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Y/n's POV

7:44 am.

"Hey you wanna come in?" I sang skipping on the sidewalk on my way to school. I seemed to be in a really good mood for some some reason so I decided to walk to school early so I could stop by Starbucks for a coffee or crossiant.

As soon as I opened the door a strong smell of coffee hit me making my entire being feel as if I was in heaven. I stood in the line to give my order and looked around the room. Once I placed my order, I sat down on one of the tables and let out a breath.

Waiting for food sure was exhausting.

"Bean!" The cashier called out sounding somewhat confused making me internally laugh.

I never really used my real name in other places except school because of my identity being exposed. So I usually go with the name Koala or bean. I did a little jog and got my food. The crowd in the morning was a little too much causing me to bump shoulders with someone.

I looked up at the tall male and apologized giving him a quick bow. He had black hair which was parted at the centre and cute dimples that adorned his face when he pursed his lips.

An angel I must say.

"I'm so sorry! I hope you're not hurt." I asked really concerned.

"It's okay! I wasn't looking where I was going either." He said sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "Have a good day and sorry again!" I said and walked out the coffee heaven.

I finished my crossiant and wiped off the flakey remains of the crossiant on my fingers and entered the silent campus of my school. Once I entered the all too familiar hallways I got out my phone. I was so engrossed in my little world of that I yet again collided into someone's body.

I need to be locked up i swear...

My phone toppled and fell out of my hands and on to the marbled floor. I had almost reached out to pick it up but another hand had already picked it up for me.

I looked up and felt all the air in my lungs being knocked out.

Why am I meeting all beautiful men today?

His fluffy brown hair, his eyes and his foreign features everything was perfect.

He was perfect.

"Sorry! I was texting and I didn't really see you." He said handing me my phone. "It was my fault too I'm sorry." I said and gave a little bow.

"How old are you? You seem older than me." The boy in front of me said. "I'm not that old I'm only 19." I huffed and began walking while he trailed behind me.

"Hey wait! Let's walk to class together. If that's ok with you." He offered politely with a shy blush on his face.

"Sure." I shrugged. "Also I love your taste in books." He said pointing to the book I had open on my phone

"Really? I just started reading these series and I'm already in love." I exaggerated and the boy laughed.

"You haven't really told me your name you know?" I say when we come to a halt before the Chemistry classroom which was my first class of the day. "I haven't? How impolite of me." He gasped with one hand on his chest. I laughed.

"I'm Huening Kai nice meeting you."


"Hey noona!" Huening Kai waved. We were heading to the only class we had together since he was two years younger than me.

"I don't know how many years it's going to take you to finally stop calling me noona." I said trying to sound annoyed but the smile on my face didn't let me.

"Don't you like being called noona?" He asked and I shook my head. "It makes me feel old!" I said and he laughed it off.

"Well I'll still call you noona as a way of showing my respect to an elite woman like you." He snickered. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Whatever floats your boat Kai."

After changing into our respective PE uniforms we had to wait in the basketball court. We didn't have an outdoor ground so we had to utilise the basketball court itself.

"For a basketball court this is pretty huge." Huening Kai commented and I agreed with a nod. The door to the court opened and in walked the principal with another male behind him who was taller than him. He had sharp features and I could hear the girls squealing all around me.

"Their height difference is hilarious." Kai whispered in my ear and I laughed. The principal cleared her throat almost as if she heard what Kai had said.

"As most of you know that your previous PE teacher is expecting, Mr Wang here is going to be your teacher till Mrs Won comes back." She explained and motioned for Mr Wang to introduce himself.

"He seems young to be substituting." I whispered to Kai and he nodded.

"Hello I'm Jackson Wang from china and I'm going to be your PE teacher for a while." He spoke and locked eyes with me and his smile widened as if he knew me.


"I'll be leaving now. I hope to hear a good report from the new teacher about your behaviour." The principal said and walked outside.

"Now how about we warm up before we actually start?" Mr Wang suggested and we all separated to go warm up when somebody tapped my shoulder from behind. I looked behind to see a girl who was looking at me with a small smile.

"Y/n right? I've heard a lot about you." She said and smiled wider.

"I-is that so? What have you heard about me?" I asked curiously. "You don't know?" She asked and pulled my hand dragging me to the corner of the court. I turned my head and saw Kai laughing at my situation.

That brat..

"You're like a hot topic amongst the boys ever since you joined this school!" The girl said once she stopped and pulled me down to sit so we could strech.

"I am?" I asked in disbelief. "Yeah! Plus you swore at Seul and her group and even got Seungmin to stand up for you which made your popularity go off the charts." She said as if I were some kind of influencer and she was my manager.

"So are you talking to me to become friends with me so you can become popular or are you genuinely interested in me?" I asked tilting my head.

"I genuinely wanted to talk to you on your first day but then Seul and her rats told everyone to not talk to you but I could care less about what that bitch has to say."

"You seem like good company." I said and she smiled. "Glad to know we click." She replied with a wink. "I'm Chaeyoung by the way."

Me and Chaeyoung talked about random things when I felt someone's eyes boring into my back. I turned around and saw Mr Wang who immediately averted his eyes.

"Okay class now that you're done warming up start running your laps." Mr Wang ordered and I walked over to Huening Kai who seemed to be searching for me.

"Hey ning, this is Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung this is Huening Kai." I said and after a really brief introduction we began to jog together in a line with me squashed in the centre.

Whilst running my laps my shoelace had gotten untied and I stopped near the bleacher and lifted my leg up and placed it on the bleachers and tied my laces.

I was very focused on thinking about why I found Mr. Wang sus that I didnt realise I had ties the shoelace of my right and left show together.

So when I attempted to walk back to the others I tripped and fell on my face at which they laughed but then came to help me up.

I'd forgotten what having friends felt like.

Sometimes I wonder whether I was this insane before qurantine or is the side effects of staying in too long

Anyway,,,, vote and comment!

Until the next chapter 👋


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