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"That cake looks so seductive right now." Y/n said drooling over the chocolate cake that stood tall across the table and she had the wild urge to go and devour the whole thing.

"And I don't?" Yeonjun asked giving his signature disappointed look seeing y/n thirst over food and not him. 

But he did indeed look smoking hot. Not that y/n would admit it. 

"Let's keep this pg 13 yall." Taeyong said reminding the two that he was still there. 

"I see Seunho." Y/n muttered looking off into the distance and the males secretively followed her gaze.

Yeonjun's hand rested on Y/n knee that bounced up and down in anxiety seeing him there and that maddened him. 

"It's alright, We won't let anything happen to you." Yeonjun mumbled and Y/n cracked a grin placing her hand over Yeonjun's.

"I love you." She whispered placing a kiss on his knuckle and watched him go red.

"I-i love you too." 

"Aight imma head out." Taeyong mumbled with a disgusted frown. 

"Guys." Taehyun's static voice made them all sit up straight. 

"I'm up here and need some help- argh take that you bastard." They heard him struggle and Taeyong stood up.

"I'll go. Don't get separated unless the need arises." Taeyong warns and leaves.

"Be careful Taehyun." Yeonjun mumbled worriedly into the earpiece. 

"Wait, is that?" Y/n shifted to the edge of her seat her eyes catching a familiar floof of hair.

"Huening Kai?" Yeonjun finished and the two looked at each other in dismay. 

This just keeps getting more complicated.


Taehyun trudged on the plush red carpets of the lonesome looking hallway with his guard up. 

"I just have to get the necklace and we'll be good to go." He muttered to himself. Their plan was simple yet complicated .

But someone obviously had to ruin it. 

Seunho stood in front of Taehyun with an eyebrow raised and hands crossed over his chest.

"Long time no see." He said tiredly leaning against the wall. "Saw the rest of your crew. Don't think they'll be leaving this place alive." 

"You think?" Taehyun asked amused. "I think you're the one dying tonight." 

"Am I?" Seunho mocked back.

"You are." Taeyong said from behind Seunho and knocked him out.

"Nice one." Taehyun high fived the older who nodded in satisfaction.

The duo continued on their way deeper inside the mansion and then they finally began to see the swarming guards. 

"Do we have a plan?" Taeyong whispered to Taehyun who was biting his lip in deep thought.

"If we do fight them, they can easily call for backup with their tech. So the first thing i have to do is shut it off." Taehyun spoke slowly and then whipped out his phone and pulled out an antenna from behind it and typed aggressively before a small beep sounded and he smirked.

"Let's go." He stood up.

"Wait what'd you do?" Taeyong asked.

"I upped the frequency so all they can hear is a beep." Taehyun simply said walking ahead and Taeyong applauded his thought.

"Ayo we're here to steal a necklace come fight us." Taeyong called out to the rows of huge buff men who were now running toward them.

"Phew they were a strong bunch." Taehyun said looking at his and Taeyong's work proudly. It took them approximately 10 minutes and one punch each to the gut to get through all the men.

They then walked straight for the vault and Taehyun looked at Taeyong who raised his sleeves and cracked his neck before placing his hands on the vault and began to turn the knobs and in no time, the vault was open.

"Oh you've got to be kidding me." Taehyun almost yelled seeing the empty vault.

"If its not here then its.." Taeyong trailed off and looked at Taehyun who caught on immediately and tapped on his earpiece.

"The necklace is gone."


"What." Y/n said stunned. "Gone? What do you mean gone?" 

"It isn't here." Taeyong spoke, his stress evident.

Y/n looked to the side hearing someone laugh really loudly when she caught sight of what they were searching this whole while.

"The  necklace is on Mrs Park." She breathed out.

"Shit." Yeonjun said mirroring her horrified expression.

"I'm going." Y/n stood up but Yeonjun grabbed her hand. 

"What if you get caught?" His eyes swimming with worry.

"I wouldn't be too worried about that. You'll come save me." Y/n smiled and turned to leave.

Swerving people she made a straight beeline for Mrs Park and grabbed a drink off a tray and bumped shoulders with the older woman with a gasp as if it was a complete accident.

"Oh my goodness! I am SO sorry!" Y/n exaggerated. "Your beautiful dress is ruined all because of my sweaty palms oh dear!"

Mrs Park sent Y/n an irritated look before smiling, "Its alright-"

"No no let me take you to the washroom to fix it up." Y/n insisted knowing she couldn't refuse in front of all the people watching her.

"Oh-um okay." She said excusing herself and walking in front of the smug Y/n who sent her amused boyfriend a wink before running in her heels behind the woman.


Ya girl is going back to school full time hahahah pain hahaah

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