was seated on the faux rug in the living room with my books on the coffee table, a hoodie and really messy hair.

This year had already gone by so fast and now I'm giving the last exam of the year.

But if you think I'm studying ohoho how wrong you are.

I had my diary in front of me and I was trying to draw the same tattoo I had seen in the hospital earlier.

I have to find out why my dad's men were in the hospital. It wasn't me who got admitted there...

What if they're targetting the others to get to Me?

Well shit-

"You're still awake?"

I turned my head to see Yeonjun in a grey hoodie and sweats with his hair disheveled.

Holy mother of Yeonjun in a boyfriend outfit

"Yeah I'm studying. What about you why are you awake?" I ask while I slowly pushed the diary under a random book that was open. My eyes following his figure that came and sat opposite me on the rug.

"Paperwork." He answers. I scanned his face and surely there was a lot of exhaustion written all over it.

"You should sleep then. You look really tired." I say and start reading out from the book in front of me. "Hmm." He says and tilts his head to read from the books that were splayed open in front of me.


"Nope. It's physics. I'm planning on doing English later." I say and he nods and yawns. "I'll keep you company." He says and crawls towards the couch behind him and lays down cuddling a pillow between his arms which made his biceps flex.

I mentally choked.

I shifted my gaze back to my books and continued to softly read and underline things when I saw someone sit down opposite me through my peripheral vision.


"Yep that's me." He says and I chuckle softly. "Your staying up?" He asks interestingly looking at the scattered books in front of him. I hum and he nods. His gaze roams the room and stops at the grey lump sleeping behind him.

"Why isn't Yeonjun hyung in his bedroom?" He whispers being extra careful as to not wake the elder up. "He wanted to give me company but fell asleep." I say and Soobin smiles.

"Now that he's asleep, I'll help you stay up."


My books seemed to have become interesting

"Are you good at English?" Soobin asks peeking into my book. "I guess? I was forced to learn every language when I was young." I say with a small eye roll. "Teach me too!" Soobin says with shining eyes.

What am I going to do? Say no?

"Sure! We'll read this lesson. It's my favorite."

Since he knew basic English, I let him read along with me. And every now and then he would stop me to ask for the meaning of a certain word which I explained without hesitation.

"Wait wait." He stopped me. "What does this mean?" He asks placing his finger under a word and looking at me with question mark eyes.

"Try reading it." I encourage.


I laugh at his peculiar but cute pronounciation.

"Saudade." I correct him.

"What does it mean?" He asks placing his face onto his palm while looking at me.

"It means that even if someone leaves something for a particular time. His or her liking towards it stays the same. Something that you loved but lost." I explain while the picture of my bestfriend flashed through my mind making me smile.

"So eternal love?" He asks. "Maybe? It's shortened meaning is the love that remains for something you loved but lost."

"Sorry if I'm being bothersome I still didn't get it." He says sheepishly rubbing his nape.

"It's okay binnie I'm like that sometimes too." I chuckle softly. "Do you mind explaining it a sentence? maybe then I'll understand." He says determined.

Even I was never this eager to learn words geez.

"Even if I loose you, I will never forget you because I love you?" I say more like question myself. "Honestly that makes more sense." Soobin says making silence take over the living room.

"You can take it this way..." I begin. "I didn't have a family or friends before I met you guys. Even if I loose any of you, I'll still tresure our memories and love each and everyone of you all the same." I explained with a small smile.

"Do you really mean that?" Soobin asks. I nod. "Of course. Even if my dad does take me back to that hellhole he calls home, I'll still remember and cherish every moment I've spent with you guys." I say sincerely. "I don't think we're going to let him take you back after everything." Soobin says and pulled me into a hug catching me off guard.

"Thank you y/n for being part of our lives." He says into my shoulder. I wrapped my hands around his waist and closed my eyes enjoying the hug.

I breathed in to say something but was cut off because of someone's loud coughing.

I pulled away and saw it was only Yeonjun, coughing in his sleep.

"Does he always do that?" I ask. Soobin just shrugged in response.

If only we had managed to see Yeonjun smiling throughout our conversation.


Short but cute uwu

Sorry this took a while I am not at my best these days so please understand if I don't update :))

Please continue to vote and comment that way I feel content ^_^

Until the next chapter 👋

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