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Y/n sighed for the nth time staring at the screen of her laptop which was draining the remaining ounce of energy from her but she didn't make am effort to shut the device but kept scrolling while mumbling out what she read.

Her eyes glanced over the words keenly, her expression focused.

"Hey y/n you wanted to talk?" Yeonjun said just barging into the girls room who just jumped at the sudden entrance.

"Knock sometime will you?" Y/n said annoyed her hands raising above her head to fix her messily done bun.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and sat down on a chair opposite to the bed where y/n was seated as he opened a new packet of potato chips.

"Anyway, I dont know what to do." Y/n said bluntly.

"Without me? Babe we been knew nobody can live without me." The boy replies with a smug face.

"Get out." Y/n said with a blank face making yeonjun's smug face disappear.

"Okay okay go on." He says leaning back in his seat giving the girl his full attention.

"Its about time I started applying for college but I feel hesitant for some reason." Y/n said her shoulders slightly dropping showing her hopelessness.

"So you're rethinking going to uni?" Yeonjun asked and the female nodded.

"Maybe you should find a job then." He says simply.

"I doubt anyone would hire me though because of age yknow." Y/n reasoned while Yeonjun hummed.

"That's there but what's more important is the work experience. And you already told me you've worked at a bunch of places so they shouldn't reject you right away." Yeonjun commented.

"Where should I apply then? I have more experience in working for businesses and one as an assistant." Y/n said fully facing the boy.

"Apply for my company." Yeonjun said blankly throwing a chip in mouth.

"Wont that be unfair because I know you?" Y/n said staring at him.

"I don't decide who gets to work, I just welcome them and tell em what to do and stuff." Yeonjun says with a shrug.

"Okay then your company it is. But incase I dont get accepted there, I'll apply to a few other places too." Y/n said standing up from her bed and stretching her hands.

"You do that. Good luck." Yeonjun said with a smile and y/n couldn't help but smile back which went back to normal once his presence left.

Why did his bring there make her so happy? She wondered. She'd encountered people who said things that would making her happy but this guy,

He makes me feel happy.

And then it hit the girl who had wandered to the bathroom and stared at her own reflection in the mirror with her mouth slightly open.

"No way...." she trailed off staring at herself.

After days and days of preparation,
y/n stood confidently in front of Choi Corp with her nerves haywire but she walks in anyway.

After being escorted to a conference room for the interview y/n held her head high and walked in confidently masking her anxiety like the boss she is.

Her eyes immediately rested on the superior looking guy who coincidentally had been living with for months now and man did he look diddly darn handsome.

Quickly shifting her gaze, y/n bowed and greeted the important looking men in the room before she caught sight of Soobin.

Great and now she knew she would mess up.

"So Miss Lee," a middle aged man began. "Tell us about yourself."

"I've recently finished school and I thought that it would be better for me to find a job instead of pursuing further studies." Y/n replied a slight shiver going down her spine because of the AC.

The interview progressed smoothly while y/n tried her best to avoid eye contact with the two men she knew oh so well and bowed in gratitude to the people in the room.

"We're really happy with your interview and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible Ms Lee." The same guy from earlier said making y/m smile politely.

"Thank you sir. I look forward to a positive response." Y/n said and stepped outside and the minute the doors closed behind her she almost collapsed while she heaved in air.

Most terrifying time in her life? Yeah this was it.

The fact that Yeonjun and Soobin were both present with a very serious and stern aura was enough to make y/n shit her pants then and there but she avoided eye contact with them and to her luck, they didn't say anything either except give her a nod.

Y/n walked home with a box of donuts as a reward to not loosing her remaining sanity and making it home in one piece.

Its 3 am and I'm eating a donut

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