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3rd person's POV

2:47 am

Y/n was asleep in her comfortable bed with the cold breeze of the night blowing into the room caressing her skin. Soobin had tucked her in about an hour ago so she wouldn't get disturbed by the others talking not forgetting to place a kiss on her forehead.

A heavy but peaceful silence took over the mansion as Yeonjun walked from the lawn into the house with wet hair for he had just gotten out the pool. It had become an everyday thing for him to go swimming after everyone slept.

The voice of his slippers on the floor echoed in the living room as he walked reaching the stairs.

But as soon as his slippers made contact with the first step, the dim lights that lit the halls turned off leaving Yeonjun in the dark. Confused and alarmed. He hastily pushed his hands into the pocket of his sweatpants pulling out his phone and turning on the flashlight.


Was the first thing that came to his mind. He ran up the stairs and reached y/n's door but to his surprise,

The door was already open.

He slowly pushed open the door feeling his stomach drop at what he saw.

While y/n slept without a care, there in front of her sleeping figure was a man with a dagger in his hand ready to plunge it in any minute.

Yeonjun clenched his jaw and walked inside without hesitation and kicked the man in his side making his fall and hit the nightstand. The lamp which used to be there on the stand toppled and fell down with a crash. But Yeonjun could care less.

The commotion awoke everyone in the house except y/n. They came rushing into y/n's room seeing the eldest and a man clothed in black groaning in pain and y/n sleeping, they pieced the happenings and rushed forward. Taehyun and Huening Kai held the man's hands behind his back and discarding all the weapons he had with him.

Y/n stirred and rolled to the other side oblivious to the whole commotion happening behind her back.


Taehyun and Huening Kai dragged the man outside while Beomgyu, Soobin and Yeonjun stood there contemplating things.

"Are we going to tell her?" Soobin asked in a very hushed voice. Yeonjun shook his head while looking straight. "She already has so much to get through. This will just make her feel unsafe even when she sleeps." He said looking at her face lit by the moonlight.

They all stood in silence thinking of what to do when a very distraught Taehyun and Huening Kai ran into the room.

"They've surrounded us hyung." Taehyun said out of breath. "Who?" Yeonjun asked already having a hunch.


But before Huening Kai could continue, the sound of a gunshot pierced through the silence of the night.

The sound made y/n jolt up from the bed breathing heavily while looking around her eyes landing on the crowd next to her bed.

"W-what is happening?" She asked placing her hand on her heart.

"We're being attacked. We have to get out now." Soobin said.

"Gather all your important belongings and meet at the foyer in 5 minutes." Yeonjun said as they all rushed out the room.

Y/n stumbled out of bed grabbing her backpack and dumping a few clothes, her documents, charger and phone and running out the room while putting her shoes on.

In no time all six of them were standing together with their stuff.

"Use the underground route and wait for me in the car." Yeonjun said and the others nodded wordlessly. The others began to walk to the basement door.

All except y/n

She stood there staring at Yeonjun's back feeling uneasy. She didn't want him to leave.

She knew her gut was always right but this time her entire being told her to not let Yeonjun go.

Feeling someone's gaze on him, Yeonjun turned back to lock eyes with y/n.

He had always felt warm whenever he looked into her honey brown eyes.

But this time her eyes were different.

They looked sad. Pleading, rather.

Yeonjun plastered a small smile onto his lips before typing a message in his phone and turning back around.

"Y/n come along!" Soobin said from the entrance of the basement. Y/n snapped out of her daze and turned around trying to reassure herself that Yeonjun would be okay.

If only she knew.


Yeonjun casually walked outside the gates with his hands in his pockets as if he was accustomed to being surrounded by his enemy at three in the morning.

"What do you want now fucker?" Yeonjun asked bored. The door of the car he was standing in front of opened and out walked Sung-ho.

"Now now," Sung-ho began tilting his head.

"That's not the way to treat your brother now is it."


Bet y'all didn't see that coming ;)

Also this will be the last chapter I upload because I have my finals so yeea


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